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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. You know, I just gotta mention that some of us used to plan our builds based on the accompanying guidebook that game with the installation disc. Back then, you'd flip to the page with the given power and think in your head "that would be cool" then take it, and then realize Spring Jump is not cool... not cool at all 😁


    Edit: Found the PDF version for nostalgia: http://www.cityofheroes.ca/game_info/official_guides/official_city_of_heroes_manual.html


    Edit 2: Darn it that's the new version without the powers listed. Can't find the old original 😕 

  2. 13 minutes ago, Jarrakul said:

    That's a very good point. Still surprised not to see the change in the patch notes.

    At the very top underneath tip missions:


    Travel Power Stacking

    • Almost all travel powers are no longer mutually exclusive and can be activated at the same time, but only the strongest buff of each type (run speed, jump speed, jump height, fly speed, air control) will apply
      • This ensures that every power you pick or activate will only ever improve your mobility
    • Some exceptions:
      • Click buffs (eg: Inertial Reduction), external buffs (eg: Speed Boost), and auto powers (eg: Swift) still stack as they did before
      • Prestige Run powers (Ninja Run, Beast Run, Athletic Run) are still mutually exclusive with each other
      • Temporary jetpacks are still mutually exclusive with each other
      • Sprint powers still stack with other run speed buffs and are still mutually exclusive with each other
      • Some Peacebringer flight powers and effects are mutually exclusive with their vanilla counterparts
  3. 18 hours ago, Voltmaster said:

    Grinding Sucks,


    That cyborg ape looks great. Can you post a link to the costume file so I can steal it, I mean, customize it for my own use?

    Looks like head is hat with cyclops detail 1 and alien face. Then werewolf top Black, tech gloves, chest piece clockwork or cyborg. Bottoms are kilt with cyborg boots.

  4. 4 minutes ago, BjorJlen said:

       Ok folks, I guess its that time again to play "The Toon is Right!" lol (the crowd groans at the bad pun... so sad... ). Ok, ok I'll stop lol. Without further delay...


       The first one is Xanthia', a 9th lvl Grav/Time Controller. Yes she is sorta based on Starshines look, but it was so good I couldn't resist making something similar but differant too. Grav/Time is a cool set to play, but I am still learning how to use them together well. 🙂


       The second one is Pig Pen, a 17th lvl Stone/DM Tank. And yes... he is the grown up version of Pig Pen from The Peanuts cartoon. I mean out of Charlie Brown and the rest of the gang, he was the only one who had a power for petes sake lol. Sure, it was just being incredibly dirty and stinky, but for some folks, that's a big time power lol. And so expanding on the theme, I came up with Pig Pen... the slinkiest Hero in town 😁...


       And last but not least is Fire-Arm, a 10th lvl Fire/Rad Sentinel. And due to @Glacier Peak help and @TygerDarkstorm specific info (complete with pictures... thanks again guys btw), she was my first attempt at making a character using that concept. Though going further, I also searched for the Blaster type power that could be set to use one arm mostly, and this was the result. A Blaster type character wielding a cursed demonic gauntlet that has bonded itself to her forearm. Very fun and cool character, and fairly normal looking otherwise. And as I patterned her look specifically after a non-important NPC in game (though I gave her life 🙂 ), I wonder if anyone here knows where she is (though it should be obvious as I am sure many of you have seen her at least once in passing).


       Anywho, that's it for now but there will be more coming I am sure... Hey! Stop groaning out there! I can hear you! 😋



    Excellent costumes - big fan of Pig Pen. There is something magical when a character name perfectly fits a costume concept! And I dig the gauntlet on Fire-Arm, I think the ascension gauntlet works really well with blasting characters.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Grindingsucks said:

    @Glacier Peak  The like is for the top one, with the trench coat- which I love.  The combination of pink and black is not one I would have considered, but makes for a surprisingly great effect when combined.   👍 


     Not as wild about the armored version, tbh- no offense intended.

