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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 8 minutes ago, CrudeVileTerror said:

    It's pretty simple, I think, @Luminara:



    There is no shortage of roleplayers in this game.  I can not speak for all roleplayers, but I do try my best to keep a close ear to the concerns of "my people" given the role I have in the OOC and RP Global Channels (which, don't get me wrong; I know there are discords and stuff which are far more active these days, and I'm not the only player out there who is advocating for roleplayers, and not all roleplayers are the same, at et cetera et cetera et cetera . . . but I -am- hearing a LOT of discontent from the ones whom I do try to accurately represent in this forum).


    The current speed with which roleplayers can use the enterbase command is a thing of absolute beauty!   It's not just about popping in to a nightclub Base, or zoning out to "the real world" when we're done.  We create elaborate scenes and scenarios, with a great deal of travel taking us from locale to locale in a very short amount of time.

    enterbase made that a reality, and we absolutely LOVE IT!


    A lot of the players I've spoken to still aren't aware that this command was never intended for them.  They don't visit the forums and they think the people claiming such as just trolls.

    This change is going to hit them pretty hard.

    So this feedback that we're offering saying that the current transit Power options aren't ideal, it's with the context that we're looking to soften that blow as much as possible.  We're trying to maintain the level of enjoyment and pleasure we've grown accustomed to playing this game over the past year-and-change.


    Travel, to us, isn't so much a part of gameplay.   It's a thing that gets in the way of gameplay.   If a scene is supposed to take place during a leisurely walk; cool.   We'll leisurely walk.  But if we're trying to keep a story/act engaged and pithy; sometimes we just need to get from point A to point B instantly.


    Again, going to emphasize:   I do NOT speak for all roleplayers.  I am just advocating for some of the players who feel their voices will not be heard here; either because they don't trust themselves to speak clearly, or (as is most often the case) they're terrified of being shouted down by "hardcore gamers."

    (Also, not saying you're not a roleplayer, @Luminara.  Just so that doesn't seem like an accusation I'm making.)

    I don't know if this would suffice, but there was an in-game explanation for these changes that I believe can work with roleplaying:


    "A strange energy spike in Galaxy City reached the old Supergroup Portal and caused a cascade overload in the entire Teleport network. Most of the damage has been repaired, but destinations in temporal flux have been lost to the past. DJ Zero was called in to establish the new portal in his Pocket Dimension, and as a courtesy he also set up portals in two other dimensions: Praetoria and The Shadow Shard. Vanguard has requested further restrictions of traffic near Paragon Heights while their investigation is in progress."

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Lines said:

    There's no need to get the accolades on all the maps. The one to Atlas plants you on the doorstep of the tram, where you're in spitting distance of the TUNNEL portal too. That's a lot of zone access right there.



    Not to mention the proliferation of the Ouroborus portal at level 1 now. There are so many more options for travel with these changes, not less!

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Xanatos said:

    53 Zones with exploration badges at 15 min exploration time per zone = 795 minutes

    106 loading screens at 10s load time = ~17.5 minutes

    Total: ~13.5 hours


    Edit: We should probably move this discussion here:


    Strictly speaking, there are twenty seven zones which are eligible for travel using the Long Range Teleport Accolade power. Assuming your numbers are accurate, this would reduce the resulting figure by nearly half the time.

    • Haha 1
  4. General Feedback & Testing Notes (hope this is seen amongst the sea of generic opinions!):



    • After activating the Long Range Teleport Accolade power, a power tray pops up with the "Long Range Teleport Second Chance" power icon, allowing for a second attempt at using the power (much like the original T4 Teleport Pool Power). However, the icon that is displayed in this power tray is actually the T4 Long Range Teleport pool power icon and not the new icon given for the accolade teleport power.



    • Activating the LRT power as a hero displays twenty zones which are eligible for travel, assuming all exploration badges have been unlocked. The in-game description indicates only sixteen for heroes. Doing the same thing as a villain displays fourteen zones which are eligible for travel, assuming all exploration badges have been unlocked. The in-game description indicates only eight for villains. This is only slightly confusing, as a character that is either a Rogue or Vigilante has access to twenty seven zones. This may be due to the power itself not being tied to alignment. See screenshots below:











    • The description box for the Long Range Teleport Accolade power indicates that the following Paragon City zones can be unlocked: "Atlas Park, Brickstown, [...], Rikti War Zone, Rogue Isles, Skyway City...". Similar mislabeling is found in the following Rogue Isles zones that can be unlocked: "Port Oakes, Praetoria, Sharkhead Isles, ...". To alleviate any confusion, I would recommend removing the two underlined items in the description of the power, as well as reordering the zones which can be accessed via level progression or some other method.


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Xanatos said:

    This seems more of a semantic issue around the use of the category/word "accolade", than an actual game balance concern.

    Assuming accolades are the product of specific actions taken over time to achieve a required prerequisite, thereby unlocking access to the given accolade power - how would you say accolades are different? From my perspective, both will continue to require an investment of time and achieving certain actions (collecting badges). I can't agree that all accolades should be given account wide if unlocked on one character, which is why I can't agree on the LRT accolade unlocking for all characters as well.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  6. Just now, WindDemon21 said:

    Testing for what? try it yourself, going to every zone, getting every exploration and history badge. It takes hours.

