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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. On 6/14/2024 at 2:55 AM, Vic Raiden said:

    Exactly what it says on the tin. Peacebringers and Warshades both have their Nova and Dwarf forms, which turn them into alien creatures focused on ranged and melee attacks, respectively.


    So I looked through powerset customization when pondering whether to make a PB, and noticed all off the attacks exclusive to the Nova and Dwarf transformations have properly functioning animations for a human character model using them, and thus my wish to make it actually possible to use them without necessarily having to take the form of a hovering squid or mutated gorilla first.

    Oh would you look at that



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  2. 10 hours ago, Laucianna said:

    So similar to the way the hero Vixen does from DC, where it shows the form (With a slight transparency) over your player when you switch into the form and then either vanishes leaving you as human only or with it constantly as a transparent form on top of yours (I still want to poll what people will prefer on the post I make). This is something I have checked with Devs and is possible but not as a minor thing so could be something in the rework 🙂



    Both builds can be seen on my guide alongside the damage numbers beside them ❤️ Both have some attacks procced out, others not depending on what is needed to make it a build that can be used in content outside of just Pylon DPS checks 😄

    I was totally thinking of the Kingdom Hearts villain after seeing that:



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  3. 26 minutes ago, DoctorDitko said:

    Even back in the old (per-inherent fitness) days, a level 1 unslotted hero could leap over a 2-lane road from a standing start.

    Even civilians can ignore being hit by cars and fight tirelessly to hold onto their purses.

    You have always been doomed to be exceptional in this game.


    After playing games where my character couldn't step over a ground-level log border onto the grass, this was refreshing.

    Embrace the super!

    Just run in to a building that has a slight incline to launch yourself hundreds of feet in the air 😀 

  4. 1 hour ago, Zombra said:

    I'll never say no to Health and Stamina, but I don't like all my characters being Olympic level track and field stars.  In many cases Swift and Hurdle make it more difficult to precisely position in combat.

    Players can remain Level 1 and not train past that point if they don't want to experience the Formula One travel speeds these days. Or stay in Granite Armor non-stop. I also think running backwards is slower than running forwards, but I have no evidence to support my made up claim. Or use the "Disable All Powers" power to turn the Fitness Power Pool, (and all other powers) off - and even then you're still pretty fast at Level 50.




    All jokes aside, it's just something that was done to appease the power creep monster a while back. I don't think it will ever go back to the way it was, even though set bonuses and uniques already make up what was once locked behind a Power Pool selection.

    • Like 2
  5. On 6/14/2024 at 7:56 AM, Glacier Peak said:

    Thanks for everyone signing up for [1100 PST / 1200 MST / 1300 CST / 1400 EST] Saturday, June 15th - PvP Badges Week 2: I'll see you all in-game in tomorrow! We will meet inside the Villain base in Recluse's Victory or we may be out and about in the zone, so send me a tell! I'll be there 15 minutes early to start inviting people. These Hero spawns are random and we will sometimes get the same ones many times in a row, so patience is key! There are plenty of spots remaining if anyone has any friends that want to join us. 


    Badges: Players will need to be Villain/Rogue alignment for these.

    • File:Badge defeatstatesman.png Oppressor: You have helped defeat Ms. Liberty in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatbrawler.png Uppercut: You have helped defeat Back Alley Brawler in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatpsyche.png Interrogator: You have helped defeat Penelope Yin in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatpositron.png Destroyer: You have helped defeat Positron in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatmanticore.png Dead-eye: You have helped defeat Manticore in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatsynapse.png Breakneck: You have helped defeat Synapse in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatstatesman.png Blackguard: Defeat Ms. Liberty, Manticore, Back Alley Brawler, Positron, Synapse, and Penelope Yin in Recluse's Victory


     Sign-Up for Saturday, June 15th - PvP Badges Week 2:

    1. @Glacier Peak Glacier Peak - Ice/Cold Corruptor
    2. @ZorkNemesis Weald Warden - Archery/Plant Blaster
    3. @Cece Casualty of War - fire/energy dominator
    4. @Midnyte Eternal Midnight - Energy/Electric Brute
    5. @Burnt Umber Hostia Usta - Fire/Dark Cor

    A successful (and rather fast!) Indom Badge Run! This was a 30-minute run thanks to RNG. Thanks for all who attended, I'll see everyone who signed up for the end of June Indom Badge Run final PvP week.

