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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 4 hours ago, Techwright said:

    Episode 3:

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    Loved the surprise guest star at the end, though I should not be surprised.


    Loved Madripoor!  It was everything I'd hoped it would be.  Only thing missing (so far) was a barbershop where the chairs could really be lowered. 😉 Loved the use of neon in the city, even down to the soft blue lighting used in the cars at night.  That reminded me of the cool effect of the neon street gang in Batman Forever, though probably more realistic.


    I'm liking that Sharon is turning out to be a lot more than a quality stock agent of SHIELD. 


    I'm beginning to think we're going to see Dr. Erskine's dire prediction:  that the serum intensifies what is in the heart of the receiver.  Karly seems to have strongly demonstrated that with that car bomb.  That said,  it sounds like the serum in play is a retro-engineer of Isaiah's serum which in turn is a retro-engineer of Erskine's perfected serum, so who knows what changes have happened.  I'm wondering if Walker will get hands on the serum and forcibly take it hoping to "correct" his shortcomings when compared to Steve Rogers.  As he is already showing signs of strain, that wouldn't be good.


    I sort of saw this as a filler episode. Most of the setting and team up of the episode was given away in trailers. Still enjoying it regardless. 

  2. I'm rather indifferent about it, if I'm being honest. I love seeing the creativity in this thread, there are some REALLY talented... I think it's safe to call them artists - they come up with amazing costumes, names, and themes. I'm actually excited to see costumes posted by certain players because of their creativity. As for that stealing ideas bit, yeah that's annoying and there's not much you can do after asking them not to. At the end of the day, if someone likes my costume or character design enough to copy it, I'll call it flattery. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Virtual Green said:

    Decided to remake my famous Immovable as a former mutant boxer and undefeated costumed brawler! (SS/WP Brute)



    Great costume! Reminded me to post these two:


            Jimmy Armstrong

        Street Justice / SR Brute


    (Bio - He's a prize fighter turned vigilante. After witnessing his hometown become inundated with gang violence and drug addiction, Jimmy wanted to show his community he had their backs.) 

                  Half Time

         Grav/Time Controller


    (Bio - Highschool football athlete turned time and space bending super hero after stumbling in to a tachyon accelerator in his dad's lab.) 


    • Like 9
  4. 26 minutes ago, Luminara said:

    That was addressed in 2005.  The durations of status effects inflicted by minion class critters was reduced across the board.  The purpose of relating that experience wasn't to give an example of what happens when we're mezzed now, but to emphasize the difference in survivability when mezzed and to indicate that I've experienced this issue from every side (well, i've never been a critter, so i don't know how they feel about being mezzed to death by players...).

    Once upon a PvP time... and does anyone else remember needing 4 (or 6?) breakfrees to escape Telekinesis? 😭

  5. 11 hours ago, Luminara said:

    Everyone is going to have different concepts of what's "fast enough", but my personal breakpoint for running is 26 mph.  Anything less than that, I'm pushing that W key harder and harder, subconsciously trying to squeeze a little more out of it.


    But you're right, most people don't look at the movement speeds beyond "Am I at the cap" and "Am I debuffed".  The best way to provide evidence of something related to movement is to show it in action.  For example, when I started using Hurdle as my only travel power, just showing up at the mission door before the entire team had assembled was all the proof most people needed to realize that it wasn't as restrictive as they'd thought.  Using Hurdle + CJ, I could leap over spawns and fire off something like Explosive Arrow at the right moment to turn the KB into KD, and others could see that I wasn't just madly hopping around the room.  Repositioning by leaping, to get out of dodge, to pull critters back into Glue Arrow's Slow patch, to line up Tenebrous Tentacles better, showed others that even without Hover, one could hover blast effectively.


    Speed is an important factor in combat mobility, but showing what one can do with that speed and mobility is just as important.  Being fast enough, whatever that may mean on an individual basis, isn't quite enough to make something compelling.  Seeing what one can do, though, makes a much stronger impression.

