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2 minutes ago, Krimson said:

There's not much point to soloing Scrapyard unless you are on a Hunter build and no one else is going for it.

There's no limit to summoning him, only the reward has a cd. But yea, not many reasons to solo him other than rep.

3 hours ago, Purple Enchantress said:

We do Ghost of Scrapyard as part of the GM Hunt. If not it's easy enough to take down even with few people. Message me and we can do it anytime.


It's probably posted somewhere obvious but when is the GM Hunt usually? 


1 hour ago, momentarygrace said:


It's probably posted somewhere obvious but when is the GM Hunt usually? 


Haven't made a post yet, but we usually run it after raids (MSR, Hami League), the exception is mondays, we do it right after Adamastor League. If neither works for you we can always do Scrapyard anytime, as mentioned above its a pretty easy one and has no summon limit so there's no reason not to if you need the badge. My global name is the same as here so can message me if you want.

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  • Banjo 1
2 hours ago, Purple Enchantress said:

Haven't made a post yet, but we usually run it after raids (MSR, Hami League), the exception is mondays, we do it right after Adamastor League. If neither works for you we can always do Scrapyard anytime, as mentioned above its a pretty easy one and has no summon limit so there's no reason not to if you need the badge. My global name is the same as here so can message me if you want.




  • 4 months later
Posted (edited)

Welcome back Indom badgers! Here are our badge runs for the month of February!


Details: Original Post Detailing Link

  1. Badge runs will begin on either Saturday or Sunday at [1100 PT / 1200 MT / 1300 CT / 1400 ET] and generally last 1-2 hours total.
  2. No Incarnate Trial or "Master of" content will be ran for these events (this is in order to ensure a reasonable time constraint for all participants)
  3. No speed runs (this is to ensure players get to experience all of the hidden secrets and spoilers without feeling rushed)
  4. First come basis for sign up (this is to ensure fairness and event manageability)
  5. No AT/Powerset combos restrictions (anyone can bring any character, as long as they can meet the badge requirements!)

Please feel free to sign up with your global name and character you want to bring. This month's badge runs will be returning to Saturdays for the events


I am also taking suggestions for badge runs for this month and the month of March. Feel free to comment on any particular badges you want to acquire. I want to make sure I capture everyone's suggestions - so this month has something from everyone!



Saturday, February 1st - Conquering the Labyrinth: This run will consist of collecting all of the badges for the Labyrinth of the Fog raid zone. No special Archetype or builds are required for this run, bring whomever you would like the badge on! Defeats will be likely and we will be going at a leisurely pace, so expect it to take a little over 1 hour. We will meet in the Labyrinth of the Fog zone (via the Midnighter Club) and I'll be there 15 minutes early to start inviting people. We will also be visiting all eight secret rooms across the zone for fun! Note: Due to time, we will NOT be running the Font of Malevolence high score event.



  • badge_i28_accolade_labyrinth.png.d962562e6f30316042f57e3f672b0f27.png 'Conqueror of the Labyrinth' - Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade:
    • Note: Grants: Accolade_LabyrinthCore.png.c0b4c7e6f05510dfe9027063feaca325.png 'Core Attunement' - Self: Teleport between the Labyrinth of Fog's lobby and the Core of the Labyrinth. (Only available from those locations)
  • Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade:
    • badge_i28_defeat_labyrinthminotaur.png.c74549ad507cb9c5653ff6a602340b6d.png 'Slayer of the Minotaur' - Defeat The Minotaur In The Fog to earn this badge.
    • badge_i28_defeat_labyrinthaether.png.3fb1f91f28ba114cc29b815a716ca582.png 'Malevolent Intoxication' - Defeat 5 of the Malevolent Fog pinatas to earn this badge.
    • badge_i28_defeats_fog_gladiators.png.26f41a8a6e46a5e02e180ab1631686f1.png 'Phantom Gladiator' - Defeat 25 Gladiators In The Fog to earn this badge.
    • badge_i28_tourism_labyrinth.png.dbd7e0d19612e434ebd40bf51967aad1.png 'Hidden In Fog' - Locate any of the Labyrinth of Fog's secret areas to earn this badge.
    •  badge_i28_tourism_labyrinth.png.dbd7e0d19612e434ebd40bf51967aad1.png 'Lab Rat' - Cross the maze found in the Endless Colonnade to earn this badge.
    • badge_i28_history_labyrinth.png.c98685c58a818977073f48a5412c70e5.png 'Greek Philosopher' - Discover all five history plaques found in the Core of the Labyrinth to earn this badge.


Sign-Up for Saturday, February 1st, [1100 PT / 1200 MT / 1300 CT / 1400 ET] - Conquering the Labyrinth:

  1. @Glacier Peak Glacier Peak - Ice/Cold Corruptor
  2. @ZamuelNow Ebony Gyro - Elec/Elec Blaster
  3. @Midnyte Midnyte - Dark Melee/Willpower Brute
  4. @FrauleinMental Cosmique - Peacebringer
  5. @Purple Enchantress Winter's Witch - Ice/Cold Corruptor



Saturday, February 8th  - PvP Badge Week!: This run will consist of ALL THE RECLUSE'S VICTORY AV/HERO DEFEAT BADGES! No special Archetype or builds are required for this run, bring whomever you would like the badge on! After we defeat the Archvillains as Heroes/Vigilantes we will need to switch to Villains/Rogues to defeat the Heroes. Based on spawn rates, getting all defeats can take upwards of 2 hours so please plan accordingly. We will meet in Recluse's Victory Hero Base, I'll be there 15 minutes early to start inviting people. 


