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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. This is gonna sound silly, but try running through the tutorial again on a new character. The game REALLY kicks you in to 'figure it out on your own' mode once you leave your first planet. I remember being in a similar boat as you, and I ended up just staying on the same planet farming resources until I stopped playing 😆 

  2. What if the the developers on legacy actually used all of the Rogue Isles map?

    File:V citymap.png


    What if Horace Greene was the hero Peacebringer contact instead of Sunstorm?



    What if instead of Incarnate powers, the developers back on legacy just removed enhancement diversification?



    What if the Gargarin Space Station, the Armstrong Moonbase, or just a friggin outerspace zone was actually in game??? Or they completed the launch station!






    Okay, last one - what if Michael White actually stayed white? 😆

    (Okay, I couldn't find a screenshot of him when he was white, but hopefully someone else here remembers that!)

    • Thanks 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, Techwright said:

    Most of the parts were played by the actors who did the live action.  Even the creep commanding the SSR was taken from the live action "Marvel One Shot: Agent Carter" and is voiced by the live show actor.  Notable exceptions (and I'm not really spoiling anything here):  Steve was voiced by another, and Schmidt was voiced by the same actor who did Red Skull in Infinity War and Endgame.  Both, I thought did a fine job.


    I've already read a lot of reviews and seen a lot of reactions.  Even talked to two YouTube reactors who are on my work team.  This is actually the first I've heard a lot of negative regarding the animation.  I have heard a comment, based solely on the trailer, that suggested the mouth movements were odd, but that was about the depth of it so far.  Speaking with my coworkers, we all agreed that the animation style, particularly the use of light and shadow, felt like a descendant of the old 2D Max Fleischer Superman cartoons of the early 1940s.  I wonder if the fact that those were animation from the WWII era, meant that this animation style was a homage.


    As to the episode itself, I rather liked it.  I do have a few nitpicks, which I'll put in the spoiler box with everything else:

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    1. Captain Carter exhibited a notable level of strength beyond what we've seen with Captain America.  What's been said for the last 13 years is that the serum enhances to peak human conditioning.  While we have seen Rogers hurl an in-motion motorcycle, I'm trying to think if we've ever seen a level of jumping height equal to what Peggy exhibited, clearing the tops of evergreens.  Initially I was not thrilled with the flipping of the truck, again feeling it exhibited a level beyond that of super soldier  (Walker, for example, struggled to haul a truck from a precipice).  I was willing to chalk it up to the old martial arts concept of using your opponent's strength against him, hence the flip.  One of my coworkers point out however, that Rogers pinned down a helicopter once, so I'm a bit more accepting of this as a result. 


    2. No combat between Red Skull and Captain Carter.  I get that the space squid was to be the ultimate test of her abilities, but its an important combat that they should not have missed.


    3. How off earth did Red Skull even know there was a giant space squid out there?  Nothing in the writing, that I recall anyway, suggested that Hydra had any connection to space or its inhabitants.  And don't point to Agents of SHIELD for the answer.  Kevin Feige rejected them, and the character there is humanoid, both on screen and in the comics.


    4. What an incredibly conveniently-place sword!  Even more impressive, its a significant weapon, and not a costume weapon like a lot of those sword-in-shield decorations


    5.  So Red Skull's plan to conquer his heavily armed enemies was to whip out a giant space kraken?  One whose tentacles can be lopped off easily with a strong woman with a sword?  What was he thinking it would do against a tank battalion, let alone a full army?


    6.  I'm unclear how the machinery burning necessitated an immediate transformation procedure.   You have both the vials of Dr. Erskine's formula and the scientist who built all the machinery to deliver the formula.  If anything the project was just set back for a month or two.  I hate agreeing with a worthless stuff-shirt like Col. Flynn, but Peggy and Howard should have grabbed the vials and gotten everyone clear of there.  Howard could then rebuild, and they'd have pure samples to analyze and duplicate.  At worst, they finish the lab mark II and put a healed Rogers through the process at that time.


    7. Captain Carter riding the HYDRA Stomper feels like a direct rip-off of DC's Star Girl riding the S.T.R.I.P.E. armor.  I've even found a picture or two in a nearly identical pose.


    8.  Captain Carter with sword and shield feels like a complete rip-off of the first Wonder Woman movie.  Which I'm okay with because a lot of that movie was a rip-off of Captain America: The First Avenger.


