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Re-order Logout Window

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It's a minor thing, but something that nags at me every time I switch characters or exit the game. When you use the quit command, you get a pop-up window with three choices for how 'severely' you want to exit:




It always seemed to me that this wasn't ordered properly, with the least severe choice -- logging out back to the character-select screen to switch characters -- sandwiched between the others, which more deeply disconnect you. It's just an ergonomic thing, but I think that 'Quit to Character Select' should be at the top, with 'Quit to Login Screen' below it, and 'Quit to Desktop' at the bottom, where it is now. Comments?

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29 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

I may be misrembering this, but I feel like it used to just be Log Out and Quit to Desktop in the very early legacy days.


You'd be correct.  The "Quit to Login Screen" button wasn't there to begin with.  It was actually added just before Issue 19, in the same patch that converted the Fitness Pool into Inherent powers.




Edited by ZorkNemesis
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Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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Not long ago, I was thinking that, at the very least, they could perhaps just add a bit more space between the buttons. There have been more than a few times when I've aimed for the "Quit to Character Select" button and overshot by a pixel or two, and found myself at the login screen.

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2 hours ago, lemming said:

The question is if it gets re-ordered, how long it will take for people to train themselves to the new order. 😄


It's a good point though.   (And more space would help)

My initial thought was no for this reason

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/e poofgone



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Yeah, I am not going to learn a new order.  It's too ingrained in at this point, and as someone with serious altaholism my first go to is the quit to character select... and when I'm done I can quit to desktop.  The quit to login screen could be removed entirely and I won't notice... but if it's moved to the top (or bottom) of the list, I will become obnoxiously vocal in my complaints about it and curse everyone that had a hand in making it  happen.

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