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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 1 hour ago, Biff Pow said:

    Yeah, I'd definitely like to see the Super Reflexes set allow Resist IOs somewhere, maybe add a little Resistance to Practiced Brawler.

    If SR players are seeking Resistance, Rune of Protection is the other option besides Tough for Resist IO set slotting.

  2. I've had a chance to play around with the new Ice Mastery Epic Powerset for Corruptors and I wanted to share my experience. The build I use is below for reference.


    V3_Corruptor (Ice Blast - Cold Domination) - Glacier Peak.mbd


    Ice Mastery has added a number of unique tools to my Corruptor that I've enjoyed using. The Epic Powerset gave flexibility that I didn't have previously have when I selected either Fire Mastery or Psionic Mastery (my standard Epic Powerset picks on my Corruptor). If a player is searching for additional defense/res option, increase in damage output, a self heal that maxes HP to 1606, or a number of powers to frankenslot purples, Ice Mastery has it. I'll cover each power below and give my thoughts. I'd like to read what others have found in their playing of Ice Mastery on Corruptors.


    ice_mastery_flashfreeze.png Flash Freeze - Ranged (Targeted AoE), DMG(Cold), Foe Sleep (Available at Level 35)

    • Power Description: You can Flash Freeze a large patch of ground beneath a targeted foe, instantly forming dozens of deadly ice shards that do Cold damage to all enemies in the area. The victims are left trapped within the icicles, but can break free if disturbed. Only targets near the ground can be affected. Notes: The Sleep component of this power is Auto Hit against regular enemies, but a To Hit check is required to against AVs and players, as well as to make secondary effects apply.

    • Player Feedback: I've only tried this out on my build sparingly. With the other powers available in this Epic Powerset, it's tough to choose this one over the other options available and due to my build having multiple Targeted Area of Effect (TAoE) powers, it doesn't synergize well. The Mag 3 Sleep works nicely against even-level minions, lieutenants, and bosses, but starts to lose it's effectiveness as a damage mitigation tool as I fought higher level enemies or the enemies had resistance to Sleep. If a player's powerset already has access to a Sleep AoE, this would be a great power to stack mez with. Players can also slot the Fortunata Hypnosis Sleep Invention Origin Set in to this power if they are searching for additional recharge (5-slot for 10% recharge) or Fire/Cold (3-slot for 6% Fire/Cold res) or Toxic/Psi res (6-slot for 6% Toxic/Psi res). I tried out slotting the Chance for Placate proc and it's a bit duplicative/redundant because the enemies are in Sleep status for 14 seconds, and Placate status for 8 seconds. Additionally, players can slot the Ragnarok TAoE Invention Origin Set as well for the same set bonuses as the Fortunata Hypnosis Invention Origin set (with a Chance for Knocknown instead of Placate). This power has a rather high amount of endurance cost (19.5 end) per use and a max target of 10. Overall I can see the utility of this power, however, for my build - it didn't fit.


    ice_mastery_frozenarmor.png Frozen Armor - Toggle: Self +Def(Smash, Lethal), +Res(Cold, Fire) (Available at Level 35)

    • Power Description: While this power is active, you coat yourself in rock hard Frozen Armor. The hardness of the Frozen Armor offers good defense to Smashing and Lethal attack as well as reduces Cold damage. Also, Fire attacks deal slightly less damage.
    • Player Feedback: This is a fantastic Epic Powerset shield for any player who wants access to both Res or Def Invention Origin set slotting! The 12.75% +def Smashing/Lethal is comparable to the other def shield available to Corruptors from Mace Mastery and the res (+22.5% Cold, +7.5% Fire) is also comparable to other Epic Powersets with res shields as well. Aside from those comparables, this is the power to choose if a player is not taking Flash Freeze. I use this in conjunction with Arctic Fog to get a hefty Cold res and some nice Fire res also.


    ice_mastery_hoarfrost.png Hoarfrost - Self Heal, +Max HP, Res(Toxic) (Available at Level 38)

