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Everything posted by Warlawk

  1. The biggest problem with this is that scrapper /FA doesn't have a taunt aura so you can't really leverage your AOE very well, once you throw down burn the mobs will just scatter. If this is tha character you want to play, you should play it but be aware going in that it's not going to do well in a farming scenario because of that. The link in my sig is very brute centric but does have a lot of slotting you can look at and some good information in general about farming.
  2. I hear text without context is great for making that perfectly clear, not like most of my posts incorporate humor (self depreciating and otherwise) or even memes just a few posts up, clearly I just have no sense of humor. Frankly, the only other time I've read your posts was the BS/SD thread when you misinterpreted things and got all snotty while insulting an entire server (TorchBEARER btw, Torchlight is a different game) as being elitists. You came in here and started misinterpreting things and making comments that would be snotty in that context. *shrug* The first of your posts I read was unpleasant and then your commentary here appeared to be the same while adding nothing productive to the subject of the thread. If you have a question or something constructive to add, feel free. Otherwise as a guide thread please try to keep the unrelated chatter to a minimum.
  3. Yeah, probably doesn't make much sense if you didn't actually read the post indicating that EVERYTHING on these farmer tests is run by a simple mouse macro, and it's not an attack chain but rather the order they are put on the bar to be used in. Winter enhancements aren't drops, which is what he was talking about, so I kind of doubt that's the case here.
  4. I went a little different way for mine. Combo-casting Power Boost with Farsight gives an extra 6% defense and 5% tohit for the duration of Farsight which is amazing. It also features a -tohit damage proc in lich which lets him contribute a bit of damage as well as both a damage proc and Achilles heel -res proc in grave knights. I can't match your T4 pet though! 😂
  5. The farming thread in my sig has both a dedicated fire farm claws/FA build and a general content build both of which can farm over 2.1million inf/minute in a solo run. I agree that Claws is a damned solid choice that doesn't get much attention.
  6. @Werner To tag people just start with the @ and start typing their user name. It should give you a drop down right in the text entry field that will have people matching that name. EZ Welcome to the wonderful world of farming! The thread Werner linked is also in my signature. It has a bunch of builds for a lot of different primary sets but more importantly it has a bunch of tips, trick macros and other goodies in there. The thread is absolutely a community work and has been refined and expanded with information gleaned from the forums and discord. If you have any questions feel free to hit me up!
  7. Taken from the Tanker focused feedback thread My anecdotal experience from playing the game is that while leveling, players with significant IO set bonuses are in the minority by a wide margin. People who want to advance their character at level 50 are a different breed but for leveling builds... most people don't bother in my experience. The problem is, that majority of players are also not the ones who are going to come to the forums and end up arguing their stance in a suggestions, likely not visiting the forums at all.
  8. I'm not going to deep dive into the numbers on the damage increases because frankly I haven't tested them enough to speak with authority. I will say that tanks need the scalar increase, damage cap could be tweaked perhaps but being able to solo well is an important part of functionality for myself and many others. People seem very eager to give tanks a unique and niche appropriate ability within groups which is very understandable, but we need to be mindful of the fact that at the moment the AT will not be getting a redesign from the ground up. Suggestions which incorporate existing mechanics in new and interesting ways for Tankers are far more likely to see implementation. On that note, I do have an idea to propose for consideration. @Captain Powerhouse How viable would it be to give tankers a team affecting proc built into Gauntlet? The one I would love to see is a 15' radius 0.5 second duration Break Free on attack with a cooldown of maybe 10 seconds. In this way sticking close to your tank means that he can break you free from being locked down (Damn you Malta! *shakes fist angrily*!). No lingering effect so it's not going to offer any sort of blanket immunity but rather offer a reactive solution for allies who have put themselves in danger next to the tanker. A less attractive but perhaps slightly more balanced option would be a small absorb shield (does not affect caster?) tied to gauntlet triggers. Again a 15' radius, non stacking with perhaps a 10 second duration. This is not intended to provide a massive damage shield to the team on a long term basis but rather immediate protection to those brave enough to dive into the fray alongside their fearless leader! I do not know the viability of adding something like this, but it very much plays to the class fantasy of a tanker without stepping on too many toes and uses already existing effects that can (hopefully) be tied directly to the Gauntlet trigger so that a change wouldn't have to be added to each individual attack power.
  9. Last time I joined a group (mid 30s) 2 of 8 had IO sets slotted, everyone else had zero set bonuses. Those people aren't the ones coming into these threads and arguing their points endlessly so it's very easy to forget that they represent a large portion (if not the outright majority) of the player base.
  10. If you just look at FF it's fine. It does its job. Almost every set in the game works that way. If you look at FF in comparison to other support sets that do similar things, it's pretty terrible.
