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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 1 hour ago, Snarky said:

    In the OP the AF for cones and spheres should include the algebra on 1st mention.  Why the F do i gotta search through 12 posts to mayve get the correct cureent calc.  Like taking a math class and the teacher just starts spouting poetry for the first half of the class.

    The first few years players were back they had to discover how things worked since there weren't any devs from the legacy days to give the formulas answers to us. Those first 10 pages are pretty much that, though Bopper updated a good deal of the original post based on the subsequent results.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Hey Indom badgers! Here are our badge runs for the month of June!


    This month has a PvP badge flavor, so if those are ones you need, please feel free to sign up with your global and character. Remember, these badge runs will start on [1100 PST / 1200 MST / 1300 CST / 1400 EST] for the dates listed below. I am also taking suggestions for badge runs for the month of July. Feel free to comment on any particular badges you want to acquire.


    Saturday, June 1stAdvanced Mode Lady Grey Task Force: This badge run will consist of running the Lady Gray Task Force at the 1-Star difficulty level (Malicious) in order to acquire the two new badges and explore the upcoming [spoilers] and hidden Easter eggs (both in the Rikti War Zone and in the Task Force). This task force has new enemy mechanics and a unique enemy spawn not found anywhere else in the game. Defeats will be likely and we will be going at a leisurely pace, so expect it to take 1-2 hours. We will meet at Lady Grey, I'll be there 15 minutes early to start inviting peopleIn this mode, we will want to defeat any Rikti Scientists we see as soon as possible!



    • Badge Apocalyptic: Badge awarded for completion of Lady Grey Task Force
    • Badge Zookeeper Omega: Defeat K'ong in the Advanced Mode of The Lady Grey Task Force
    • Badge Doesn't Look At Explosions: Complete the Advanced Mode of The Lady Grey Task Force, and escape the Rikti space station


    Sign-Up for Saturday, June 1st - Advanced Mode Lady Grey Task Force:

    1. @Glacier Peak Glacier Peak - Ice/Cold Corruptor
    2. @ZorkNemesis Weald Warden - Archery/Plant Blaster
    3. @Bananiac Bananiac (Plant/Rad Controller)
    4. @Cece Princess Cecilia - elec/elec blaster.
    5. @FrauleinMental Fraulein Mental - Mind/Kin Controller
    6. @Milrop Sequestered - Willpower/Super Strength Tanker
    7. @Midnyte Midnyte - DM/WP Brute


    Saturday, June 8th - PvP Badges Week 1: This badge run will consist of acquiring the Recluse's Victory Archvillain-defeat badges. We will meet inside the Hero base in Recluse's Victory, I'll be there 15 minutes early to start inviting people. These AV spawns are random and we will sometimes get the same ones many times in a row, so patience is key! 


    Badges: Players will need to be Hero/Vigilante alignment for these.

    • File:Badge defeatrecluse.png Arachnophobic: Defeat Lord Recluse in Recluse's Victory
    • Thumbnail for version as of 00:11, 8 May 2020 Wrangler: You have helped defeat Black Scorpion in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatghostwidow.png Poltergeist: You have helped defeat Ghost Widow in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatscirocco.png Sandblasted: You have helped defeat Scirocco in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatmako.png Shark Hunter: You have helped defeat Captain Mako in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatrecluse.png Justiciar: Defeat Lord Recluse, Ghost Widow, Captain Mako, Black Scorpion, and Scirocco in Recluse's Victory


    Sign-Up for Saturday, June 8th - PvP Badges Week 1:

    1. @Glacier Peak Glacier Peak - Ice/Cold Corruptor
    2. @Cece Casualty of War - fire/energy dominator
    3. @Bananiac Mr O'Hallows (Fire/Nature Controller)
    4. @Burnt Umber Commenticia - Illusion/Forcefields Controller


    Saturday, June 15th - PvP Badges Week 2: This badge run will consist of acquiring the Recluse's Victory Hero-defeat badges. We will meet inside the Villain base in Recluse's Victory, I'll be there 15 minutes early to start inviting people. These Hero spawns are random and we will sometimes get the same ones many times in a row, so patience is key!