    • Power Description: Activating this power covers you in a thick layer of Hoarfrost. The frost can absorb the impact from enemy attacks, effectively increasing your maximum Hit Points for a short time. Hoarfrost also grants you resistance to Toxic Damage. You must be level 38 and have one other Ice Mastery Powers before selecting this power.
    • Player Feedback: Let's start with the fact that only one other Epic Powerset for Corruptors offers a click self heal (Energize from Mu Mastery at Level 41), but none offer a click self heal AND MaxHP! The self heal from Hoarfrost gives 321.2691 HP at base level (it can be enhanced to give even more!). Do you want to cap your HP without investing heavily in set bonuses? Hoarfrost will do it for you - it offers 160.6 MaxHP (enhanceable) and an additional 160.6 MaxHP (unenhanceable) to your health pool. Additionally, it offers +11.25% res to Toxic (enhanceable). This power lasts 120 seconds and recharges in 540 seconds. With enough +recharge, a player can get it to the point where it only has 20 seconds of downtime if they desire. This is another unique tool available for players who are looking for additional HP, the best self heal offered from an Epic Powerset, or another place to slot Healing or Resistance Invention Origin set bonuses. 


    ice_mastery_buildup.png Build Up - Self +DMG, +To Hit (Available at Level 41)

    • Power Description: Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your Accuracy.
    • Player Feedback: Oh boy! This has been my favorite power addition to Corruptors in a long time. Build Up and Aim are normally only available in combination with Blaster powersets. The difference with this Build Up is that it's base recharge is 180 seconds. That's not terrible considering a player will cap their proc chance (90%) with Gaussians Synchronized Fire-Control: +Chance for Build Up even with 100% recharge slotted in the power (to bring it down to a cool 90 seconds - about the same as Blizzard when slotted for recharge!) - even faster with additional set bonus +recharge. There is something magical about Aim+Build Up (slotted with Gaussian's BU)+Sleet+Blizzard (and then Scourge kicks in!!!) on a mob of enemies. Throw in Ice Storm (with a Annihilation: Chance for -res) if a player is truly mad with power! 


    ice_mastery_iceelemental.png Ice Elemental - Summon Ice Elemental: Melee DMG(Lethal/Cold) (Available at Level 44)

    • Power Description: You can create a very powerful entity of animated ice at a targeted location. Ice Elemental possesses several ice powers to attack any nearby foes and can be healed and buffed like any teammate. You must be level 44 and have two other Ice Mastery Powers before selecting this power.
    • Player Feedback: The last power in the Epic Powerset and it's pretty comparable to the Villain Patrol Powersets summons, albeit the cast time is quicker if that is something a player desires. With some heavy recharge slotting, +recharge set bonuses, and a +rech temporary power, players can get this pet perma'd. I went with 6-slotting the Soulbound Allegiance Invention Origin set to get all the damage I could out of the pet (and the Soulbound Allegiance: Chance for Build Up proc goes off enough to make the pet damage worthwhile). The pet is pretty sturdy when used in conjunction with my character's powerset (casting shields and Frostwork help!), but it may not be that resilient when used by other Corruptor powersets. I generally use this pet when fighting against AV/Hero class enemies. The pet A.I. is not terrible, but it can aggro enemies from farther away because it has access to ranged powers like Ice Bolt and Freezing Touch. Only downside I see with this power is that it's four picks deep - but the other picks along the way are worthwhile, so it's a fair opportunity cost. 


    So those are my thoughts - what are your experiences with using Ice Mastery?

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, TheZag said:

    I agree with the reasons for the original implementation of NoPhase,  but its highly debatable that the tiny buff icons are a usable indicator for when a power is usable again.  Buff icons dont have a time remaining number or change in size as their duration completes.  They can start flashing when about to expire but that is unreliable at best as buff icons bounce around constantly in combat.