    Oh yeah totally agree with the fact that the perception of what is fast is both relative and subjective. I mean, just for the sake of discussion, for the players that were on legacy during 2004-2005, remember how fast your character moved between levels 1-14? Remember slowly hovering over Perez, then the Hollows to get to that one contact or mission? The closest a player can get to that slow speed is playing through one of the four tutorials with just sprint/slide and no swift.


    That bit aside, measuring combat mobility in particular has been tough. I 'think' I am moving faster, but how to I quantify that? I took some gifs of live and beta hover, but again, it is my subjective view - not actual data that can be replicated or retested. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Luminara said:


    To expand on that, with two 50+5 Jump IOs in Hurdle and 67.5% +Movement bonuses, and CJ toggled on, you can jump at 59.05 mph.


    63.31 mph with Agility Radial Paragon.




    Eat my dust, @Jimmy😜

    I'm curious, is the mobility aspect tied to a metric in game or is it based on a person's subjective opinion? I have tried to demonstrate this build's flight mobility improvements using side by side comparisons, but without a visual reference of a known object over frame per second, it just becomes my subjective opinion as well. Speed (MPH) seems to be the closest metric to use. 

  7. 1 hour ago, America's Angel said:

    What about implementing PVP mez suppression in PVE?


    This is how it currently works in PVP:


    Every time a character recovers from a Hold, Immobilize, Disorient, Sleep, or Fear status, that character 
    becomes immune to all five of those effects from other players for 15 seconds. Every time a character suffers 
    a Knockdown, Knockback, or Knockup effect, that character becomes immune to all three of those effects from 
    other players for 10 seconds. These two timers are independent. It should be noted that Confuse effects, while 
    technically mezzes, are on a separate 15-second timer than the other mezzes listed above.


    I second this alternative and also recommend including cage (affecting self), repel, placate, and taunt status effects as well. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 3/31/2021 at 3:36 PM, ZaranBlack said:

    Yep. I am happy for this.  I just want the game to also direct low level toons to other content besides twinshot and the skulls arc.  new players do not know about the Hollows nor do they know of radio missions or that they have to physically go to meet contacts because most do not allow us to call them right away.    The LFG window seems like a good way to direct us to all that content.  

    Here's something you can pass on to those new players:


    Open the Contacts tab on the Navigation bar. Click 'Find New Contact'. This will show players new contacts based on their level range and even give them the option to 'Teleport to Contact' instantly.



    Edit: And as an aside, the four separate tutorials provide walkthroughs of the contact system.



  9. 9 hours ago, First Player said:

    Never seen him before but that’s a cool look too!

    My favorite part of this costume is being able to incorporate the slide power GFX. Mine is a water/storm defender, so it works really well. It is awesome when powers add that little extra to really make the costume shine. Every time I see a costume from you, I am like wow! I can't believe I didn't think of that, and like @Herotu said, I am stealing it! 

    • Like 1
  10. 16 minutes ago, ScarySai said:

    Well of course you don't need it to test the power, you test the power then offer the feedback. I tested the change, I offered my feedback. My stance isn't one founded on reading the patch notes and whining, it's from testing the change and coming to the conclusion that it effectively kills the value of the power, for reasons stated in the previous thread.


    I like Powerhouse, I like Jimmy. That doesn't mean I praise everything they do and say, they're sometimes wrong. Here, they are wrong.


    Absolutely agree, patch note quarter-backing likely isn't as useful as the testing that we have done and data that we have collected.

    • Like 2
  11. 5 minutes ago, ScarySai said:

    They can do whatever they want at the end of the day, but if you expect people to just lie down and go "oh ok, we're nerfing something that doesn't seem that OP for no reason, neat. I'll just ignore all the flaws with the reasoning provided!" without protest, you should know better.


    The lack of any baseline or information that lead up to guiding this decision makes it seem to an onlooker that the reasoning is incredibly arbitrary. Even in this post meant to clarify the issue, it is incredibly vague.

    We are in agreement on your first point, again it was just my subjective opinion. As for your second point, that is also fair to me for folks to want to seek clarification for a change - but, I personally don't need it to test a power. 

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