    • Like 1
  6. On 6/13/2024 at 3:12 PM, Diantane said:

    Other Archetypes get armor or really cool powers. What do we get? Stuff that a low level archetype may get. Doesn't sound so epic to me. So every time I make a new Sentinel (at number 77), I use the pool powers to finish off the build. What do you think of Epic powers?


    Ancillary Power Pools


    ancillary. adjective. an·cil·lary ˈan-sə-ˌler-ē, an-ˈsi-lə-rē 1. : having a subordinate, subsidiary, or secondary nature

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  7. 21 minutes ago, ZemX said:

    On the one hand, this is a perfectly fair response to the OP's title boast saying for-profit companies should follow HC team's example.  


    On the other hand, no for-profit game publisher, especially one that made over 2 billion dollars last year, has any excuse NOT to do better than a 20-year old MMO run for no-profit by volunteers in their spare time.

    There's good and bad examples out there. I look at a gaming studio like 343 Industries and their abomination that is Halo Infinite and think how many billions of dollars went in to that product, how many developers sunk decades worth of development hours in to it (and it still feels like I'm beta testing it when I play), and how the care of a previous studio's intellectual property (Bungie) was so mismanaged, that I think I can accept this comparison.

    • Like 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, Seed22 said:

    Ooooh boy I’m gonna get dislikes but uhm. 

    I don’t think other studios should look at what HC does and follow it. It took YEARS to get to the level of transparency we have now, and there’s still a mountain of work to do on that front. Case and point, only just now are they starting to put design goals on sets to better paint a picture of what they hope to accomplish with changes. Ff14 has been doing this for years.


    Also how HC handles sets to me seems too much like it was done in a spreadsheet and not what’s actually fun. Definitely not something other studios should copy. 

    At first, HC to me was the beesknees, now? They’re alright. I mean they haven’t completely ruined the game which is great but they are in no way shape or form a shining beacon in the industry. Not even close.

    I think that player criticism is a necessary and healthy component of this community. Thank you for your reply.

    • Like 3
  9. Shout out to the Theme Teamers and @TraumaTrain, the Theme Team thread is the sixth most viewed (non-stickied/pinned) topic on the entire Homecoming forums! I requested this thread be stickied/pinned, but I haven't seen anyone sticky/pin it so I figured there was some reason behind not doing so. @GM Impervium any chance this thread can be stickied/pinned?



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  10. Thanks for everyone signing up for [1100 PST / 1200 MST / 1300 CST / 1400 EST] Saturday, June 15th - PvP Badges Week 2: I'll see you all in-game in tomorrow! We will meet inside the Villain base in Recluse's Victory or we may be out and about in the zone, so send me a tell! I'll be there 15 minutes early to start inviting people. These Hero spawns are random and we will sometimes get the same ones many times in a row, so patience is key! There are plenty of spots remaining if anyone has any friends that want to join us. 


    Badges: Players will need to be Villain/Rogue alignment for these.

    • File:Badge defeatstatesman.png Oppressor: You have helped defeat Ms. Liberty in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatbrawler.png Uppercut: You have helped defeat Back Alley Brawler in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatpsyche.png Interrogator: You have helped defeat Penelope Yin in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatpositron.png Destroyer: You have helped defeat Positron in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatmanticore.png Dead-eye: You have helped defeat Manticore in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatsynapse.png Breakneck: You have helped defeat Synapse in Recluse's Victory
    • File:Badge defeatstatesman.png Blackguard: Defeat Ms. Liberty, Manticore, Back Alley Brawler, Positron, Synapse, and Penelope Yin in Recluse's Victory


     Sign-Up for Saturday, June 15th - PvP Badges Week 2:

    1. @Glacier Peak Glacier Peak - Ice/Cold Corruptor
    2. @ZorkNemesis Weald Warden - Archery/Plant Blaster
    3. @Cece Casualty of War - fire/energy dominator
    4. @Midnyte Eternal Midnight - Energy/Electric Brute
    5. @Burnt Umber Hostia Usta - Fire/Dark Cor
  11. 46 minutes ago, Bionic_Flea said:

    Obviously, it must be code for something.  Look at the first letter of each word, GwbtHtastktrssmaol  Aptwcquatetomvgssstf.


    OK, maybe not.