    We have timed toggles now so NoPhase isnt needed to drop an individual toggle but it may still be needed to prevent the activation of a second phase power.  Having a recharged ability but with remaining cooldown through the lockout period of a temporary power that is granted and then later revoked and doesnt display that cooldown period in a way consistent with every other power in the game is kinda janky.  (And if that sentence was word salad,  I'd say it represents the current state of implementation accurately).


    Yes,  hibernate isnt that critical most of the time,  but we are playing a game where cooldowns are king.  Have the icon grow at the speed of the NoPhase timer or slap its timer on the icon but dont leave a recharged power that isnt 'recharged' with a hardly usable indicator for when its ready.


    NoPhase is a temporary auto power. It's recharge can't be affected. It will remain the same regardless of any buffs. It's not a toggle or click power, so a countdown doesn't make much sense given this. And as you pointed out, the NoPhase status is applied because at the time of the change, other powers could be used after or separately from Hibernate, like Phase Shift, to artificially extend the duration of a player being unaffected to infinity.


    Bottom line, it's an auto power that doesn't have a recharge timer because auto powers don't have recharge.

  4. 1 hour ago, ZorkNemesis said:

    If I can remember to be awake, i'll come along for at least the Lady Grey and Redside RV runs, assuming you can make use of Weald Warden, my Archery/Plant Blaster.  I imagine 1☆ LGTF isn't so difficult that you'd want a cookie cutter setup and I need RV pillboxes as well; those are a massive pain even dualboxing.


    As for future suggestions, aside from Master of TFs, there's of course hard mode Aeon and Imperious, never see shouts for those on indom.  Maybe there could also be organized hunts of real rough defeat badges, like Cimeroran Monsters (for those of us who don't just spam ITFs, they're a huge pain to fight on the cliffs) or something else.


    Happy to have you join us for the Lady Grey Task Force and Redside Hero Defeat PvP Badges - I'm assuming your global is @ZorkNemesis? nevermind, I see it in your signature (I usually read the forums on my phone).


    I would like to do Aeon and Imperious 1-star runs in the future, however, I am still learning the content and I don't want to waste anyone's time with my learning curve. Perhaps in a month (July) I will be familiar enough though! I can definitely see doing some Defeat badges, especially the Minotaur/Cyclops in Cimerora - great suggestion.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, AbathurPendris said:

    The power icon shows up, however there is no in-game indication for it's duration.  There's no numerical countdown or visual growth indicator essentially making Hibernate's cooldown a guessing game. 

    I guess I am just not grasping what you mean. There is in-game indication for it's duration - it says 120 seconds in the temporary power's description. It's an auto temporary power that is granted then removed, so I don't think it can have a countdown timer or blinking effect, if that's what you are advocating for.




    Players can use the visual queue on their status bar to see whether NoPhase is active or not. 


    NoPhase is currently not active.



    NoPhase temporary power is granted after activating Hibernate.



    Hibernate breaks after 30 seconds, NoPhase continues for 90 seconds (of the 120 second duration).



    NoPhase is currently not active.


    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. 1 minute ago, ZamuelNow said:

    I know the level range of Recluse's Victory has changed from what it was on Live.  What would be needed if you were joining to two RV events?  Weirdly enough, I was more used to exploring Warburg than RV on Live.


    For future badge runs, perhaps something involving Drowning in Blood?  Death From Below gets run all the time but you never hear about DiB.

    Recluse's Victory has no minimum level requirement. You are welcome to bring whichever character you desire for the badges identified and they will be auto-sidekicked up to Level 50.


    I appreciate your suggestion! My goal with these badge runs are to acquire the badges which generally are more difficult to get either due to fewer players on the server or because they aren't often ran content-wise. Drowning in Blood can be soloed with minimal effort, just like Death from Below, so I won't be doing them as part of the Indom Badge Runs.


    Thank you!

  7. Seems like decent design compromise on a Tanker, *and for other Archetypes that have access to it. 


    Looking at the other T9 powers that don't crash and recharge quickly like Hibernate (120 seconds base recharge) and don't last long (30 seconds), the only real comparison is Granite Armor, but it has it's own self debuffs to balance that. 


