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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 59 minutes ago, Burk said:


    Whether the power is enhanced really won't matter. The mission forces you to have capped recharge and damage. The real damage dealer anyway is the damage proc that the mission gives you.


    Overall, the only thing I can suggest is try to pull all the AVs in the mission. There are 15, though the Crystal Titan and Ruladak won't move. I like to group up the AVs by the Crystal Titan, using the doorway to force the more ranged-focused AVs to melee so that I can hit 14 fairly reliably with something like judgement.

    I am stuck with a 7 enemy target cap on Soul Drain unfortunately. And the damage dealt via Judgement T4s is less with aggro capped AVs gathered vs. Soul Drain. Soul Drain puts up great DoT numbers and recharges in 43 seconds. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Ukase said:

    I knew you used the same mission, but I didn't see anything about you using judgement of any kind. Yet, I look at it now, and there it is. Sorry about that. 

    One thing - maybe gather more than 7 if you can. 

    Another thing..when you find a power is doing too much dps to let the avs regen, you have options - which you hinted at using a second build, but you can also simply unslot a given power's enhancements, and leave 'em in your tray for when you're done. As you've no doubt discovered, if you dish out too much dps, the AV's die. While I can't say there are no better methods, when I look through the badge forum, this seems to be the one most people use for farming damage. 

    If you get it done in 111 hours, that's like 5-6 days. Which is fine. Just play on your alt account in the meantime. We get to have 3 accounts, may as well enjoy the game while the primary account does the grunt work. 

    No prob - the max target of Soul Drain is 7 enemies. While the judgement powers far exceed this, even gathering the aggro cap and using the judgement power every 1 minute 30 seconds is still lower than the damage dealt value of using Soul Drain on 7 enemies.


    Unfortunately with that particular Ouro mission, everything is capped. Max damage, recharge, end recov, etc. Enhancements don't do anything. Though I agree this mission is the most popular based on my search of the forums as well.


    I think 111 hours isn't impossible, but the point of the post was to seek an more efficient method.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    The "View your future memory" - the first alpha unlock mission from Mender Remiel is a good way to go. 

    I think the issue is you're using the wrong power to dish out the damage. Use Judgement. 

    What I did with my blaster, was blast each AV with ice blast, and do my best to get them to follow me, and group them. I was able to get most of them to the entrance of the building, and just put judgement on Auto. It really didn't take that long compared to the damage taken badges. 

    I mentioned in my original post that I tried both Judgement T4 of Cryonic and Pyronic. I also mentioned that they did less damage over time than the method I explained.


    Edit: I also mentioned I use the "View Future Memory" Ouroborus mission. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Ura Hero said:

    I haven't found a good method for this either.  I tried "View your Future Memory", but fireball as a Controller Epic pool power was whittling them down too fast.  I had thought about duel boxing with some AV content, but hadn't decided on a good mission to try it on.  Not sure if PVP content might be the way to go with duel boxing with a tank.

    I feel that! I think this is like the slowest method possible for grinding it out.

  5. Fellow badgers, please share your wisdom - I am averaging less than 900k per hour with my current setup (detailed below). I knew ahead of time this one was a grind, but I think I am not doing it as efficiently as possible.



    Level 50+3 Ice/Cold Corruptor (AoE autopower is Soul Drain from the Soul Mastery PPP with a 47 second recharge)

    Ouroborus Mission "View your Future Memory"

    AVs set to +4 so they have extra health

    Gather 7 AVs in to small area (10ft radius) and auto power.


    With the powers imbued on my character in this mission, every 47 seconds Soul Drain deals approximately 14,350 damage. For math's sake, let me say it activates once every minute and deals 15,000 damage. That rough approximation gets me to about 900,000 damage dealt per hour. Which means it will take 111 hours or close to five straight days of grinding to earn the Cataclysmic badge.


    The biggest issue I am finding is that my primary set lacks any AoEs. Frost Breath is a cone that recharges 3 seconds under the mission buff. It recharges too fast to be used for this purpose. I've tried both the Pyronic and Cryonic Judgement powers, but their damage output is abysmal compared to Soul Drain (and they take forever to recharge since their recharge times are unaffected by buffs). Soul drain seems to be my only option (I just use selectbuild 2 instead of respecing every time). Even having Ice Storm, Sleet, and Blizzard recharge very quickly and casting it, I am finding the damage output to still not match Soul Drain (and it scatters the AVs like crazy).

