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A possible solution to the kheldian revamp

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I agree, and probably wrote (somewhere) that I don't think "more enhancement slots for Kheldians" is the answer. I see a bigger obstacle being this: even if I lean hard into one (or two) of the different forms (via dedicating slots), I'm pretty much stuck with playing a pretty mediocre whatever (Blaster, Tanker). VEATs don't leave me with this feeling, because even with a "second" set of primary/secondaries, I can tailor those VEAT builds... I'm not "stuck" with either the powers from the baseline or from the chosen path... but with HEATs I pretty much get the powers from the other forms, and there is no real tailoring of a build... except possibly in human-form-dominant play... but that choice is sacrificing what make the HEATs unique.




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  • 2 weeks later

In my mind, the easiest changes to implement would be 1) a damage buff and 2) removal of Knockback as a secondary effect and the addition of something else (like -Resist, -Regen, -Recharge, -ToHit.) Another easy implementation is a buff to the AT effect for teams.


After thinking about everything, we don't need extra enhancement slots. We don't need access to a special epic AT. We don't need some huge revamp. We already get travel powers inherently. While they can slightly tweak things here and there, I think all we really need is a little buff. We should not have to rely on incarnates, IO Sets, Procs, and Uniques. 


It is my belief that all archetypes and power sets should be written without IO set bonuses, Procs, and Uniques in mind. You can definitely tell which have and which haven't. 

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