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Influence/Infamy per Character on Character Select Screen


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Ever lose your influence/infamy? Can't remember out of the millions of characters that you have which one of them you left all that cash on? Well, I sure as hell have, on many occasions. Sure, we can email it to ourselves and leave it there; I do practice this believe it or not; when I can remember...but I'm not perfect and damn it, I am getting old, my memory is getting old, even the flatulence from my backside is starting to smell old. In fact, I forget to email myself all that cash all the damn time. Call it screaming kids, call it nagging GF, call it, "Oops, I'm late for work!" if you like, but I sure as hell am very guilty of leaving my cash on a character, logging in a week later and can't remember for the life of me where I left that cash. Then of course I am left to trying to figure out which character I played last just to see I had logged in 12 different characters that day....sigh...good grief! Let the endless logins and logouts commence until I find the right one!

So how about we get something that shows us how much Influence/Infamy we have on each character from the character select screen? Sure would be one hell of a QoL addition to the game if you ask me.

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@Aurora Girl - Excelsior - BSOD
 Aurora Girl  (Blaster)- Energy/Atomic, Queen of Faceplants and former Mayor of Pinnacle Server  Straye  (Brute)- Savage/SR, Survivor of +4 ITF Nictus Crystals and Bobcat's Bane  Aurora Snow  (Corruptor) - Ice/Cold, AV Humiliator  Terraflux  (Controller) - Earth/Rad, Bass Exploder  Spynerette  (Arachnos Soldier) - Night Widow, Super Spy of Sneakiness and Stabbing  Snowberrie  (Tank) - Ice/Spines, Disco Ball and Lady of Winter

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Would be nice I suppose, but probably difficult to code without an actual API to track our characters like what's available in Eve Online.


As such though since it's not available in CoX, I use a self made spreadsheet (which I also track character level, which account it's on, AT and Powersets, stat boosting accolades, IO build progression and Incarnate progression -maybe I go a little over the top).

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47 minutes ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Would be nice I suppose, but probably difficult to code without an actual API to track our characters like what's available in Eve Online.


Well, two things on that -


First, the *game* obviously tracks both how much INF we both have and make already - it's got to display it to you for the first, and it awards badges for the second (and the two are not the same.) So this as an option (one of many that have been requested) on the character select screen shouldn't be *that* big a deal to dig up. The login screen has to talk to the server to show whatever the last costume was, after all.


Second, I suspect the information's already in there able to be accessed. I know we had to rely on CIT (external) on live, but they were looking at an internal tool and trying to develop something simliar (though they dropped it due to the load it put on the server or the speed or some such) - I'd be really surprised if that wasn't available somewhere in the spaghetti to reference.

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Primarily on Everlasting. Squid afficionado. Former creator of Copypastas. General smartalec.


I tried to combine Circle and DE, but all I got were garden variety evil mages.

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50 minutes ago, Greycat said:


Well, two things on that -


First, the *game* obviously tracks both how much INF we both have and make already - it's got to display it to you for the first, and it awards badges for the second (and the two are not the same.) So this as an option (one of many that have been requested) on the character select screen shouldn't be *that* big a deal to dig up. The login screen has to talk to the server to show whatever the last costume was, after all.

Probably the easiest way to do it is have a pop-up that links to the Character's Superhero Registration Card that already displays Influence, since there is existing code in the character creator to have a mouse click pop-up. Then again may greater minds prevail as I've looked at the code for my own private server and only made minor tweaks to some powers and such to test out some scenarios for how I might rebalance potential powers in my own pocket universe where I am God.


But alas, I'm simply a public servant, blacksmith, and former soldier by trade so I'm sure there is someone out there that actually knows what they are doing.

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1 hour ago, SeraphimKensai said:

I've looked at the code for my own private server and only made minor tweaks to some powers and such to test out some scenarios for how I might rebalance potential powers in my own pocket universe where I am God.


I wish like hell that I had finished college. I actually went to college for computer science. Fairly certain coding would have eventually been a course or two. Had I finished college instead of just my prerequisites, I would have built a pre i5 (with all the goodies of today) server by now, if nothing else but for my own pleasure. That means no aggro limit, all ambush mobs back in place, collision mechanics reversed back to a point where we don't bump each other all over the place when we go near each other and my own little addition, I would give all NPCs across the board a resistance/defense/health pool adjustments for longer standing power. Sadly my knowledge of code is at a very basic level and I simply do not have the know-how to do so.  😞

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1 minute ago, Solarverse said:


I wish like hell that I had finished college. I actually went to college for computer science. Fairly certain coding would have eventually been a course or two. Had I finished college instead of just my prerequisites, I would have built a pre i5 (with all the goodies of today) server by now, if nothing else but for my own pleasure. That means no aggro limit, all ambush mobs back in place, collision mechanics reversed back to a point where we don't bump each other all over the place when we go near each other and my own little addition, I would give all NPCs across the board a resistance/defense/health pool adjustments for longer standing power. Sadly my knowledge of code is at a very basic level and I simply do not have the know-how to do so.  😞

Well you probably have more understanding of it than I do. My undergrad was in  Theatre & Humanities, and grad was in Public Admin. So it's been little old me learning as I go.

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