    (EDIT 9/28/2020):


    Update to my original post! While working on the damage dealt badges again, I came across a realization - BRAWL!


    Brawl is up instantaneously (Activation time = 0.82 / Recharge time = 0.40). It deals an average of 80,000* damage per minute or 4.8 million an hour! (* enemies will die quickly if you do not cycle between the group). Using this method, the last damage dealt badge could be achieved in less than a day! (20 hours total). For context, the previous method I discussed averages around 900,000 damage dealt per hour.



    Any build or AT!

    Ouroborus Mission "View your Future Memory"

    Set enemy level to +4. AVs set to +4 have extra health

    Gather 8 or more AVs in to small area (10ft radius).

    Target one of the AVs and put Brawl on auto.

    Allow the target's health to reach halfway then cycle to the next closest AV and repeat.

    Having 8 or more AV's allows each AV's health to regenerate to full so this cycle can continue without defeating one.

  6. 1 hour ago, Apparition said:

    My main computer is only ten months old.  City of Heroes is the only multiplayer game I play because I can’t stand the medieval fantasy genre nor PvP, DC Universe Online is a bad console port, Champions Online looks terrible with limited content, and the only two PvE science-fiction MMOGs have terrible monetization.


    Frankly, the MMOG gaming genre is dead.  Everything multiplayer now is PvP or extremely limited co-op.  No thank you.

    @Apparition Totally agree. I play this game at maxed visual settings at 1440p/144hz, but it's not super taxing (unless I jump in to a Hami raid lol) - I tend to overclock my hardware when I play other games though, to keep the frame rate high. The fact that this game can run on really old systems and hardware is a benefit in my opinion - keeps the door open for anyone to be able to play it without high specification requirements.

    • Like 2
  7. 41 minutes ago, FriezaReturns00001 said:

    Nothing as those will continue to exist thus form their own player bases since they aren't really NCsoft properties anyway right now. My issue with this COX player base is they are with the illusion that other games can't exist inside said eco-system; they can. I believe that is the way Avaast from OverWatch quoted himself. Frankly this game is dated and I welcome anyone else to try and bring something like this that runs on modern computers since 98% of people in this comment section don't even have anything of the last year or even the last 6 months for hardware(the future is now i guess) but for now, I guess play this?

    Those are some pretty broad sweeping statements or generalizations, but your opinion nonetheless. Welcome to the community!

  8. 28 minutes ago, Piecemeal said:

    Read the opening lines of the poem, it makes sense these arcs are all blue. You once stood proud, then turned face and went evil. Also, Glaciers post is entirely correct.


    You will need to enter into a conflict wherein you can face the results of your actions from your previous life. Badges and souvenirs. Yes, souvenirs can be read as requirements. 


    Sutter (And I patched a fix in for the Duray fight. Harbinger does not speak, or hardly.

    Doc Delilah




    Stephanie Peebles

    Shauna Stockwell

    Eagle Eye

    Freaklympics. MEAT FREEEEDOM



    Graham Easton, mercifully.


    Whatever could you do redside that creates consequences for blueside actions? Hmm...


    Also the Posi2 badge will be needed to start the blue arc that feeds in.

    Last update with completed info for the story arcs and enemies counting towards the badge:

    These five are found in the Admiral Sutter Task Force(Badge: Land, Sea, & Air / The Sky is Falling):
    1.      Primal Col. Duray (thanks @Grouchybeast) as “Pirate”
    2.      Praetorian Col. Duray (thanks @Grouchybeast) as “Commander”
    3.      Harbinger (thanks @Piecemeal for the final clue/answer) as “Mute”
    4.      Jane Temblor (thanks @Grouchybeast) as “Lovebird 1” 
    5.      Fusion (thanks @Grouchybeast) as “Lovebird 2”

