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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 7 minutes ago, chi1701 said:

    Will Quantum Maneuvers be usable in forms or will this be another power to pick just to use LOTG enhancement?


    Quantum Maneuvers does not work in conjunction with White Dwarf or White Nova. It will shut off (and remain greyed out) if/when you click either shapeshifting form.



    And yes, it will take LOTG (and all Defense IO) sets.


    • Like 1
  2. 30 minutes ago, Tigraine said:

    That's disappointing.  Having a tray pop up for a single power is annoying, and something I'd want to turn off.  But I don't necessarily want to shut off the Kheldian form trays.

    Solution found!


    1. Disable forthcoming pop-up tray which you detest.

    2. Add a second, third, fourth, [...] or ninth free floating tray with just your Kheldian form-specific powers.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Troo said:

    Makes sense.


    For Kinetics on live, Hover + Afterburner = very nice. Now..


    It's not swiss cheese but there are some holes in the plan that'll hopefully get patched up.

    It is worth noting that Hover and Fly do not stack Fly Speed Bonuses, in fact Hover does not provide any Flight Speed increase on it's own currently. It does, however, provide added maneuverability, that when used in conjunction with Fly, provides an identical maneuverability that Hover + Speed Boost provides on Live. (That is before taking in to consideration Evasive Maneuvers, which adds even more so).




    I can't post a video of this, but Hover + Fly + Evasive Maneuvers gets you moving FASTER than Hover + Speed Boost on Live AND you can move around with even more maneuverability (AND... you can throw on Afterburner to blow past the cap even more so, while maintaining that same high level maneuverability!).


    • Like 2
  4. 10 minutes ago, Tigraine said:

    So, going off of my previous question regarding how these trays will interact with Kheldian forms - if the "Mystic Flight popup tray" is disabled, will that also disable Kheldian popup trays (or any other similar trays), or will they be controlled independently?


    If you jump on to the beta server, you'll see that you cannot activate Mystic Flight while in Bright Nova. So the question seems moot...




    ...but I will go ahead and try to answer!








    ...AND THE POP UP MENU OPTIONS VIA NULL THE GULL (Note the fifth item down, "Could you disable my shapeshift popup tray" likely to be changed to "Click this to turn off the pop-up tray on this character")


  5. 15 minutes ago, QuiJon said:

    All i can go off of is the numbers presented in this thread which back on page 1 say someone has a fly speed of 120mph and it is quoted as a full ltime speed cap increase. Where the 102 mph cap increase is only good 1 third of the time. The rest of the time a flier would be going 32mph slower then a speedster is capable of going all the time. Now if that speed boost was a temp also, that say for 30 seconds added in that cap boost and the jumping mechanic as a bonus to SS getting a proportional buff to keep up with the new flight speed cap that is one thing, but it doesnt sound like it works that way. Speed is getting the ability when it was already the fastest to go even faster all the time, while flight is being given its current cap with 1 less power choice but only gets a buff a third of the time. 

    At Level 50, with no enhancements or set bonus on Beta right now, my character has:

    Base = 19.33 MPH running speed (Base 14.32 MPH + 5.01 MPH Swift).

    Base + Sprint = 33.65 MPH (Sprint adds 7.16 MPH)

    Base + Sprint + Super Speed OR Speed of Sound = 83.76 MPH (Both SS and SoS adds 50.11 MPH)


    Putting 1 Level 50 Generic Run Speed IO in to Swift, Sprint, and SS gets me to 110.17 MPH.


    It is almost too easy to hit the speed cap using Super Speed this way - and this is without factoring in set bonuses. 


    Also, @Bopper made a spreadsheet that breaks down flight speed here:


    Edit furthermore: You can also test these changes on the beta shard as well.

    • Like 2
  6. Following the advice of @Nayreia, I took to PvP zones to test out the tour guide tips. It wasn't until I fought a number of enemies and realized I wasn't getting drops that I came back and read the part about 36 zones that a player can LRT to. So that being said, this list of zones which a player can't port to, but contain exploration badges are:


    Bloody Bay

    Sirens Call


    Recluse's Victory

    Sewer Network

    Abandon Sewer Network

    Monster Island

    The Abyss

    The Hive

    Rikti War Zone



    Echo: Atlas Park

    Echo: Dark Astoria

    Echo: Faultline

    Echo: Galaxy City

    Echo: Rikti Crash Site


    I wouldn't dare ask for more Tour Guide tips for these zones because this is a brand new feature being tested in 36 zones already. Amazing job as well! So maybe in Page 3 or later could they be added? 