Badges: Players will need to be Hero/Vigilante alignment for these.

  • File:Badge defeatrecluse.png Arachnophobic: Defeat Lord Recluse in Recluse's Victory
  • Thumbnail for version as of 00:11, 8 May 2020 Wrangler: You have helped defeat Black Scorpion in Recluse's Victory
  • File:Badge defeatghostwidow.png Poltergeist: You have helped defeat Ghost Widow in Recluse's Victory
  • File:Badge defeatscirocco.png Sandblasted: You have helped defeat Scirocco in Recluse's Victory
  • File:Badge defeatmako.png Shark Hunter: You have helped defeat Captain Mako in Recluse's Victory
  • File:Badge defeatrecluse.png Justiciar: Defeat Lord Recluse, Ghost Widow, Captain Mako, Black Scorpion, and Scirocco in Recluse's Victory

Badges: Players will need to be Villain/Rogue alignment for these.

  • File:Badge defeatstatesman.png Oppressor: You have helped defeat Ms. Liberty in Recluse's Victory
  • File:Badge defeatbrawler.png Uppercut: You have helped defeat Back Alley Brawler in Recluse's Victory
  • File:Badge defeatpsyche.png Interrogator: You have helped defeat Penelope Yin in Recluse's Victory
  • File:Badge defeatpositron.png Destroyer: You have helped defeat Positron in Recluse's Victory
  • File:Badge defeatmanticore.png Dead-eye: You have helped defeat Manticore in Recluse's Victory
  • File:Badge defeatsynapse.png Breakneck: You have helped defeat Synapse in Recluse's Victory
  • File:Badge defeatstatesman.png Blackguard: Defeat Ms. Liberty, Manticore, Back Alley Brawler, Positron, Synapse, and Penelope Yin in Recluse's Victory


Sign-Up for February 8th, [1100 PT / 1200 MT / 1300 CT / 1400 ET] - PvP Badge Week!:

  1. @Glacier Peak Glacier Peak - Ice/Cold Corruptor
  2. @icesphere Leviathan 
  3. @FrauleinMental Cosmique - Peacebringer
  4. @Purple Enchantress Winter's Witch - Ice/Cold Corruptor (Redside) / Paragon Exemplar Rad/Rad Tank (Blueside)
  5. @Dr Rad @Chernobyl Fire  Voltic Assassin



Saturday, February 15th  - Villain Mayhem & Hero Safeguard Week! This run will consist of running all of the Mayhem Missions to collect the Exploration Badges needed for the Invader accolade AND all of the Hero Safeguard Missions to collect the Exploration Badges needed for the Stouthearted accolade. No special Archetype or builds are required for this run, bring whomever you would like the badge on and switch characters as desired! Note: The Invader badge is only awarded to characters of the villain or rogue alignments. Although credit for this badge may be earned by heroes or vigilantes, the badge will not be awarded to a character until they change alignment. After we complete the Villain accolade Invader (might take 30 minutes total), we will switch alignment and work on the Hero Safeguard Exploration Badges to get the Stouthearted accolade. Note: The Stouthearted badge is only awarded to characters of the Hero or Vigilante alignments. Although credit for this badge may be earned by villains or rogues, the badge will not be awarded to a character until they change alignment.