    The next three are found in Striga Island
    6.      Archon Burkholder from Ernesto Hess Task Force as “the bane of caldera” (Badge: Burkholder's Bane)
    7.      Heracles (thanks to @Grouchybeast) from Stephanie Peebles story arc "Ring of Peebles" as “humble the son of Alcmene”
    8.      Arakhn from Moonfire TF as “the cyst-maker” (Badge: Honorary Peacebringer)

    Steel Canyon Story Arc
    9.      Sun Xiong (@Lines) from Graham Easton's story arc "Last Rites" as “art thief”

    Faultline Story Arc from Jim Temblor "Rumblings of the Past" introduced via Doc Delilah contact:
    10.    Night Widow Nocturne (thanks @Ironblade) as “the widow whose sub is a goner”
    11.    Kurse (thanks @LQT) as “deranged little psychic”

    Kings Row Story Arc from Eagle Eye "Lords of Death"
    12.    Chernobog Petrovic (thanks to @Grouchybeast) as “Lord of Death 1” 
    13.    Veles Petrovic (thanks to @Grouchybeast) as “Lord of Death 2”

    Hollows Story Arc from Talshak the Mystic "Heart of the Hollows"
    14.    Atta (@Lines) as “met on your trek to the gate”

    Synapse Task Force (Badge: Synapse Cohort/Betrayer)
    15.    Clockwork King from Synapse TF as “went to court and toppled the monarchy”

    Positron Task Force Part Two (Badge: Dam Hero, with prerequisite of Rule of Three Badge)
    16.    Dr. Vahzilok as “de-tenured Ph.D.”

    Story Arc from Marvin Weintraub (Talos Island) or Collin Larson (IP) "Freaklympics"

    17.    Freaklympics Gold Medal Souvenir (@FoulVileTerror great guess!) as the "honor of gold medal fame"

    • Like 2
  9. 5 minutes ago, Lines said:

    I think the first three have to be other AVs in Sutter. Sgt. Schorr seems a bit out of the pattern, since it's Rogue content ranged 30-40. There's Riptide and Harbinger in the second mission, but I think they both have dialogue. Isn't there another AV other than Captain Stone who comes out of the portal?


    17 is absolutely Freaklympics - One of the teams is called Meat Freedom. It does insinuate it's every four years though... If it's a specific target, the boss at the end is called Mistah Static.

    @Lines I totally agree, the 30-40 level range seems much higher. But if it is Admiral Sutter (lvl 20-40) who is the mute?

  10. 15 hours ago, Piecemeal said:

    Oh, you all have figured everything out, I just went back and started shoveling through NDA NBD's.


    Anyway every answer is somewhere in this thread.


    Compose the most solid list of answers that you think are correct and I will, only once, tell you how many are correct.

    Let's hope we get it! Page 10 version with the closest guesses I believe the community has made (again I bolded the guesses which I believe are solid):

    Story Arcs and Enemies counting towards the badge:
    1.      Primal Col. Duray (thanks @Grouchybeast) from Admiral Sutter TF as “Pirate”
    2.      Praetorian Col. Duray (thanks @Grouchybeast) from Admiral Sutter TF as “Commander”
    3.      ??? (thanks ...) from Admiral Sutter TF as “Mute”
    4.      Jane Temblor (thanks @Grouchybeast) from Admiral Sutter TF as “Lovebird 1” 
    5.      Fusion (thanks @Grouchybeast) from Admiral Sutter TF as “Lovebird 2”
    6.      Archon Burkholder from Ernesto Hess TF as “the bane of caldera”
    7.      Heracles (thanks to @Grouchybeast) from Stephanie Peebles story arc as “humble the son of Alcmene”
    8.      Arakhn from Moonfire TF as “the cyst-maker”
    9.      Sun Xiong (@Lines) from Graham Easton's story arc "Last Rites" as “art thief”
    10.    Night Widow Nocturne (thanks @Ironblade) from either Jim Temblor's story arc as “the widow whose sub is a goner”
    11.    Kurse (thanks @LQT) from Jim Temblor's story arc as “deranged little psychic”
    12.    Chernobog Petrovic (thanks to @Grouchybeast) from Eagle Eye story arc in Kings Row as “Lord of Death 1” 
    13.    Veles Petrovic (thanks to @Grouchybeast) from Eagle Eye story arc in Kings Rowas “Lord of Death 2”
    14.    Atta (@Lines) as “met on your trek to the gate”
    15.    Clockwork King from Synapse TF as “went to court and toppled the monarchy”
    16.    Dr. Vahzilok from Positron Two TF as “de-tenured Ph.D.”