    Badges: Players will need to be Villain/Rogue alignment for these.

    • File:Badge defeatstatesman.png Oppressor: You have helped defeat Ms. Liberty in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatbrawler.png Uppercut: You have helped defeat Back Alley Brawler in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatpsyche.png Interrogator: You have helped defeat Penelope Yin in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatpositron.png Destroyer: You have helped defeat Positron in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatmanticore.png Dead-eye: You have helped defeat Manticore in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatsynapse.png Breakneck: You have helped defeat Synapse in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatstatesman.png Blackguard: Defeat Ms. Liberty, Manticore, Back Alley Brawler, Positron, Synapse, and Penelope Yin in Recluse's Victory


     Sign-Up for Saturday, June 15th - PvP Badges Week 2:

    1. @Glacier Peak Glacier Peak - Ice/Cold Corruptor
    2.  @ZorkNemesis Weald Warden - Archery/Plant Blaster
    3. @Cece Casualty of War - fire/energy dominator
    4. @Midnyte Eternal Midnight - Energy/Electric Brute
    5. @Burnt Umber Hostia Usta - Fire/Dark Cor


    ----------ONE WEEK BREAK DUE TO SCHEDULE----------


    Sunday, June 30th - PvP Badges Week 3: The Arena badges are next for the final PvP week! Tournament Victor and Pentad Victor take the most time, so we will be doing these first and once everyone has those two, we will proceed to the other three Arena badges. If you want to switch badgers after each attempt, you are more than welcome as needed. We will meet inside the Pocket D Arena area, I'll be there 15 minutes early to start inviting people. ***I'm locking the player count at 8 for this run to ensure I can respect the two hour time estimate for players who sign up.*** 


    • Thumbnail for version as of 00:22, 8 May 2020 Arena Victor: Win any rated or unrated match in the Arena
    • Thumbnail for version as of 23:54, 7 May 2020 Arena Duelist: Win a rated or unrated Duel match in the Arena
    • Thumbnail for version as of 00:31, 8 May 2020 Tournament Victor: Win a rated or unrated Swiss Draw match in the Arena
    • Thumbnail for version as of 00:01, 8 May 2020 Arena Survivalist: Win a rated or unrated Battle Royale match in the Arena
    • Thumbnail for version as of 00:08, 8 May 2020 Pentad Victor: Win a rated or unrated Pentad or Septad match in the Arena
    • File:Badge arena AllStar 5.png Arena All-Star: You've earned the Arena All-Star badge by winning all of the above types of Arena matches


    Sign-Up for Sunday, June 30th - PvP Badges Week 3:

    1. @Glacier Peak Glacier Peak - Ice/Cold Corruptor
    2. @FrauleinMental Fraulein Mental - Mind/Kin Controller
    3. @Burnt Umber Nox Atrissima - Widow/Fortunata
    4. @Midnyte Midnyte - Dark Melee/Willpower Brute
    5.  @DethMonger @BruceWee- Bruce Wee - Martial Arts/Regeneration Scrapper
    6. @Crossbones "Silver Sun" AT unknown
    • Like 3
  3. Indom Badgers!


    I will be leading announced badge runs on Indomitable for participants to acquire badges which are harder to come by in normal gameplay. I will post in advanced the dates and badges which will be sought in this thread so that players can pick the characters they want for those badges. 


    I will provide a post each month that will show the forthcoming badge(s) runs for folks to sign up for (much like the Theme Team does during their weekly event) by replying in this thread with their global handle and character name. At this time, my schedule does not allow me to do these weekly, so I will be posting dates in advanced instead to accommodate.



    1. Badge runs will begin on either Saturday or Sunday at [1100 PST / 1200 MST / 1300 CST / 1400 EST]
    2. No Incarnate Trial or "Master of" content will be ran for these events (this is in order to ensure a reasonable time constraint for all participants)
    3. No speed runs (this is to ensure players get to experience all of the hidden secrets and spoilers without feeling rushed)
    4. First come basis for sign up (this is to ensure fairness and event manageability)
    5. No AT/Powerset combos restrictions (anyone can bring any character, as long as they can meet the badge requirements!)


