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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 10 hours ago, Keovar said:

    Games that are intended for PvP as their primary mode, like shooters and MOBAs, can form a very hostile culture, which spills over into any game in which PvP is possible.  It’s no wonder the whole playstyle is viewed with suspicion.  
    Echo zones get more use as they are than the existing PvP zones.  As a way to get more traffic in those zones, it would backfire and do the opposite.  
    You’re probably better off trying to convince other PvP fans to play on one of the test servers where anyone can be ready to engage in 30 minutes or less.  You might even get some who aren’t regulars to try it in an environment where they haven’t spent a long time developing and personalizing a character.  

    Great post, thank you for your opinion.

  2. 4 hours ago, Heraclea said:

    Next up in my historical figures series:  King Kamehameha I of Hawaii:






    Patterned, of course, after his famous statue in the US Capitol:



    That helmet and cape are supposed to be made out of feathers. Again, available materials. 



    Love your concepts lately! Reminding me of my days playing Civilization.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ferrus_Xeno said:

    I am sorry if you took my comment as a generalization, it was not in any way meant as one.   There was no mention of you or anyone else specifically, nor did I say "all PVPers".

    I was simply stating that I was repeatedly harassed, etc. by people that wanted to PVP and I had no desire.  E.G. Constant IMs  asking to PVP, to which I answer 'No thanks", then again, and again, each time stating No, then the "are you afraid", "coward', "pussy" etc. to the point of putting the offender(s) on ignore (which I really hate doing). 


    As for the location, it was in PVE zones, not the arena or pocket D.  The only time I visited a PVP zone was with my SG mates, or because I was sent there as part of a mish thread.  I didn't even go get Shivan's and Nuke's because the the attitude I would see in the zones.


    The few times that I actually enjoyed PVP in CoX was with the SG that i was a member, and a few others on Pinn, that would not just gank you but try to help you figure out what was need for builds etc. 

    For clarity, a generalization is "a general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific cases". In your post you described your personal experience using words and phrases like "lost count of how many times", "harassed and insulted", "by PvPers", "5th or 6th time". Combined these words and phrases become a generalized statement. With this inference in mind, that is why I sought further information from you in order to better understand what you had posted.


    With the further information you provide, I can see that you have had a different experience than I have had (though I would describe a similar situation as yours as outright harassment not linked to a particular game mechanic (i.e., PvP) and would similarly use the block/ignore function or request assistance from a GM). I don't think your experience is right or wrong, better or worse, good or bad. So thank you for sharing!

  4. 12 hours ago, Greycat said:

    And yes, part of the issue is that you really *do* have to learn to play a vastly different game. As a tank? Get ready to get mezzed. Healing? Watch it not work the same. Control? Eesh. But if the *demand* were there, people would be asking about PVP builds and just basic questions, as well. There'd be other people around in the zones. People would be looking for the arena. Those questions just don't come up.

    So looking at this equation through the lens of supply and demand; an economic principle aptly tied to your discussion I might add - the intervention by a regulator whom I would characterize as the developer many years ago (specifically after the PvP mechanic was introduced) led to a change in "purchasing habits" of the population if you will. Segregating a section of this "market" led to a purchaser's bias, believing the regulating entity was inclined to invest in other industries (mechanics of the game, stay with me) and provide no incentive to buyers to continue purchasing the product of that industry.


    My economic-fu is weak, so forgive my lack of clarity 🙂 

  5. 1 hour ago, Ferrus_Xeno said:

    As for CoX (at least before shutdown) I lost count how many times I have been harassed and insulted by PVPers that want to 'test their PVP build' against my PVE build... yeah like that is even remotely a fair fight, then after the 5th or 6th decline the insults fly...  No thank you.

    Interesting perspective in your post, but it was the last part that confused me. To clarify, would you agree that labeling the people who you say "harassed and insulted" you, is a generalization towards a population of players who were not all actually harassing and insulting you? For example, I PvPed within the time frame you mentioned in your post, but I never encountered you to my knowledge. Would you consider me to have harassed and insulted you? It may just be my opinion, but I find it is important to refrain from generalizing when using blanket statements to paint a negative connotation on to a population of players.


    One other question - the PvP mechanic in this game can only take place in this game in either the Arena or in a PvP zone. Your post left me with the impression that the PvPers who wanted to "test their PvP build" against you were in either of these locations. Is that a fair assumption to make? If so, I would remain confused as the intent of these locations are to do the very thing you mentioned. If not, could you further clarify?

