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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Mystic Flight is, to my way of looking at things, the near perfect travel power. You get flight, which is the lazy man's travel power, and you get TP, which allows you to get around quickly when you want to in terms of zone travel and cheat past things in missions.
  2. You have to have a backstory to lose your temper? I never needed one for all those real-life trips to the principal's office.
  3. Rage Crash is the only bad part to my SS/Bio Brute, but I do love playing him.
  4. Did this combo back on live. I was not impressed...in fact, not very happy. Admittedly it was on a scrapper, so perhaps you will not have the disappointment of expecting to kill things only for your loooooooooong windup to still be winding up as someone else kills your target.
  5. I would lean more into the T-1000's earlier costume and colors (once it acquires clothing) with only hints of damage to facial flesh: It is hard to see in the picture above but there are hints of metallic gray around the good eye while the more damaged eye shows more robotically: Glare 6.costume
  6. I went Savage/Electric with a Brute on my most recent Savage outing and it is indeed a very active playstyle as you add the +Recharge from Lightning Reflexes to the +Recharge from Blood Frenzy stacks. And like Bio you get a DoT.
  7. A quick couple of thoughts.... Why did you use 2 slots for Perfect Zinger in Lightning Field when full slotting Armageddon would have gotten you 6% Toxic/Psionic Resistance and 10% +Recharge compared to the 2.25% Toxic Resistance you got instead? The Numina's Convalescence: +Regeneration/+Recovery works no matter what power you slot it in, but if you put it with the other Numina's you have in Energize you gain +6% to all your heals. I would swap where Numina and Preventive Medicine are placed. Placing Perfect Zinger enhancements in Power Sink is utterly déclassé but I am going to pretend I did not see it. I would slot a Recharge Reduction in Energize Not going to judge what you built so much as tweak what you have. In any event I strenuously suggest you try it on the Test server to make sure it works how you like. The primary change is Energize is now up for 30s out of every 45s as opposed to 60s. So you go from it being up about 54 % of the time to it being up 67% of the time. It also heals for 162 more health. You also have 19% more +Recharge. There are some other minor changes which I do not think will be noticable.
  8. Recording the demo went straightforward. /demoplay "<name of file>" worked perfectly well and left <name of file> in C:\Games\Homecoming\demos. First tried to do playback by invoking a command line and calling the executable stored in C:\Games\Homecoming\bin\win64\life ala: cityofhereoes.exe -demoplay C:\Games\Homecoming\demos\<name of file> but that did not work. Then I got to wondering how the game launcher handles things. When you launch from Homecoming's launcher, in the bottom right of the button there are ellipses (the three dots). Click on it and a menu pops up with Settings as an option. Click settings and you get a Settings Panel. For me Homecoming was the default one shown but you can click to if it need be. The last line is Extra Launch Parameters. If you put in -demoplay C:\Games\Homecoming\demos\<name of file> the demo you recorded plays. So in theory all you have to do is edit the file accordingly. But I am sneaky. I am wondering if it captures you entering the costume editor. Admittedly you could just record your play to video and grab frames from there (I have done this but the pos gfx card I am using since mine died does not allow me to record diddly). Going to go give demorecord the session a go and see what happens. Edit: Okay, while in demorecord you only see the game world. If you go into the costume editor, the screen goes black for the duration you're in the editor. Still, you can capture action scenes from the and of course edit the recording to show whatever.
  9. Erratic1

    Shield/X Advice

    Heal and endurance recovery along with a nice way of buffing damage on top of that which Shield provides.
  10. It has been dead easy on my Brute. I cannot imagine it being harder on a Tanker. What makes it so challenging to build or drive?
  11. Erratic1

    Shield/X Advice

    If you're talking you do not have a slot to spare, cannot afford its endurance cost, and not needing it at level 6, when it first comes available, sure. I am pretty sure my usual habit is to give Active Defense a second slot and double up recharge reduction by 20 even though enhancements at that level will not allow it to be perma. But as soon as that is possible, on autoclick it goes. Yeah, it costs a moderate amount but that is every 2 minutes. Compared to a toggle, that it works out to 10.4 endurance/120 seconds = 0.087 end/sec--hideously cheap. But as you note, the real world consideration is if you can afford it when it fires. However its firing is not a surprise. You can know exactly when it is going off with power countdown. To my mind it is more worth it to pop a blue if need be if things look close than be without. But speaking real world, I have absolutely no memory of endurance failure caused by Active Defense firing or it even being a concern across multiple characters. That bit about 10.4 endurance every 120 seconds means you are infinitely better off slotting endurance reduction in things firing oh so much more often--your attacks. That is, of course, after slotting Stamina for three Endurance Modification enhancements. With Against All Odd doing a reasonable chunk of damage lifting (unless down to your last couple of guys) you can even afford to slot Endurance Reduction earlier than otherwise. I was not planning to need to know, but as stands at level 44 (though I did not do this recently, so it may have occurred somewhere in the late 30s) I dropped Stamina to two slots, with Performance Shifter: Endurance Modification and Performance Shifter: Chance for +Endurance along with Mircale: +Recovery and Numina's Convalescence: Regeneration/Recovery. Honestly, that does not leave her that much better off than 3 slotted Stamina but I am going Energy Mastery with her and along with a dollop of Endurance Discount once when fully IO slotted so things will be fine in the end. But yeah, I do agree endurance is probably the last thing that gets addressed (and that's been true of all my shield characters).
  12. Erratic1

    Shield/X Advice

    Two level 30 crafted IOs and it should recharge about 4 seconds before it fails, IIRC. Auto-click definitely.
  13. Erratic1

    Shield/X Advice

    I recently started a Shield/Fire Tanker and it has been one of the smoothest Tanker experiences I have ever hard. Easy to soft cap defenses, had to grab Miracle/Numina/Performance Shifter for endurance but once done, really has been quite nice. With the high defense and the extra damage from Against All Odds, was able to up difficulty settings and grind out xp a bit faster too. One of my early characters on Homecoming was a Rad/Shield scrapper. Endurance was a struggle even using every IO and trick I knew. Nice damage but you will struggle with endurance for a while.
  14. So very much this. Dark Melee "solves" what minor issues Invulnerability has by giving it endurance recovery (additional healing too when you're still at the point in your build where you're taking significant damage).
  15. But will demoedit let me get something like:
  16. Something involving Invulnerability would be my guess. At least, that is what I am working on.
  17. Should have swapped mask too. Then you're alternating black and white from mask, to emblem to gloves to boots. Still may not work for you but it would be less jarring to the eye than just doing the boots.
  18. They were asserting it was bad because you risked getting hit for a lot of damage when defense didn't work. DDR was not on their radar.
  19. Someone asserted at one point SR was bad on Tankers. Wound up making an SR/TW to dispute the claim.
  20. Who knew you could take action screenshots of your characters in the costume editor without the default background? *glances suspiciously at @Jawbreaker* Definitely going to be going that route (though perhaps not exclusively) going forward.
  21. I'm left contemplating an end game cost of 500 million.
  22. Kronos is clingy-needy. Will basically find any gathering of giant robots and try to slip in:
  23. It will hurt when the blow lands...in seven or eight seconds.
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