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Just trying to get some general responses on peoples thoughts. I am playing a Dark/Reg and he is lvl 22 and I am having fun, but I was curious what if anyone has done to test how well EA stands up end game solo compared to regen? And is regen able to solo endgame AV or elites..is EA for that matter?


Thank you

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Just trying to get some general responses on peoples thoughts. I am playing a Dark/Reg and he is lvl 22 and I am having fun, but I was curious what if anyone has done to test how well EA stands up end game solo compared to regen? And is regen able to solo endgame AV or elites..is EA for that matter?


Thank you


In my opinion, Dark powers work well with everything.  I do not feel there is any special synergy specific to any single set. 


The reason I put it like that is because the -to hit in Dark's attacks have value for any and every character build that starts piling on defensive sources up to the soft cap.  Then, beyond the soft cap, you're knocking down the to hit values for those enemies with bonuses.  -To hit and +defense are two sides of the same coin and work together towards the same goal... you getting beat on less. 


As for Energy Aura, it is a defense set.  It has a lot of tools and for the most part EA will likely provide a smoother experience over Regeneration.  That's a really simplistic view and comparison though.  Regeneration, by default without IO's, relies on what is considered the worst form of support which is healing.  Regeneration is about repairing damage done to you.  Energy Aura can make things not hit you in the first place, but if they do you can also repair it.  ANY set with more mitigation layers will perform better than Regeneration when pushing tougher content.  Sentinel Regen has newer tools like the absorb in Instant Regeneration, but the core concept is still the same.  You get hit, you heal up.  With investment in IO's and supplemental power choices you can give Regeneration a breather from incoming damage to let it's passive + active heals go farther.  I do not think Regeneration is a bad set, I know a lot do, but it is a set that requires some thought in actual use. 


As for Dark/Regen Sentinels taking on AV's.  With Incarnates anything is possible, but without that I have no idea.  AV's have a lot of health regeneration, and I haven't tried to find out of a tricked out Dark/Regen can leverage enough damage to not tickle one.  Survival wise, you should be able to survive with investment.  Scrappers with /Regen certainly took on AVs, but their damage is higher. 

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I'm having a lot of fun with a Dark/Willpower, but I'm only L13, so it's too early to be able to point out specific problems.  I will point out that Willpower gives you ample places to put global and especially useful IOs, if you are into that.

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I heard Bio is great on anything that can wear it, so I went Dark/Bio.  I'm only about 23rd level right now, but so far it's felt breezy fun and pretty simple to play.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


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Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
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I heard Bio is great on anything that can wear it, so I went Dark/Bio.  I'm only about 23rd level right now, but so far it's felt breezy fun and pretty simple to play.


I’ve actually have made most all of my toons with a bio secondary on my brutes, scrappers, stalkers, and sentinels. It’s hard to give up that permanent 25%+ damage bonus plus extra toxic damage. I think someone tested it and between the two of those it’s about a 50% damage bonus. Along with decent recovery even outside of efficient method.


I haven’t found another secondary that I enjoy enough to put in place of bio.


I have a DP/bio and AR/bio sentinel and both are a lot of fun.

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So, I have a dark/rad that's still in the low 20's and dark really helps with survivability. But being kinda disenchanted with Sentinel damage in general, I was thinking about rolling up a dark/bio and see how that goes. Part of that extra survivability comes in the form of umbral torrent. It's like bowling a strike and watching the pins fly, and it keeps those bad guys from hitting you. But everyone (almost everyone) hates knockback, but slotting kb to kd enhancers not only takes up an enhancement slot that shaves some off your damage and keeps you from getting a full set bonus, it also diminishes the extra survivability that knockback gives you. Which is more time that they aren't hitting you.


So how do you guys deal with the knockback issue?

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I've got a Dark/Regen named Blacken Blue who is only level 7 at the moment, but I am enjoying a lot. I almost went with Ninjitsu for his secondary, but didn't since I already had a Water/Ninjitsu. The Water/Ninjitsu is several days older, but is only level 5. So you can tell which one I'm enjoying more.

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I've got a Dark/Regen named Blacken Blue who is only level 7 at the moment, but I am enjoying a lot. I almost went with Ninjitsu for his secondary, but didn't since I already had a Water/Ninjitsu. The Water/Ninjitsu is several days older, but is only level 5. So you can tell which one I'm enjoying more.


Would be interesting to see which you like more as they both level. I leveled /regen to 50 on live once. Once.  :) 40-50 is only kind to/regen since at 50 you are maxing out IOs sets and Incarnates.

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


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