    9.  The HYDRA castle looked like a deliberate parody of the Disney park castles,


    10.  Running up to the motorcyclist:  lost opportunity to say "On your left".


    11. I like that they didn't use the name "Captain Britain".  It gives me hope that we'll one day see Marvel's Captain Britain.


    12.  Notice the scene where Captain Carter moves in to interrogate Dr. Zola?  It's subtle, but it has to be a deliberate contrast to Zola's interrogation in The First Avenger.  There, Col. Phillips has a persuasive, gentle interrogation of Zola.  Phillips points out that Zola was responsible for the "death" of Cap's best friend, and he wouldn't like his chances with anyone else in the room (implying Rogers handling the interrogation).  In this timeline, Phillips is dead, and Col. Flynn being a complete waste of uniform is not conducting the interrogation, so the person to enter the room is the super soldier who just lost her best friend.  Alt timeline Zola found out the truth of  what sacred timeline Col. Phillips was hinting at.





    Wow, you should do this for a living!

    • Haha 1
  4. With no experience leading any incarnate trials, take this with less than a grain of salt - but perhaps if you notice someone willfully ignoring your stated goal (of getting Triple Threat), then you could right click that player's name and remove them from the instance. Laying on the chat will only work with folks who care to read it or can keep up with all of the information being put out. 


    I think if you've gotten to the point that you're soliciting advice from this forum, you're well within your rights as the leader/organizer of the badge run to simply boot the player(s) who is/are not following your guidance.


    Good luck! I still need my incarnate trial badges, but I too loathe the teammate who nullifies hours of work by choosing not to do what they agreed to before hand.

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  5. 17 hours ago, TraumaTrain said:

    Looking lovely so far.








    Who else will fight the blue tide with us! @Glacier Peak? @Snarky?

    Exciting! Put me down as tentative. I've got my Stalker 'Aerobic Shock' parked next to Virgil ready to go, but RL may dictate otherwise. I'll give my definitive answer by tomorrow at the latest. 



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  6. 7 hours ago, Mr. Vee said:

    Tell us how you really feel 😄

    I didn't mind it. Peggy in action was fun as she was more athletic and trained going into the process than Steve so seemed more badass. I wasn't expecting much and anything I can get through in 15 minutes without wanting to bang my head against something is a win in my book. I do wish they'd have picked a less recognizable actor for Uatu though. It's not as bad as Dennis Haysbert on Masters of the Universe but there's still a real disconnect for me when an animated character's voice is so obviously a particularly well known actor.



    Did they get Atwell for the voice acting? I honestly couldn't tell... I did like that they got Stan for Bucky though.

  7. 10 hours ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    The writing was banal, except for the parts cut 'n pasted from movies...  But I hope the amount of paste eaten by the writer didn't give them a stomachache.  The animation was horrible.  It looked like they rotoscoped a Pixar movie, right down to the stereotypical gestures and facial expressions, producing a weird horror that was neither 2D nor 3D.  Whoever designed the characters should be shot and their body dumped in the nearest outhouse.  And whoever directed the voice acting could really up their game by watching a round dozen low budget kung fu dubs from the mid 70's and paying careful attention.

    The only good part was the sweet relief of seeing the end credits roll and knowing the torture was over.  It was an enormous let down...  which is very depressing because I was a huge fan of What If? back in the day and I'm a huge fan of the MCU in general.  I wanted to like it so very badly, but I just couldn't.

    I can understand and emphasize with everything you've said. I reset my expectations after Loki (because it was so good!) and this show was about as good as I expected. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    All your powers go on cooldown, just as if you'd used them (or turned them off, in the case of toggles), so each of them had to recharge normally before they are available. This is (aside from activation time) not much of a problem for most armor toggles, or for the first few tiers of powers, but some of them can have significant recharge timers.

    No, not the powers themselves - the ability to switch between builds. So say I wanted to change from my current build to /selectbuild 2 and then wanted to switch to /selectbuild 3 instead, I would need to wait a set period of time. 


    Hopefully that clears it up and we can steer it back to Spoilers and Lore!

  9. 18 hours ago, TraumaTrain said:

    I have a few characters, some very high level, who only use the temp jetpacks from the P2W. It's all about concept for me.


    (I'd love to see more jetpacks in the backpack options in costuming.)

    I prefer the jump pack jet pack aesthetically out of all of the ones I have come by so far.  