    Hi, the post that I quoted you said that "it easily takes several hours to get the badges in all zones". I was asking for either evidence to support this assertion or your testing methodology to validate your conclusion. Thanks.


    I am also confused as to why you would need to collect history badges?

  7. Just now, Xanatos said:

    I suggest making the Long Range Teleport accolade unlock, and subsequent zone unlocks, account-wide.


    The point of the power is to allow you to travel the gameworld after you have explored it.

    @Xanatos While I completely agree with your logic, I cannot seem to rectify this with the fact that other accolades do not unlock account wide. Would your argument work with Task Force Commander? Or the Atlas Medallion? I am going to have to ultimately disagree with you, but I definitely can support your reasoning.

    • Like 1
  8. Hoping this is the correct place for this feedback:


    In the patch notes it was mentioned that "Minor geometry fixes to Siren's Call, Talos Island, Port Oaks and Atlas Park" were implemented. I had reported several geometry errors which allow access outside of each of these zones. It appears that two of those which I reported are still active and accessible.


    Talos Island:

    Location: 542.6 -2.0 6181.8. Another instance of the geometry being raised enough to allow a teleport underneath. See TP marker as white. Tested and worked.





    Siren's Call:

    Location: -648.0 -137.6 -276.9. The camera angle needs to be as depicted (in the screenshot) in order for the teleport cursor to appear white and allow activation. Tested and confirmed multiple times.




    • Like 1
  9. I certainly understand the premise of the OP's suggestion and I love playing pretty much every part of this game and doing all the many things a player can do. I support this suggestion.


    That being said, I rarely see constructive criticism in these suggestion threads lately. The OP isn't taking away anyone's anything. It's a suggestion, subject to other forum posters subjective opinions,  all of which are valid, but I would venture out and advise folks who disagree with this suggestion to actually provide something more than a turndown post or /jranger quote. 


    Compromise or adapt, nothing gets done when everyone has immovable positions.


    • Thanks 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, Hanabishi said:

    I'm sorry if this question has already been asked at some point, but I couldn't seem to find it. What I'm wondering is about how the powers work with the day job accolades. Now I'm not asking about the temporary passives associated with just logging out at a particular day job, but the powers when having gotten 2 corresponding badges and given the accolade. For instance: Midnighter badge + Caregiver badge = Alchemist accolade which gives an ally healing power.


    I've been working toward some of these powers and recently completed getting the predator and duelist badges which grant the gladiator accolade which supposedly unlocks a defense toggle skill, however I don't see the skill in my list of powers so I'm not sure if I am missing something. The in game description mentions the power, but there isn't much more information on it in game or in the wiki. my question is, do these powers have some other requirement for activation such as logging off in one those zones for a longer period of time to gain the power just like the passive buffs, or is there certain restrictions like the architect vitalize which is only available in those missions, or is this simply a bug and the power just hasn't shown up for some technical reason?

    Hi! If you scroll down to the accolade powers on these linked pages, you'll see what you can get for those associated day job badges.






    Edit: And to answer your question, once you unlock both Day Jobs Badges associated with the accolade badge, you can then start building credit time towards the accolade power. If memory serves me right, logging out for two days straight will max out the temp accolade power bonus (either time or number of uses).

  11. 13 hours ago, Number Six said:

    The launcher is static and doesn’t draw any frames unless you’re interacting with it in some way and it needs to repaint. It uses Direct2D by default so if the GPU is sending less frames to the monitor it may be a video driver thing, possibly doing vsync when it does update. What if you also have something else running that is updating the screen more frequently?


    You could try modifying the shortcut to start the launcher with a -nowdl flag. That will fall back to GDI rendering like any standard Windows application, though it may be slightly less responsive.

    Interesting! I have g-sync enabled if that helps line up with your reasoning. I have had nothing else running (aside from the normal background apps that windows forces everyone to run) and those are taking up less than 4% of my CPU performance and 0% of my GPU performance. 


    I do notice that when I click away from the screen and open something else (say google chrome) my frame rate returns to 165 FPS. If I click back to the launcher, it drops back to 10 FPS.


    It isn't a big deal for gameplay, as once I click the server the frame rate drop disappears and I go back up to 165 FPS. It was just something unusual I wanted to annotate.

  12. 21 minutes ago, Shocktacular said:

    Maybe we can meet up and work on this together!  I'm on Indomitable server.  Which server are you on?  (also, I'm in California, so... time zones)

    Indomitable also, I saw you on your Brute earlier and sent a tell. My global is @Glacier Peak. I'm Colorado, shouldn't be too hard to find a similar time.


    The issue I'm facing is the AVs hit way to hard in a group, so I try to pull. It's near impossible and then they all just wail on me. I had my longbow mech, my pill box, my shivan, extra temp pets, my P2W pets and I used all the nukes that buff, but the moment i pulled I get melted 😆 


    Edit: I'll be on Wednesday pretty much any time after 3PM MST / 2PM PST.

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