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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Just to be clear, you are saying your late-30s Brute is dropping +2 minions in one Foot Stomp? Just taking my 50 SS/Bio Brute out on the streets of Peregrine Island and running up to whites foes they don't die in one Foot Stomp, or even two. As for swinging so many times on a Tanker, you are going to survive. Just use AoE attacks as they are the most endurance efficient. Well, you could slot some endurance cost reduction into your attacks too.
  2. Bio's damage aura could easily be considered a stink attack.
  3. Both Fire and Katana are perfectly fine, especially if you are going to use IOs. Dark Melee brings a quickly cycling heal to the table, which pushes Invulnerability survivability to the next level. But Dark Melee is middle of the pack for damage generally, whereas Fire is top tier. Dark Melee also has endurance recovery, which Invulnerability lacks. But Invulnerability is, to my mind, really straightforward to build as an upside. By comparison to Energy Aura, Invulnerability you turn on toggles and go unlike Energy Aura, which requires a bit more attention and clicks.
  4. It is on the Generate page on the right side of the screen. Looks like a couple of stars IIRC *typo fixed
  5. On Fire vs Katana I arm agnostic. Do whichever appeals more. Invulnerability is an incredible set whose only drawback is the resistance cap for Scrappers being 75%. Not a problem with the right set backing it (neither Fire nor Katana) and even pretty good otherwise. Energy Aura is possibly more awesome though. But do yourself a favor and splurge the 12 million influence to buy the two +3% Def IOs early (say around level 30). You will be fine if you don't, but you will be happier if you do.
  6. Erratic1

    Shield question

    Guessing the person who previously said AAO counted targets at destination had been using it point blank. Thx for testing.
  7. Had an image of two of my heroes, stitched together in a paint program. Ran it through the AI and it does superior stitchwork. Original on the left, AI on right.
  8. Erratic1

    Fiery Melee?

    The Brute is now up to 43rd level. Went with Dark for his Epic pool and have Petrifying Gaze and Dark Blast for powers (suitably recolored to stick with a flame theme). Half a level should bring Tar Patch. I purchased the two +3% Def IOs for him because they are a lot of bang for little buck. Definitely coming along nicely. Breath of Fire is a difficult power to love, but it has its moments. Keeping it for now.
  9. Definitely Parasitic Aura is the furthest from providing miracles, which is probably why it has a more reasonable base recharge. While I would probably never skip it, I can certainly see building without it as it is very unlike the other T9s which provide an unmistakable, "I AM A WALL" effect. I use it more as a, "Ohhh, that spawn looks a bit rough" hold-me-over while I work as I have it available every 105s and it lasts 45s. It is the first of the three click powers I pull out, with Ablative and DNA Siphon either being held or used reflexively when things are bad enough. So the places where Parasitic Aura smooths your passage may be few enough that reasonably a person would look to doing something else with the power slot.
  10. Parasitic Aura at least does not crash you. Even unslotted, it gives you an impressive amount of Regen (gives Recovery too, but that is not generally an issue). And it is lowering the damage of your nearby foes by 15%. But it is, admittedly, probably best used while at full health when encountering a full group of nasties than when near defeat, unless you are also going to pop something to give it time to work, like Ablative Carapace. And, compared to Unstoppable, it is up nearly four times as often. I do not take Unstoppable as anything other than a mule. Parasitic Aura I use.
  11. Been using Krea.ai and it has a quick enhance mode (which does not seem to cost any processing time budget) and a full enhance which does. Below shows the results, from original (left), to quick enhance (center), to full enhance (right):
  12. This is wrong. The adjustment should be universal and simply be based on the number of procs in a power.
  13. Sound like an argument for an AT based proc adjustment.
  14. Same caps but smaller values from which to work to get there, fewer hps, and different aggro mechanic. Tankers have higher base damage (e.g. Tanker Battle Axe/Beheader deals 52.877 damage compared to 41.707 for Brutes). Tankers scale damage better thereby. But Brutes have Fury and a higher limit on their scaling.
  15. None of those other ATs hold aggro so well as a Tanker and none of them, not even Brutes, is likely to survive near so well either. This may not be readily apparent if your team is overpowering content, but once things become nasty, it becomes very clear which AT was meant to hold the position of aggro magnet.
  16. You just pull the jack out the back, Mack.
  17. We'll see how you feel when I Dimension Shift everything away before you can repel it.
  18. What AI made of my saved image of my brute, Ultrapower:
  19. Oh my....
  20. Color me surprisingly satisfied with what AI can do: Might help some to study the tool to see how much control over the final product I can manage.* * Black characters were coming out White or Asian, but telling the AI the characters are Black helped a lot.
  21. My latest tanker, Palladia:
  22. Guess I will have to endure until acquiring them. But will likely work on a coupe of other characters first.
  23. Maybe my WP character isn't far enough along (in their 30s) to be able to shrug off sappers. I do not mean slow movement slow, but rather -Recharge.
  24. Is there anything to help Willpower deal with sappers and slows?
  25. One suppose since the attack arrives as a ranged one, suitably high Ranged defense, while not perfect against sappers, is also very good. If they don't hit you, the drain doesn't happen.
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