    And the other T9 powers last longer in duration, but have crashes and recharge much longer:

    1. Unstoppable, Power Surge, Elude (1000 seconds base recharge),
    2. Meltdown (480 seconds base recharge),
    3. One with the Shield (360 seconds base recharge), 
    4. Strength of Will (300 seconds base recharge).


    I think your feedback is on the status effect 'NoPhase' though, which displays a temporary power icon on the player's health bar while in that status effect until the lock out timer is removed. Is this something that isn't showing for you?

    • Confused 1
    • Thumbs Up 1
    • Thumbs Down 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, VULCAN said:

    Not sure it is a bug but I would like to share with you somme probleme I have.

    I am trying to launch last mission of level 50 ouroboros mlissions available at pilar.
    Name is "A second chance at first impression" 27.15

    It is impossible to activate this one  and here is the message :


    I dont understand what is blocking me ? 
    I tried to scroll on the list if I see a "doc buzzsaw" mission , in the case it was a prerequisite but I could not find one (or maybe I missed it).
    The indications fot this "second chances" are notre precise enough for me to find what I need to do to unlock it. Or maybe its just a bug and it should be avaialble as I am  level 50.

    Would appreciate your help guys.

    Complete the 'The Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok' Story Arc from Doc Buzzsaw to unlock this contact in Ouroboros. 




    Piecemeal Issue 27 Finale

    'A Second Chance At A First Impression' - Issue 27 Finale: Personal Story, Piecemeal

    A strange, archaic and outdated device in the Rikti War Zone has been asking for you by name. If you are ready, you will step into the shoes of Paragon City's newest and most notorious villain as she comes face-to-face with a situation that (for once) she cannot handle. The amount of humble pie she consumes as a result has yet to be accurately calculated.

    A new take on the Personal Story, you and your teammates will be forced to assume to the identity of Piecemeal as you navigate a reconstructed simulation of her experience trying to circumvent the protocols in the Paragon City teleport grid - an event that sends her from one place to another uncontrollably before placing you in the heart of a burgeoning apocalypse. Carefully reconstructed from her 360-degree sensor tech and optical recordings by her M.C. of Information, Bile, you will engage in a bit of banter before witnessing the horror hands-on in this Abomination Simulation.

    Enjoy some of the canonical reasons for notorious changes, and a heaping bathtub full of foreshadowing!



     This Personal Story can be played together with a full team of 8 players! 

    • CONTACT: Pay Phone
      • Accessing this story arc requires having completing Doc Buzzsaw's newest arc.
    • LOCATION: Rikti War Zone, /thumbtack 3230.6 0.1 -513.9
    • ALIGNMENT / LEVEL: Any - Level 50
    • OUROBOROS / ARC: Hero of the City / Made - 27.95
    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Snarky said:

    In the OP the AF for cones and spheres should include the algebra on 1st mention.  Why the F do i gotta search through 12 posts to mayve get the correct cureent calc.  Like taking a math class and the teacher just starts spouting poetry for the first half of the class.

    The first few years players were back they had to discover how things worked since there weren't any devs from the legacy days to give the formulas answers to us. Those first 10 pages are pretty much that, though Bopper updated a good deal of the original post based on the subsequent results.

    • Thanks 1
  10. Hey Indom badgers! Here are our badge runs for the month of June!


    This month has a PvP badge flavor, so if those are ones you need, please feel free to sign up with your global and character. Remember, these badge runs will start on [1100 PST / 1200 MST / 1300 CST / 1400 EST] for the dates listed below. I am also taking suggestions for badge runs for the month of July. Feel free to comment on any particular badges you want to acquire.


    Saturday, June 1stAdvanced Mode Lady Grey Task Force: This badge run will consist of running the Lady Gray Task Force at the 1-Star difficulty level (Malicious) in order to acquire the two new badges and explore the upcoming [spoilers] and hidden Easter eggs (both in the Rikti War Zone and in the Task Force). This task force has new enemy mechanics and a unique enemy spawn not found anywhere else in the game. Defeats will be likely and we will be going at a leisurely pace, so expect it to take 1-2 hours. We will meet at Lady Grey, I'll be there 15 minutes early to start inviting peopleIn this mode, we will want to defeat any Rikti Scientists we see as soon as possible!