  11. MM Henchmen had serious survivability issues so the pet defense/resisit aura IOs were added to help alleviate that. Over time this has come to be 6 IOs worth of defensive boost. While this is a bit of slot tax, more importantly they can only be slotted into pet powers. Some MM sets have an extra pet power that allows them to mule these IOs without taking up slots in the Henchmen themselves. This creates an issue where 3 sets have much more freedom for slotting their pets than the other sets do. Since the summon powers are going to be the VAST majority of the damage for your character having 6 of 18 slots locked out is pretty rough. @Twintania (Everfreefire in Discord) gave this suggestion and I think it could go a long way in easing some pressure. Simply change the flagging on the Upgrade powers in the primary to allow pet damage, ATO and Recharge intensive pet IO sets to be slotted there. This would retain the tax slot aspect so as not cause major power creep while still helping some of the low performing sets. An additional related change would be making the aura radius uniform across the auras. Having everything match the Supremacy radius of 60' would go a long way in keeping pets from instantly dying when they move around a bit. It would reward MMs who keep a good leash on their pets with higher survivability.
  12. As the proprietor of the Farm Fresh builds thread in guides and an active farmer and brute player in general... no panic attacks, this is the first time I've ever been excited about potentially rolling a tanker. Shaking up the meta without changing the core gameplay or fantasy of the AT is amazing and very welcome. I think the biggest issue in this thread is that there is very little focus on the changes that are being tested. This thread is not asking for suggestions of alternate changes. The AT is not going to be drastically changed or reworked. Give feedback on the proposed changes and take the suggestions for reworks and completely different concepts to the suggestion forum. The little bit of constructive on topic feedback is buried in waves of salt. If the current tanker doesn't match your class fantasy of what a tanker should be, then make some suggestions, but this thread is not the place for that. CoH has never been balanced, it doesn't need to be balanced. It's a super hero game and people should be heroic. Most of the people who object to the damage seem to do so on the basis that it doesn't fit the role of what a tanker should do. That's bias from gaming and MMOs more specifically. Look at the source material, look at the comic books and movies. Tanker types are usually the ones punching people into orbit, not flailing ineffectively while they make everyone mad at them. Please, let's not turn CoH into just another MMO by adhering to roles and concepts made mainstream there. CoH is different, and that's good.
  13. Or... you know, don't. 200 merits in an hour is something like 8 times the intended rate. It's easier than it ever has been to fund alts, ruining a cool event by allowing it to be brute forced down by three times the intended number of people is completely unneeded.
  14. I believe there was a Merc/Storm MM that got down around 60 seconds for a pylon kill (I want to say 63 seconds) but that sure as hell doesn't make either of those sets particularly good on MMs, it just means there is a single niche where the mechanics of those sets leverage interactions with IOs and Incarnates to ludicrous levels. That's all pylon testing is, and TW just happens to be particularly good at that very specific niche. Rend armor to open (with scrapper ato+50% proc) and you're away to the races. TW is a great set, and certainly a powerful one, but I don't think it needs a nerf by any means. I have one, I don't play it much. I see them around, but not as often as I see some of the more iconic sets like SS so they aren't exactly taking over the game. I've never seen anyone complain in a group about feeling left behind by how amazing someone else's character is. It's popular but far from dominant. Pylon times mean nothing to actual game play, don't use them to call for nerfs. Better yet, don't call for nerfs but absolutely don't do so on the basis of pylon times.
  15. I have not had a chance to test it with a different AT and can't do so tonight so I am unsure if this is a specific interaction with the tanker AOE range buffs. Ion judgement was bouncing across half of the asteroid farming map and throwing up HUGE numbers of hit indicators. I tried running a combat log and loading it into herostats to see how it would compare to live logs but herostats wasn't pulling any damage numbers so it didn't do much good. The log is attached in case anyone has a parser or something and wants to dive deeper. Something is definitely off with Ion though, not sure about other judgements. Fire Rad.txt EDIT: Looks like this was mentioned in the Tanker discord channel (Haven't gotten back to the focused feedback thread yet) so I'm not going to test further for other ATs or Judgements unless it's needed.
