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Looking for a non-busy ranged combo to play.

The Time Witch

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Hello all, thanks to those who helped me find my new favorite melee character (DM/SR brute) but now I'm looking to make a ranged.


Here is my problem: I have declining function in my reaction times and hand-eye coordination and I find it incredibly hard to keep up with too many buttons. I am fine with attacks, but weaving in most buffs that are timed, focusing on other players, etc is hard. Which brings me to my question:


Is there a ranged combo that would be easy for me to play? I am liking SR. So maybe some sort of SR sentinel? If so, what's a non-busy ranged blast?


Any help would be appreciated!



The Time Witch

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The easiest for a Support Blasty AT ?
+ Top recommendation would definitely be a Forcefield. These come in Defender/Corruptor/Controller/Mastermind flavours; and of those Defender and Corruptor are the most "Blasty". As long as you keep your various Toggles running; really the only thing you need to do is press 2-3 buttons at least once every 4 minutes (Power Boost or Power Build Up whenever you get access to it at level 35+; plus the two allied Bubbles Deflection Shield and Insulation Shield) and you'll be set. "Damping Bubble" (a buff/debuff patch that needs recast once every 45 seconds when fighting very tough targets) and "Force Bomb" (a glorified AoE attack that inflicts a 30-second duration -resistance debuff) are the cherries on top. FF also has mez protection that affects the player (Dispersion Bubble) and a "Panic Button" in Personal Force Field.
+ Sonic Resonance is an obvious alternative. It buffs +Resistance rather than +Defence but otherwise playing extremely similarly to FF. However you will get hit more often and because -resistance debuffs are so valuable your teammates may also expect you to spam Sonic Siphon (a single target resistance debuff) more than you'd be comfortable with. 
+ If you're OK with a little bit more hands-on buffing/debuffing then look at Cold Domination. Compared to FF it has two very similar once-every-four-minute bubbles (although they don't work with Power Boost/Build Up) and three important long-duration buffs/debuffs in Benumb (30s), Sleet (45s or less) and Heat Loss (90s). Sleet is the thing you'll be expected to be using the most regularly; but they are all used proactively so none of them require you to press buttons with anything remotely close to split second precision. Snow Storm (a Toggle Slow/Recharge Debuff) can be used a little more actively, but most of the time you can get by without using it. Frostwork (a 120s duration Allied +MaxHP Buff) is completely proactive and much less important; many builds (particularly Corruptors) even skip it entirely.

The easiest for a Pure Blasting AT?
+ Likely a Sentinel. For the secondary powerset you'll probably want a Defense based one with mostly Toggles/Autos. You could certainly reuse /SR (and using either Dark Blast or Water Blast would give you some regular self-healing)... alternatives would be Energy Aura, Ninjitsu, Stone, Ice or Invulnerability. For the primary powerset, traditionally Fire, Ice and Elec Blast are the gotos for decent damage with little/no complex chaining mechanics; and Ice Blast also works a smidge better than you might expect on a Sentinel due to all the extra Damage Procs it can fit... but honestly just pick whatever you like the look of.

...or as a completely different idea: Have you considered a VEAT? Some Widow (Fortuna) builds play very similar to an "/SR Sentinel" with better range, more control, and just one clicky buff every 90s (Mind Link) that you need to worry about. And they also provide substantial buffs to Teammate Defence, ToHit and Damage as well.

Very non-optimized example build - zArachnos Fortunata.mbd
(Ignore the Melee Defense value being higher than the rest; that's just my own preferences showing. However do note their hefty SR-like damage resistance scaling - displayed below at 100% HP and 25% HP. The actual figures in-game will differ a smidge due to the Reactive Defenses IO also giving a bigger buff as your HP drops; which Mids ignores!)
image.png.0b7fa99f7f6c0941606d05adf04251b6.png image.png.2dd74e638e5497e5c49752b651694a2b.png

Edited by Maelwys
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3 minutes ago, The Time Witch said:

I'm liking the idea of ice/Sr do you happen to have a build that'll grow with me as I make influence? I can't farm but I can ouroboros for merits

I made this one, but I only played it to low level. I'm working on putting it on the Beta server and playing the final version there. Note, I would grab Ice Bolt early and respec out of it once you get the other blasts. There's no purples so it is on the cheaper side. I use the Sorcery pool so they were essentially done as a Ice wizard/sorcerer. 



Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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37 minutes ago, kelika2 said:

rifle energy blaster


I try to avoid blaster as I can't react well when I get messed.

38 minutes ago, Without_Pause said:

I made this one, but I only played it to low level. I'm working on putting it on the Beta server and playing the final version there. Note, I would grab Ice Bolt early and respec out of it once you get the other blasts. There's no purples so it is on the cheaper side. I use the Sorcery pool so they were essentially done as a Ice wizard/sorcerer. 




Thank you so much I am eager to try this out!

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8 hours ago, Without_Pause said:

I made this one, but I only played it to low level. I'm working on putting it on the Beta server and playing the final version there. Note, I would grab Ice Bolt early and respec out of it once you get the other blasts. There's no purples so it is on the cheaper side. I use the Sorcery pool so they were essentially done as a Ice wizard/sorcerer. 




I cant get this to work in mids could someone please post the file?

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2 hours ago, The Time Witch said:


I cant get this to work in mids could someone please post the file?

Sent file via PM.

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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On 9/19/2024 at 5:11 AM, The Time Witch said:

Hello all, thanks to those who helped me find my new favorite melee character (DM/SR brute) but now I'm looking to make a ranged.


