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Mission AE issues? Help please

Mars Flame

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I am posting on general because AE category seems not so active on the forums. My question is has anyone else had issues in mission AE when making missions with the some of the dialogue you create getting deleted and also of any characters or character groups getting deleted from your created story arc in AE?


If it is a problem on my end that I can fix that someone else experienced let me know if you could and if it is a bug then i'll be sure to contact support. Much appreciated and have fun fellow heroes and villains and anyone in between! :)

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Yep. I've had stuff just not show up. Not much exp with dialogue not there, unless it is also tied to an objective that is not showing. For missing groups, typically, I've gone over my count for certain types of objectives, and, for some odd reason, AE doesn't let me know. I've had to rescript missions to make them work. Never figured this out, tbh, so I'm little help in this dept. I just worked around it, and went with what it gave me (sometimes changing to a larger map helps).


Just for clarity's sake: the groups are actually deleted? or just not showing up in the mish when you run it? And is the dialogue tied to the missing groups?


Beyond that: you might try @Ankylosaur, @Take One or @Darmian. They've done a ton of scripting, and are more knowledgeable about the nuts & bolts than I am. That said, if you ever do have any questions, feel free to PM me, and I'll offer whatever help I can.


Happy Trails!

Edited by cranebump
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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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8 hours ago, Mars Flame said:

I am posting on general because AE category seems not so active on the forums. My question is has anyone else had issues in mission AE when making missions with the some of the dialogue you create getting deleted and also of any characters or character groups getting deleted from your created story arc in AE?


If it is a problem on my end that I can fix that someone else experienced let me know if you could and if it is a bug then i'll be sure to contact support. Much appreciated and have fun fellow heroes and villains and anyone in between! 🙂


Whenever anything I make go missing, it's usually because I loaded the autosave-file instead of the actual file I was working on. Another far-fetched option could be that your game folders have become write protected by Windows, which can happen if you installed in the "wrong" place. If so, your hard work won't get saved. The game really wants to sit in the c:/games/ folder, and not in any other place which Windows feels strongly about. If that's not it, we might need more information to figure out what this could be about.

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Check out my stories in the Mission Architect. Just search for "@Take One" or "SFMA". Here are some enticing titles:

  • Praetoria-related: Earth Revolution Red, Earth Revolution Blue
  • Mercenary Action: West Libertalia: Born And Raised, West Libertalia: Global Empire, West Libertalia: Love And Rockets
  • Soldier of Arachnos Arcs: The Tangled Weave, A Taste For Evil, Faultline By Night, The Warburg Connection,
  • Various: Project Dragon, Evolve Or Die, The Murders in the RWZ Morgue, The Last Crystal Out Of Cimerora
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9 hours ago, Take One said:


Whenever anything I make go missing, it's usually because I loaded the autosave-file instead of the actual file I was working on. 

Bet that's it. Totally forgot about that, since I'm **almost** immune to it (after doing it, like 50 times).:-)

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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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15 hours ago, cranebump said:

Yep. I've had stuff just not show up. Not much exp with dialogue not there, unless it is also tied to an objective that is not showing. For missing groups, typically, I've gone over my count for certain types of objectives, and, for some odd reason, AE doesn't let me know. I've had to rescript missions to make them work. Never figured this out, tbh, so I'm little help in this dept. I just worked around it, and went with what it gave me (sometimes changing to a larger map helps).


Just for clarity's sake: the groups are actually deleted? or just not showing up in the mish when you run it? And is the dialogue tied to the missing groups?


Beyond that: you might try @Ankylosaur, @Take One or @Darmian. They've done a ton of scripting, and are more knowledgeable about the nuts & bolts than I am. That said, if you ever do have any questions, feel free to PM me, and I'll offer whatever help I can.


Happy Trails!


9 hours ago, Take One said:


Whenever anything I make go missing, it's usually because I loaded the autosave-file instead of the actual file I was working on. Another far-fetched option could be that your game folders have become write protected by Windows, which can happen if you installed in the "wrong" place. If so, your hard work won't get saved. The game really wants to sit in the c:/games/ folder, and not in any other place which Windows feels strongly about. If that's not it, we might need more information to figure out what this could be about.


