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Some stats

Yomo Kimyata

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I've been winding things down for a long time and doing some cleaning up, including tallying some things up.  


As you may know, the kiosks blueside list a bunch of lifetime character stats, including some marketing stats.  I don't think these stats are available redside or goldside.  Over the last few months, I kept records of all characters on my main account, with the exception of 15 characters that were either still goldside and I hadn't brought/didn't want to bring them through or were redside and low enough level that I didn't want to spend the time bringing them to Pocket D and switching them to Rogue and checking their stats.


Since April 2019:


I have sold on the /AH a total of 478,203 enhancements, 2,131 inspirations, 6,221 recipes, and 1,155,880 pieces of salvage.  I have no idea how many items I have vendored, but it's going to be a bunch.


I'm going out on a limb here and saying that if you have ever bought an enhancement on the /AH from 2019 to 2023, the odds are rather good that you have bought something from me at some point!


Happy hunting!



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4 hours ago, Ghost said:

His prices are ridiculous, terrible customer service and an almost non-exist return policy.  


Personally, I prefer "ridonkulous", "terriblistic", and "completely non-existent return policy".

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On 1/13/2024 at 1:33 PM, Yomo Kimyata said:

I have sold on the /AH a total of 478,203 enhancements, 2,131 inspirations, 6,221 recipes, and 1,155,880 pieces of salvage.

First - I did not know the kiosks tracked that information.


Second - Those are some massive numbers.  I decided to check my stats.  I figured I might have decent enhancement numbers since I'll buy converters 3,000 at a time to craft trash, convert and sell.  Once that character is fully incarnate (and not played as often), I move to a new one and repeat.  I track on a spreadsheet where I have a lot of cash so I just checked for those characters.


It turns out I only needed to sell 700 - 1200 enhancements to hit the inf cap, dump extra cash into email, and move on to a new character.  And I've sold about 2% as many enhancements as you have.  That suggests you have way more than 50x as much inf as me and that's A LOT.

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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21 hours ago, Ironblade said:

Second - Those are some massive numbers.  I decided to check my stats.  I figured I might have decent enhancement numbers since I'll buy converters 3,000 at a time to craft trash, convert and sell.  Once that character is fully incarnate (and not played as often), I move to a new one and repeat.  I track on a spreadsheet where I have a lot of cash so I just checked for those characters.


It turns out I only needed to sell 700 - 1200 enhancements to hit the inf cap, dump extra cash into email, and move on to a new character.  And I've sold about 2% as many enhancements as you have.  That suggests you have way more than 50x as much inf as me and that's A LOT.


Could be, rabbit.  Could be.


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On 1/13/2024 at 12:33 PM, Yomo Kimyata said:

Since April 2019:


I have sold on the /AH a total of 478,203 enhancements, 2,131 inspirations, 6,221 recipes, and 1,155,880 pieces of salvage.

I'm estimating 1,730 days between April 2019 and now. 


That means you have sold on average 276 enhancements per day, or 1,932 per week.


Mind if I ask how much time you would spend in a week on AH-related activities, roughly?  For a while on the retail servers I was very interested in maximizing my profits versus time spent.  Not so much on Homecoming, but I've still been curious whether other players take a similar approach.

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1 hour ago, Intrinsic said:

I'm estimating 1,730 days between April 2019 and now. 


That means you have sold on average 276 enhancements per day, or 1,932 per week.


Mind if I ask how much time you would spend in a week on AH-related activities, roughly?  For a while on the retail servers I was very interested in maximizing my profits versus time spent.  Not so much on Homecoming, but I've still been curious whether other players take a similar approach.


Don't mind at all.  Once I figured out converters (I think I was long gone from Live by the time they came along) I was logging on for fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen minutes in the evening on about 4-7 marketing characters.  From late 2019 to 2021, I once estimated I was netting about 2bn inf a day from various niches.  But you needed to do it everyday, and there was enough demand to sell everything twice a day.


I retired all of those marketers long ago, but every single character I make now generally self-funds.  And that's a few hundred.

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And if you're NOT trying to become fabulously wealthy, the effort is pretty trivial.  I do my marketeering on one character at a time until they finish their incarnate stuff.  I'll spend 15-20 minutes at the AH, a couple times per week.  By the time the character is finished, they will have made over 2 billion inf - maxing out their holding capacity and dropping a few hundred million into emails.  I then transfer any remaining converters to a new low-level character.

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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For grins, I checked most of my characters to see how many enhancements I have sold on the AH - & the total is 283,927.  I stopped crafting enhancements (other than for badges) over a year ago, but apparently my various crafters each crafted & sold about 55K before I moved on to the next one.  I usually just crafted for 15 minutes a few times a day - in the morning before work, after getting home from work in the evening, & before going to bed at night.  I found crafting a restful diversion from the game, but now just do it to get each of my alts the crafting & vending badges.  I long ago made more influence/infamy/information on the AH/BM/TH than I would ever spend in the game, so I have no need to make more.  Let the new guard do their thing & reap the benefits!

Edited by Mister Mass
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21 hours ago, Mister Mass said:

I found crafting a restful diversion from the game, but now just do it to get each of my alts the crafting & vending badges.  I long ago made more influence/infamy/information on the AH/BM/TH than I would ever spend in the game, so I have no need to make more.

Exactly.  It's one more thing to do in the game if I don't feel like playing a different game.

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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I suspect the statistics kept are inaccurate, and I'll explain why. 
On a typical cave map farm run (The Atta map, if that rings a bell) I tend to get a fair number of common recipes, which I do not craft, but vendor. I would craft them, but the number of badgers who craft for that workbench badge can drop the prices quite low, and there's only so many AH slots to fill; so, I vendor them. 

Because I've amassed well over 3000 vet levels doing nothing but farming, and the kiosk says I've only sold 10 recipes...well, there's definitely something off. 

Maybe it refers to only uncommon, rare and very rare? I've never sold any of those, So, in my mind, something is amiss. 



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10 minutes ago, Perfidy said:

I suspect the statistics kept are inaccurate, and I'll explain why. 
On a typical cave map farm run (The Atta map, if that rings a bell) I tend to get a fair number of common recipes, which I do not craft, but vendor. I would craft them, but the number of badgers who craft for that workbench badge can drop the prices quite low, and there's only so many AH slots to fill; so, I vendor them. 

Because I've amassed well over 3000 vet levels doing nothing but farming, and the kiosk says I've only sold 10 recipes...well, there's definitely something off. 

Maybe it refers to only uncommon, rare and very rare? I've never sold any of those, So, in my mind, something is amiss.

Vendor sales are not counted.

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