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Updated Tier List for MMs?

Todd Z

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  • 2 weeks later

I saw a necro/kin recently, was thinking of making. the dmg is real.


granted this was only on a yin. dunno if theyd fall apart at four stars (must have barrier blah *essential* incarnate) ITF runs, but on easy mode, they trash stuff.

Edited by honoroit
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There is no set in stone list but mine is:


S tier - Demons

A tier - Thugs, Necro, Robots

B tier - Mercs, Ninjas

C tier - Beasts


If you want I can explain why I think this but basically demons are sturdy and deal very good damage with exotic damage types and -res. They even provide a team buff!


Thugs, necro and Robots are great. Thugs are barely out of S-tier. Robots are probably B tier but I think with their new changes, they are lower A


Mercs and Ninjas are still a little fragile but very solid damage dealers. Ninjas are slightly lower due to being melee and the Oni being wonky


Beasts are genuinely the weakest. Not bad but not good. With the recent changes they've been left kinda in the dust. If someone were to say they are also in B tier, I wouldn't argue against it but someone has to be at the bottom and I think it's beasts.

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Yeah, as much as I love Beasts, with the new MM changes, they've gotten left behind, sadly. I think your Tier list seems pretty accurate @Yaliw

Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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  • 4 weeks later
On 4/14/2023 at 6:55 AM, Yaliw said:

There is no set in stone list but mine is:


S tier - Demons

A tier - Thugs, Necro, Robots

B tier - Mercs, Ninjas

C tier - Beasts


If you want I can explain why I think this but basically demons are sturdy and deal very good damage with exotic damage types and -res. They even provide a team buff!


Thugs, necro and Robots are great. Thugs are barely out of S-tier. Robots are probably B tier but I think with their new changes, they are lower A


Mercs and Ninjas are still a little fragile but very solid damage dealers. Ninjas are slightly lower due to being melee and the Oni being wonky


Beasts are genuinely the weakest. Not bad but not good. With the recent changes they've been left kinda in the dust. If someone were to say they are also in B tier, I wouldn't argue against it but someone has to be at the bottom and I think it's beasts.

if we are ignoring secondaries here, mercs are as tough as demons when serum is rolling.


including secondaries, mercs are i believe the only primary that can softcap def all and hardcap resists without incarnates. 


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necro solid S tier.  grave knights, spectre things, life drain... all the things.


ff is pretty good with it too, and i wanna pick up repulsion bolt


im an expert mm now, having started my first real one since live this evening 😎



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MM primaries can leap ahead in functionality and survivability depending on the secondary pairing. (Caveat - anything can be made to work, IOs and incarnates can patch massive holes, lower difficulty if having a rough time, etc. blah blah blah…) Necro with dark is as close to a perfect pairing in current form. Necro and Sonic? It works, but it’s muuuuuch slower and finicky with fewer tricks and meaningful debuffs. Bots/Cold vs. Bots/FF - one is a beast and the other gilds the lilly with defense buffs. 


I know demons are great, at least on paper. But wow are they overrated. Personal opinion and more power to y’all that love ‘em. The mixed ranges (melee and short range cones) frustrate me to no end. They feel like they need too much micro-managing and direction. Maybe I’m too old now, but I was a lot more willing to deal with that in the old game. Should probably reroll a demon/storm since that can just be a chaos build.


Full agreement re the sad state of beasts as the dust settles in recent primary changes to bots/Necro/ninja/mercs. I'd list it as everything is essentially equivalent (pick your tier) except beasts, landing at a -2 relative the rest.

The Splintered Soul Project: (Nyght****) 21 and counting (18 max). 


DSorrow: “Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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No tier rankings, just personal experience. HC has caused me to branch out (on live I never got into MMs the AT didn't really mesh with me). Now I have a decent cadre of MMs and fairly skilled at playing them (they still aren't my favorite AT but they can present a nice change to playstyle from time to time).


I have 4 robot masterminds paired with either empathy, electrical affinity, time, and kinetics. I have a thugs/time, a demon/electrical affinity, 2 necro/darks, a ninja/ff, and a beasts/nature.


Hands down my favorite is the necro/dark MMs. Hell I liked it so much I made a second one just for more zombies. It's strong has great survivability and ends up with an army of the dead. What's not to like. Having a second one just doubles that all up. Who knows maybe I'll do a third as well next Halloween.


Thugs/Time is probably my second fav because double gangwar with power boosted/clarion radial Farsight/chronoshift. That packs quite a bit of power. Yes the arsonist is pretty stupid and pulls a lot of agro though.


Robots are probably number 3 for me despite having 4 incarnate and IO'd robotics MMs. I had the robo/emo from early on as a re-imagined version of my old main. The other three were made after spending about 30 minutes one afternoon with @Neiska in a meteor farm to see their technique of using 3 bots MMs to agro and kill off the whole meteor in record time. Chaotic, but it worked, so I was inspired to make a mm robot team of my own. I later found that I could handle all three of them on an SBB and just invite one rando to fill out the 4th role.


Demons are strong yes, but with elec affinity you want to keep them close by for faraday cage and chained buffs. It works and the combo does well enough but even though I have a lot of demonic inspired toons, I didn't really get hooked on this character. It was more let's build it and proof a point then anything.


Ninja/FF was made as a joke, but then after the FF and ninja changes it honestly works. Yes the ninjas are still not tanks but the bubbles let them survive long enough to do some decent damage.


Beasts/nature was an MM that I thought would be a fun theme to run, but my interest in it fizzled out before it really got going.

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IMO it really depends on the difficulty, what kind of activity, how much INF is invested, and perhaps most importantly - player skill/experience. A skilled player can take a "bad" set and make it perform better than a new/unexperienced player with a good set, and an average skilled player with all the purples might well beat them both. And all that may change, from activity A, to B, to C.


A lot of it comes down to personal preference as well. I have only dabbled with mercs and beasts and have never touched ninjas. But I have teamed with players who did very well with them, regardless of their "rankings."


My advice? Go with your gut and what you like. You will likely enjoy it more and possibly do better anyway than forcing yourself to play something you don't like. And at the end, it's not like there is a race or gold medal to be won anyway. Personally, I enjoy thinking outside the box and trying new things, and sometimes it can lead to surprises that defies conventional wisdom.


My two cents, for what its worth.

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Of the few MM's i made i found the Mercs/Cold the best. There are a  lot of secondary combo's i have not tried though.

Soft capped defenses with Serum  boosting resists. Some +recharge and FF procs to keep Serum up. Debuffs from cold to boost damage etc.


I just wish the pets would run a little faster out of combat though.

Edited by Gobbledigook
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My lists depends a lot on the secondaries but in terms of just pure dmg I'd rank


Mercs as SS tier

Robots/Necro S tier

Thugs/Ninja A tier

Beasts/Demons B tier 


Because of procs I find Mercs to just melts spawns. Necro would pull ahead but I have an issue with the gravel nights loving to spam their dark blasts more than running up and hacking away with their swords. If I want to try hard with macros then Necro is top tier. Mercs being all range makes them not waste any time shooting and shooting 

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