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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 18 minutes ago, EiricEPadraig said:

    I have tried both of your suggestions and nothing has changed. Sometimes the characters move just fine, but at random times, they just start reacting to my commands like they have a mind of their own...

    Is there any chance you're experiening a latency spike when this happens? If you're in game, type "/setgraph #" where the number can be 1 or 2 and it will display your ping. If it's anything over 300, you'll experience what is known as 'rubber banding' where your character will move a moment after you input your movement command instead of instantly. I usually run at 160 Ping without any issues. 

  2. Just now, Darmian said:

    There's an assumption inherent here that it is 2021 in Paragon. Is it though? Personally I wouldn't advance the in world calendar by that many years at all.  Five at the most perhaps.  I think having it set "in the past" could give the current tiny Dev team a bit of breathing room on "filling in" the best part of a decade.

    Exactly! It's hard to call it the past or future, it's whatever time the story needs it to be (looking at you Ouroboros Menders!)

  3. 26 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    I ... wouldn't go that far. There's nothing (as far as I recall) to say the Rikti that were banished back to their dimension didn't keep control over some significant portion of the population and decide to keep trying. We might have thrown things into chaos, but if you're counting that being a decade, that's a lot of time for "stuff" to happen there.


    And, if we're using that as a justification, shouldn't we kill off Incarnate trials or banish those to "run them through the crystal?" That war's pretty definitively over, or would have to be massively restructured (Praemidon finds a way to try to invade Primal?) after all...

    You may have misunderstood my post, it was about how the content that was written then hasn't progressed any further here on Homecoming. If a player logged on in 2012 then logged on again now, the story is the exact same. So the story was essentially concluded, bookend, closed... until or unless an inspiring volunteer on the Homecoming team has the bandwidth to start writing, visualizing, validating, testing, and adding such content. 

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  4. So for a Tanker in Granite Armor in a PvP zone or match, Granite Armor would provide 35% of the 50% damage resistance offered to other typed damage, meaning 17.5% added Psi resistance. Then calculate the added 17.5% Psi resistance on top of the current PvE amount of 60% and it DRs down to 48% in a PvP zone/match.


    Recommend using this awesome spreadsheet to determine DR far more accurately than I could off hand:



  5. I totally understand the reasoning for this suggestion - the plot end for the Rikti itself concluded over a decade ago... but seeing as how this game is essentially in a state of perpetuity, I am not totally bothered by this fact. I mean, there are still computer screens in-game showing the early 2000's Windows XP running. I don't think it is worth the time to invest in updating all of the graphics for those computer screens to a modern appearance. 


    So, no for me.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Techwright said:


    Got an answer for that...

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    The web is saying it will be a Loki episode, which, if right, I'm a tad disappointed with Marvel.  We're not even 4 episodes away from LokiVisio...um, Loki the Series.  You'd think they'd let the dough rest a bit, maybe coming back to Loki later in the What If...? season, and give some other characters the spotlight for better variety.


    It better be about....


    ... Alligator Loki! 😆


    • Haha 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, Wavicle said:

    I still think that question makes no sense.

    Yes, I would be willing to have Unstoppable be severely nerfed in order to have it be a crashless power. I don't know why addressing that requires talking about PvP DR.

    In the context of this discussion on PvP related changes, it makes sense. Unstoppable, Power Surge, and other T9 armor powers don't add significant resistance or defense to a player due to the effects of diminishing returns in PvP. It's actually rather severe, so a player with 120% s/l PvE resistance (capped at 90% for Tankers) for example, would be DR'd down to 60% PvP resistance. Activating the T9 would hardly raise it at all, to say 62% resistance in a PvP zone. Yet, the crash that occurs for those T9s don't get DR'd - so hardly any increase in resistance or defense and then a massive crash. In PvP, at least in organized play, this is essential a suicide button. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 7 hours ago, A Cat said:

    Just tried the rocket board for the first time. It is so cool! Wish it were faster and all but it is so cool! 

    You can turn on Fly (for access to Afterburner), Hover for added mobility, and Evasive Maneuvers while Rocket Board/Void Skiff/Magic Carpet are active. With all four powers active (Fly, Hover, Afterburner, EM), and the P2W flight power, you are sitting at 102MPH Fly speed. 