    • Badge Apocalyptic: Badge awarded for completion of Lady Grey Task Force
    • Badge Zookeeper Omega: Defeat K'ong in the Advanced Mode of The Lady Grey Task Force
    • Badge Doesn't Look At Explosions: Complete the Advanced Mode of The Lady Grey Task Force, and escape the Rikti space station


    Sign-Up for Saturday, June 1st - Advanced Mode Lady Grey Task Force:

    1. @Glacier Peak Glacier Peak - Ice/Cold Corruptor
    2. @ZorkNemesis Weald Warden - Archery/Plant Blaster
    3. @Bananiac Bananiac (Plant/Rad Controller)
    4. @Cece Princess Cecilia - elec/elec blaster.
    5. @FrauleinMental Fraulein Mental - Mind/Kin Controller
    6. @Milrop Sequestered - Willpower/Super Strength Tanker
    7. @Midnyte Midnyte - DM/WP Brute


    Saturday, June 8th - PvP Badges Week 1: This badge run will consist of acquiring the Recluse's Victory Archvillain-defeat badges. We will meet inside the Hero base in Recluse's Victory, I'll be there 15 minutes early to start inviting people. These AV spawns are random and we will sometimes get the same ones many times in a row, so patience is key! 


    Badges: Players will need to be Hero/Vigilante alignment for these.

    • File:Badge defeatrecluse.png Arachnophobic: Defeat Lord Recluse in Recluse's Victory
    • Thumbnail for version as of 00:11, 8 May 2020 Wrangler: You have helped defeat Black Scorpion in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatghostwidow.png Poltergeist: You have helped defeat Ghost Widow in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatscirocco.png Sandblasted: You have helped defeat Scirocco in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatmako.png Shark Hunter: You have helped defeat Captain Mako in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatrecluse.png Justiciar: Defeat Lord Recluse, Ghost Widow, Captain Mako, Black Scorpion, and Scirocco in Recluse's Victory


    Sign-Up for Saturday, June 8th - PvP Badges Week 1:

    1. @Glacier Peak Glacier Peak - Ice/Cold Corruptor
    2. @Cece Casualty of War - fire/energy dominator
    3. @Bananiac Mr O'Hallows (Fire/Nature Controller)
    4. @Burnt Umber Commenticia - Illusion/Forcefields Controller


    Saturday, June 15th - PvP Badges Week 2: This badge run will consist of acquiring the Recluse's Victory Hero-defeat badges. We will meet inside the Villain base in Recluse's Victory, I'll be there 15 minutes early to start inviting people. These Hero spawns are random and we will sometimes get the same ones many times in a row, so patience is key!


    Badges: Players will need to be Villain/Rogue alignment for these.

    • File:Badge defeatstatesman.png Oppressor: You have helped defeat Ms. Liberty in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatbrawler.png Uppercut: You have helped defeat Back Alley Brawler in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatpsyche.png Interrogator: You have helped defeat Penelope Yin in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatpositron.png Destroyer: You have helped defeat Positron in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatmanticore.png Dead-eye: You have helped defeat Manticore in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatsynapse.png Breakneck: You have helped defeat Synapse in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatstatesman.png Blackguard: Defeat Ms. Liberty, Manticore, Back Alley Brawler, Positron, Synapse, and Penelope Yin in Recluse's Victory


     Sign-Up for Saturday, June 15th - PvP Badges Week 2:

    1. @Glacier Peak Glacier Peak - Ice/Cold Corruptor
    2.  @ZorkNemesis Weald Warden - Archery/Plant Blaster
    3. @Cece Casualty of War - fire/energy dominator
    4. @Midnyte Eternal Midnight - Energy/Electric Brute
    5. @Burnt Umber Hostia Usta - Fire/Dark Cor


