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Make Contact Missions in Chronoligical Order?


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My significant other and I often duo together and we will pick the same contact after a Bank mission. Problem is, even though we are attempting to grab the same missions, they often times give us two completely different missions all out of order from each other. We end up having to do many missions twice since they are given in some random order. Would love to see the contacts give the same missions in the same order so that players who duo together can all pick the same missions in the same order.

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1 minute ago, Vanden said:

Are you talking about standalone missions, or story arcs that will give missions out in random order?


Story Arc missions. For an example, we are currently on Villain Side running Timothy Raymond story arc missions, he is giving us his missions in wild random orders. So we are having to run many of them twice instead of completing them together.

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36 minutes ago, lemming said:

It's the same method to get the police radio to give you the mission type

Or for any bottomless pool of missions, like Efram Sha in Dark Astoria. But I've learned to use the "ask for missions, take mission, abandon, repeat" with whichever of Trevor Seaborne, Hugo Redding, or Haley Phillips I get in order to take "Rescue the mystic from the Circle of Thorns" as my first mission from them so I don't have to worry about outleveling them before getting it. Similarly for any contact I'm trying to pry an arc out of, although there are quite a few who insist on your completing some rando mission before offering you an arc.

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3 hours ago, lemming said:

You can often abandon the mission and try picking up again.  It's the same method to get the police radio to give you the mission type


Wait, I thought you could only abandon a mission once per what, week?

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8 minutes ago, Solarverse said:


Wait, I thought you could only abandon a mission once per what, week?


You can only auto-complete a mission every so often. You're able to abandon missions as much as you want, but they remain in the contact queue.

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From Champion (Hero) and Infinity (Villain), currently playing on Everlasting.

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12 hours ago, srmalloy said:

Or for any bottomless pool of missions, like Efram Sha in Dark Astoria. But I've learned to use the "ask for missions, take mission, abandon, repeat" with whichever of Trevor Seaborne, Hugo Redding, or Haley Phillips I get in order to take "Rescue the mystic from the Circle of Thorns" as my first mission from them so I don't have to worry about outleveling them before getting it. Similarly for any contact I'm trying to pry an arc out of, although there are quite a few who insist on your completing some rando mission before offering you an arc.

There are a few of those.  Especially as first missions from a contact.  (Tina & Maria for example) After that, it's fairly random unless you have too many arcs active already.

I've done the roulette wheel to get Maria's Siege mission for example.


And yea, abandoning is pretty forgiving.   Even if you start a mission, come out, select a different mission from your list, choose abandon pregress, then call up the contact and abandon the mission, you can call the contact back and get a different one.  It's how people get the Invader badge in 20 minutes by just popping into the Mayhem map, grab the explore badge, and exit.   The mission holder is usually just hanging out at Lord S' location.

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