    Edit: I may have mixed up the exact speed boosts for each power - Evasive Maneuvers by itself doesn't make you fly faster, it gives more maneuverability. Hover with Evasive Maneuvers adds about 2 MPH total. And Fly raises the Fly speed cap. Afterburner raises the Fly speed cap even higher, to 102.27MPH.


    • Thanks 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, Mopery said:

    What if they're away in the military for the next 20 years until they retire and then they want to play the game again on their hypnoflavotronic quantum fantabulator?

    People in all modern militaries have will have access computers, it's not like being in the military means a person lives in a barracks with no access to the outside world - I'd even wager to say the majority of lower enlisted in the U.S. military own either a game console or a computer. 

    • Thumbs Up 2
  10. 35 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

    Just my 2 inf but it should go by whether an account has been logged in.  If an account is still active a person has the ability to contact a name owner to discuss whether or not they want to release it.  If an account hasn't been logged into at all in years, it's probably safe to say they aren't coming back.


    • Like 1
  11. Logged in to their account or logged in to a character on their account? 


    I don't know... if I find that a name isn't available, I just jump to another server until it is. If the one name I want isn't available across all servers, I figure I am not coming up with a unique enough name.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 17 minutes ago, EiricEPadraig said:

    My characters are moving in exaggerated manners - if I tell the character to strafe left, they will strafe until they hit a wall. If I use the Q or E keys to spin the charcater's movement, they spin very, very slowly. I am trying to introduce the game to a friend of mine today and would hate for them to come into the game like this and quite honestly it does put a hamper on my own play to boot.   😛

    Do all of your keybinds look normal on this Options tab? Meaning, is anything not doing what it is supposed to be marked as according to the keybind profile?





    If that isn't it, if you restore the default keybinds, does that alleviate the problem?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. 10 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

    Are there any plans to tweak T9 crashes in PvE too?

    Wish I could find the discussion, but from what I've read it boils down to PvP having diminishing returns as the main reason why these changes aren't applied or even being looked at in PvE. The PvP crash from T9 armors are significantly more severe than in PvE.

  14. 33 minutes ago, TraumaTrain said:

    Another of my Victorian era villains. This costume inspired by @First Player's The Duke, from back on page 146 of this thread.


    Mordrogar. (A possible ancestor of Duke Mordrogar, one of the heads of the Hellions. Or maybe it's just a cheap claim to help the "Duke" in Hellion circles.)


    A European aristocrat and somewhat of a megalomaniac, he is the leader of Novus Ordo Mundi, a confederation of villains. Mordrogar has allied with another NOM member, Snake Oil, to give him super powers.


    Super Strength/Bio Armor (minimal effects) Brute.



    That red really pops! Nice job

    • Thanks 1
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  15. 3 hours ago, Techwright said:

    Void Skiff and Rocket Board:  what was the thinking behind their design that refused to allow fighting from them?  Perhaps I'm oversimplifying it, but wouldn't it essentially be like fighting with a temporary rocket pack attached? 

    I'd wager its due to not having animations associated with using those powers. So either all powers would need their own unique animations while riding them or they make it only affect self. 

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Triumphant said:

    Quite possibly.  He does have the wealth of an entire country at his disposal, along with the largest supply of vibranium in the world.  Doctor Doom would be a contender, as well, being the ruler of his own country.  Then you have Tony Stark, Reed Richards, etc.  Not really sure if Reed monetizes his inventions the way Tony does, though.  It's been a good long while since I read any fantastic four comics.  🤔

    Yeah, on the DC side, I was honestly surprised how Bruce Wayne really isn't that wealthy financially speaking across many writers and titles. He owns a controlling share in a company that sells weapons / pharma / technology / financial / really anything the writer thinks is important to the story. And he has long term generational wealth. So the impression is that he can afford anything, but there's a point where fictional rich characters are able to do things normal rich people couldn't - buy an island, create an army of mercenaries or robots, donate or provide the majority of funding to a charity that is world renowned, pay your way to the presidency, be called a philanthropist playboy bachelor billionaire, build spaceships, etc.

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