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Is a Traps defender boring to play?


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Typically, you build for recharge to get your "pets" out as often as possible.  And, while you wait, you blast away, shielded by your FF generator, seekers (if taken), caltrops (if taken), mortars, etc.  It takes getting used to to get things set up, but once you have the groove down, it's quite fun.  My Traps/BR defender can take on almost anything, though it can take a while to wear down GMs.


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It’s okay. I went for it with the update. Great for AV fights. Still not a fun mob hopper set. You’ll just be blasting tell you get to big fights. The double tap for the buff is okay. Really need to train the muscle memory to click twice. 

To be honest though. All you really want to do is melt the AV so this set excels in that. Even more so with the update. 

Kill Most ITFs! Defender Tank! dahkness11 - Twitch

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Most of the game is played in "Scrapper lock" mode. You're rushing from spawn to spawn and only really stop when you encounter an enemy with massive health (an AV/GM).


This makes playing pet-based builds - including pseudo-pet builds like Traps - annoying at times. By the time you set up the perfect battlefield, the fight is already over. Even against AV/GM, Traps can be problematic because everything is breakable. While this is fine for Trip Mine - it's supposed to break - it's less fine for your debuff/buff pseudo-pets that you'd really rather didn't die.


I think there's a place for something like an Arsenal/Traps Controller who plays their own game at their own pace. But I think you'll find such a build frustrating if you join a random task force.

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  • 4 weeks later
On 3/12/2024 at 12:05 AM, Diantane said:

With the long cooldowns on most of your powers, it seems like most of your time would be spent waiting.


It depends on your playstyle, if you plan to stick with the team role of fender and traditionally wait for someone else to hop into each mob first then it will be dull, the traps will be all but useless til you get to the av's. You can make it fun. You play as the tank. Be first to the mob and drop poison trap and acid mortar and everything else and start blasting. Some of them will have recharged by the next mob or the one after. Just pick your mobs. 

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  • 3 months later

Traps is boring to play because more than half the set uses the take a knee animation. Triage, Acid Mortar, Poison Trap, Trip Mine, and Temporal Bomb all use it. Granted you can skip Triage and Trip Mine, but it doesn’t change the fact that watching a character spend 2.77 seconds in the take a knee animation kills immersion. There’s plenty of things to do to maximize minimizing frequent setup, the fold space example is best, but ultimately the most boring aspect of traps is the animations.   

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41 minutes ago, Camelbobsled said:

Traps is boring to play because more than half the set uses the take a knee animation. 

Ugh. So true!


My poor /Traps Corruptor needs a back brace for all the bending and kneeling!


I wish I could have the option to "toss" a bomb that explodes upon impact versus placing a Trip Mine (or Poison Trap) to help speed up the character and give it more variety.

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