    Yeah the trenchcoat one was a work in progress, the neon pink stands out really well, but it's hard to pull together a good look with the other costume parts. I'd say I'm halfway on that one. As for the armored, they can't all be winners 😁

  6. 1 minute ago, UberGuy said:


    I wasn't aware I stated my experience as a fact. I clearly labeled it as "Definitely not my experience", which should make it clear that, well, I'm talking about my experience. Which I did in response to you originally saying "My experience has been that...".


    So not sure why you responded in this way, unless you are perhaps suggesting you should not have posted your own subjective viewpoint to begin with. 🤷‍♂️

    Well said!

  7. On 4/14/2021 at 10:01 AM, Ukase said:



    My farmer. It should be higher, but I take breaks from farming. The afk is easy enough, I just get weary of converting. Takes time away from the badging and playing. 

    What server is this farmer on? My Perfidy is on Indomitable 😁



  8. 1 hour ago, Hew said:

    Damnit. How?! I have been trying to get there for ages and have never succeeded. 

    Well for starters there are other geometry holes in the Tiki Lounge. You can also teleport through the tiniest of slivers between the ceiling and the archways between the main lobby where DJ Zero is at. I reported all the holes in Pocket D over in the Geometry Errors thread, and I included /loc and screenshots -  I can't remember what page it's on though. 


    Edit: I thought it would be worth mentioning that I role play a space explorer called Euclidian Pilgrim who goes across zones to find ways out of the map. I've amassed numerous locations found, some patched after I reported, others not yet so. 

  9. 35 minutes ago, Hew said:

    So, I am a little confused by how things stack with Infiltrate.


    If I am running CJ, with Infiltrate, does CJ stack jump? Infiltrate jump value takes precedence and cj does nothing? I am looking to get into infiltrate, and want to run cj, but I havent quite figured out stacking with infiltrate.


    I am looking to figure out optimal slotting + power matching w/ infiltrate to maximize travel ability. Planning on taking SJ as well, so...

    Between CJ and Infiltration, whichever has the highest defense bonus is the one you'll be seeing active. They don't stack (to my knowledge, but I'm not on beta to provide evidence to support this) when you enter combat and lose Infiltration's bonus, CJ def bonus will become active until re-entering non combat status. 


    If you're planning on using Infiltration as a travel power alone I'd recommend 3 slots (see my yellow highlighted slotting in the above post). If you're going to use it as a travel power and boost its out of combat defense or run IO bonuses, I'd say 5, with 3 as mentioned before and add a LoTG or two. 

  10. 27 minutes ago, Raya said:

    can someon tell me how to create second account pls?

    The same way that you created your first account, but with a different email tied to it. If you used, say Raya for your first account name, you could pick Raya2 as your second (or any account name available for that matter). This link will take you to the Getting Started sub forum where you can create another account:



    • Like 1
  11. I picked up the T4 Cryonic Judgement on my Ice/Cold Corruptor main for theme and thought it's chance for hold would pair well. It's a cone attack with great range, but it doesn't do much in the damage category. And the hold rarely added much unless I was soloing AVs. I decided to switch to T4 Pyronic Judgement and haven't looked back since. T4 Ion Judgment is great on my farmer for adding a little bit of damage to a lot of enemies, like over the target cap I normally hit of 16 enemies. Haven't tried any others and I don't have much insight to the math either 😕 

  12. 25 minutes ago, Griefmaker said:

    I tried my first unsuccessful attempt on and ITF last weekend. Running an Ill/kin. Everything was smooth until Requim and Romulus. I was hoping they would spawn as EB's, but nope, AV's.  As I fell from the sky I clicked "Quit TF" before I hit the ground. In retrospect, I should have tried some other techniques for future runs.

    Yeah part of my interest in attempting solo Master of runs is the stakes. But that's what makes it exciting. I've faired pretty well with my Ice/cold Corruptor against AVs, but I still have to follow the game mechanics like everyone else (i.e., get away from Romulus after you kill him)

  13. 1 minute ago, Griefmaker said:

    That is my struggle at the moment, I'm sitting on 1516. I need 3 Lambda badges, Army of Neu and 7 Traditional Masters. May will give me all but 1 event badge and that will push me over 1530.  I would like to find others to run the traditional Masters.

    Right! I've been debating just trying to solo the non incarnate master of TFs just to keep it interesting. 

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