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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 6 hours ago, Darrk Waver said:



    I did some housecleaning today and released the following names. 





    Silver Sage



    Get'em while they are available. 😉


  2. I've soloed ASF, LGTF, and ITF on 1-star difficulty on my Ice/Cold Corruptor. Lots of temporary power, inspirations, and patience investment if you want to do it solo. Be happy about being defeated and learn how to succeed at the next attempt. The benefit of doing so is you move at your own pace, you get to read through the text and find the easter eggs too.


    I think coordination and practice is really all you need to do anything higher with a team, but I haven't seen any 4 star runs on Indomitable so I couldn't tell you with certainty. If you really want to see how each advanced mode works, jump on to the beta server and grab the Q&A tester powers from START. You can instant kill pretty much everything and you'll be nearly unkillable.

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  3. I think it's light hearted humor and it belongs in this game. To think otherwise is to ignore precedent in not just City of Heroes, but comic books in general. If someone needs to take something serious, the real world is there for you.


    At the same time, the developers who put in a joke or easter egg also put in the time to research a deep cut in the lore or invite curiosity with future content. 


    Bottom line, if a cow with mythical powers or a weapon power name that has a double entendre makes someone who plays a pretty great super hero game take things too serious, they're looking in the wrong place. 






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  4. As an aside to the topic, there is also the Vanguard Merit to Reward Merit conversion option for players who want to convert their MSR-earned Vanguard Merits to Reward Merits. I usually get around 1,000 Vanguard Merits per MSR run, which nets me around 30 Reward Merits (plus defeating U'kon Gr'ai for 6 Reward Merits) when I feel like converting them. Most of the time I spend them on the Vanguard heavy temporary power (which itself is a great reward and incentivizes me enough to run this content even without all of the other rewards).




  5. 1 hour ago, TrixieKixx said:

    Hey Team! Don't forget that we fight Hami in this TF! Make sure to bring some EoE's or have them ready to grab before we enter this mission in the task force.


    @Burnt Umber @FrauleinMental @Bananiac

    @TrixieKixx in the last page update, Hamidon damage in the LGTF changed to Toxic. It no longer requires EoEs. Only the zone version of Hamidon requires EoEs.


    Mission 4

    Weakened Hamidon, Mitochondria Electrolyte, and Mitochondria Antibody attacks changed from Special to Toxic damage.



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  6. 49 minutes ago, Lunar Ronin said:

    FWIW, it was clarified later in a Massively OP interview that "consolidate our userbase with fans from other servers," specifically referred to Paragon/Resurgence and Victory only, not Rebirth, Thunderspy, New Dawn, et al.

    Right - I was adding what you quoted to show that Homecoming wants other server's players to come to their server 😄

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  7. 4 hours ago, Psychic Fury said:

    I am just curious about whether you are working the devs on other CoH servers? I recently went on the Rebirth server and was impressed by the new costume choices that are available, especially the Bellbottoms with Floral patterns, but there are many other selections that would be wonderful to bring over. Has there been any thought put into working with the other servers to incorporate any of their costume design additions/changes, including power modifications? Or is that contractually forbidden? Just wondering...


    Victory + Paragon + Homecoming
    As we mentioned in the announcement FAQ, we are working towards merging in some friendly servers - Victory and Paragon.


    Victory will be joining us as our 6th live shard alongside Torchbearer, Excelsior, Everlasting, Reunion and Indomitable. This will likely not take place for at least a couple of months as it’s a fairly complicated process, but we wanted to give you all a heads up so you aren’t surprised when it pops up!


    Wasn’t Homecoming working with some other servers?
    Our hope is that our license will help us consolidate our userbase with City of Heroes fans from other servers.




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  8. 1 hour ago, Snarky said:

    So they changed a few things in LGTF. Cannot TP Penny, and the Hami mission now requires no EoE because Hami damage us toxic in that instance


    Is this the case in 1-4 star LGTF as well? Or us that “standard” Hami special damage requiring EoE?

    I didn't see anything about Yin. From the Patch Notes:


    Hamidon Essence

    This temporary power is now a Toggle and can now be traded if the leader wants give the Advanced Mode danger immunity to another player.


    Otherwise this power continues to only be a visual effect on normal mode.


    This power now has a unique power icon: 




    Mission 4

    Weakened Hamidon, Mitochondria Electrolyte, and Mitochondria Antibody attacks changed from Special to Toxic damage.



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  9. 1 hour ago, Luminara said:

    HC needs to revise this for next year, set up appropriate level-locked enemy groups and pull from those, instead of using existing NPCs pulled from the entire level range.

    I'll say that I've seen it stated by a developer in another setting that this will indeed be fixed for next year. 


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  10. 3 hours ago, Voke said:

    I was stumped by this for quite some time.

    In Atlas Park open the map and find  Perez Park. It should be an orange circle in one corner of the map.

    You notice, when you get there, there are two guards  at the "opening". You are blocked, or I was, by an invisible wall.

    One needs to click on a guard to travel to Perez Park at that tunnel/opening. I did not do this and was stumped for quite some time.
    As a Controller/Mage I got a mission to kill 10 Circle of Thorn mobs in Perez Park while I was in Atlas Park.

    I tried killing some on rooftops in Kings Row but they did not count. Apparently the mission must be done in Perez Park.

    I was level 8. You need to have the Fly skill to solo them. Fly high above them, they are northeast of where you enter via the guards and that tunnel.

    The treetop canopy opens and you will see fairly level ground. I found a bunch by the river, but kept above them with the Fly skill.

    Look around. They emit green smoke during their rituals (day or night). If you are careful you can kill ten. One needs to be cautious but it can be done.
    Swoop down to throw spells at one and then fly straight up. They travel in a group so be careful.

    Welcome to the community! I am assuming based on your initial post that you are relatively new to the game. Thank you for sharing your experience and hopefully it helps others.


    If I am reading your post accurately, you are referring to the generic "Keep the peace in Perez Park - Defeat 10 Circle of Thorns" mission that is offered by all Level 5-9 Contacts in Atlas Park (though the mission itself is offered only from Level 7-9). This generic mission is an opportunity for players to go to one of their first Hazard Zones (the others being the Hollows or the Sewer Network). 


    Your guidance on opening the map and proceeding to the Northwest corner of Atlas Park where the red circle labeled "Perez Park" is spot on, as is your suggestion to click on either of the two Security Guards standing at the entrance to enable the player to enter the Perez Park zone.


    Again, your guidance for only defeating the mobs in the designated mission location as described is spot on. Enemies defeated outside of the parameters set by the mission will not count towards mission completion.


    I disagree with your recommendation that a player needs to have Fly in order to solo the 10 Circle of Thorn enemies. Any travel power or no travel power is acceptable - however, your reasoning for using Fly (or Hover) to avoid Melee attacks from the Circle of Thorn enemies is well-founded. Same goes for using the green smoke emitted by Circle of Thorn enemies as a way to easily identify these mobs from a distance.


    Great work on your first guide and good luck on your next adventure!

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  11. 43 minutes ago, Eiko-chan said:

    This is not an answer or acceptable. Do you intend to say that people that have been in the hospital for 6 months aren't allowed to comment on changes? Are you intending to say that people deployed overseas, or any of a plethora of reasons why someone might be away from the game for long periods are incapable of commenting on changes?

    This is literally the place on the Homecoming forums to bring it up - and there is no time limit on player feedback. We can discuss our agreements or disagreements on a particular suggestion or feedback, but unless a GM or member of the Homecoming team says otherwise, players can post those suggestions and feedback here regardless of when a change was made.



    Edit: I will add though, based on my anecdotal experience, that feedback provided during closed and open beta is more likely to result in changes. If a player wishes to invest their own time for the benefit of this community, that would be where they would see the biggest impact (short of becoming a developer themselves).

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  12. 12 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    I just wanted to know if it was just me. 
    Some of my lowbies are coming across these time capsules, and for my challenge characters that are starting with zero - I figure it's a nifty thing to sell the anniversary tokens. But, my level 4 character, a brute - took forever to dispatch 3 "even con freaks". And then, when I clobbered each of them, they each paid me less xp than a -1 Hellion. Now, that's not a super big deal, didn't do it for the xp - but what got my attention is how much more resilient these npcs are against my lower level characters. They might be conning even, but they have more of a boss feel, as far as the # of attacks it takes to whittle them down. Anyone else noticing this? 


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  13. 1 minute ago, Eiko-chan said:

    That is precisely why it's not a realistic expectation. People are going to hop into beta testing at level 50 with Incarnate abilities. They are not going to be testing the levelling experience, which means there will be a lot of issues that get missed until it goes live.

    That's not true at all. Your speculation is evident - when players get on to test something, it goes through all kinds of testing methods. Some players just complain about patch notes without even logging in, some players go above and beyond and find actual bugs or issues. It's not just level 50 Incarnates like you assume.

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  14. 11 minutes ago, Eiko-chan said:

    If this is true, this is a bad stance to have. The beta is not the live servers. Expecting your player base to expend a lot of time and effort - and levelling - on beta testing is aspirational but grossly unrealistic. 


    But I don't believe this is actually the case. 

    It's not unrealistic at all - it's worked this way for five years now. If players care enough about something, they'll do it. If a player gets on to the beta server, they can instantly level any character to 50, get all Incarnates, badges, accolades, and IOs, anything they need for testing is free and easy accessible. 

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