    ----------ONE WEEK BREAK DUE TO SCHEDULE----------


    Sunday, June 30th - PvP Badges Week 3: The Arena badges are next for the final PvP week! Tournament Victor and Pentad Victor take the most time, so we will be doing these first and once everyone has those two, we will proceed to the other three Arena badges. If you want to switch badgers after each attempt, you are more than welcome as needed. We will meet inside the Pocket D Arena area, I'll be there 15 minutes early to start inviting people. ***I'm locking the player count at 8 for this run to ensure I can respect the two hour time estimate for players who sign up.*** 


    • Thumbnail for version as of 00:22, 8 May 2020 Arena Victor: Win any rated or unrated match in the Arena
    • Thumbnail for version as of 23:54, 7 May 2020 Arena Duelist: Win a rated or unrated Duel match in the Arena
    • Thumbnail for version as of 00:31, 8 May 2020 Tournament Victor: Win a rated or unrated Swiss Draw match in the Arena
    • Thumbnail for version as of 00:01, 8 May 2020 Arena Survivalist: Win a rated or unrated Battle Royale match in the Arena
    • Thumbnail for version as of 00:08, 8 May 2020 Pentad Victor: Win a rated or unrated Pentad or Septad match in the Arena
    • File:Badge arena AllStar 5.png Arena All-Star: You've earned the Arena All-Star badge by winning all of the above types of Arena matches


    Sign-Up for Sunday, June 30th - PvP Badges Week 3:

    1. @Glacier Peak Glacier Peak - Ice/Cold Corruptor
    2. @FrauleinMental Fraulein Mental - Mind/Kin Controller
    3. @Burnt Umber Nox Atrissima - Widow/Fortunata
    4. @Midnyte Midnyte - Dark Melee/Willpower Brute
    5. @Bananiac Character and AT unknown
    6.  @DethMonger @BruceWee- Bruce Wee - Martial Arts/Regeneration Scrapper
    7. @Crossbones "Silver Sun" AT unknown
    • Like 3
  11. Indom Badgers!


    I will be leading announced badge runs on Indomitable for participants to acquire badges which are harder to come by in normal gameplay. I will post in advanced the dates and badges which will be sought in this thread so that players can pick the characters they want for those badges. 


    I will provide a post each month that will show the forthcoming badge(s) runs for folks to sign up for (much like the Theme Team does during their weekly event) by replying in this thread with their global handle and character name. At this time, my schedule does not allow me to do these weekly, so I will be posting dates in advanced instead to accommodate.



    1. Badge runs will begin on either Saturday or Sunday at [1100 PST / 1200 MST / 1300 CST / 1400 EST]
    2. No Incarnate Trial or "Master of" content will be ran for these events (this is in order to ensure a reasonable time constraint for all participants)
    3. No speed runs (this is to ensure players get to experience all of the hidden secrets and spoilers without feeling rushed)
    4. First come basis for sign up (this is to ensure fairness and event manageability)
    5. No AT/Powerset combos restrictions (anyone can bring any character, as long as they can meet the badge requirements!)


    Subsequent posts will contain the next month's worth of badge runs and then I will continue to post upcoming runs on a monthly basis. If these badge runs prove successful, I will continue them throughout the year. Have fun and thanks for joining us!

    • Like 5
  12. 24 minutes ago, Midnyte said:

    Would love to join you, Glacier, do you plan to advertise it here? (Theme team forum, or elsewhere in Indom forum)

    Yes! I'll post a link in this thread once I make the forum post in the Indomitable section. I think I'll make it reoccurring and on the weekends, probably Sundays. It will be a weekly Badge(s) Run and cover the harder to get badges (no Incarnate trial badges). I'll start with the Advanced Mode Lady Grey Taskforce first, then folks can give their input on what they'd like to go for next few. PvP badges, defeat badges, accolades, etc. I've got all the badges outside of incarnate content and "Master of" so I'm pretty confident I can assist anyone looking to get the tough ones. 

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