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Looking for Rad/Fire Farm build under 200 Mill?


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Above is an older less expensive build


200M / 120-ish slots is about a 1.65M per enhancement average. You may need to plan for a smidge more when all is said and done.


On 10/14/2019 at 3:39 PM, FourSpeed said:

Here are the costs (that I paid) to outfit the L40 build.


Name                              Count               Total Cost


Scirocco's (4-sets)             20 Recipes               222,220
Multi-Strike                     4  "   "                 44,444
Stupefy                          2  "   "                  3,222
Kinetic Combat                   6  "   "              3,792,266
Kinetic Combat D/E/R             2 Crafted IO's        3,311,222    (No recipes were available, so I had to "suck it up" on these)
Crushing Impact                  2 Recipes               102,222
Aegis                            6  "   "              6,620,266
Bruising Blow                    2  "   "                 10,122
Numina's                         3  "   "              3,551,137
Steadfast                        3  "   "                 ------    Traded 60 Reward Merits
Crafting Costs                  48 @ 43,700            2,097,600
Salvage - Common      (white       @511 ea)               67,452
        - Uncommon    (yellow      @2,111 ea)             63,330
Common IO's           (Recipes & Crafting)               879,482                 
Total Cost                                            20,764,985
Edited by Troo

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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This is difficult to project the price of a build.


On brainstorm IOs are free, on the production servers, you might have 6 bins full of IOs, and only need to buy 2 to complete the build you try to slot. Otherwise I could post my build and what I paid for it, but that was 3 years ago, so depending on the market today you could expect to pay more, but who knows maybe pay less on certain things.


I think you're better off just looking at builds and take into consideration recent updates and work on slotting what you can afford, as you can play a rad/fa brute from 1 to 50 in AE maps using purple inspirations and temp powers and adjust the difficulty scale of the map as you grow and are able to. Honestly that's how I slotted out my spines/fa brute way back in April 2019.

Edited by SeraphimKensai
Fixed per troo.
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I advise you to look at the Guides section and look for the Farming Fresh post. Rad took a heavy hit in the last patch so perhaps something else, but the people in that thread have farming down to a science and I am sure they already calculated the next best thing.

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On 10/26/2022 at 1:08 AM, radiantskys said:

As stated, looking for a Rad/Fire Farming build for under 200 mill, what do you guys got??


Your wants in this regard do not match the reality of the current farming situation.   Expectations for an effective under 200 mil build in the current clime mean you're going to be very limited in effectivity both in terms of damage and survivability, requiring you to essentially farm on the lower difficulties (and even then maybe with issues still).   Prepare yourself accordingly to then not be disappointed and see that just as a stepping stone.


And this is before going into the extent to the diminishing effectivity currently for different sets like rad/fire(but not limited to) that I'll speak to below in response to Sovera.


1 hour ago, Sovera said:

I advise you to look at the Guides section and look for the Farming Fresh post. Rad took a heavy hit in the last patch so perhaps something else, but the people in that thread have farming down to a science and I am sure they already calculated the next best thing.


While fire/rad's damage output took a hit(and any brute/fire or fire/tank too mind you), it still can effectively farm on strong builds and is not as diminished as some people are saying, especially if a good farm map is found or made to accommodate such builds(ie ones that arent using the -def sword attacks).   OP's main issue though is going to be a low budget build in that regard which means he's going to be low difficulty farming first until he spends even more to get a higher budget build.   Nothing wrong with that as long as he understands the steps/pace of it.


But I'm also not trying to diminish the trend with regards to the eroding of effectivity of rad melee or fire aura or ae farming in general.  Its happening but its just being a slow erosion.


But back to speaking to the OP:   more importantly, as a farmer, you need to be ready to and expect changes to come about that are going to further diminish ae farming.  Multiple recent updates have been doing this, while you even are lower dif farming once you got a basic build going, get yourself second and third accounts with toons you can put in with you while you farm of various power sets and or AT's for trying to proactively have options if rad/fire gets even more diminished in effectivity.


And remember:  farm more and more often. Invite, teach, and encourage others to farm with you. The more effort you make and help motivate others to do the same, it makes an impact.



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33 minutes ago, Sanguinesun said:


Your wants in this regard do not match the reality of the current farming situation.   Expectations for an effective under 200 mil build in the current clime mean you're going to be very limited in effectivity both in terms of damage and survivability, requiring you to essentially farm on the lower difficulties (and even then maybe with issues still).   Prepare yourself accordingly to then not be disappointed and see that just as a stepping stone.


And this is before going into the extent to the diminishing effectivity currently for different sets like rad/fire(but not limited to) that I'll speak to below in response to Sovera.



While fire/rad's damage output took a hit(and any brute/fire or fire/tank too mind you), it still can effectively farm on strong builds and is not as diminished as some people are saying, especially if a good farm map is found or made to accommodate such builds(ie ones that arent using the -def sword attacks).   OP's main issue though is going to be a low budget build in that regard which means he's going to be low difficulty farming first until he spends even more to get a higher budget build.   Nothing wrong with that as long as he understands the steps/pace of it.


