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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Well I feel better at least knowing it's just my luck. I ran a 6 hour long monster mash on Indomitable today, with the team ranging from 3 to 6 players at any given time. Hopefully someone got a recipe out of it. I got 44 Monstrous Aethers and a ton of merit rewards, so that was nice!

  2. Just defeated every GM on the list, not a single mini pet recipe dropped. Is this just bad RNG or is the % chance borked?


    Giant Monster Mini Pets & Monstrous Aether


    The following Giant Monsters found in city zones now have a 10% chance of dropping an invention recipe of a miniature version of themselves. This chance is rolled individually per character who received credit and is tied to the same drop table as the Reward Merits.



    Arachnos Flyer



    Clockwork Paladin

    Council Goliath War Walker



    Ghost of Scrapyard

    Jack In Irons



    Kronos Titan



    Seed of Hamidon (Seedling)

    U'kon Gr'ai


    NOTE: Only the zone version of these giant monsters drop the pet invention recipes.


    These invention recipes are not bound and can be freely traded or sold on the Auction House once acquired.

  3. Hey, I'm a big fan of the creativity of others in their base designs. Most of the bases I've visited are rather large though.


    Is there anyone willing to share their minimalist design? For context, I would characterize minimalist as, only items which serve a purpose or utility are within the base. The smaller the better I would say. 


    Thank you for sharing!

  4. 10 hours ago, insome1 said:

    yep. deff not seeing the badges listed. tried an alt. even made a new toon and still dont see it. I feel like im taking crazy pills.

    After having a chance to log in to double check, it appears that the winter event badges that were previously available year round to purchase from Candy Keeper are no longer available. I don't know when this changed, but as recently as 2021, players could purchase all of the winter event badges I showed in my previous screenshot any time of year.



  5. 29 minutes ago, insome1 said:

    Thanks Glacier Peak. Ive gone to the Candy Keeper in PD. Im just not seeing the badge. what am I missing? 😕

    Ha. I even bought all the temps just incase it was tied to one and I was overlooking it.



    Do you have anything hidden on that window, the thing in the bottom right corner of the screenshot you posted.


    Should look like...


  6. 5 minutes ago, insome1 said:

    hiya! I wasnt home/available for the holiday badge this past season. Im checking on the badger website and it says it can be bought from the Candy Keeper. Was this just during the event? Or is it avail to purchase now? I havnt had any luck in game finding it. and now im stuck at -1 on my badge hunter. :(:(:(:(:(






    Yeah it's year round at the elf vendor on the ski chalet lodge in Pocket D.

  7. 2 minutes ago, RelativeQuanta said:

    I like how with two of the berets, you're either fresh out of basic/AIT or a four-star Ranger general (which doesn't exist, highest is COL commanding the 75th Ranger Regiment).   Unless, of course, things have changed since I left the Army.

    Yes, I took the liberty (ha see what I did there!) of showing the contrast between what is possible. Players are free to make their characters Enlisted Soldiers or Warrant Officers (they have a few ranks for the beret flash). Really the whole point of my post is to show how many more options are available to players now.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, JasperStone said:

    I started on Indom when I first found out the game came back a few years ago.


    So sure ... let's talk Indom


    I dedicated myself to building my base, my four original mains, giving in to alt-ism, and developing a group of people to run with.

    Things slowly dwindled, however.


    Last year, I was part of a big project at work and was left with no game time for a few months.

    I was so excited when the project ended and I could finally log in!

    I logged a character into my base, made dinner, and did a few other things.

    Came back about 30 minutes later ... to nothing in chat.

    I mean nothing in all channels. 

    No one responded to LFG

    On a Friday at 8 p.m., 10 people were on Indom. The next few days were not any better. 

    I never see any of my group online now, maybe they will return

    Broke my heart to migrate to Excel ... but Indom left me


    Your response, in truth, is server elitism and doesn't help solve the problem.

    Yes, it seems to just be Excel, but if more players return, will it spread to other servers?



    I want all the servers to be in yellow and red ... this is not the way

    Your experience is valid, thank you for sharing! I won't discount it in the slightest - but I expect the same in return when I share mine.


    The only time I see 10 people on Indomitable is immediately after a server restart, otherwise it hovers above 100 at any given time and gets to the 250 players during peak hours. That is a consistent metric I've seen before and after the license announcement over the past four and a half years I've been on Indomitable. What this means in the context of this discussion is that there are less players than other servers, which is turn means less lag, no queueing, and plenty of opportunities for players to participate in a hamidon raid. This is why I shared that information in my previous posts. There are Hamidon raids conducted twice a week in the Abyss for players who want the merits or chance for the unique drop.


    And to your last point about server elitism, this suggestion and feedback sub forum doesn't just belong to players who play on Excelsior, it belongs to all players. If I want to talk about the benefits of playing on Indomitable, I can do so. 

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  9. 4 minutes ago, Mayaedits said:

    I mean this as nicely as I can say this: This is not helpful. Transfer tokens are limited and people like to play on the server they do.

    Thank you for your good will. I also say this as nicely as possible - sharing my experience on Indomitable helps players who are experiencing the problem described in the original post. And it helps inform players of the benefits of playing on Indomitable. It is helpful and I am happy to share.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, AboveTheChemist said:

    Their status shows up if you click the respective shard category on the left. For instance, just click 'Open Beta' to see the status (and newsfeed, if there is one) of Brainstorm and Transfer.

    That's fantastic! I'll leave my original post up for anyone else in the future who might be thinking the same thing.

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  11. 34 minutes ago, Player2 said:

    Mothership raids... zone raid event... classic rikti popping up in the anniversary event...


    Rikti rikti rikti, and always they're coming here to us.  When are we going to take the fight to them?  All we need is a new zone with a rikti military base of some sort... perhaps a launching point for their motherships, and we can use the Vanguard base as a staging point with a portal to take us to the rikti planet.


    When, devs, when?  When are we going to do more than react to their invasions??

    Page 7, Issue 27. Pick up the Payphone.

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  12. Hello, I am happy with the current end game content and rewards. I wanted to know if anyone had a table, graph, or a wiki page made with all of the current end game rewards. For example, doing [insert reward requirement] grants [shiny object]. Or [insert # of shiny objects] can purchase [vanity pet or nice fit]. I don't care about how high the requirement is, I just want to be made aware of it so I can pursue it. [Note: I am not looking for a list of all the Prismatic Aether Costumes, those are clear to me].


    If spoilers are necessary, please use them. Thanks!

  13. 3 hours ago, Crysis said:


    Yeah anniversary tokens only usable for the stuff Luna actually has for sale.  The little Statesman vanity pet?  Reward merits required.


    Seems to me to be a bit ill conceived but whatever.  

    They can also be used to purchase Anniversary Event inspiration from Luna, traded on the Auction House, or stored for next year's event. It's worth mentioning that this was the first iteration of the event, there is a likelihood that next year's event will have additional things that the Anniversary Tokens can be used for.

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