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Remove Calvin Scott as Resistance Point of Contact in Praetoria


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Problem: If you have Calvin Scott as a contact in Praetoria (which is likely, if you're Resistance or have switched alignment to Resistance at any point), if you do any of his introduction missions to other Resistance contacts, he bugs out when you reach Neutropolis.


Calvin Scott will not offer Aaron Walker as a contact.  If someone doesn't know to ask on the forums or look at the Homecoming Wiki, he or she may never know that there's a line of Resistance Warden story arcs in Neutropolis.  Even worse (IMO), even if you've never done a single Resistance Crusader story arc before and have only done the Warden story arcs, Calvin Scott will lock you into his story arc once you reach Neutropolis.


Solution: This problem is obviously due to Calvin Scott being the Resistance point of contact in Praetoria, as well as having his own story arc.  So remove Calvin Scott as the Resistance point of contact.  Switch him out with someone else from the Precinct Five tutorial on up through Neutropolis.  Leave Calvin Scott in Underground Neutropolis and offer his own story arc of course.  Just have someone else introduce players to Resistance contacts.


I realize that this is a big ask and a big change to Praetoria, but IMO it's necessary as he is buggy as Heck once you reach Neutropolis, and I really, really, really don't like that he locks you into his story arc once you reach Neutropolis, even if you've never done any of the Resistance Crusader story arcs.

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Yeah.  There are a couple of big issues in Praetoria, and they are both in Neutropolis.  This is the bigger of the two.  The other is that Provost Marchand stops talking to you at level nineteen, even though the zone cap is level nineteen.  But that one can be fixed by turning off XP at level eighteen.  The issues with Calvin Scott are deeper and require some sort of fix by developers.

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14 minutes ago, Vanden said:

You can always just walk up to Aaron and talk to him to get his missions. You don't need the introduction.


I know.  I even put that in my guide on the Homecoming Wiki.  My point still stands though that most people wouldn’t know to do that unless they read the forum or go to the Wiki.


Much more importantly though, you automatically get locked into Calvin Scott’s mission arc as soon as you go to Neutropolis, even if you haven’t done any of the other Resistance Crusaders story arcs.


I tried a slightly different variation of my Praetorian content guide.  I’m doing all of the Loyalist Responsibility story arcs, all of the Loyalist Power story arcs, all of the Resistance Warden story arcs, but skipping all of the Resistance Crusader story arcs.  However, as soon as I reached Neutropolis last night, not only did Calvin Scott not offer to introduce me to Aaron Walker, but he also locked me into his own Resistance Crusader story arc.  My contacts list shows the open book with a bookmark icon under Calvin Scott’s name even though I haven’t selected nor done any of his missions other than the Resistance Warden introduction missions.  So I am probably going to have to delete that character now, since story arcs can’t be abandoned.

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20 minutes ago, TheZag said:


App is only half sad because it means he gets to go through praetoria again.



Heh.  Probably in a few months.  Doing all Praetorian content (even with skipping the Resistance Crusader story arcs), is a lot.  I realized going in that this was a chance due to my previous encounters with the buggy Calvin Scott, but I'm still a bit disappointed that yet another attempt to play in Praetoria met a brick wall in Neutropolis.  (I think this will be my fifth Praetorian character on Homecoming I delete after encountering a show stopper in Neutropolis due to bugs with Calvin Scott and Provost Marchand.)

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6 hours ago, Apparition said:

I think this will be my fifth Praetorian character on Homecoming I delete after encountering a show stopper in Neutropolis due to bugs with Calvin Scott and Provost Marchand.


What show stopper here? Does it not count in your mind if Scott didn’t introduce you to Walker?

Edited by Vanden
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I think the bigger issues are:

  • Grinding from 40-50 as a Praetorian is really difficult (if you don't AE PL)
  • There is no reasonable Praetorian path to incarnate
  • No access to Ouro / Primal
  • No PEAT


Yes, the Calvin Scott issues are a problem, I would like to see the Resistance Warden arc smoothed over. I would also like to see the Provost Marchand bug fixed. But I don't see removing Cal as a point of contact as the best approach to achieve these goals.

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Look at my character's level and alignment.  Now look at the active contacts.  There's no way I can run Calvin Scott's missions, and yet that character is still locked into his story arc.


Someone told me that Calvin Scott will be cleared out of my contacts list and I will no longer be locked into his story arc if/when I leave Praetoria.  But I'm not doing that until around level 35, as I want to go through First Ward and Night Ward.  And I don't want to take the chance of doing all that, only to discover that I can't leave Praetoria if I have an unfinished story arc or something.  So it looks like I'm going to have to delete this character as well.  *Sigh.*  All that time and about 100 million INF down the drain.

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If it helps at all, there still doesn't look like any reason to delete the character (unless you really want to). I can 100% confirm that having an "active" story arc won't prevent you from leaving Praetoria, and it will disappear (as will Calvin as a contact) when you do got through the rift.


You can also always go back and do any story arcs you missed via Ouro, regardless of alignment if you choose to-or just want to replay them for XP.


Also to clarify on what someone above said-you can access any pillar of ice and flame in an SG base (I think every server has at least one  open to all transport hub with one in there), and you can run any Going Rogue flashback arcs as a praetorian that way.  

Edited by Killerhawk
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