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Blazing Blast's bug?


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I went to Justin to test since I had a fire character there. It's still doing 5 ticks of damage instead of 13. Is this still so bad that we might as well take the T2 since it has a better DPA? @GM Widower

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Indeed, it's still bugged. Fire Blast does the same damage with a faster animation (1.452s vs 1.848s), half the endurance cost and a third of the recharge.


Blazing Bolt's main advantage lies in the tiny duration mag4 hold (drops enemy toggles) and KB+repel effect. It's easy to keep a boss on his butt with just BB.

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I have a feeling devs aren't even aware of this bug. I'm not sure all that many eyes look into the Archetype forums (save for us fanatics 😉  ), and that one thread in Bug Reports often got bumped out of the way by more popular issues.

Perhaps we should have a consolidated Bug Report thread for all Sentinel issues. There's a fair number of small mistakes resulting from powerset copypaste, and it might increase visibility to group everything in one topic.

Edited by nihilii
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1 hour ago, nihilii said:

I have a feeling devs aren't even aware of this bug. I'm not sure all that many eyes look into the Archetype forums (save for us fanatics 😉  ), and that one thread in Bug Reports often got bumped out of the way by more popular issues.

Perhaps we should have a consolidated Bug Report thread for all Sentinel issues. There's a fair number of small mistakes resulting from powerset copypaste, and it might increase visibility to group everything in one topic.

That would be smarter. After browsing the bug forums with so many but so many posted bugs with few views and no replies I wonder how many of these have officially been acknowledged.

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Electric Blast - Voltaic Sentinel still isn't fixed either.  There are two versions:

Defenders have one with lower damage and slightly more end drain (at max level 35.59 damage, -6% end),

Corrupter/blaster/dom all have the exact same higher damage version with slightly less end drain (at max level 44.49 dmg , -5% end). 


Sentinels got the defender version, which logically makes little sense.  I originally posted it here and a mod actually moved my post to the bug forum without me asking, so I took that as acknowledgement it is a bug anyway.   

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