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AI Generative Art


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This scene looks like it would be good for advertising some product to help people who are having a rough day.


Or maybe it could be one of those old Demotivator memes.



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this is my first attempt at using any AI on an image


Hog for hire



Had a little trouble getting it to modify this image to have a good flat top, they kept on coming out as some sort of flopped over mowhawk. gonna need to work on my wording when describing things.

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3 hours ago, Mr. Apocalypse said:

Had a little trouble getting it to modify this image to have a good flat top, they kept on coming out as some sort of flopped over mowhawk. gonna need to work on my wording when describing things

The thesaurus is key. Flattop, buzz cut, Army haircut…

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After several truly disastrous tries with Krea, I've finally had one reasonable success.  Curiously, it was with Dr. Nightlight.  I thought for sure his all-black costuming would stump the A.I.

There's still problem areas, but it got the essence right, especially the face so dark one cannot see it, even with the eye glow.



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4 hours ago, Techwright said:

After several truly disastrous tries with Krea, I've finally had one reasonable success.  Curiously, it was with Dr. Nightlight.  I thought for sure his all-black costuming would stump the A.I.

There's still problem areas, but it got the essence right, especially the face so dark one cannot see it, even with the eye glow.



I got some detail out of my almost all black (spectrum pieces, too) with light aura costume.  Glad to see it worked out for you, too.

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So - back to Cyberman 8. I decided to let Krea work on a larger "portrait" style and see what happens. 


Which at first glance didn't seem to really DO very much - until I looked more closely at the face. I LIKE what Krea did with the face! His eyes were in fact always supposed to be colorless in the irises. It was supposed to be one of the tiny little bits of "Uncanny valley" that set C8 apart in his default form. But at the same time - this face is in some ways kinda warm, Despite the lack of color. Well done! 



At this point I decided to let Krea do some 'Interpretive" work out of curiosity. So I changed settings to "re-interpretative" and ramped the "resemblance back from about 40% down to 30%. 

Hmm... O... kay. It put color BACK in the eyes, but made his face MORE artificial looking. I don't know why the AI wants to make the EYEBROWS RED of all things. And I don't know why the background color is bleeding into the left chest area. But it's interesting.




Let's ramp the resemblance down to 20%


More of the same - the face is both MORE and LESS artificial looking and the eyes are glowing blue now. But WHAT THE HECK is going on with the V ornament on the helmet in the back there!? 




Let's try it at 10% resemblance... 

Okay - more weirdness with the helmet - the face is DEFINITELY a plastic mask now. And that bleed-through on the left chest is still ongoing. I do like what it's been doing with the arms being more obviously mechanical looking on all iterations including this one. 



Well... Let's go ALL the way - Resemblance factor... ZERO PERCENTAGE. 

Krea... All I can say is... 




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I’ve always liked your Cyberman design. Super evocative of that style. I just watched Shin Ultraman on YouTube last night, so that whole aesthetic was on my mind. Those are the same experiments I did with the screenie of Badger Boy running from Eochai upthread. Letting Krea go wild is nightmare fuel, honestly.


I’m surprised it didn’t smooth out the jaggies between the black and white on the chest. That’s one thing it usually fixes. I wonder if it was interpreting the chest as metal, therefore reflecting the background.

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Okay, let me explain.


About a year ago, I was completely blocked for costume ideas for one of my alts. Normally, I struggle for a few weeks, maybe a few months. But for this alt, I'd already been stuck for over a year. I couldn't even think of a decent text-to-image generation prompt.


So I decided to go even lazier. I asked ChatGPT to write a text-to-image generation prompt for a morally ambiguous, young adult, male comic book mutant with cold powers. It spat out a decent prompt, referring to icy whites and blues and a cloak and some other style tokens. I then fed that prompt into Stable Diffusion. Finally, I picked an image I liked, and recreated it in game.


So this is, in essence, an AI-generated costume.


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And now for the reverse - an AI image of a costume I designed.


I had fun generating this. I did a lot of research on this costume - if you can call binge watching Zack Pinsent and Bernadette Banner and okay fine a little Bridgerton "research". So I knew specific keywords to recreate the look in Stable Diffusion consistently. Think "1830s", "equestrian", "tailcoat", "cravat", "sideburns". The AI was definitely on the same wavelength as me, and I didn't even have to inpaint. I did have to wrestle it out of a historic 1830s fashion plate style, and into a modern digital comic book art style, though.


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34 minutes ago, Kai Moon said:

Okay, let me explain.


About a year ago, I was completely blocked for costume ideas for one of my alts. Normally, I struggle for a few weeks, maybe a few months. But for this alt, I'd already been stuck for over a year. I couldn't even think of a decent text-to-image generation prompt.


So I decided to go even lazier. I asked ChatGPT to write a text-to-image generation prompt for a morally ambiguous, young adult, male comic book mutant with cold powers. It spat out a decent prompt, referring to icy whites and blues and a cloak and some other style tokens. I then fed that prompt into Stable Diffusion. Finally, I picked an image I liked, and recreated it in game.


So this is, in essence, an AI-generated costume.


Is that the Mystic pattern on the legs? Looks cool, no pun intended.

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One of my (many) pulp heroes, the rocket-powered Bullette. 




As we know, Krea LOOOVES wrinkles, so much so that it put them in her helmet. I kind of dig the weird art deco thing it did with her hat but it's not the character, so I tried to get it to calm down. This is the best I could get.





So then I took the prompt over to Bing and it said, "Hold my beer." 😁



Those are the tips of the iceberg.




This one, though, isn't exactly right, but it's in the ballpark. Or at least the parking lot of the ballpark. Why it gave her green hair is a mystery.




If only the helmet were right, this would be a contender, weird backpack and all. It's still pretty pulpy, though.



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