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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 1 hour ago, Techwright said:
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    I didn't really see John Walker's reversal to be a twist.  As evidenced by his frustrated wrath in the senate council chambers, he's been itching for a chance to get it right, and he did ...this time.  Wyatt did an excellent job with the facial expressions.  I could actually imagine Walker staring at the teetering security transport thinking "what would Lemar want me to do?"  As to your "opinion" line, are you referring to Karli?  Because if so, I had zero empathy with her, and just a teeny bit for her goons.  She was constantly breathing out slaughter, and in the next moment saying something utterly bonkers like "I didn't mean to kill him. I don't want to kill anybody that doesn't matter."  Though I would have preferred a just trial, their demises by questionable parties will not evoke tears.  To paraphrase Wyatt's pappy, it was they who called down the thunder, and now they got it.

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    The old man was Zemo's butler.  You'll hopefully recall he was the one who spoke to Zemo on the private plane about the galley food going a bit past expiration date.


    The conversation didn't sound like something Fury would participate in.  Sure he walks a gray line, and I could even see him participating in a stolen art auction to fund his activities "for the greater good", but I don't see him marketing state secrets.  I agree with @Glacier Peak, The Powerbroker strongly feels like an evil Skrull.   That said, of what I know of Marvel in general, there is another shapeshifter out there who'd fit the bill nicely:  Mystique.  However, I suspect Marvel is waiting longer to introduce the X-men franchise, especially with another ensemble group in the wings, The Eternals.  Disney/Marvel would probably see that as too many characters at once for casual viewers to follow, especially if the Avengers ever get another group picture.


    Don't get me wrong, I totally agree with you on the John Walker piece.

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  2. Last episode....



    I mean it ended, but it didn't set up anything specific. Even the mid-credit scene didn't give me an impression that they'd do another season just based on [The Power Broker] getting in to trouble. And they did like a full 180 on John Carter - but in a good way. That was maybe the biggest twist. I am of the opinion that when it takes a whole season to develop a character and they kill them off in one episode, that character had too shallow of development for it to matter to the audience. I didn't care one way or the other at the end. 


    I still think she is a Skrull though 😁


  3. 14 minutes ago, ForeverLaxx said:

    Unfortunately, it seems that when the devs are set on nerfing or buffing something, it's getting nerfed/buffed no matter what we say about it. All we really have a say in, at least as it appears to me, is the severity/form that buff/nerf gets applied (and sometimes, not even that).

    Hey I can't say you're wrong about this because it's your opinion, so I'll just say I disagree. Having tested the past few pages, I can say with confidence that the Homecoming team goes out of their way to solicit feedback from players. From in game testing with players on the beta and closed beta servers, to real time discussion going back and forth on powers on Discord, to combing through sometimes mountains of subjective opinions with a few nuggets of actual empirical testing on feedback threads, to player polls, to Developer Corner threads, to taking Suggestions and Feedback posted by players, to addressing support tickets from players.... jeez that sounds like a full time job!! These volunteers are doing a heck of a good job, they listen to us players, they really do. They're players themselves, they don't want pointless nerfs or bugs to exist in this game. Even if players don't agree with some decisions on these servers, you gotta admit Homecoming is doing this game right. 


    And again, not saying you're wrong, just providing a different perspective. 

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  4. 48 minutes ago, dtj714 said:

    I didn’t mean the entire patch, or even all the “travel” changes, just Concealment. But if it’s as simple as changing some of the settings, then I expect it should be fixed in short order.  In fact, I’m kinda surprised that it hasn’t been already, which makes me wonder if there is some internal debate about what it’s really supposed to do, given the apparent disparity between what was “intended” and what was implemented.


    Edit: It hasn’t even been added to the”known issues” list yet. 

    It's clearly been recognized by multiple devs (many directly responding to you in other threads) that it isn't WAI and will be patched accordingly. 

  5. Holy cow those would be serious buffs. CM stacks with each cast (at least perception does, I don't remember if mez protection does). Fortitude is pretty powerful on Defenders who use power boost epic, I imagine allowing it be applied to 6 friendlies at once. I'm totally indifferent about resurrection, as there is no substantive penalty for dying anymore. And Adrenaline Boost... I mean that sounds wonderful, especially being able to use on other emps, but I'd have to test all these suggestions before I can offer you anything but my subjective opinion. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, dtj714 said:

    Sorry, I meant for what it’s “supposed” to do (once fixed), not the currently bugged implementation. We’ve seen dev posts indicating certain things are not WAI or are going to be changed, but with multiple layers of both stealth and defense being impacted by different things, it would be nice to have something showing their intentions comprehensively. 

