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fancy ketchup

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Everything posted by fancy ketchup

  1. Reminds me a bit of pain domination with the +damage where you wouldn't expect it.. some say that the best defense is a good offense.. I like that existing along side regen as empathy exists along with pain dom.. it may be tricky keeping this from becoming overpowered/ overused.
  2. I assume togas will be required to attend.
  3. Variations of flabby would be nice.. If not doable in the scaling body type..would a beerbelly outfit work? I really want to make Dr. Lovehandles.
  4. I agree with the above.. I imagine whatever he decides you can choose an archtype that helps make his mistakes less face planty. Melee or blaster IMO.
  5. My favorite I recall was when a couple trolls were standing around in skyway and one just says to the other, "You wanna go out for a burrito after this?"
  6. Right? I wouldn't say it "works" for the devouring earth but now that I think of it.. They already do this lol
  7. We all regenerate to some extent. Wounds heal. I dont think homecoming should adhere to marvels standards or anyones definition per se. I like worms.. you cut them up and you have two,three or four. They regenerate. Wheres my worm power? I want 3 smaller versions of myself fighting.
  8. I use dp after a few hits because im a cheap bastard in regards to health/hp.. all that aside I brought this up with GM_Bot but he told me he was busy nerfing regen atm..
  9. Whatever happens (if something ever happens).. I'm not for any status protection woes. It already takes a hit in that department IMO and I work around it with incarnates/ power pools/ IOs. I mean if it takes a hit tho.. I would probably still play it and I'll find a way around it. 😁 I enjoy the set.
  10. If you are planning to dabble in melee i suggest ice, dark armor or regen if you are really looking for something different. I found all to be a fun alternative to the set it and forget it type.
  11. You can go outside the geometry of the round room at the Midnighters Club by flying up from the round table to the sky light. Also in Brickstown the large tank overlaps this ledge. I believe it was approx. 420 yrds south of the Abyss Towers. Apologies I'll add specific map coordinates in the future.
  12. If you wait long enough you will notice at the end of the day, most of the contacts will sneak into the dry cleaners when no one else is around to collect their pay.
  13. They can kill you with mind bullets but they havent learned how to use an elevator...
  14. I love this idea! If you ever plan one - I imagine if you spam the normal raids about the event for a few days it would be packed. There is a pretty solid core group of weirdos on excelsior that I imagine would be into it. Thanks for the info. I'll have to move a toon to that server and check it out.. the tricky part is staying up late enough for me. Zerg is quick so if it works, its a win. If it fails its still a win for me lol. Kind of funny how that works out. 😆
  15. Glad you were there @Dazl I dont normally bring my troller so good to have your guidance and yea I suddenly realize im an idiot lol each bloom happens at 25%,50%,75% dependant on how many waves you clear. So a quad bloom is when you are trying to zerg push from 100%without stopping once and you get hami down past 25% and the poop hit the fan correct? Team wipes and greens regen hami back up? For some reason I thought the blooms happened at 75,50,25 depending on how many you cleared and didnt bloom again till the end when things get weird lol. Honestly I like it weird (no pun intended, ok maybe i just wanted to say it..) but I wouldnt mind trying a quadruple bloom as sick as it may sound. A little death never killed anyone..
  16. At midnight we cleared a hami triple bloom on Excelsior. I believe the leader was magma phoenician(?).. Dazi and I believe i saw frosty there as well alting..took quite a while and we wiped half way through.. It was a lot of fun though and it kind of made me wonder how often is this done. I don't believe I have been in a league that has seen this through. Ive seen screens of a quadrouple bloom clearing. Can blooms just keep coming? I realize living long enough to cause a quad bloom is alot on its own. Also did anyone get any screensots?
  17. Never had that happen. You said the name is unique maybe see if it is available in the character creator? Or moved to another server and forgot?
  18. Wait all taunts are auto hit or just auras?.. the fact that you can slot accuracy in taunt with ios (that arent pvp sets) led me to believe i needed accuracy. 😮 I remember slotting it on live before pvp ..
  19. What about Mourning Star, mourning the loss of his name Morning Star. Or Good Morning Star but then you need him to drink coffee and donuts and wear pajamas.
  20. I can see where you're coming from. The old hyphen trick isnt fooling anyone lol. I doubt they put any thought into what the original Apache might think and that's something to be mindful of when selecting names. I played another game where I was away for months at a time but would always come back. My skills would get super akward and i would often get mistaken for a bot.. since there was no global, upon returning all my old friends would always yell at me. "You're not the real potato you faker!" Sometimes I would play into it and pretend to be a fake me.. but I assure you I am 100% potato.
  21. I have a defender named Pepto Bisman who ran into Pepto Bismol. He chuckled that he had a fan as he was lvl 50, I was just starting out doing a DFB.. this was literally the first toon I made so I could not have known him- but I was grateful he didn't get weird about it. If I were in his seat I may think the same thing.. Sometimes it just kind of happens, two people come up with a similar idea.. and if it irks you I say challenge them to a duel. Winner takes name! (Just make sure you only do this if you are significantly more powerful) 😀
  22. I could see that.. in fact I already gave away a quarter of it to a very good friend that has helped me a lot in the game. I dont have ms paint or oil paint but i did get an honerable mention in my third grade art show so I assume I will maybe make something that is significantly slighly better than average if I get lucky. in all honesty tho my plan is to go small. My motto is "go small or give up!" Cuz I definitely dont have spare time or the technical abilities to make it amazing. I'm not much for hanging out outside of mishes but I'll have to check that out. And contemplate other ideas... There is something really cozy about the idea of an evil lair in a burning garbage dump on top of a nuclear disaster cleanup site.
  23. Now I hadn't even thought about making my own.. I like that and I may try. Yea as I am approaching the end of this arc I am really starting to enjoy some of the mishes/story but half of the mishes are your typical grey/red/black chain link fence/batting cages in the dark. I have a hard time navagating some of these and missing openings in the fences when they go up..might just be me being stupid or my computer screen but its not much to look at either way. I'll take a cave over these any day.
  24. See now that sounds like a good time! XD
  25. If not are you going to go to the thrift store for a new gaming computer? That would be a change 😄
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