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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Just now, Xandyr said:

    Just built a new one. My last one was 11 years old, so I thought it was time.


    Case Corsair 4000D

    EVGA Supernova 650watt 80+gold power supply

    Intel i9-10850k

    Corsair Vengeance 32 gb ram

    Asus prime z490 mobo

    Asus Tuf gtx1650oc grfx card

    Corsair h100 water cooler

    WD Black 1tb m.2 ssd




    Great part selection! That's a monster size case.

  2. 1 hour ago, Panthonca7034 said:

    This is mine:


    The Famous XClio A380-Plus



    Powered by this solid machine:




    Then there is this particular experimental machine loaded with Fedora Server 32, and with which I'm still unable to quite succeed in loading the CoH Client, it's got 32GB of RAM (not much for nowadays, but better than a 16GB machine), its a Proliant DL365G5 with an AMD Opteron 2352




    For monitors, I keep it simple, a 1907FP Dell Monitor will do just fine, nothing fancy and it works



    It's truly a wonder that modern technology is still interoperable with the past. 

  3. On 4/16/2021 at 7:59 PM, garvisdol73 said:

    I had a chance to test travel power changes on the Brainstorm server.  I have a character with flight/afterburner, as well as super speed.



    I don't think this is working quite right.  My character was in The Hive, and Speed Phase didn't allow me to pass through the Monsters there.  I only really checked against Monsters but I definitely could not pass through them.



    If I read the text right, the defense bonus this gives should go away if I am in combat.  However, it definitely did not, according to Combat Attributes.  This is really good in my favor, but either is a bug or the text is wrong.


    Speed Phase works going through the Giant Monsters in the Hive. You may not have had high enough stealth to allow for the effect to work - meaning the Giant Monsters saw you, which caused you to enter combat and nullify the ability of Speed Phase.


    Edit: Proof




    And Evasive Maneuver's defensive bonus is suppressed after entering combat. Please see below:


    Before entering combat



    After entering combat



  4. Wasn't sure where to put this. The fix to Siren's Call's geometry unfortunately created a bigger hole for interested euclidean pilgrims to venture through. And Pocket D's out of map hole is still wide open 😁



    Issue 27: Second Chances, Page 2 (Release Candidate 2)

    Map Fixes

    • Various geometry fixes in the following zones:
      • Kings' Row
      • The Hive
      • The Hollows
      • Skyway City
      • Terra Volta
      • Eden
      • Peregrine Island
      • Pocket D
      • Dark Astoria
      • Siren's Call
      • Grandville
      • Dark Astoria (Echo)
      • Rikti Crash Site (Echo)
    • Storm Palace: Closed holes in the collision boundary of the zone
    • Renamed a warehouse door in Kallisti Wharf to fix issues with CityZone Any Warehouse missions breaking co-op teams



    image.thumb.png.45a99eb0a72bffc6f8127321c4ba774a.png       image.thumb.png.97a91feadcc4e8d0408891812ae46b45.png     



    image.thumb.png.f6b4bc111b19f960573aa0b6ce84da20.png    image.thumb.png.722e267e846c9bae52ddf605d2ec8b80.png   


  5. 14 minutes ago, TemporalVileTerror said:

    Two?   I thought it was only going to be 6 episodes total.  Not that I'm against it being 7, mind you.

    Spouse and I are both committed to the series now, though.  This latest episode just really sold us on the whole thing.  The training montage was a bit much for me, but she loved it.

    Also, if you care about spoilers, don't watch it with closed captions on.  They totally reveal a major plot point ahead of schedule, probably accidentally.

    I watched it with close captioning on before reading this and said whoa nice! Lol

  6. 2 hours ago, Christopher Robin said:


    I used to have a triple monitor setup back when 20' flat panels were considered

    a luxury but I traded them all in for a single wide aspect HD 30" panel.

    The PC, Keyboard, Speakers & Trackball are all still the same.




    I've always wanted to try that mouse, with the cool thumb track ball. My office coworkers have told me good things about it. What brand is it?

    • Like 2
  7. Ya'know there was a time when a player could escape from Praetoria before level 20, but that exploit was patched. The way the game identifies your alignment, even if you manage to zone in to Atlas Park or Grandville, you get forcibly booted back to your previous zone. Same applies in situations like Precinct Five for non-Praetorians. 

    The good news is there are still plenty of holes throughout Praetoria that allow you to "escape" under the map 😁

  8. 1 hour ago, Techwright said:

    @Glacier Peak beat me to it, but that is an outstanding workhorse of a keyboard.  I still have my 1991 one around here somewhere.  I was always going to get an adapter for it, I just keep forgetting.


    Congrats!  And with only 3 more years of hard savings, you should have all the components for a full, customized rig! 😁

    Awesome CPU choice. I've stuck with my 6C/12T i7-8700k because I don't benefit from multi- threaded workloads. Single threaded though and gaming, real awesome. 

  9. 9 minutes ago, ForeverLaxx said:

    Seems pretty silly that only a small selection of powersets are being forced to team to "deal with mez", and that, for some reason, that's how everyone believes it must be or the game explodes. Nevermind the fact that FF, Sonic Dispersion, Trick Arrow, and Electrical Affinity have ways to "obviate" the entire Mez problem despite being Defender/Corruptor powersets. Masterminds have pets to get around being Mezzed, Controllers slap things with Mez first to avoid it, Dominators can Mez first or use Domination to ignore it, Blasters have their T1/T2 Blasts and T1 Secondary to fight back when mezzed, Sentinels never have to deal with it, Tankers never have to deal with it, Scrappers never have to deal with it, Stalkers never have to deal with, Brutes never have to deal with it...


    but some Defenders/Corruptors must have allies attached to their hip? Because it's how it "always was"? Seems to me that more ATs have been offered solutions over the years, or outright changes to their design, in order to make Mez less of a death sentence than it used to be. So why are some Defenders/Corruptors left behind?

    I would refer to my earlier post, where my main Ice/Cold Corruptor rarely experiences any concern whatsoever for mez effects, and when it does occur it is comically easy to obviate 😁. So again, 'playstyles' are the biggest factor in experiencing mez to a subjectively unacceptable degree, not necessarily the AT or powerset combo.

    • Like 2
  10. 59 minutes ago, Verfall said:

    The thing with sentinels isn't the regen aspect, it's the absorb power https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Regeneration#Instant_Regeneration that makes it better. In most instances the enemies can't get through it to get your actual HP. It's like a perma ablative carapace from BIO.

    Thanks for the heads up. Just out of curiosity, is there a cap on absorb? Can I get multiple stacks of absorb shields?

  11. From what I have been reading the past few pages, the preferred AT to play a regen powerset on is Sentinels - if that is the case, does anyone have an example of a top tier / high end */Regen build for Sentinels? My experience with the regeneration powerset is archaic - I used it back on live before the nerfs folks have discussed in the thread, when it was a toggle. I tried it out again once CoV was released on a Stalker. It is a fun set, so I am curious how a great regen build on a Sentinel stands out compared to my previous experience; only problem being I don't have a comparable build for that. So, yeah if anyone out there has a high-end */Regen Sentinel build laying around, feel free to DM or post in this thread 😁

  12. 1 minute ago, BjorJlen said:

       Ooooo, that's sorta cool! I will have to try that out when I get time to log into the game; thanks @TygerDarkstorm. But doesn't using that feature also change the colors of said body parts too at the same time (if you change colors that is). Sorry if that's a dumb question. 🙂

    You can change those colors independent of each other.

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