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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 4 minutes ago, DoctorDitko said:

    Anyone remember the SG called Void Walkers, or Void Explorers (may have the name wrong) from Live?


    They specialized in finding holes in the geometry. I went with them on one of their endless journeys toward the Moon.


    I think they got censured by the "Negators of Every Rebellious Fun But Anti-establishment Thing" all-powerful supervillain group.


    No, but that sounds cool! On a related note, I once used superspeed underneath the map to travel over 50 miles from the zone. I was hoping I would reach a point where the game stops rendering or the skybox ends, but alas it just kept going.

    • Haha 1
  2. There is an ability to actually do what you're suggesting if you hosted your own server, gave yourself access to the dev command tool, and added all the powers you desired. It is not entirely that difficult to do so either.


    Short of that option, I do not support this suggestion. Thank you.

  3. 37 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    I would have reported it, if I thought for a second it was an error. I have no doubt this tiny gap was intentional. 

    I mean, let's think about that tiny little triangle for a moment. You have to LOOK for it. It's not obvious even if you know it's there! And to actually go through it...you can't fit through, just by flight. You have to use self-tp, incan, or maybe shield charge or something along those lines and place the reticle through the space. It's not an accident by any stretch in my mind. 

    Oh it's not a big deal in my opinion, I just wanted to point to the fact that it had already been reported, so you shouldn't be worried. 


    As for looking for these things, well... I am quite fond of doing so! I roleplay a character named Euclidean Pilgrim who scours zones for any geometry errors or holes in the maps. Needless to say, I have been outside every zone (even outside the Shadow Shard!). 






    • Like 1
  4. This happened to me last year - I was surprised to find the tip mission actually appeared in my list of tips after deleting another tip mission without realizing it. It seems to drop normally if you team up, in my experience as well.

  5. 1 hour ago, golstat2003 said:

    I assume the gas station is our way of pacifying them. Hot Dogs and slurpees cure all. 😛

    By pacifying, do you mean making them regret their decision to consume those items during a very long journey knowing full well there isn't a bathroom for lightyears?

    • Haha 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    So...what I learned in the past month is that there is a hole in the roof of the tiki room in Pocket D. You will need some sort of self-teleporting power to barely get through it. Once you're through it, you may feel like you're kind of stuck in the geometry, but you take a couple of turns and you're out in the open space, behind the "wall" that holds pocket D, and not only can you get to the mothership, there's even a gas station out there. 


    You can see one of the motherships in the sky, above, slightly to the right. 

    PD Hole.gif



    Known geometry error (top of page):


  7. I happened upon it while searching how to get the badge myself. Needless to say, the bug of the event not resetting still exists.


    Edit: Well what do you know! I happened to log out yesterday in front of the Kings Row bank after looking for the Paladin, and when I logged back in this evening he was literally right in front of me! I managed to summon my lore pets, throw some -regen, and solo this guy in just a few minutes. And I got the Knight Errant badge AND temp power!

    • Like 3
  8. On 9/17/2020 at 5:29 PM, Shocktacular said:

    Is the Paladin Construction event in Kings Row still happening?  What event message do you get for it?  I've been looking for it for the past couple months and haven't seen anything.  Is this event even running on Homecoming servers?  Does it just get wiped out too quickly?  What's the deal?

    Follow up on this (as I am working to get this badge as well). 


    Forum goers discussed previously, may provide more clarity:


    Though the spawn pattern seems disrupted due to the Halloween Event.

  9. 1 hour ago, Solarverse said:

    First let me say, that I am soooo glad that my interpretation of the base damage between Corruptors and Defenders was wrong. I am very pleased that the community showed me that I was wrong instead of just going with what I had believed to be true.

    Having said that, I still feel their damage output is not enough. I feel Scourge outside of AV and GM fights is near useless and should scale all the way from 100% health with having a 5% chance to scourge, all the way down to 10% health with the 100% chance to scourge. I think that would make a big enough difference to bring them where they should have always been. And this is coming from somebody who hates buffing sets in game because I find the game already overly easy. However, I also believe in class balance.

    Also, I believe a Defender should have the same base damage values as a Corruptor, only no scourge. I think if scourge were to be implemented as stated here, that alone would set Corruptor's damage output far above a Defender's even if a Defender's damage were buffed to match the base damage of a Corruptor.

    Scourge is a tricky inherent to compare though. The closest I can think is maybe the Stalker's inherent. Situationally dependent I mean. You need to have damaged an enemy to a certain degree before it becomes active, while every other AT can use their inherent passively given the appropriate context. If you aren't putting up enough damage, it is useless in my opinion as well.

  10. Just now, Solarverse said:

    Yeah, I ran a few tests on a level 11 (with zero enhancements and no resist to slow or -recharge) just to see how much difference it made against him. The Slows were barely noticeable. Like, really, the slow effect was very poor. The -recharge however was actually on par with what I had expected. I think the problem is though is that everyone builds for +Recharge which seems to negate any -recharge affect from Cold.

    With this, I think I am going to go rethink my life, heh.

    I feel you. Debuffs just aren't as useful in solo situations as they used to be. Pairing debuffs sets together is nice though. I like teaming with a thermal or radiation debuffer and a heavy hitter like a fire/ta or beam/plant Blaster.

    • Like 1
  11. I wanted to follow up with another post relating to the expectations of the OP. My main is an Ice/Cold Corruptor and I enjoy PvPing - however, I have found that debuffs in general are not as 'powerful' as sheer damage output in either arena or PvP. I 1v1'd a Spines/Regen Scrapper in the arena to test this theory, and even with Benumb dropping the other player's regeneration, my -rech/slows hardly did anything to mitigate their movement or attack chain. This may be due to diminishing returns, but it also may be due to slow resistance from some IO sets. Either way, I had high hopes for -slow, -rech, and -regen coming from Ice/Cold, but have not seen the levels I experienced on live lately. Then again, perhaps if I rolled an Ice/Cold Defender, the debuffs would scale higher (but I would miss out on Scourge!).

  12. 2 minutes ago, Piecemeal said:

    IIRC Cortex will do a whammy of status effects on you.

    This is helpful! Sleep and hold will both count, just gotta get to the end of the old posi to try. Thanks!

  13. Disoriented worked, being held is inconsistent though. Are there any enemies which put you to sleep frequently? I will try that mez next I suppose.

  14. 5 hours ago, carroto said:

    If it requires manual cycling then presumably you have to be present to monitor it, or at least come back to switch targets now and then.  About how often do you have to come back to avoid defeating an AV?

    Great question! This is definitely not an AFK method. It requires you to switch AVs about once every 10-15 seconds. The more AVs you have to Brawl, the less cooldown you have. 

    The improvement in damage dealt per hour is nearly five fold though! I would recommend a bit of both methods if you want to get it done quick, but also want to AFK farm.

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