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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 11 minutes ago, Blackbird71 said:

    When the HC devs constantly insist that we present numbers and testing in our feedback on game changes, it only stands to reason that we also insist on numbers and testing to justify those changes in the first place.  What does it being a volunteer team have to do with requesting a consistency of standards in communication about changes to the game?  Are we not also volunteering our time to test their changes and provide feedback?  Should that not also receive consideration?

    Run any scientific experiment and tell me what is more valuable to building a conclusion, subjective feedback.... or quantifiable data that can not only be replicated, but also allow for specific increases or decreases based on those numbers. The HC team hasn't insisted one way or the other, but it is clear from testing what is most helpful. 


    As for your second question, perhaps running a volunteer organization would supply you with an answer - I personally do not need reasoning for a power change, other folks do - but regardless of whether I am told or not, I will still test a power change because that is how I can help this community.

  2. Subjective opinion warning:


    I'm really struggling with the sense of entitlement coming from my fellow posters. Why does anyone need justification for a proposed power change? Or anything done in this game for that matter? This is a free game carried on solely by a volunteer team and our fellow players who have the spare time to keep this community going, test out beta changes, organize events, and foster a sense of belonging in a game that shutdown almost a decade ago.  If these people decided tomorrow that they can't support this game any longer, no ones opinions would matter either way. 


    It feels to me like this reality is lost on a lot of folks when I read through beta feedback threads. The team is asking for help from us fellow players to find out if these proposed changes will break the game. No one should need to be told why they made these changes, it may be nice to know anecdotally, but it is irrelevant to what they are asking. 



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  3. 17 hours ago, ZaranBlack said:

    Please add more Story Arcs to the LFG.   The low levels need some love and the game is made to direct low level toons to the same missions over and over.  I speak to so many new players who have no idea that there other missions out there!

    I believe the intention was specifically Signature Story Arcs, not just regular story arcs. The difference being you can access regular story arcs via Ouroboros, while previously you needed to visit the specific signature story arc contact to start them.



    Signature Story Arcs in LFG

    • Signature Story Arcs are now available in the "Story Arcs" tab of the Looking For Group window
    • Note that you will only see the Signature Story Arcs for your current alignment



  4. 5 minutes ago, Lex Talion said:

    Most of the changes leave me indifferent. Fine if they come, just as fine if they don't. I find myself playing less and hardly ever logging in to the boards anymore, mostly because I found the last Page disheartening. But a couple of things really irk me and I start questioning whether the people that come up with these ideas are actually still playing the game or just managing it. On casual gameplay, or in a buddy team, these points may look unimportant, but if you're a soloing squishy they become vital and potentially decisive.




    I have plenty of AR toons and Full Auto's cast time hardly ever bothered or hampered me. Is it nice to have it shortened? Certainly, but that doesn't help with the true offender in that power - the number of targets. All the improvements to other blast T9s and Judgement powers (yuck), lack of Aim and the narrow cone width (which IS fine in my book) are more than enough to justify changing it to 16, cone or not. Full Auto is THE iconic AR power, and AR is punished enough with its damage type and Archery as direct competitor already.




    This is a completely unnecessary nerf to all blasting squishies. I can start a fight from maximum snipe range but I can't continue it? What's the point? Snipes are one option to plan and/or control the flow of battle for squishies. Finally blast users aren't automatically outranged anymore and that is so terrribly gamebreaking that it has to be nerfed? 100 ft would be the bare minimum for fast snipes, so the range buff gets them back to 150' when, or IF, the initial snipe hits. It took a decade til Snipes finally became useful, reliable and satisfying, and there's absolutely no reason to nerf them for squishies.  (Well, at least AR users could keep attacking with Slug after the initial attack. The irony.)


    Seriously, please stop 'normalizing' stuff just for the sake of it. Balancing means to equilibrate things, not to hammer everything into the same homogenous shape with total disregard to its distinct characteristics or use. That doesn't balance things, it just makes them boring at best and useless at worst.




    Same as snipe changes: this does nothing to reestablish game balance on any level and hurts build options for squishies across the board. At two prerequisites and a steep requirement to global recharge the power does not come cheap, but the Melee Core/Rune of Protection combo is the ONLY build alternative to the lackluster Clarion Destiny, which in addition is no use when exemplaring. ATs without mez protection from their sets are already very restricted in their build choices, requiring much more power and slot investment to fortify against high level content than ATs that have access to it. Especially blasters literally become more surviable the more set powers they skip in favor of pool powers.

    What RoP in its current state does is at least allowing squishies to maintain their basic functionality, which actually should be a given, without relying on outside means like Break Frees or amplifiers. If you want to normalize Rune of Protection buff the other powers, instead of nerfing RoP. Who knows, maybe they eventually become useful and new options, instead of nice choices and mule powers. THAT is something I would be looking forward to.




    New build 3 went to beta this weekend. 

  5. 12 hours ago, ScarySai said:


    I didn't say that, I said this won't stop them from being on top of the food chain. 


    I was speaking more to speed runs and that ultra min/max kind of thing in the writing. Often, fire/fire blasters, at least one kinetic and at least one cold dom are used.



    No kin, but they're eating tons of reds. 


    Whatever the intent of the change was, all it accomplishes is reducing diversity. It will not impact the meta, that was the point I was making.

    Great content!

  6. This post got me thinking about my badger's journey. I remember wanting to do red side and blue side contacts before moving on to the next level bracket. I did this until the mid 20s and quickly became more interested in incarnate trials. It was Ouroborus ever since. If I had to do it again, I'd do Goldside because they've got different looking badges and then Ouro back blue and red content. 

  7. 5 hours ago, QuiJon said:

    It reallyl doesnt matter what way  you test it or how little you want to try and say the time difference might matter.

    If you read my methodology, you'd realize the test was for extreme/outlier cases. As in, they aren't expected to happen, but if they did, it would be a rarity.


    And please don't distort my testing results and confuse other testers. I'm happy to provide a more detailed methodology for you if you're interested in replicating. 

    • Thanks 3
  8. 5 hours ago, Moka said:

    Fold space tends to get me yelled at in teams so I stopped using it as much. I must agree sorcery needs an overall rework since mystic flight is just Bad Flight and the other powers are just awful.

    Mystic Flight's cap is the same as Fly. And through Mystic Flight, a player has access to Translocation. So I can't discern how is it "Bad Flight"?


    Did you conclude this from testing the power by itself or against other travel powers? If so, please post your results so that myself and other beta testers can compare. 

  9. 39 minutes ago, arthurh35353 said:

    Wouldn't it be fair to test short, medium and long range options?

    I mean, short range you sometimes have things where it may not be technically faster to teleport, but most people just turn on Run and Sprint of choice to go a couple hundred feet in a congested area while Flight and SJ just hopped over the apartment building in Praetoria? And SS cursed as it was a bit too tight to really leverage its speed?


    Middle ground in most zones at about a mile of travel from SG portals, SS and SJ are usually there before some people have even zoned in while flight and TP are getting there.


    Then you have the far end in a long range area with few ground areas where SS is going "TG I bought a raptor pack for the Shadow Shadow" and SJ is going "I can make it with some effort, but I hope I don't miss and have to start over" and Fly is cruising along at max speed, low issues and Teleport can get there fastest, but if you aren't slotted well can actually run out of endurance.

    It is indeed fair and rather important to test the changes on beta for travel power (specifically Fly pool) updates to provide feedback to the HC team.


    That being said, I did a rather rudimentary test in the Build 1 travel power thread somewhat based on your parameters (in fact based on your post in that thread):


    Edit: I'll just post my original results here:


    "I designed some simple testing to come up with evidence to demonstrate speed similarities and disparities, with a focus on extreme/outlier situations. I used the following methodology:


    Three courses: Peregrine Island (Bottom to Top), Nerva Archipelago (Bottom to Top), Grandville (Blackline Helicopter to red windows at the top of W.E.B./Tangle Tower).


    These locations were selected due to their simplicity, extreme distance, and direction – no missions take you to these locations, no badges to go to or from, no enemies to fight, and in the case of the Grandville course, no reason to get to the red window near the top of the tower (unless you want to jump off maybe?) – all that to say that they are outliers because the way this game exists on Homecoming, with the combination of using travel powers, tram lines or ferries, super group bases or long range teleport, LFG tab, or my favorite, either of the two mission teleporter powers – players ***are given the ability*** to get to anywhere in such a short amount of time that it doesn’t require more than two minutes to go from one place in the game, to anywhere else. I dare you to prove me wrong! (And please post your methodology so I can verify your results, just like you can test mine!). It is important to add that not all players are capable of utilizing the mechanics of the game to the fullest extent possible, due to any number of reasons, therefore, these numbers should be understood to be outliers, extreme examples, not examples of routine gameplay.


    Each course is run three times with each power for an average. Course layouts are posted as images below. Each run is done with only the specific travel power active; i.e., Super Speed only, Super Jump only, Fly only. Results posted in the table below. Each power is at its cap during testing. For the Grandville course, the routes for Super Speed and Super Jump use whichever structure allows for quickest ascent – (north ward entrance to north ward lift 1, to the cabling all the way up was my fastest method for SS at least). One interesting thing on the Peregrine Island with Afterburner runs, I was able to activate Afterburner TWICE during these journeys.


    If anything, this data should indicate how speed is just one aspect of travel utility – verticality is also an aspect that, in the case of the Grandville course, makes a lot of difference. Lastly, this testing required approximately two hours of investment on the beta server to conduct."


    RESULTS: It took less than two minutes in extreme cases to get to the end of any of these outlier courses. Combining the new travel speed caps with the already immense ease of travel using other means (tram/black helio/ferry, SG base, Ouroborus, portals, mission transporter(s), team tps, etc.) makes getting anywhere in this game trivial.



    Peregrine Island (2.72 miles)

    Nerva Archipelago (1.96 miles)

    Grandville (0.83 miles)

    Super Speed

    1 minute, 22 seconds

    59 seconds

    1 minute, 35 seconds

    Super Jump

    1 minute, 36 seconds

    1 minute, 10 seconds

    58 seconds


    1 minute, 50 seconds

    1 minute, 20 seconds

    34 seconds

    Fly w/Afterburner

    1 minute, 41 seconds

    1 minute, 15 seconds

    28 seconds



    image.png.53a51fe1876d9395a0c9cc6af45902ff.png      image.png.297c2a0666e0430224968c0a1b9aa3ba.png    image.png.35f9043387ef3c01d787f068e5a174f8.png


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  10. I like Microsofts' Windows 10. I bought the pro 64-bit because it had less bloat. I would gladly pay over double the price I paid for a pro'er version if it had a no bloat or privatized user data, but it wouldn't be economical for Microsoft to sell something like that to the consumer. So, since it can't create my own operating system and I need to use a computer, I make the best choice I can 😅

    • Thanks 1
  11. Meant to post this in this thread, not the powers thread!



    With the discussion about Infiltration being slotted with Universal Travel sets to improve both run and jump, I’m reminded of a question about Mystic Flight. If Mystic Flight is slotted with Universal Travel sets, will Translocation be improved?

    If not, is that a bug, or by design? If nobody knows, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could test it while all the other Travel Sets are being tested. (I’ve not been able to get on live, much less Beta, for a couple of months due to real life obligations.)


    @Xing, I just happened to be on beta doing testing related to this, so to answer your question:


    At Level 50, unslotted Translocation teleported me 115 yds in-game.


    Adding the set of Level 50 Winter's Gift to Mystic Flight, Translocation teleported me 115 yds in-game as well.


    Aside from using set bonuses or Incarnates maybe, I don't believe Translocation's distance can be increased.


    Edit: Same test using Speed of Sound's Jaunt ability resulted in same distance traveled as well.

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  12. 19 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    I just ran an ITF on test. It looks to me like the enemies stand inside each other, when they're crowded around my Tanker, a lot more than they do on live. Has anyone else noticed this? Am I just imagining it?


    If this really is happening then I wonder if the creation of this new Speed Phase power might have something to do with it.

    This is curious! Enemies are normally able to stack inside eachother if there is not enough space around a player. Perhaps due to the intangible status of the player, this opens an additional space for the enemy to utilize until the player phases back in. 

  13. 1 hour ago, scottocamp said:

    That is not really true.  Melee Core Hybrid is layered on top of your normal 24 powers.  It also provides a substantial regeneration buff.  RoP requires you to commit 3 of your 24 base powers to be able to incorporate RoP into your build.   There are *many* combinations of 3 primary, secondary, epic and pool powers that would be functionally equivalent to a single incarnate power.   To be fair - you are not simply comparing RoP to Melee Core Hybrid.  You are comparing giving up three powers to be able to obtain an equivalency to Melee Core Hybrid.


    Which is why it is important to see how many level 50 builds even make use of RoP.  That would be a more accurate method to determine if the power is over-tuned.  How many level 50 builds use Weave or Tactics compared to RoP?


    "Giving up up three powers" is inaccurate. Those are called build choices. Either way, those powers are still in the tray. 


    I think your assumption that any number of builds using RoP will provide evidence to support the intended changes is false. Whether or not one player or EVERY player used the power, the HC found it needed balanced in line with other pool powers. You may need this information to form your own opinion, but it isn't needed to justify a power change. My understanding of the reason for this thread is to determine if the implementation of this change caused unintended consequences, created unfair advantages, or makes the game crash or unplayable. 

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  14. 19 hours ago, Myrmidon said:

    Basically, two things. 

    1. The zone bug is in effect for Evasive Maneuvers (toggling corrects this until they patch a fix).


    2. The Evasive Maneuvers Defense buff always shows up in the power attributes, even though the buff acts as it should based on the patch notes. This appears to be a display glitch.



    Aside from both of these minor issues, Evasive Maneuvers appears to be good to go.

    I can't seem to confirm or deny whether Build 2 fixed the Mastermind Evasive Maneuvers bug where the power continued to provide the defense buff while the Mastermind used pet commands (to attack for example). Because I am not sure how to get around testing this due to the display bug you mentioned, I can't figure out if it was fixed.

  15. On 3/20/2021 at 3:17 PM, CaptainLupis said:

    Oh well, my statement that it was useful for MMs and defenders didn't hold true for long...


    Other than so that people don't have to respec, keeping defence in the new power does seem pretty pointless the way it has been implemented now. Ah well.


    It seems the second build may or may not have fixed the bug I reported: 


    To clarify, when I logged on to the beta and created a new Mastermind character, auto leveled them to 50 and selected an assortment of powers up to being able to unlock Evasive Maneuvers, I then headed to RWZ to test the power. When I zoned in, the defense bonus displayed in my combat attributes that the buff was applied, but not actually giving me the bonus





    (and after reading the whole thread, I see that it is not displaying in Combat Attributes sometimes). I am curious though, how do I test whether the bug I reported earlier was addressed in the second build if I can't trust the Combat Attributes window. Any guidance would be appreciated from my fellow testers!


    Edit 2: Also, the defense buff percentage (13.50%) doesn't change regardless of whether I am attempting to buff or heal my pet, or use the attack command or heal myself/my pets. Again, difficult to test this power if I can't trust the display.

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