  6. 50 minutes ago, Virtual Green said:

    My latest concept - a corporate "superhero" created and controlled by Crey Industry as their industry speedster, Blitzfeet ! (Elec/Shield stalker, with his Crey agent outfit)







    Awesome concept/design! Have  you been watching "The Boys" season two?? This reminded me of the speedster on that show.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Shocktacular said:

    It also seems to stop being on fire while I'm AFK, though.  
    I left my badger in the fire one evening and the next morning she was just sitting there like a dumb*** while the fire was on the other side of the building.

    I get an Ouro mission then head to the spot to prevent afk from occurring. Might be worth a try for ya. 

  8. 7 hours ago, ClawsandEffect said:

    No thanks. 


    I REALLY don't want to get ganked every time I go to Echo:Galaxy to read the damn plaque for Atlas Medallion. 


    That's the difference between the badges in already existing PvP zones and this suggestion. The Echoes have badges that are required for certain accolades. I really don't want to have to deal with PvPers when all I want to do is get my damn accolade. 


    I know where the PvP zones are when I'm in the mood for it. When I'm going after those accolades it's a safe bet I'm not in the mood for it right then. 


    And you know as well as I do that if the Echoes were made into free-for-all zones it would become a favorite pastime of PvPers to make life hell for anyone who just wants to read the plaque and leave. Stalkers camped out near the plaque waiting to AS anyone who tries to get close enough to click on it? Hard pass. 

    My experience differs from yours, but I don't think your opinion is any less valid. I enjoying badging and PvPing, among many other outlets in this game. Thank you for the discussion.

  9. 7 hours ago, ClawsandEffect said:

    No thanks. 


    I REALLY don't want to get ganked every time I go to Echo:Galaxy to read the damn plaque for Atlas Medallion. 


    That's the difference between the badges in already existing PvP zones and this suggestion. The Echoes have badges that are required for certain accolades. I really don't want to have to deal with PvPers when all I want to do is get my damn accolade. 


    I know where the PvP zones are when I'm in the mood for it. When I'm going after those accolades it's a safe bet I'm not in the mood for it right then. 


    And you know as well as I do that if the Echoes were made into free-for-all zones it would become a favorite pastime of PvPers to make life hell for anyone who just wants to read the plaque and leave. Stalkers camped out near the plaque waiting to AS anyone who tries to get close enough to click on it? Hard pass. 

    My experience differs from yours, but I don't think your opinion is any less valid. I enjoying badging and PvPing, among many other outlets in this game. Thank you for the discussion.

  10. 5 hours ago, Shocktacular said:

    Is there another location/mission/whatever for this? From what I've seen, the building is not always on fire and/or the fire is not always in the same place.

    @Shocktacularthe trick with this building is if you go to it and it's not on fire, you either have to travel away from it a mile or so and come back a few times or log out and log back in. I've seen it on fire with one of my characters, while the other didn't see it on fire at the same time. It's a weird one, but try doing either of those things I mentioned and it should display on fire again. 

  11. 4 hours ago, RageusQuitus2 said:

    So thats a hard yes?  I guess its literally just me but i find fighting alongside vill or hero mobs in sirens hot spots fun.  Huuuge mobs lots of bosses. 


    Pvp zones are the best street sweeping in game.  Especially now that actual zone pvp is dead.  Ymmv im on excel.  When I want to pvp i switch to indom.  So promise its not some reverse psychology trap.

    Bloody Bay is a great place to collect a number of badges. The zone story itself is very interesting and the architecture and design elements really give it an atmosphere. And there are shivans glore!


    Siren's Call has really fun mob spawn mechanics between the Longbow and Arachnos. As they fight each other, it makes for an easy street sweeping target - focus on the bosses and mezzers first though, or they hit hard once one side as the advantage. 


    Warburg is a great place as well for story driven atmosphere. Every time I launch the rocket I feel like it was a big deal, very climactic. And the rogue arachnos lend a certain "we are our own city". I absolutely love the difficulty of fighting the roaming Hercules Titans (I was a bit of a sucker for this ever since Issue 1 when they added the combining part and Kronos as well). 


    Recluses Victory is fun for both PvP and PvE. I enjoy the challenge of fighting the roaming AVs after capturing a few pillboxes. The time travel story is a bit farfetched, but I love how the zone changes depending on control.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Darmian said:

    As I said above I don't choose to PVP (have done but it's not my thing, each their own and all that) but I'm also 100 per cent against there being more PVP zones.  Less PVP zones?  I'm torn. I don't want those that love PVP to lose their zones but this isn't Live and this is a volunteer community/economy, so I'd be for the "doubling" of the three sub 40 PVP zones as mentioned above so as to utilise them further with ongoing story and so on. It's been a LOOONG time since I coded anything but I still reckon doubling the zone would be easier than coding for every single player to have to remember to flag themselves going in or out of the zone. And doubling somewhere like Bloody Bay with it's already teeming mobs and so on is likely easier than filling out Kallisti Wharf.  (<--speculation obviously)