Here is my problem: I have declining function in my reaction times and hand-eye coordination and I find it incredibly hard to keep up with too many buttons. I am fine with attacks, but weaving in most buffs that are timed, focusing on other players, etc is hard. Which brings me to my question:


Is there a ranged combo that would be easy for me to play? I am liking SR. So maybe some sort of SR sentinel? If so, what's a non-busy ranged blast?


Any help would be appreciated!



The Time Witch


Try this out? 


Corruptor (Seismic Blast - Sonic Resonance).mbd



If your not in a team. Your only just attacking really. If in a team, toss out buffs and stand near with your Sonic Bubble and sorta pay attention.

Edited by JJDrakken
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I have significant reservations about that build. I can do at least a partial breakdown if need be when I have the time.

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Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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On 9/19/2024 at 11:11 AM, kelika2 said:

rifle energy blaster


My mind went there, but because of the Disintegration mechanic and the general lack of AoE I would think Beam Rifle is one of the least "non-busy" ranged attack choices. I suppose a lot depends on what the spawn size is set to. I like my BR (non-Blasters over Blasters) characters, but I find myself toggling between targets and trying to maximize the output of the BR attacks.

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15 minutes ago, Gobbledigook said:

A ranged only Fortunata.

Elec blast/SR Sentinel

Mercs/FF MM could work. Don't bother attacking, just direct the pets and a few buffs.

Ice or Beam rifle/Devices Blaster and stand at the back.


I would love to do a ranged only fortunata but they are so incredibly expensive 

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25 minutes ago, tidge said:


My mind went there, but because of the Disintegration mechanic and the general lack of AoE I would think Beam Rifle is one of the least "non-busy" ranged attack choices. I suppose a lot depends on what the spawn size is set to. I like my BR (non-Blasters over Blasters) characters, but I find myself toggling between targets and trying to maximize the output of the BR attacks.

no, seriously, the beam is vicious on a blaster.  because you can just relax at a distance of 80-120 feet from targets and plink tin cans.  gets so easy when it is 1-2 hard targets.  but even your nuke on a group is from "way back there"  forget mechanics and just DPS  



Blaster Beam Temporal Munitions w ach.mxd

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My comment on Blaster BR is more like "damning with faint praise". I find Beam Rifle to be a perfectly serviceable primary for Blasters, with the following caveats:

  • For Blasters, my experience has been that it has generally longer clear times on xN content, compared to most other Blaster primaries
  • I find it hard to maximize the utility of whatever the Blaster secondary (usually because power picks don't offer synergy with the BR attacks) is when paired with Beam Rifle

In contrast, my BR Defender could lean hard into the secondary effects of BR attacks (Beam Rifle as Secondary), and also go strong on the Defender Buff/Debuffs to act as a force multiplier while also plinking away. The odd (MMV) choice I made with the Defender was that because there is less need (IMO) to pick low level Defender primary powers ASAP, I could pick more of the BR attacks (which have useful debuffs). So the Defender ended up with more Beam pew-pew than the Blaster!


The BR Sentinel gets the chain attack (so single-target but secondary AoE), and can pick a secondary that can essentially be treated as set-and-forget. I found that I didn't have to put much thought into how to leverage power picks for the BR Sentinel's secondary, whereas with a BR Blaster I had to juggle choice on which powers, how to leverage them, and how to slot them.

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1 hour ago, Snarky said:

no, seriously, the beam is vicious on a blaster.  because you can just relax at a distance of 80-120 feet from targets and plink tin cans.  gets so easy when it is 1-2 hard targets.  but even your nuke on a group is from "way back there"  forget mechanics and just DPS  



Blaster Beam Temporal Munitions w ach.mxd 4.8 kB · 1 download


I will try this out thanks!



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On 9/19/2024 at 8:10 AM, Maelwys said:

The easiest for a Pure Blasting AT?
For the primary powerset, traditionally Fire, Ice and Elec Blast are the gotos for decent damage with little/no complex chaining mechanics; and Ice Blast also works a smidge better than you might expect on a Sentinel due to all the extra Damage Procs it can fit... but honestly just pick whatever you like the look of.

I want to make a correction here that Ice Blast on Sentinels is absolutely not a good set like it is on other ATs. This is due to Freezing Ray being replaced by a very weak power called Chilling Ray, which has far lower DPA (64% lower to be exact) and changes the secondary mezz effect to Sleep (which means limited proc choices). Freezing Ray on other ATs is a Hold, which lets it slot a bajillion different super powerful procs and you can stack that Hold effect with another power in the same set. 


Furthermore, Chilling Ray's Sleep is autohit but the damage is not, which can mess with the accuracy of your other attack powers due to breaking the streakbreaker mechanic. 

Edited by FupDup

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3 hours ago, tidge said:

My mind went there, but because of the Disintegration mechanic and the general lack of AoE I would think Beam Rifle is one of the least "non-busy" ranged attack choices. I suppose a lot depends on what the spawn size is set to. I like my BR (non-Blasters over Blasters) characters, but I find myself toggling between targets and trying to maximize the output of the BR attacks.


I've thought about Beam Rifle quite a bit.  Currently have a BR/Devices Blaster and a Time/BR Defender (who needs a new build).


Beam Rifle is weird.  Best ST chains don't use the T1 or T2 (on non-Sentinels).


Gotta enhance Cutting Beam's range, probably a full 6-set of Artillery.


Wondering about going for a Beam Rifle Sentinel, as it gets a sort-of AoE Power instead of the Snipe.

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