    Subsequent posts will contain the next month's worth of badge runs and then I will continue to post upcoming runs on a monthly basis. If these badge runs prove successful, I will continue them throughout the year. Have fun and thanks for joining us!

    • Like 5
  4. 24 minutes ago, Midnyte said:

    Would love to join you, Glacier, do you plan to advertise it here? (Theme team forum, or elsewhere in Indom forum)

    Yes! I'll post a link in this thread once I make the forum post in the Indomitable section. I think I'll make it reoccurring and on the weekends, probably Sundays. It will be a weekly Badge(s) Run and cover the harder to get badges (no Incarnate trial badges). I'll start with the Advanced Mode Lady Grey Taskforce first, then folks can give their input on what they'd like to go for next few. PvP badges, defeat badges, accolades, etc. I've got all the badges outside of incarnate content and "Master of" so I'm pretty confident I can assist anyone looking to get the tough ones. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Rudra said:

    Right now, players can go to a START vendor and disable inspirations by type (such as accuracy), by size (grade/tier), dual, and team. For MMs, the best inspirations to have/use are the team ones. However, there is no way to disable standard inspirations. So my request is that the START vendor gets the ability to disable standard inspirations. This will let MM characters (and others if they so choose) disable standard and dual inspirations so they only get team inspirations.


    (Edit: Please note that I am not asking for an increase in team inspiration drop rates, just the ability for MM characters to limit their gained inspirations from drops to team ones.)

    This suggestion isn't just for Masterminds, right? It kind of reads that way. I would support it if any character can use this feature. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Herotu said:

    Nah. I don't even know what to click to go to a quoted post. I know it's possible, though.


    Thanks, but this is another feature I won't use or remember ><


  7. 2 hours ago, GM Crumpet said:

    Much as I enjoyed the show, they needed to breath a bit more. They could have stretched the goblin queen out a lot more and had it be the entire season antagonist. They flew through so many story arcs that it was almost like a TL:DR version of the X-Men

    To be fair, that's how the X-Men 92 felt as well. At least they did multi-episodes for the big arc like Dark Phoenix.

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  8. On 5/21/2024 at 12:37 PM, Milrop said:

    Seriously, I have been running some 1-star Dr Aeon runs lately if you want to try for the badges.  I am not quite ready for 4-star runs yet.

    I still need a few of those badges for MASF, I'd be down!


    I've also been running 1-star LGTF and the new content is really impressive. I'd love to run a nice and easy walk through the content so players can appreciate all of the hidden secrets and future spoilers in it. I'll have to advertise it in advance - stay tuned!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
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  9. 2 hours ago, Projector said:

    Didn't know that existed! Thanks! How do I crosspost when it's already been posted?

    Oh, I figured you'd want to share your other videos/guides from your channel so that's why I mentioned crossposting. If you want to post this guide over there, I think you'll have to copy and paste manually or ask a GM for assistance. 


    You're other videos are very helpful. The fight with Kong is definitely an incredible challenge. I've been stuck on 1star LGTF solo on the last battle against Honoree and Rikti AV. It's mostly trial and error for me, but those dang monkeys and constant bomb spawns are my bane.

  10. 1 hour ago, Display Name said:

    As far as I can tell there are a total of five new insp drops tied to the Anniversary event.  As far as I can remember, they are obtained *only* by defeating enemies spawning from opening Time Capsules.


    The people in the Help channel explained to me how to find out what a particular insp does.  Right-click it and select "Info."  Then click the "Detailed Info" tab and what it does will be shown at the bottom.


    Special note: if there is no explanation for what it does, then the insp provides Debt Protection.

    Special note 2: if you put them in an insp storage container in your base, it will "sort" them.


    They work as follows...  The order of this list is how they're sorted in my storage container.

    1) +Def (all)

    2) Debt Protection

    3) Heal on self

    4) +End on self

    5) +?% Dam (all) on self

    You can buy them from Luna during the event or from the auction house all year long. 

