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  1. What would yall say combos well with /Sonic? I feel like -res debuffing dominator could be something
  2. I find corruptor and dominator together are really fun!
  3. Necroing this because it would still be cool to get this 🙂
  4. Hey yall, Thanks for all the advice. This is where the build is at now, and unless there is anything else yall come up with I will get to building this in game. The only part I was really torn on was whether to take slots from Darkest Night (and just end redux IO it) or not. But the 7% extra debuff maybe will help? It is hard for me to tell due to lack of experience 😀 Again! Thanks so much. I learned a lot. Nekhbet - Corruptor (Fire Blast) - Updated.mbd
  5. Ahhh I put Touch Of The Nictus in because I can't read, so I meant the Nictus proc there. Panacea makes more sense for sure lmao. I will probably slot Nictus for now because it is so much cheaper, and then upgrade if desired. As for Rain of Fire, are you saying 5 slot it instead of 6 slot it? Sad!!! It seemed so fun haha How much Accuracy would you say is needed for Fearsome Stare to work well? I do love that power. I leveled using Fire Breath and it really didn't feel great to use. I know Annihilation proc works well in it, but as of now I will eschew it. Thank you guys so much!
  6. Wow! Thank you guys. @Wimbochismo I have reworked the build based on your advise. I have dropped Hoarfrost as a glorified inspiration sounds... less cool to me. I now have Evasive Maneuvers as you recommended. I also love that Twilight Grasp slotting, I would have NEVER thought to try that. Plus the extra endurance proc in there will be nice I am sure! I have 6 slotted Fire Blast now. I am interested in the 3 slotted Decimation to go with the 3 slotted ATO. This makes sense in my head as the random extra build up procs will probably be nice? Maybe I am undervaluing the 2% ranged defense I would get with the recommended Thunderstrike 3 slotting. What are your thoughts on using 3 Annihilations in Rain Of Fire with the 3 ATOs? I know that pseudo pets do not proc super well, but the set bonuses looked good and I was running in to enhancement diversification limits big time with the Artillery set. Maybe again I am undervaluing 0.9% ranged defense.. but stacking this mildly inconsistent res debuff with Tar Patch sounds intriguing.. As for 6 slotting Shadows Fall... enhancing the resistance given that it is only Energy and Negative energy feels like a big slot tax. Am I missing something here? Or is that more valuable than I would initially think. I do love that power though, and I don't want to under-utilize it! haha the perception unique was not a miselect.. it was definitely an uneducated-select though! And are you saying Gaussians should be here instead of in Aim? Maybe it is user error, but +5ing IOs feels really inconsistent! I am struggling to make it do it when I want to haha. Reading back over this.. it seems I am basically considering trading like 3% ranged defense total for more flashy enhancements. I certainly don't want to be squishy and dead all the time! Thank you guys for the guidance 🙂
  7. Hey guys, I tried to build this from the ground up as an exercise in learning. This character is my main, and I am ready to have my build evaluated and improved as I am sure there are some blind spots here. I also have an absolute load of merits on this character that I would like to use to make it better. I am really liking what Ice Mastery is bringing to the table here with the Build Up, Hoarfrost, and Ice Elemental. I would like to keep those, but I am open to arguments against them. It's fun having the Dark Servant and Ice Elemental running about.. it gives a bit of different flavor to the build. I know I am just short of the defense softcap, but I figured that all my -tohit from Dark Miasma would help there. Thank you for your time! Nekhbet - Corruptor (Fire Blast).mbd
  8. mine is an eco terrorist
  9. @nehkbet on excel!
  10. it’s been an absolute blast leveling my grav/earth dom. singy porting is the way and i don’t even have enflame (fold space instead)
  11. Power Up doesn’t seem to affect Link Minds either 😞
  12. level 14 travel powers was good. wish they hadn’t changed that on live
  13. how do you set up shift + Lclick for teleport?:)
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