    • Like 2
  7. 55 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    Previous record: .98 miles.  New record, with a little better understanding of how to use Double Jump (get up near the flight ceiling!): 1.28 miles.

    Not that it is very useful data, but I did the same thing in the Chantry and was able to jump 1.43 miles by waiting until I was at the fall of my first leap and then holding forward. (Don't mind the jet pack, I just used it to stop mid-air to get a snapshot).



    Edit: I just realized I could've gone further if I utilized the vertical speed jump from Super Speed before turning on Super Jump and then using double jump at the top of that leap!

    • Like 2
  8. 9 hours ago, Piecemeal said:

    This issue, if I understand the black magic voodoo, should be resolved with an update pushed to the HC Launcher, as it appears to be a clientside issue.


    Let me know.

    @Piecemeal, apologies for it taking so long to get back to you, but I ran Mission 3 again and got to the end - whatever you and the team did worked! No issues with stuttering or whatnot on the floor of the last room. I appreciate the quick fix! I'll be running Freakish Lab of Doc Vaz next, feedback will be forthcoming.

  9. On 3/12/2021 at 2:00 AM, Solarverse said:

    Who would have an issue with Bitter Freeze Ray animating and having the same cooldown + mechanic as a snipe, but keeping the damage the same and keeping the hold the same? For me personally, the animation just takes way too long so I rarely use it. I feel if it acted more like a real snipe, it would fit much better with the other Ice powers for Blasters/Corruptors. What do y'all think about it?


    I would just ask the animation time to be more in line with Blaze and call it a day. It's a great power - range, damage, hold mag. It trades off with lower base acc, huge end cost and an eternity of rooting during the animation. Regardless, I think it is a mandatory power selection for Ice Blast in the end game due to proc-ability.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    Not sure if this quite qualifies as a bug or is WAI...

    Logged in with a character who had completed Frostie's arc, the badge was at the top of the "Most Recent" list - but there was no message onscreen or in the appropriate chat tab.

    I had the same thing happen as well when I logged on to my character with similar experience. I only knew I had it because I have my badges window open at all times set to most recent.

  11. There is an odd thing going on with the fog on the floor of this room. It may be due to the fog, or may not, but either way something causes a short bit of lag/shutter, almost as if a texture is on top of half of my character and the game doesn't know where to place them when they are moving. I guess the best way to describe this is if you go in to this room and try to jump or run around in the fog before fighting these enemies (assuming you have stealth). They aren't frame drops, my FPS remains consistent - it is just a weird stutter that happens when walking anywhere on the concrete floor in the last room. It honestly made it unplayable unless I used a jetpack to stay above everything. That being said, I don't want to assume that it is the fog texture on the floor, it may be something unrelated like the travel speed cap increases or something else entirely.




    Similar experience from @Gigaburger as stated in this thread: 


  12. 3 hours ago, Gigaburger said:

    Testing on a level 29 mercs/traps MM using only SO's. Going on +0/x0. Missions 1 and 2 were fairly easy, as you'd expect for a MM. Caltrops and poison gas ensure nothing really got to even touch me, not even the zoombies. Though I did get hit by 1 zoombie explosion, and it wasn't nearly as punishing as on live, where one explosion could kill half of my henchman. But it did seriously wound my henchman and I had to react quickly to every zoombie afterwards to prevent a wipe.

    Mission 3: There is a bug, at least on this test. I'd have to replay it to find out if it is consistent. In the final room, where Raverobber is located, the entire concrete floored area makes my character stutter an insane amount. Not my henchman, not the mobs, but just my character. It is nearly unplayabled. Hovering slightly above ground, you will still stutter. So going about 5 feet off the ground was necessary for me to react, however as a /traps character this presented problems.

    Raverobber himself was quite fun and challenging for me. He managed to kill my commando, all the T1s, and a T2 before I could down him. Luckily with the MM changes I was able to prevent a wipe by resummoning and equipping, while also not going completely empty on endurance and still capable of using other abilities to slow him down.

    Have not gotten any further so far.

    I experienced the same issue in the third mission, final room so I added it to the Beta Bug Report section.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Captain Powerhouse said:


    This has to do with how the game shows conditional effects. The Fly protection is only effective while flying, and the game seems to think the expression is considered special enough to not display.

