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Christopher Robin

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Everything posted by Christopher Robin

  1. It's a pleasant surprise to know you had some hand in it and I agree they do look really good animated. I am also glad to hear it was nothing (specifically) to do with IDW. That number of high stress hours for those kind of wages is unconscionable! No project is worth sacrificing your health long term. I'm sorry it didn't turn out to be the dream job it should've been.
  2. @Pirate Cashoo Completely unrelated side-note: Cachet, knowing that you are also a Transformers aficionado, I was wondering what your thoughts were on the new War for Cybertron Trilogy series? Personally I am loving the art style with all the weathered, scraped and combat-worn details. Even Bumblebee looks like a boss! These are worth seeing large but I didn't want to put off topic full screen art in this thread so click thumbnails for larger image if interested. Patience. It's worth waiting for.
  3. Congratulations... I wish you many happy little squid babies. Paragon Bait and Tackle Shop for the gift registry then?
  4. Very bestest of luck! /emote hugsToxinFox Happy to hear it Fox. I often wonder if I should start discussions about story or art details, not every artist likes it. 1. Ah no worries then. I am honestly kind of torn between them. The "N" clasp is on brand and looks more distinctive but might be a chore depending if it is a buckle or button through clasp. The "two halves" looks more like a quick change friendly style clasp that could even be magnetic (like those reading glasses some have that split in half but when you lift and bring them near they jump together easily and line up correctly without even having to try and look down past your chin to align them first. So Iconic Style vs Quick Change Convenience would be my take on it though she could just have more than one cape/clasp style or just upgraded with some prompting from Serge at ICON (etc). 2. Theory confirmed! Achievement unlocked! Go Hunt Kil Lady Skullz! 3. Saw them over on DA and I think you did great with her costume. The CoH belt buckle is worth extra awesome points. P.S. While I am pointing out details I enjoy, I love that the tail of the fox (in your avatar) resembles a paint brush that is dripping paint. P.P.S. For anyone else craving more "Nyx Tales" between postings of the story here I would point out the other 6-page mini comic which can be found here. Fair warning though it ended a number of years ago on an abrupt cliff-hanger.
  5. All things considered it was pretty great. Thanks Force Redux, I hope yours was as well.
  6. While the Skulls do allow females into their ranks now, not just "Skull's Girlfriends" (how progressive), and even have female bosses (Death Dolls), all of the named bosses with Bone-something (or Marrow or Snap etc) in their moniker are Bone Daddy's and as the name implies they are all male. There is a named Death Head called Knucklebone (also a dude) but Death Head's are classed as Lieutenants. There is also a female Arch-Villain but as the comic is talking about a neighborhood level named boss with Marrow in his title that really doesn't apply. So while I do know Black Marrow, if he existed in the game, would be a Bone Daddy I am also fair certain I have personally punched every single Skull in their... well, skull (heh) at least twice over the years and I've yet to run across a Skull boss thusly named so he/she is new and could be whatever Fox wants for her story depending if she is going for cannon accurate or not. So DD's point stands but perhaps not for the reason you might have thought? ...and yes I do know ToxinFox is a her because I looked her up on DA.
  7. