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Aaand since the width and height img tags don't appear to work on this board, it's in glorious GIGANT-O-VISION.


10. Fir Bolg


Their powers will bore you to tears, but c'mon.  Who doesn't want a pack of these guys running after you?




9. Dominatrix Followers


No, no, I meant to pick a different one, my finger slipped all the way to Radial Superior.  OH WELL.


(uhhh... no image.)


8. Skulls


Iconic baddies who've gotten enough visual and practical upgrades to actually maybe even be interesting to use.




7. Freakshow


Speaking of iconic baddies, these guys are literally in the very first trailer!  C'mon already!




6. Legacy Chain


Pets that summon pets!  Also, a great lore group and a good 'rp' fit for many characters.




5. Crey


"These are the pets that never die; yes, they go on and on, my friends..."




4. Malta


Narrowly losing the award for "most OP lt class" to Nemesis, we have the black market cyborg army of Malta.  BONUS: When they're about to die, the robots upgrade and transform!




3. Devouring Earth


"Wait, what kind of buff does this one plant?"




2. Resistance


Here to punish you for being a pretend fascist, we have thirty seconds of knockdown!  Plus, nearly all of their attacks have -Res.  Isn't it ironic?




1. Dr. Aeon


We've got Punk Aeon, we've got Disco Aeon, we've got Mean Skateboarder Aeon... and so much more!  110%, the intangible Support version of Aeon should only have the Clone power and summon a new one every 30s or so.  You can never have too much Aeon.



No-Set Builds: Tanker Scrapper Brute Stalker


I've wanted to start a discussion on Lore Pets myself but since theres one here I'll post my TOP TEN Lore pet suggestions in no particular order~


1. Spirit Stalkers - These cats and dogs are either good boys and girls or the baddest depending on your morality, would go especially well with any Beast Mastery or Savage Melee character.


2. Skulls - With their updated models and newer powers for bosses I dont see why not.


3. Malta - We've hated their Sappers for years, so lets enslave them and have them do OUR bidding. On top of that? They have some amazing robots I mean come on, I'll even take the smaller ones!


4. Circle of Thorns - We have Tsoo and Banished Pantheon but no Lore Pet love for the OG nasty magic boys? I'm honestly sad Paragon Studios never added them to begin with and I think they truly deserve it as one of the games oldest and deadliest enemies. We do have Demons and Spectral ghosts now so thats definitely a step in the right direction!


5. Freakshow - Do I even need to explain this one? Okay -fine-. Noise Tanks, I really, REALLY want Noise Tanks. . .


6. Council - Robots. Werewolves. Nictus and Ascendants to name a few. Lots of potential here. Prefer this over the 5th Column due to the Council robots looking more sleek and updated, but thats a me thing.


7. Family- We have lv 50 Family with Resistance rifles and also the Grav controllers they have, so thats pretty neat.


8. Resistance - These guys have Resistance rifles too, huh. Weird!


9. Paragon Police Department or Praetorian Police Department - I dont mind either way.


10. Hellions -  Okay so hear me out. These guys are one of my favourite groups in the game and the only downside I can see is lack of variation, to fix that I suggest having their tree be combined with Bat'Zul minions/lieutenants to mix it up a bit. Damned are obviously an easy choice for bosses.


And thats it, hope you enjoyed my suggestions and no matter what happens I'll be grateful for any new additions to the Incarnate System or the game in general. Thank you :)

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