Not sure if anyone has mentioned this before. Sorry if it has already been crapcanned.
Unlike a lot of players, I really only enjoy playing my MA/SR scrapper main. I'm just invested that way emotionally, and I have trouble connecting or enjoying other characters on any real level, much less coming up with names and costumes for them. At the same time, I've also been that MA/SR Scrapper since I8, and sometimes I do want to try out other things, but I run into the aforementioned disconnection/disenjoyment.
For example, I'd like to learn how to Tank... as a Tank. Those guys that know what they are doing are friggin' amazing. I'd also like to see how I'd perform as a Stalker, or even a Brute., Or try out Sentinel. Who knows, but you get the idea.
Would it be possible, or even desired, to use the Alternate Builds system to function as a different Archetype? I'm not as familiar with non-melee powersets, but I do know that proliferation has been pretty good to melee toons, and it'd be neat to able to switch gears depending on need. Need a tank? Change your build to Tank. Something stealthy? Switch it to Stalker. And so on. I've seen some players with toons with the same name with an extension like Bob the Scrapper or Bob the Tank or whatever to differentiate, but that sort of breaks my immersion.
Just a thought. Have a nice evening.