    • Like 1
  10. 33 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    With the constraint that all of your abilities go into cooldown when you switch builds. This isn't an issue with fast-recharge powers like most armors, but switching builds isn't something you want to do in the middle of combat.

    Yeah, I figured the wiki page I linked would give the poster enough info on stuff like what said. That is on that page, though I don't think its on a 30 minute cooldown, I feel like its closer to 30 seconds or a minute.

  11. Just now, Aeroprism said:

    I can absolutely live with that.


    So the build must be planned appropriately so exemping doesn't feel like punishment.

    Yeah its an interesting decision, I've played content at level and I have also played the same content exemplared down. I didn't notice much of a difference to be honest.

  12. 1 minute ago, Aeroprism said:

    Shameful admitance: though I have played hundreds and hundreds of hours, most of the story I have never seen.  (I clicked ONE spoiler and immediately regretted, SO MUCH I don't know yet.)


    So quick question: can I view most of this fantastic story/universe AFTER my character out-levelled it?  After all this time, it is still my sincere hope that one of my alts will strike a chord in my heart where I will say "That one.  THAT is the character through which I want to live ALL of the story." But that decision can't be made with a level 1 character."


    So, tl;dr version: Can I do all of this once I reach cap and feel like a real superhero?

    That is a great question - all of the content in the game is replayable in some form or another. All of the major and minor story arcs in the game are available through Ouroboros. All of the strikeforces, taskforces, trials, and incarnate trials/content can be replayed as well. And you can replay it if you outleveled the content - the only thing that happens is the character is exemplared down to the appropriate level.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, SuperPlyx said:

    And this is why I feel comfortable creating my next alt with no travel pool power. Got sprint and athletic run with a jetpack. I think he will do just fine. Rarely have far to travel anyways. 

    I made a natural origin character that only uses athletic run, it's an awesome addition to the other sprints. 

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  14. I love it. 


    I aged in this game with an SS/SJ only focus on legacy. I wanted to go the fastest. Since then, I've learned to love Fly on HC, with it's excellent vertical control and nimbleness. Teleport is great too if I'm actively playing, and the origin pools offer satisfactory niche adds to those traditional travel powers. Then you got your other movement powers, p2w has great selections, base temps, IO sets and bonuses, and Day Job temps allow me the freedom to build my characters without what used to be a MUST HAVE (looking at you Hollows at Level 4 with Hover 😅). That's on addition to the QoL improvements to the zone to zone and zone to mission travel. I've got an incredible amount of options (Long Range Teleport, Ouroboros portal, Base Teleporter, Supergroup Teleporter, day job base teleporters, Mission Teleporter, Team Mission Teleporter, Black Helicopter Line, PvP Free Fire Helicopters, Trams, TUNNEL portals, hub zones like Pocket D, a standing base portal in every(?) zone) to decrease my already fast journey time to any number of objectives. Of course, I had to earn them to use them, but they are easily worth the effort. 


    And just for giggles, I created a character to run around Outbreak to remember the "good old days" of movement. 


    All in all, these are great times to be playing a great game! Keep up the awesome work HC team. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, NorseStar said:

    Wish I had know that before I spent a day and 10,829,429 infl on 56 recipes that will sell for a whopping 1 to 150,00 infl each. Majority of which are looking to be about 5. 

    Welcome to the world of badging! Where you'll do anything for a shiny!


    Edit: You're not going to be making a profit on those invention badges to be sure, but you can definitely make all of that back and more once you've learned what sells.

  16. 12 minutes ago, JasperStone said:

    "nice tanking"

    I actually got this tell during Synapse TF while on Power Lass an Inv/SS tanker.

    We also had a fire troller, crab ...and can't remember the other ATs


    I adopted a newish style for me that proved good for the team


    1. Team would get a mob locked and in control.

    2. I would go forward to the next mob, taunt and pull them forward to a second mob and sit for a sec....

    3. Team move to me lock them down ... beat them up good

    4. I would move on rinse and repeat.


    Made for speedy clearing of missions. Not necessarily how every part was handled, but when clearing was needed that was how we rolled. Everyone was able to contribute and get their kicks in.


    Traditional tanking of "herding to here" may be gone as we are able to steamroll through content, but something along these lines is doable. It also keeps the pace up.


    Anyone else finding new teaming strategies?

    (Starts at 1:22)

    • Haha 3
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