    And the last zone, the only one any really uses, RV?  I'd add more PVP stuff to it.  Anything you could do in something like laser tag?  Throw it in there. Getting chased by enemies, run through the minefield, if you dare!  Who knows?  We're all pretty inventive here. Me?  I'm all about the narrative.  Yes yes yes, sure everyone is waiting to see if the guys eventually throw Battalion at us (frankly I could happily live without it and let them come up with something different and surprise us rather than being shackled to what was due on Live but YMMV) but in the meantime we need all the rest of the narrative to move on a bit.


    Now I'm the one who has veered.  Apologies. 


    PS, I shot my first Infected in the RV tram station yesterday since Live!  I was hopping in to grab the badges (not on Indom so perfectly safe) and there he was.  I almost looked around for a Stalker!

    The flagging of a player for enemy, friendly, or otherwise free for all status is as simple as clicking a button in the dev console or typing the command out manually. This can be demonstrated if you have access to the console commands via a private server.


    I appreciate the discussion.

  13. 1 minute ago, Keovar said:

    Easy for you to say, as the aggressor wanting to force your play preference on others.  

    My original post clearly describes the intent of this suggestion to increase player activity in these zones. The platform I suggested to do so was via a well established game mechanic that has existed for many years. Many posters have provided their opinions, none of them I can say are wrong or right. This is the nature of a suggestion. Thank you for the discussion.

  14. 4 hours ago, Keovar said:

    There you go.  

    As long as it’s opt-in only, then I guess it’s merely annoying to have to put those pestering for PvP on ignore, but I definitely don’t want to have it just like Warburg, or even to be opted-in by default, requiring us to enter a command to turn it off.  

    But hey, if you like PvP, why not ask for a true PvP server?  Every alignment could access every zone and everything beyond Atlas and Mercy is Warburg-like.  Have the server clearly marked with a warning and, if Indomitable is converted into this PvP hell, allow for extra move tokens for a couple months to let those who wish to leave, do so. Also, don’t allow transfers coming into the server so the inevitable “powerlevel in safety, then move” trick won’t work.  

    Agree to disagree.

  15. 2 hours ago, Ura Hero said:

    And finished pretty much at the calculated time.

    Glad to hear it! I've managed 50 million since I started, approx. 2 days ago. I really do think now that the Soul Drain method is the fastest for my Primary/Secondary Corruptor. 

  16. Just now, Ura Hero said:

    No change in the damage rate by having or not having Player Debuffed.

    Yeah I am seeing the same. I think it all has to do with the massive buffs they throw on you during that mission. Aside from the -50% acc I mentioned previously. 


    Looks like a grind is a grind! GL!

  17. 44 minutes ago, Ura Hero said:

    Here is a screenshot of my mission settings and the Soul Drain Power.  Level 50 Controller, all T4 slotted.  No Enhancements slotted.


    I reset to go without the Debuff option.  I'll report back in an hour on how it's going.


      Hide contents

    Ura Hero.jpgUra Hero 2.jpg


    Ah  you know what I bet its because I haven't put on my incarnates on lol! I'll report back, thank you for the screen caps.


    Ok all my incarnates on im getting these numbers for Soul Drain:



  18. @Ura Hero

    So enabling the "Players Under Constant Debuff" option before initiating the ouroborus mission causes the following things to occur:

    -50% strength to accuracy on self

    -50% strength to damage on self

    -50% strength to various mez protections


    The -acc causes more misses for me that by not clicking the option, but the damage and mez are irrelevant because the mission pushes your damage and mez protection up to the cap regardless. That being said, I don't think enabling the constant debuff on players option as beneficial.


    Having the enemies set to -1 level and no other options enabled, gave me the same damage dealt number per activation of Soul Drain: 14,800 damage.

    Having the enemies set to +4 level and "Enemies are buffed" enabled gave me the same damage dealt number per activation of Soul Drain; 14,800 damage.


    Can you possibly detail your setup as much as possible so I can figure out why my numbers are off?




  19. 1 hour ago, Ura Hero said:

    Soul Drain really looks like the way to go using "View your Future Memory".   I added "Player is debuffed" to the mix and I am getting 1.85M damage an hour (calculated), which should get me the badge in around 33 hours with the progress already made.  Best case with Judgement was around 378k an hour.  Quite a large improvement.  This is what I am going to go with.

    Whoa! Really?? I didn't think to try the player debuffed option. Great advice, ill let you know how I do with that.

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