    • Like 3
  11. 13 hours ago, Warboss said:

    From what I can tell, the only way to make your voice/option heard is "vote" with your donations...

    That's a terrible thing to imply without any evidence. Can you share how you came to this conclusion - particularly without being a member of the Homecoming Team?

    • Thumbs Up 2
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    • Finland 1
  12. On 4/11/2024 at 2:58 PM, The Curator said:


    [Highly Experimental]

    Dull Pain

    • Converted to Dismiss Pain (same as Sentinel version).
    • This power is now an auto power.
    • Grants a 24% MaxHP buff, half enhanceable.
    • Grants -15% resistance to heals (making all heals on you 15% stronger).

    Instant Healing

    • This power is now a toggle, pulses every 2 seconds.
    • Grants a 200% enhanceable regeneration buff.
    • Grants an additional 25% non-enhanceable regeneration for 20 seconds if damaged in the last 2 seconds. This can stack up to 10 times.
    • Grants a scale 2 resistance to regen debuffs for 20 seconds if damaged in the last 2 seconds. This can stack up to 10 times.


    • Converted into Second Wind (same to Sentinel version).
    • The power grants a Max HP buff that scales with the amount of health missing, this buff is retained even if the caster is defeated.
    • The power grants a Heal buff that scales with the amount of health missing.


    Regeneration proliferated to Tankers

    • Same power selection as Brutes.


     Focused feedback regarding the Regeneration set proliferated to Tankers. All I could test today, will do more in the coming days.


    Dismiss Pain

    • Confirmed the power Grants a 24% MaxHP buff, half of which is enhanceable.
    • Bug. The hover over info on the auto power shows Healing Received Bonus +30%, but the detailed info shows -15% resistance to healing on self. I will either chalk that up to how data is displayed to the player and its not an error or the power is cycling between 15% and 30% in the Healing Received combat attribute at an uneven tick to make it overlap. I can't seem to reproduce this consistently, so again - it may just be a display error.
    • Bug. The auto power allows slotting for recharge and endurance cost reduction.







  13. Highly experimental means subject to change - just like in the past with other testing, some of these may not even make it to open beta testing, let alone go live. If a developer cannot receive actual support in testing out highly experimental changes beyond emotionally charged knee jerk reactions to expertimental patch notes, how are they expected to ensure there aren't issues or bugs with a change that they may have been working on exclusively? 


    Tanker regeneration is highly experimental and is a new port to Tankers. I don't have the time to test everything listed in the patch notes, so I will focus my efforts on what I can, even if these highly experimental changes never make it to open beta or live. 

    • Like 2
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  14. 7 hours ago, Ravenstorm said:

    Personal tangent. Mods/admins, feel free to remove if needed.

    I had left Cryptic at the end of 2007, but still stayed in the game and kept in touch with my colleagues. When it shuttered years later, I was there for the final moments, and I was absolutely gutted when I got the "disconnected from mapserver" message for the last time. It hurt, REAL bad. In fact, I had kept CoH installed on my work machine up until they had to replace it in 2013.


    When news broke of the "private server", I was like "I'm sorry what?!"... and when that snowball rolled down the hill and eventually became what it is today, I still feel absolutely gobsmacked that Paragon City and Rogue Isles not only live, but THRIVE.

    This was the first game that I was privileged to start my design career on, so this game is extremely meaningful to me. And to this day, I will forever appreciate Geko for referring me to the team for the role, Statesman for taking a gamble on this young upstart, War Witch for training me, and Archon Voss for truly refining the art of what I did (and of course, the entire team as a whole... we made some amazing things happen with this game!).

    This isn't about the devs, original or current... this is about YOU. The players, the real heroes that have kept this this city and this dream alive. Without you guys, we're just pixel pushers and data movers.

    Paragon City and Rogue Isles live again. I can only speak for myself, but all I can say is THANK YOU. It brings me tremendous joy knowing that this game is not only alive, but thriving.

    Well said - glad to see the game impact worked both ways for you, as a player and a member of the original team. 

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