  16. Bruising won't be missed at all by me. An increase in aggro cap would be amazing, but I'm not sure if that's something that can be adjuster on a per-AT basis. Differentiation of ATs at high level incarnate play is already gone. Everyone is pretty much capped to everything and immune to all mez effects all the time. While leveling, you will still see very distinct identity differences between tanks and brutes with the different base numbers in armor sets and different rate of acquisition for powers since primary and secondary are swapped. These changes would shake up the meta, it would give people reason to actually consider tankers for general play instead of the only reason to make one being because you want a Tanker. I've felt like I *should* roll a tanker at some point since I started playing, but I don't think I've ever played one past level 10. These changes make me excited about having them go live so I can try out some tanker builds. There is no Holy Trinity in CoH (for 99% of content) and there hasn't been a need for the tank role (outside of iTrials and the like) since IO sets have been a thing, even more so with the addition of Incarnates. Arguing that tanks shouldn't do damage and that's not their role is just ridiculous. Everyone knows Brutes can be very close to tank level for durability and the main complaint seems to be that this would make tanks brute-like. In a team with full buffs, everyone is capped on all stats anyways so the primary change will be to casual group, small group and solo play and in all those situations these changes will make the Tanker a more valuable party member without fundamentally changing the class fantasy or playstyle in any meaningful way. In short, the primary argument that I've seen in reading through the thread is "This is new and I don't like it!" If anything, the increased AOE sizes and caps will give tankers a more defined role in spreading debuffs via secondary effects and clearing chaff that is taunted onto the tanker by the wide reaching AoE and I think that's fantastic. Seconding this! it would also be great to see cones revisited across all ATs, most of them are mediocre at absolute best and often pretty terrible. EDIT: I just wanted to add that in most situations this will put tanks a bit behind brutes for damage, which is perfect but it will also let them reach their defensive goals with less build resources devoted to it which increases build diversity in pool and APP picks. Brutes wanting to build strong defense take Fighting, Leadership, Speed (hasten) and Jumping. Every build pretty much needs those things to be sturdy, it gets pretty stale. These changes would allow tankers some diversity in those secondary picks which would allow them the opportunity to differentiate themselves further from Brute builds.
  17. When combining, catalyzing or boosting enhancements there is a glowy flickering success indicator... this is neat. The first time. When you're boosting/catalyzing like 50+things it just slows it down a bunch. If your mouse game is on point you can literally exit the screen and click back in faster than the success thing would have gone away. Any chance this could be changed to just immediately put the enhancement back and let you start the next one? It can keep the spiffy popup, just let us actually move forward faster! Combat seems to work that way where if you're clearing a lot of enemies FAST the on screen popups lag well behind the actual drops but just keep coming.
  18. /facepalm Good catch, will revisit. Luck of the gambler has a different name than 7.5% rech set bonuses so you can have 5 lotg and 5 set bonuses.
  19. Well, looking at FF as the example here, in the larger context of what the other support sets bring I think letting them softcap themselves easily is still a pretty bare bone to throw the set. It still would be considered a pretty terrible set compared to many of the newer/updated sets.
  20. It's time to rest and admire the gains. I've done some digging through damage logs and comparisons of DPA and such. Did some revisions on attack priority/rotation and saw some gains across the board. Adding a spoiler with a bit about the rotations used and I kept logs of all the tests if anyone wants to dig into them and see where the damage is coming from so they can really bite into those juicy numbers. Electric Melee had to be dragged kicking and screaming over the 2mil/minute mark but we got it done! What's that you say? You want a farmer that can also crank out normal content? I got your back. I'm adding a claws/fire build that incorporates Consume into the farming rotation so that it can use barrier to stay (slightly over)capped to s/l/f/c/Melee defenses. It does have a bit of a hole to energy/negative but what are you gonna do, there's only so many slots to go around. Perma Hasten and taunt so you can tank for groups if you want. I wouldn't take it to tank iTrials or anything, but it should do just dandy for normal content... oh, and it farms at 2.1 Mil inf/minute! Cha Ching!
  21. Updated claws numbers with all T3 incarnates for a gain of 140K per minute! I think taken to T4 this will be in line to play with the big boys over 2.2m/minute. I will likely now do a respec on this since I have a build in mind that would offer much better playability for all content and provide a more general access character for those who want it. Also added a note about Banished Pantheon lore to the incarnates section as that is what I tried on this test.
  22. Thanks, I had given it a quick skim but I think when I first loaded the thread it started near the end of page 4 where tempers were flaring and Frosty was getting all indignant and preachy about a server that doesn't exist so I really skimmed that page quite lightly. I can absolutely see how this Combo is amazing both thematically and in fulfilling the fantasy of big crunchy hits, I just wanted to be sure there wasn't something I was missing in regards to performance. I appreciate the info.
  23. What the title says. The game has changed, power creep is real. The rise of support sets like Nature and Time has allowed self buffing to insane levels and sets with ally only shields feel a little bit dated. FF especially, but cold, thermal etc all suffer from that limitation. Personally, I don't think that allowing these things to affect the caster would break the game in any way but would certainly open up builds a little bit. I'm not sure that opening this on a blanket level to all ally only powers is a good plan, speed boost on self could be pretty crazy... but at the same time Chronoshift is 50% rech and can be made perma without sacrificing other parts of the build. Would welcome peoples thoughts on it!
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