  • V_badge_MayhemInvader.png Invader Badge: Collect all of the Mayhem Mission Exploration Badges. 
    • V_badge_TourismBadge.png Global Threat Badge: Atlas Park Mayhem Mission [(1542.0, 0.0, 659.0]
    • V_badge_TourismBadge.png King Maker Badge: Kings Row Mayhem Mission [-249.0, -42.0, -2518.0]
    • V_badge_TourismBadge.png Road Raged Badge: Skyway City Mayhem Mission [-648.0, -42.0, -4031.0]
    • V_badge_TourismBadge.png Steel Worker Badge: Steel Canyon Mayhem Mission [-4599.0, 0.0, 1498.0]
    • V_badge_TourismBadge.png Tyrannical Badge: Independence Port Mayhem Mission [-1210.0, -23.1, -2706.0]
    • V_badge_TourismBadge.png Talon of Talos Badge: Talos Island Mayhem Mission [-1441.0, 160.0, 6876.0]
    • V_badge_TourismBadge.png Brickhouse Badge: Brickstown Mayhem Mission [-161.0, 0.0, -147.0]
    • V_badge_TourismBadge.png Anarchist Badge: Founder's Falls Mayhem Mission [3807.0, 0.0, 2692.0]
    • V_badge_TourismBadge.png Gate Crasher Badge: Peregrine Island Mayhem Mission [-1154.0, 0.3, -3078.0]
  • Badge_SafeG_StoutHearted.png Stouthearted Badge: Collect all of the Safeguard Mission Exploration Badges.
    • Badge_tourist_01.png Heart of the City Badge: Atlas Park Safeguard mission, east of entrance. [1499.0, 0.0, -399.0]
    • Badge_tourist_01.png King's Righteousness Badge: Kings Row Safeguard mission, near southwest corner. [672.0, -42.0, -2348.0]
    • Badge_tourist_01.png Courage Driven Badge: Skyway City Safeguard mission, southeastern side. [-944.5, 0.0, -3552.0]
    • Badge_tourist_01.png Freedom's Defender Badge: Steel Canyon Safeguard mission, central western part. [-4255.0, 0.0, 1129.0]
    • Badge_tourist_01.png Honorable Captain Badge: Independence Port Safeguard mission, northeast side. [-1948.0, 0.0, -3172.5]
    • Badge_tourist_01.png Talos' Might Badge: Talos Island Safeguard mission, middle of northernmost alley between stores. [-1451.5, 160.0, 6740.0]
    • Badge_tourist_01.png Cornerstone Badge: Brickstown Safeguard mission, northeast corner. [-406.0, 0.0, -129.0]
    • Badge_tourist_01.png Founders' Protector Badge: Founders' Falls Safeguard mission, north side. [3233.0, 0.0, 2055.5]
    • Badge_tourist_01.png Gatekeeper Badge: Peregrine Island Safeguard mission, southeast of Blackwell store. [-636.0, 0.0, -2867.0]


Sign-Up for February 15th, [1100 PT / 1200 MT / 1300 CT / 1400 ET] -  Villain Mayhem & Hero Safeguard Week!

  1. @Glacier Peak Glacier Peak - Ice/Cold Corruptor
  2. @FrauleinMental Cosmique - Peacebringer



Saturday, February 22 - BYE WEEK - No Weekly Indomitable Badge Run this week due to RL schedule



Edited by Glacier Peak

You could do the Mayhem/Safeguard exploration badges.  The Mayhem one is needed for the villain side accolade.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Milrop said:

You could do the Mayhem/Safeguard exploration badges.  The Mayhem one is needed for the villain side accolade.

I like it! I've got a character with the Villain contact who let's you pick any Mayhem and the same goes for the Hero npc.

3 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

I like it! I've got a character with the Villain contact who let's you pick any Mayhem and the same goes for the Hero npc.

At least one of my chars has both contacts.   And they're quick to get as well if anyone wants to.  Couple different methods available.

  • Thumbs Up 1
On 1/20/2025 at 3:55 PM, Glacier Peak said:

I am also taking suggestions for badge runs for this month and the month of March.


I'd be up for some of the badges associated with they Rogue/Vig. alignment contacts like Shauna Braun or John Houston.

  • Like 1
On 1/20/2025 at 3:55 PM, Glacier Peak said:

Sign-Up for Saturday, February 1st, [1100 PT / 1200 MT / 1300 CT / 1400 ET] - Conquering the Labyrinth: 


For week #1, I'll bring Midnyte - Dark Melee/Willpower Brute



  • Like 1
On 1/20/2025 at 3:55 PM, Glacier Peak said:

Saturday, February 1st - Conquering the Labyrinth: This run will consist of collecting all of the badges for the Labyrinth of the Fog raid zone. No special Archetype or builds are required for this run, bring whomever you would like the badge on! Defeats will be likely and we will be going at a leisurely pace, so expect it to take a little over 1 hour.


I hope to be there with Nox - Fortunata.


On 1/20/2025 at 3:55 PM, Glacier Peak said:

Saturday, February 15th  - Villain Mayhem & Hero Safeguard Week! This run will consist of running all of the Mayhem Missions to collect the Exploration Badges needed for the Invader accolade AND all of the Hero Safeguard Missions to collect the Exploration Badges needed for the Stouthearted accolade.


And I'll try to stop by the Safeguard portion with Commenticia - Illusion/FF Controller.



Attention all; I need to cancel these two weekly runs that were originally scheduled to due to real life circumstance. I apologize for the inconvenience. I will notify you when future iterations will be ran.


Sign-Up for Saturday, February 1st, [1100 PT / 1200 MT / 1300 CT / 1400 ET] - Conquering the Labyrinth:

  1. @ZamuelNow Ebony Gyro - Elec/Elec Blaster
  2. @Midnyte Midnyte - Dark Melee/Willpower Brute
  3. @FrauleinMental Cosmique - Peacebringer
  4. @Purple Enchantress Winter's Witch - Ice/Cold Corruptor


Sign-Up for February 8th, [1100 PT / 1200 MT / 1300 CT / 1400 ET] - PvP Badge Week!:

  1. @icesphere Leviathan 
  2. @FrauleinMental Cosmique - Peacebringer
  3. @Purple Enchantress Winter's Witch - Ice/Cold Corruptor (Redside) / Paragon Exemplar Rad/Rad Tank (Blueside)
  4. @Dr Rad @Chernobyl Fire  Voltic Assassin
  • Sad 4

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