    17.    Freaklympics story arc (@FoulVileTerror great guess!) as the "honor of gold medal fame"

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  11. Page 8! Updated list after others have chimed in with great info. I bolded the enemies I am confident fit the hint.


    First five are mentioned as a squad (big kudos to @TraumaTrain for the first three):
    1.    Maybe ?? Dr. Hyperbaric from Sgt. Schorr story arc in St. Martial as “Pirate”
    2.    Maybe ?? Rising Vengeance from Sgt. Schorr story arc in St. Martial as “Commander”
    3.    Maybe ?? Steve "Mute" Mutombo from Sgt. Schorr story arc in St. Martial as “Mute”
    4.    Maybe ?? Jane Temblor from Admiral Sutter TF as “Lovebird 1” 
    5.    Maybe ?? Fusion from Admiral Sutter TF as “Lovebird 2”


    Next ones are on isle of yore (Striga Island):
    6.    Archon Burkholder from Ernesto Hess TF as “the bane of caldera”
    7.    Heracles (thanks to @Grouchybeast) from Stephanie Peebles story arc as “the humbler of the son of Hera  humble the son of Alcmene”
    8.    Arakhn from Moonfire TF as “the cyst-maker”


    Next part mentions getting mean, perhaps changing alignment to villain for these:
    9.      ??? as “art thief”
    10.    Night Widow Nocturne (thanks @Ironblade) from either Jim Temblor's or Agent G's story arc as “the widow whose sub is a goner”. Doc Deliah from Faultline as “the Doctor” who introduces you to Agent G, whose final missions you fight Nocturne.
    11.    Kurse (thanks @LQT) from Jim Temblor's story arc as “deranged little psychic”
    12.    Chernobog Petrovic (thanks to @Grouchybeast) from Eagle Eye story arc in Kings Row as “Lord of Death 1” 
    13.    Veles Petrovic (thanks to @Grouchybeast) from Eagle Eye story arc in Kings Rowas “Lord of Death 2”
    14.    Atta (@Lines) as “met on your trek to the gate”
    15.    Clockwork King from Synapse TF as “went to court and toppled the monarchy”
    16.    Dr. Vahzilok as “de-tenured Ph.D.”


    The final hint: 

    Finally, find Freedom at the annual game,
    And claim the honor of gold medal fame.

    17.    Freaklympics story arc (@FoulVileTerror great guess!) as the "honor of gold medal fame".

  12. 1 hour ago, TraumaTrain said:

    "The first count as five, and come as a squad;
    A pirate and a commander and a mute, how odd."


    This whole thing is about Sgt. Schorr's arc. St. Martial.


    There are five of you, a squad: Schorr himself, Colleague, Second Measure, Network, and you.


    Mission 1: defeat Dr. Hyperbaric, a piratey fish guy working for Arachnos.


    Mission 2: defeat Rising Vengeance, a Tsoo commander.


    Mission 3: defeat Steve "Mute" Mutombo, a Family man.

    I think the first three match really well - but who are the love birds? They come as a squad?

  13. 2 hours ago, Marine X said:

    Hopefully find some more, you know....hey..... didn't they say they were going to make it a uniform 8 exploration badges per Zone. Why is there only one in Cimerora?


    Creeeaaak Snap! Rumble, .....( Hears Midnighter Club Lobby floor give out under the weight of hundreds of badge obsessed heroes )

    Always happy to snag more! Exploration badges comes with interesting background.

  14. Just now, Grouchybeast said:

    @Glacier Peak


    9.      Darrin Wade as “art thief”


    I still think that Graham Easton's arc is a better fit, here.  The Who Will Die? story where Wade is defeated is quite high level.


    11.    The mission "To Something Greater - Part Three: Coming Together" has Penelope Yin practicing a "Neat Trick" for the  “deranged little psychic” hint (https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Mission:To_Something_Greater_-_Part_Three:_Coming_Together)


    Infernia is a 40-50 level contact again, though, which seems to be too high.

    I actually just ran that arc on one of my characters yesterday, and there wasn't anyone tough to defeat aside from the Tsoo leader at the end. But I agree with you about Darrin Wade being too high - I just can't think of any other art thiefs in the game!


    And I have to agree with you on the 11. as well. I keep thinking it's Penelope, but nothing seems to match besides the Psychochronometron thing.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Rejolt said:

    14. (Doesn't Cole meet you on your way to the gate from Praetoria. It's essentially level 20+; but you also meet NPCs that discuss blue/red sides).

    I like that idea! Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't he just an NPC in that last part? I don't think he can be attacked/defeated. 

  16. 11 hours ago, Piecemeal said:


    @Grouchybeast We're close! 


    Updated list after others have chimed in with great info. I bolded the enemies I am confident fit the hint.


    First five are mentioned as a squad (big kudos to @TraumaTrain for the first three):
    1.    Dr. Hyperbaric from Sgt. Schorr story arc in St. Martial as “Pirate”
    2.    Rising Vengeance from Sgt. Schorr story arc in St. Martial as “Commander”
    3.    Steve "Mute" Mutombo from Sgt. Schorr story arc in St. Martial as “Mute”
    4.    Jane Temblor from Admiral Sutter TF as “Lovebird 1”
    5.    Fusion from Admiral Sutter TF as “Lovebird 2”


    Next ones are on isle of yore (Striga Island):
    6.    Archon Burkholder from Ernesto Hess TF as “the bane of caldera”
    7.    Heracles from Stephanie Peebles story arc as “the humbler of the son of Hera  humble the son of Alcmene”
    8.    Arakhn from Moonfire TF as “the cyst-maker”


    Next part mentions getting mean, perhaps changing alignment to villain for these:
    9.      ??? as “art thief”
    10.    Night Widow Nocturne (thanks @Ironblade) from either Jim Temblor's or Agent G's story arc as “the widow whose sub is a goner”. Doc Deliah from Faultline as “the Doctor” who introduces you to Agent G, whose final missions you fight Nocturne.
    11.    Kurse (thanks @LQT) from Jim Temblor's story arc as “deranged little psychic”
    12.    Chernobog Petrovic as “Lord of Death 1” 
    13.    Veles Petrovic as “Lord of Death 2”
    14.    ??? as “met on your trek to the gate”
    15.    Clockwork King from Synapse TF as “went to court and toppled the monarchy”
    16.    Dr. Vahzilok as “de-tenured Ph.D.”


    The final hint: 

    Finally, find Freedom at the annual game,
    And claim the honor of gold medal fame.

    17.    Freedom Phalanx related... hmm maybe defeating a Freedom Phalanx member


  17. 19 minutes ago, mechahamham said:

    17 souls?


    I wonder if this is supposed to line up at all with the 22 Major Arcana:


    If we remove the 5 'individuals' referenced in the Mystic Fortune artwork, that leaves 17. However, you'd have to count Manticore and Sister Psyche as '1 soul' and then NOT have them be either of the lovebirds mentioned.


    0 - The Fool (Synapse in Mystic Fortune)

    1 - The Magician (Numina in Mystic Fortune, Dark Watcher in Praetorian Penny's arc)

    2 - High Priestess

    3 - Empress -

    4 - Emperor -

    5 - Hierophant/Heavenly Messenger

    6 - The Lovers (Manticore and Sister Psyche in Mystic Fortune)

    7 - Chariot -

    8 - Strength

    9 - Hermit (Dark Watcher in Mystic Fortune)

    10- The Wheel

    11 - Justice

    12 - The Hanged Man

    13 - Death (Ghost Widow in Mystic Fortune)

    14 - Temperance

    15 - The Devil

    16 - The Tower (Cryptic/Hell Forge in Mystic Fortune)

    17 - The Star

    18 - The Moon (Midnighters in Mystic Fortune)

    19 - The Sun (?? (Carnival of Light, Maybe) in Mystic Fortune)

    20 - Judgment

    21 - The World (Paragon City in Mystic Fortune)


    I think your picks could fit into the arcana, like assigning Romulus as the 'Emperor', but the arcana are SUPPOSED to be vague and subject to interpretation.