    Thank you for the response. Do you know if this apply to Fly Speed as well? The description isn't showing the percentage increase that Evasive Maneuvers applies.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    Be sure and submit a bug report in the Beta Bug forum...  Bug reports tend to get lost in these busy threads.



    You don't need a second jump location...  With Double Jump active you can "jump in mid air" - I.E. if you keep hitting the spacebar, you keep jumping (gaining altitude).  Starting from ground level, you can get about 98-99% of the way to the flight ceiling.  I think it's safe to say that if you have a clear jump/travel path, there's (now) almost nowhere you can go with Flight that you can't reach with Super Jump.

    That being said, Flight still has a variety of advantages.

    Ah good idea, I'll post it in the Beta Bug Forum. 


    As for second jump location, it was a bit confusing on my part. The power is called double jump, but as you stated you can successfully jump in mid-air MULTIPLE times for 30 second (essentially mimicking JumpPack or Steam Jump Jet).

  15. 1 minute ago, America's Angel said:

    Glad to hear it's working right. I was testing it earlier, too. Even with hover+evasive maneuvers stacked, the pvp temp web grenade was still dropping my flier.

    Yeah the PvP Web Nade Temp is certainly aggressive with a Mag 10 -Fly and recharge time of 4 seconds - were you able to discern whether it's effects stack? I know they last 15 seconds, so if you could use 4 in a row, would that hit Mag 40 -Fly?

  16. 5 minutes ago, America's Angel said:

    Yeah, Evasive Manuevers is a complete non-issue in PVP.


    Especially when you can take hover instead for +3 mag fly and run it alongside flight to cancel out Air Superiority, Entangle, etc. (Without a cooldown.)

    Indeed, I was hit with 3 stacks of entangle before dropping from the sky (mind you, I was stationary and intentionally being attacked). The combination of those protections gave me more then enough time to smash space bar to escape attack range. 

  17. 7 minutes ago, InfamousBrad said:

    At 7 pages of comments before I even woke up, someone has probably said this, but I have two minor concerns about the travel power redesign, both related to the "cottage" rule.


    One of the fundamental principles behind all the travel powers in the game is that the easier they are to use, the slower they are, which is why flight is slower than super leap is slower than teleport is slower than superspeed. If the flight speed cap is higher than the jump speed cap, why would anybody ever take super leap? The jump speed cap may not need to be much higher than the flight speed cap, its base speed doesn't need to be much faster than fly's base speed. But under the "cottage" rule, it absolutely does need to be faster.


    Similarly, travel speed scales with level for a solid design reason: with few exceptions, higher level zones are physically bigger than lower level zones. It should take a level 14 character about the same time to fly the length of Port Oakes that it takes them, at level 35, to fly the length of St. Martial, that it takes them, at level 50, to fly the length of Grandville. (Independence Port and Nerva break these rules, and that's why they've always been hated). Since it's literally impossible to resize the lowbie zones, I think the travel speed cap should probably still scale with level. I'm not going to fight and die on this hill ... but the rule exists for a good reason.

    Great question! Super Jump now has a Server Tray power called Double Jump which acts like the Jumpack/Steampack P2W power for 30 seconds (10 in pvp zone) to give it more verticality, perhaps even on par with Fly if given a decently high platform or second jump location. Super Jump also has an added maneuverability that Fly doesn't quite match in terms of falling speed and horizontal movement. 


    To your second point about travel speed scaling for level due to map sizes, I would say that is arbitrary and I haven't heard of this rule before.

    • Like 2
  18. 5 minutes ago, arthurh35353 said:

    Fly changes. Sound nice on paper, are now incredibly annoying and stacking hover over fly makes fly poses broken and afterburner is now super ^%)*(&!@)(@!^) ANNOYING.

    In fact, why the hell did they change afterburner from being the way to shorten really long flight to 'just a burst of faster flying'?

    The Flight Travel Power changes are on the beta shard for a reason. Having the animation of Hover take precedent over Fly appears to be the cause of yours and others stated dislike, perhaps this can be addressed in a subsequent Build as @Captain Powerhouse stated above. 


    As an aside, I noticed that the description of Evasive Maneuvers indicates Res(-Fly), however, the Detailed Info tab lacks it's stated Fly resistance:


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