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Gadget Control - new Controller/Dominator primary pitch

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So I was eating breakfast this morning and pondering a few things when an idea struck me: A new Controller and Dominator primary set, centered around the use of specialized weapons, gadgets, and devices.  Admittedly, people have suggested new power sets, but rarely control sets, and the concept felt different enough to me from what was already in the game that it couldn't be emulated well, if at all, with existing powers.  So here I hope to explain not only to you, the forum-goer and player, but also the people who run, mod, and update this whole affair that it's not only feasible but doable.


So what is "Gadget Control" and why is it different?


As stated, it's the use of devices and special weapons to disable enemies.  Thematically it's in line with sets like Trick Arrow, Assault Rifle, Traps, and Thugs in the sense that it's more "grounded."  Mutants with mind control powers are standard fare, as are mages conjuring darkness or flame and scientists giving themselves lightning powers or whatever by making coffee using caffeinated water.  If you're just a dude or even sort of good with machines your options are bit more limited depending on how well you can BS it.  With Gadget Control, however, you could have a combat engineer, PPD support, or (with Martial Assault) another take on the Batman archetype.  Plus, y'know, more options is good.


Now here's the tough question: Is this possible?  Can it even be made?


I'm not privy to what can and cannot be done; all I know is that we have people working on modifying a game without the dedicated tools the original developers had.  The only thing I can go on is seeing what was done by them and extrapolating from that.  So to make an entirely new power pool we need three things: Character animations and FX, in-world FX and sounds, and the data for the powers themselves.  There are character animations for side-arm and overhead throws, as well as models and animations for using grenade launchers, and it's been demonstrated in e.g. Atomic Manipulation that existing animations can be repurposed.  Likewise, there's existing in-world graphics for things like gas grenades, flashbangs, web grenades, and so on.  It may take a bit of searching, but in theory, based on what I have seen produced by the current dev team, it's within the realm of practical execution.


This only leaves what the powers do, which is wholly dependent on what direction you want to take the set assuming you're not going for the standard "single-target immob and hold, AoE immob and hold" in which case you've got 4/9ths of it done already.  Knockout gas for a sleep, tear gas for a hold, web grenades for immobilizes, flashbangs for stuns, and so on.  There's enough of a variety of things used against the player to pick from, to be sure.


So there you are: Gadget Control.  A set that fills a conceptual niche and, theoretically, could be made with pre-existing assets.  In conclusion, thank you for coming to my TED talk.

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As a Scrapper main I eat a steady diet of crayons and glue to keep my wits sharp and my reflexes honed.

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If it were just a dominator control set you could use some powers from Traps but I think controllers get Traps. Either those ATs get slightly different versions of the set or the set has to have all new powers which means it would take longer to roll out so I hope if this happens that Doms get it first, then it can get proliferated to Controllers later.

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I agree completely.


We also have Taser animation, which could be a single-target Hold.

There are the Seeker Drones... if the animation can be changed to the Targeting Drone, then we have a ranged control/debuff power with effectively new animation.

There is Oil Slick, and it can be placed in several ways... like Poison Gas Trap, thrown with a Grenade, or shot from a wrist launcher, and used as a knockdown patch.


It would fill the role of a technology-based control set, which right now is hard to manage. Other than Gravity and maybe Electricity, there really isn't much for a technological character.

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First, I enjoy the concept and support the possibility of a Natural/Tech Control set. However, I think it would need a bit more work. Not specifically your ideas, but rather a Tech-themed Control set in general.


Knockout Gas, Flash Grenade, Web Grenades etc. would fit the theme, but without a more tech-y graphic delivery, it sounds more like Grenade Control. Also, it’s a bit tricky because naturally you’d want to pull from Traps (such as for Web Grenade) or even maybe Trick Arrow, but Controllers already have those sets as a secondary, so you’d have to come up with something else.


I think to really work, and to be really unique, most of the powers would need to summon pets to deliver the controls (similar to Seeker Drones), which might not appeal to Dominators, or at least appear to as part of the visual FX (like Targeting Drone appears as separate).


Overall I think it’s definitely something missing from the game, but I also think it’s going to require more than repurposing some existing animations and particle effects.

Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

Some day, the prophecy will be fulfilled; Trick Arrows will be buffed and I will finally be allowed to diehttps://twitter.com/trickshootah

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Gee, I dunno, "Grenade Control" sounds kinda fun!  But I'd want a "real"grenade or two in there.  Seriously though, I'd get a bit tired of grenading my way through the fights, but there are tons of animations we could repurpose for this, seems like.


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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Knockout Gas, Flash Grenade, Web Grenades etc. would fit the theme, but without a more tech-y graphic delivery, it sounds more like Grenade Control. Also, it’s a bit tricky because naturally you’d want to pull from Traps (such as for Web Grenade) or even maybe Trick Arrow, but Controllers already have those sets as a secondary, so you’d have to come up with something else.

The other option would be to lean into it and make it a set based around a Grenade Launcher weapon. Now that we've got a no-redraw option for animations this wouldn't be as problematic as it was on live so you could have a control set where you have a Grenade Launcher that fires various support grenades. The SWAT Grenadier model in game has a Grenade Launcher so that gives a starting point for weapon model and animations.

Defender Smash!

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