    Recluse and Red Widow could be 'Emperor' and 'Empress' and also be 'Lovebird 1' and 'Lovebird 2'


    Hmm.... I'ma have to think about this one.

    Interesting take! I wish I knew more about the story cannon to figure out the rest of those questions. At the very least it will be a fun hunt for whatever it ends up being. 

  18. My observations so far....

    On July 23rd, @@Piecemeal posted that he has been working on something since October of last year. He says he started with costumes and textures, but managed to figure out other background systems throughout the game on his own. He notes on a post on July 24th that once his ‘thing’ is closer to testing, he will spill the beans and describe it with a proper introduction (assuming no more rhyming hints? lol). 

    The hints really take off starting August 9th when he posts a cryptic (?) rhyming verse that appears to contain details relating to his ‘thing’ he is working on. To paraphrase and summate its contents based on my deductions, see below:

    This post first begins by addressing the community’s in game characters. The next sentence implies that there will be a feature which is tied to your alignment, perhaps defeating certain enemies spread across alignments will reward you with something. The next portion mentions a “new army”, perhaps this alludes to the screenshot of the multi-enemy costumed parted individuals. This section also has the most interesting part. Again, total speculation on my part. I think the next part, where it totals seventeen “souls” is a list of characters needed to be defeated to gain a badge. I’m going to go out on a limb and attempt to identify them as best as I can.


    First five are mentioned as a squad (may be Admiral Sutter TF):
    1.    Colonel Durray as “Pirate”
    2.    ??? as “Commander”
    3.    ??? as “Mute”
    4.    Jane Temblor from Admiral Sutter TF as “Lovebird 1”
    5.    Fusion from Admiral Sutter TF as “Lovebird 2”


     Next ones are on isle of yore (Striga Island):
    6.    Archon Burkholder from Ernesto Hess TF as “the bane of caldera”
    7.    Heracles from Stephanie Peebles story arc as “the humbler of the son of Hera  humble the son of Alcmene”
    8.    Arakhn from Moonfire TF as “the cyst-maker”


    Next part mentions getting mean, perhaps changing alignment to villain for these:
    9.      Darrin Wade as “art thief”
    10.    Night Widow Nocturne (thanks @Ironblade) from either Jim Temblor's or Agent G's story arc as “the widow whose sub is a goner”. Doc Deliah from Faultline as “the Doctor” who introduces you to Agent G, whose final missions you fight Nocturne.
    11.    Malaise or Mother Mayhem as “deranged little psychic”
    12.    ??? as “Lord of Death 1”
    13.    ??? as “Lord of Death 2”
    14.    ??? as “met on your trek to the gate”
    15.    Clockwork King from Synapse TF as “went to court and toppled the monarchy”
    16.    Dr. Vahzilok as “de-tenured Ph.D.”

    Last thing I believe implies completing the speed demon challenge at the Ski Chalet. The final part also implies there will be more ‘challenges’ like this, and the reward will also be a badge.

    On August 8th @Piecemeal posts “coughs in foreshadowing” in response to a comment about swapping alignment. On August 13th he further clarified that origin will not lock out players from getting the badges for this upcoming content. Also, on this day, he somewhat alludes to playing through the content instead of grinding past it may make it easier to obtain the previously mentioned badges. Again, on this day, he implies that in order to figure out what is needed to be done for those badges, players will need to be aware of the lore in the game. He also goes on to say that in the future the actions that players take will affect the nature of their game play.

    • Thanks 3
  19. 38 minutes ago, Piecemeal said:

    Please remember this is my virgin flight.

    I created conditions to spawn a fight.


    It requires attention to lore and collecting 

    So you can be rewarded with a vigilant reckoning. 


    Don't hype too hard, instead think of the future,

    When records of your deeds affect the gameplay nature.

    Okay so what I am imagining from all the rhymed hints is a new system that tracks badges? Probably way off. I love playing crossword and doing word searches, but I am not grasping the rhyming hints very well. It's exciting though! Thank you for the teasing, hopefully I can narrow it down from everything you have posted so far.

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