    Jump on the next round of testing on the beta server so we can improve the game together. They'll be plenty of patch notes and data tables for everyone 😁

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  7. 9 minutes ago, dtj714 said:

    @Bopper already hinted that there could be at least one major exploit with its current effects. So it’s more than just the fact that the implementation has been acknowledged as being broken. Sorry if it would be inconvenient for those who took Infiltration, but it’s equal and opposite for those who didn’t and just want an effective invis power (which, based on what was disclosed prior to the changes going live, was reasonable to expect is what we were going to get).  

    The bugs will be addressed. There is no comparison necessary. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Faultline said:

    To be fair, this power grants 55 Stealth (same as old Invisibility, I believe, once the suppression bugs are fixed) while Hide provides 150 Stealth and Superior Invisibility a whooping 200 Stealth, so it's not really on the same league. I don't know how much Stealth is needed to be "truly invisible", though -- not a powers dev.

    Stealth offers a higher level stealth bonus (55ft) than Infiltration (36FT). The Stealth IO (Celerity/Unbound Leap) offers 30ft. Super Speed offers 35ft. So that being said, I think 55ft is the sweet spot for Stealth. 


    image.png.cc8cd0a68260eb26f37ff415bfb30d7d.png image.png.8a5c2fb3d555ff14744cc214c2f2a2a7.png 

  9. This is a great Page addition to Issue 27. Quality of life improvements galore. The Devs and Homecoming volunteer staff are really hitting home runs with their attention to detail and integrating community feedback. I can say without hesitation that this game is in the right hands.

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  10. 15 minutes ago, BZRKR said:

    I think that Infiltration is always going to be a slower travel power than Super Jump or Super Speed etc because it has the stealth and defense. Personally, I think it's a gem simply because it can take a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recharge. That's a tradeoff that I'm willing to accept.

    Exactly! The only comparable I can think of is Combat Jump, which stacks with Infiltration. LoTG mule, or other defensive sets and you get Stealth and you get stealth bonus and you get movement control. I respec'd my main and I kept Infiltration because it is situational. Sometimes I don't need to go 120MPH in a mission or to a part of a map, so I run a little slower intentionally while keeping all of those bonuses I mentioned.

  11. 3 hours ago, Hedgefund said:

    Does this refer to any type of car in particular?  I was unable to "idspispopd*" through any vehicles I tried, and I tried both those in zone and, thinking it may relate to targetable vehicles, tried to phase through cars in mayhems.  All of them obstructed my movement while I had the power on.  Someone teamed with me and confirmed both cases.


    *Old Doom cheat code for no clipping (walk through walls)

    From my testing....


    A Crash Course in Collison Detection!


    Objects Speed Phase allows travel through:

    Enemy targets

    NPC targets

    Friendly targets

    Moving vehicles

    Atlas Park Blimp

    Paragon City Tram/Rail Car


    Objects Speed Phase does not allow travel through:

    Traffic Lights, Benches, Newspaper Stands, Light Poles, Bus Stops, cars, trees, fences (wooden and metal), ladders, dumpsters, fountains, information kiosks, rocks, bushes/shrubs, pallets, oil drums, shipping containers, City of Heroes pinball machine, forklift, blue box, desk, fire extinguisher, gargoyle, police cruiser, elevator doors, ferries, black market semi-truck, Mayhem or Safeguard Mission Vault door, any destructible objects in mayhem/safeguard missions, prisoner doors (oh man!), Blackline helicopters, Rikti mothership shield in RWZ/Echo: RCS, or the Rikti ships outside Pocket D,



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  12. 11 minutes ago, Jarrakul said:

    I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying? This section certainly covers the fact that, say, Fly and Rocket Board together would use the higher speed cap from the two. But it doesn't say anything about the reduced speed cap for prestige flight powers, which is what I was saying I didn't see in the patch notes.

    Oh, well that's because the Prestige flight powers didn't have their speed caps reduced.

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