    But if you invert the letters, close your eyes, then say the sentence backwards, it actually says: "Indomitable is the server with no lag and double XP, come join us weekends for awesome badge runs, theme teams, and slow and steady teaming - brought to you in part by @Glacier Peak, @Lunar Ronin, and the Theme Teamers of Indomitable"


    Sort of like when you see closed captioning/subtitling for a really long dialog scene in a foreign film, but the english translation is just a one word response 😄 

    • Haha 1
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  12. I am automatically turned off from any movie or TV show that has the word 'Resurgence' in it. It's an awful word that has no creativity and adds nothing to the title. Looking at you, Independence Day: Resurgence

  13. 1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    Yes, Sentinels are part of the Ranged Damage group of ATs, but the ATs don't really cross to each other very well, other than Corruptors and Defenders. So Sentinel power sets aren't really comparable to Blaster power sets despite being derived from them. The Sentinel power sets all seem to be balanced against each other as far as I can tell.

    Since you @ me, I'll also add what @Luminara posted on the Sentinel sub forum:


    "It deals less damage than the blaster version because sentinels aren't blasters, they're scrappers with a ranged primary; and it has a shorter recharge time (HC uses a formula to determine damage, base recharge time is one of the variables in that formula.  the faster an attack's base recharge, the less base damage it deals).  It uses Sleep instead of Hold because sentinels were designed to be less reliant on hard controls, none of their primaries have two hard controls which can stack (you can select a *PP with a compatible hard control if you want to stack)."

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  14. 27 minutes ago, FupDup said:

    Both ATs sit in the Ranged Damage category in the role diversity system and both have similar primaries. Sents were created for people who wanted a Blaster-like playstyle with armor instead of melee for their secondary. 


    Blasters are most definitely supposed to deal more damage than Sents, but in the case of Ice Blast the gap is drastically wider between the two than it really should be. And even compared to other Sent primaries, Ice Blast is among the weakest despite being one of the strongest blast sets on the other 3 ATs who can choose it. 

    Given the poster decided to thumb down my question instead of answer it, I'll take my leave. I will leave you with this reply, however. When a suggestion fails to take in to account there are other qualifiers beyond damage (like range difference, soft control, and the fact that Sentinels are given armor powersets as a secondary) the comparison is moot. The original post could've said Corruptor or Defender too and made little sense, but for some reason DPA is chosen against Blaster even though it doesn't account for Sentinel debuffs or their protection from their armor, let alone the range difference. Why not compare to other Sentinel powersets, not in the vacuum of DPA, but in a holistic approach backed up by objective data? This is just another suggestion that begs for more damage without any consideration for balance (even though the poster was given plenty of reason why the powerset is the way it is over in the Sentinel Archetype sub forum).

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  15. 1 hour ago, Nanda said:

    Soooo.. I was under the assumption we had unlimited respecs, I suppose other fan servers I've played in the past had that option. Now I have a completely useless powerset because I was experimenting, and caaaan't really fix it. Hoping a GM could bless me with 1 respec, aha. Oops.

    Auction House, type Respec Recipe, make purchase, craft. 

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  16. 1 minute ago, lemming said:

    I should note, that to get the full 30 charges takes 10.5 days to charge up at 8.4 hours per charge (if you have the dayjob)

    I imagine logging out might be easier. Between heavies and pillboxes, the heavies can be soloed pretty easy. That's why I wanted to help folks out with the pillboxes while we were on. We'll likely get the 100 pillboxes badge next weekend after we get all the heroes defeated. 

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  17. Just now, WumpusRat said:

    Which kind of defeats the whole purpose of "removing the time required to level up a new character to participate in PvP", since you'd have to have a 50th level with copious cash/recipes/etc on hand already, meaning it's really just an option for well-established people with hundreds of millions of inf lying around.


    Ah well. I don't use it anyway, but it does seem a little silly to require people to "bring their own enhancements" for it. At least give them free SOs or something.

    Yeah, I guess when you give someone an inch, they'll ask for a mile afterwards. 

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  18. 8 minutes ago, WumpusRat said:

    Is there anywhere that gives free SO/IOs for these PvP characters? I've made a couple to try out powersets without having to go to the test server, but since you don't have any enhancements to put in your slots, it's kind of ... less than impressive.



    Players still need to provide their own enhancements, there's no easy mode for that. Because their own ability to get rewards is so limited (the only available source of rewards is critters in PVP zones) the expectation is that those characters will receive influence and enhancements from other characters that are PVE enabled.

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