But I'm also not trying to diminish the trend with regards to the eroding of effectivity of rad melee or fire aura or ae farming in general.  Its happening but its just being a slow erosion.


But back to speaking to the OP:   more importantly, as a farmer, you need to be ready to and expect changes to come about that are going to further diminish ae farming.  Multiple recent updates have been doing this, while you even are lower dif farming once you got a basic build going, get yourself second and third accounts with toons you can put in with you while you farm of various power sets and or AT's for trying to proactively have options if rad/fire gets even more diminished in effectivity.


And remember:  farm more and more often. Invite, teach, and encourage others to farm with you. The more effort you make and help motivate others to do the same, it makes an impact.




I appreciate all of your feedback and extensive reply. I understand the builds are going to cost more on average now, I'm just kind of looking I guess for someone to tell me approximately at the moment what an average farming build might run. Are we looking at a range of 400-600 mill, are we looking at 600-800 mill or what the numbers might be. I have already Leveled 3 Rad/Fire Brutes, a Illusion/Radiation Controller, a Empathy/Radiation Defender, Water Blast/Storm Corruptor. Just looking to see what I might do to maximize my income, if maybe I should be doing something else consistently instead to make lets say 200-300m a day. Really just trying to avoid playing Auction House, but have a stable decent amount of inf coming in

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The thing is, obviously you will not be jumping into +4x8 intensive farming with a 200 mill build, but if you check the thread I mentioned they have baby farmer builds to begin with (+1x8) and the money earned goes into making it better. Farming is a self feeding activity. Once all geared up it's all profit from there on.

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22 hours ago, radiantskys said:

Really just trying to avoid playing Auction House


You've nerfed yourself, in the income potential category...and I'm not talking about intentionally buying recipes and components to craft first, then convert.  There are more than enough drops in farming to use the same strategies and 5 min. post-farming can add significantly to your daily cash haul.  Yes, you may have to buy a rare or two, now and then, but when you can spend $5-600K on components and converters, to turn recipes that drop into $tens of millions, why not?

Reunion - JAWBRKR (Inv/SJ Tank), Lich-ilicious (Necro/Dark MM)  Torchbearer - Will Power-Flame (WP/Fire Tank),  Frostee-Freeze (Ice/Emp Troller), DARKNESSREIGNS (Inv/DM Tank), BALLBUSTR (Inv/SS Tank)  Indomitable - PLVRIZR (Stone/SS Tank), The Atomic Warden (Rad/Rad Defender), FACESMSHR (EM/EA Brute)  Excelsior - NUTCRCKR (Inv/SS Tank) - VL500+, DRKSTNITE (DA/DM Tank), Nosfera-too (Kin/Dark Defender), FIREBLLR (FIre/Therm Corr), THUGSRUS (Thugs/Dark MM), Marshal Mayhem (Fire/MA Tank), SLICRDICR (DB/WP Scrap), NECROTANK (SD/DM Tank), FRMRBRWN (Spines/Fire Brute), AVLANCH (Ice/Stone Tank), SWMPTHNG (Bio/Rad Tank), FREEZRBRN (Fire/Ice Tank), ZZAAPP (Elec/Elec Brute), Voltaic Thunderbolt (Elec/Elec Tank) Lemme Axe You Somethin (Rad/Axe Tank), PWDRKEG (Fire/FIre/Pyre Tank), ATMSMSHR (Rad/SS Tank), Morphology of Flame (Bio/Fire Tank) EverlastingMISSADVENTUR (Inv/SS Tank), Mace to the Face (SD/WM Tank)                                                        Retail 2004 (pre-I1) - 2012 lights out; Feb. 2020 - present

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On 10/27/2022 at 5:55 AM, radiantskys said:


I appreciate all of your feedback and extensive reply. I understand the builds are going to cost more on average now, I'm just kind of looking I guess for someone to tell me approximately at the moment what an average farming build might run. Are we looking at a range of 400-600 mill, are we looking at 600-800 mill or what the numbers might be. I have already Leveled 3 Rad/Fire Brutes, a Illusion/Radiation Controller, a Empathy/Radiation Defender, Water Blast/Storm Corruptor. Just looking to see what I might do to maximize my income, if maybe I should be doing something else consistently instead to make lets say 200-300m a day. Really just trying to avoid playing Auction House, but have a stable decent amount of inf coming in



Actually you asked for a budget build initially and responses were in accordance to that.  If you want to budget for top end builds, save for 800m to 1 billion expecting the worst and hoping for the best.  We cant give you exact numbers because, especially during a holiday event season like now, the prices are much more volatile because people are farming in tot's and minting new 50's needing sets.


If you already have fire farming with rad brutes like you're saying and you're earning 200-300mil a day,  BUT not throwing onto the market things you dont need whilst farming, that'd be a bit silly given how some recipes can see for 10+ mil each(for things you dont need mind you. You're already earning more than not a small number of players do.


Compounding your influence more beyond your current earnings is more about min/maxing your influence per hour ratio based on build, map, map transition/downtime etc from there and at some point, it also comes down to being your skill/choices in how you do it vs anything else from there.  Keep in mind too this is different/diminished when you're also throwing others helping or you carrying alts to level too.



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