Much appreciated y'all i'll look into it. The issue with the dialogue pertains to the dialogue created for the contact just outside the portal you enter for AE missions. Alot of time it deletes diaolgue and a "<br><br>" show up at the point in dialogue for the contact just before entering the portal where I had a line of space to separate paragraphs. As for the characters or groups I make, they'll just not show up in the mission, but they'll reappear on their own if I exit and enter again. So I do not know it is frustrating, but i'll definitely look into the info y'all shared and see what I can do. Much appreciated.

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Hm...well, that <b> is definitely a formatting issue. I can't for the life of me figure out why groups would disappear/reappear. Good luck!

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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If you use dropbox, microsoft drive, or any similar programs on  your coh AE Mission, CVG, Critter, or Costume directories ... disable them before editing AE.  They can cause micro file locks that break the CoH Client.

Do not Dual-Box while editing AE arcs, as the two copies can cause conflicts.

Do not edit any AE files with any external programs while editing an AE arc .... UNLESS YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.   There are a very very very few times you will actually want to do this on purpose.


AE 801 (link) is a variety of missions for fun and challenge, and is designed for a team of 5+ Incarnates.  Just search '801' in AE.

     801 Difficulty Varies: 801.0 Easy, ..., 801.2 Standard*, ..., 801.5 Moderate**, ..., 801.6 Hard***, ..., 801.7 Four Star****, ... 801.F Death.

I may be AFK IRL, But CoH is my Forever Home.

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Also worth a note, here, i think, that the MA section of these forums do get read if not frequently posted in.  I haven't used them lots myself but anytime I have, the comment does get noticed (and usually responded to) as quickly as anywhere else.  Non-farm uses of the AE is a niche to be sure, but it's not a dead niche, yet!


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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<br> is short for line break.  when you are typing in your contacts dialogue and hit enter twice for a new paragraph,  these are inserted into the format.  When u first type it out it shows with the actual space made from hitting enter but after you save and come back later you will see the text with that formatting.  when you fire up the mission,  the contacts text should properly show that you hit enter twice and not actually display <br><br>.


if you use enter for in mission speech bubbles,  its my experience that the NPC will actually speak <br> and not start a new line.  so i avoid hitting enter for line breaks on in mission spoken dialogue.


for my wierd AE story,  i made a mission and tested it just fine.  went back in to the editor and filled in some more of the dialogue and go to save but an error popped up that i had too many boss details.  i literally just tested the mission and didnt add anything and then i had to go from 11 copies of a boss down to 3 to fit in the map.  Im fine with being within the limits of the map but i went with 11 to finish filling it out and i was able to play it so ive no idea what happened.

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I do feel like I have had some boss dialog not "play," but not 100% on that. It usually happened when defeating them quickly and the engine did not spit out all 3/4, 1/2 and 1/4 damage messages - but again - that was awhile ago that I recall that. I tend not to use all the damage messages as a result anymore unless its on an AV or something that takes longer to kill - so either I fixed it by changing my behavior or it just works better now. 🙂


The only time when mission text goes missing before publishing in my experience is when editing the wrong file (autosave vs actual file). However, once published, I have edited something I just republished and found it was not changed. I suspect that is a caching issue. The danger is if you edit that cached version and republish then your previous changes disappear. So, if I publish and then decide to make another quick edit, I spot check to make sure my recent previous edit is there before editing further. If it is not, I close the window and try again and it usually updates to the latest from the server.


As to mobs missing - that's an odd one - has only ever happened if editing from multiple computers where one computer does not have the mobs. 

Edited by Ankylosaur

AE Arcs: Search for @Ankylosaur    * denotes Dev's Choice

  • Adventures in Lit:  Adventures in Wonderland - 25-54*  |  Adventures in Oz - 40-54  |  Adventures in Neverland - 45-54
  • Notable One-offs: Rularularian - 41-54*  |  The Serpent Beyond the Horizon - 46-52*   |  Robolution - 25-34*  |  The Genesis & Geneticists of The Coming Hamiggedon -  41-54*   |  Spycraft and Spidermen - 40-47  |  Return to Faultline - 40-54 
  • Post-Praetoria Series: All That Glitters: Gold Brickers & Mooks 9 Arcs  |   All That Glimmers:  First Warders & Mu - 9 Arcs  | All That Glints: The Awakened & Council - 3 Arcs  |  All That Glows: Nictus & 5th Column - 3 Arcs*   |  All That Gleams: Epilogue (Neo Tokyo) - 1 Arc
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