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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Yes, but I am not holding that Energy Aura is not beneficial to Scrappers so that seems like an odd rebuttal. What precisely would you say is armor set which leans to Brute strength over Energy Aura?
  2. Attacking more often due to Entropic Aura is not leaning to a Brute's strength (Fury)?
  3. I have done mission teams that way but never tried a TF.
  4. Certainly works like a charm on my EM/Rad Brute I have been playing intensively over the last few days on his push to 50.
  5. I am half-tempted to recruit for a TF of "just damage"--Blasters, Scrappers, and Sentinels. Seismic/Tactical Arrow Blaster comes to mind as something I might want to bring to such a team.
  6. They are on a team. What was the point of the Tanker? The Controller? Your scenario seems to presume superior damage people running solo. As kindly as I can put it, that does not really seem to accord with the thread topic's presumption. Perhaps you should be in less of a rush to be disagreeable?
  7. If the sentinel has his defenses/resistances in place then, while they are no Tanker replacement, they can act as a control rod for aggro by grabbing what they can and thereby reducing the load on the main tanker. Also they can serve to distract aggro from squishier targets.
  8. I did a triple split on them for the 30%. Compared to splitting the set in half it cost +7.2% max endurance (something I could live without as Bio). Yeah, that 10% global recharge at 5pc bonus would have been nice to have.
  9. Bombardment 2 pc. I've got 5 pieces of the set (for the global recharge) with Res Debuff in the final slot for Fireball. But Fireball being a radial effect as opposed to a cone, all the range is getting you is how far away you can stand from your target and cast it. It will have a 15' radius regardless. I shied away from Fire Breath on my Sentinel but I think that came from long ago, early days levelling with him and the consideration of the horribly short ranges Sentinels get. It certainly came before I decided to go range crazy on him. If Mid's is to be trusted, I could push to 68' range on Fire Breath. That's nearly 2.9x the area, though limited by target cap of course. The real problem is the allocation of slots. Something will have to go, but I think I have an Epic power I can drop.
  10. The person with the superior damage will in the presence of -DR still be doing more damage than the person who started with lesser damage. Yes, an all-Defender team is a wonderful thing. Been there, done that. There is still something to be said for the "just damage" ATs who also tend to have not only higher damage scalars but higher damage caps as well. And that before you even get into the fact that with the damage primary ATs most of what will be occupying their time will be dealing damage, not trying to keep people alive, buffed, sustaining pets, etc.
  11. You mean like having people who just do (superior) damage to begin with?
  12. Not sure if pedantry is your thing, English is not a first language, you're trying to annoy, or what game you're playing. Not really in the mood to find out. THE POINT WAS I do not discount the benefit of range, in particular because I have specifically sought it out for the benefits it brings. Say whatever pithy thing you want, I really am past the point of caring at this point.
  13. Its cheatie in the context that they are methods which are difficult to combine if you are not playing a Bio sentinel.
  14. You can never have it all regardless. My Sentinel however does all sort of cheatie things to get extra range, like splitting up the ATO set and using Bio/Offense stance.
  15. I was recently in a group facing an AV where there just was not enough damage to take the guy down while retaining sufficient resources to keep everyone standing and using powers. Evidentially we should have controlled or tanked it to death.
  16. That I most assuredly don't. I just hate using them because they squeeze out room for set bonuses.
  17. Hmmm...thought I checked it at City of Data and saw 40'. Clearly, rechecking, I must've misread.
  18. You hit cap with a 20° arc power with a range of 40' regularly? Is it even physcially possible to arrange opponents to fit in it?
  19. *glances at Dark Blast: Nightfall, considers the 20° arc, then wonders just how long the cone would have to be hit the cap, never minding the likelihood of finding that many foes arranged appropriately*
  20. Five free respecs by the time you're 50...I can't be the only one who plans on using at least one along the way to adjust how the character plays at different points?
  21. Mids installation is dubious in terms of doing so and continuing to work. I usually just extract the folder from the ZIP archive, then pull the executable to my task bar. Seems to work and keep the registry from getting cluttered.
  22. I don't run my SS/Bio in Offensive, preferring the non-stop hitting of Efficient. If I did run in Offensive the StJ would fall further behind. Offensive would take his Knockout Blow up by about 100 damage...maybe I should visit it once in a while.
  23. I am conservative in suggesting build changes because I cannot know what is important to the person, but I will toss out that as goes my StJ/Inv Brute, I took Sweeping Cross and added Cross Punch for 1-2, deja vu action. I tweaked what you had, dropping Initial Strike for Sweeping Cross and dancing some slots/enhancements around. The comparison to what you had can be summed up as: I know you said you already said you had an Energy Melee scrapper but StJ...let's talk about StJ.... As noted above, I made an StJ/Inv Brute. I have him at 50 and largely slotted out. He's not bad. He doesn't really compare in terms of delivering a beatdown to my SS/Bio Brute...and that's annoying as all get out. Yeah, StJ does not have Rage, but it also does not have Rage crash and you do get the combo mechanic for dealing out extra damage. That does not put it in the same ballpark as SS. Think of it as more lacrosse instead of baseball. Let me -=STRONGLY=- suggest you try the finished product out on the test server to see if it is giving you the umph you really expect. I may finish up my StJ/Inv Brute if for no other reason than he has an awesome costume, though it has to be easier to make a new character and give him the costume.
  24. You mean I went through all the trouble of putting together a demo look with EM for nothing? But I get it. I do not like repeating myself on powersets either.
  25. The animations I can find show the gauntlets glowing. Ever consider Energy Melee?
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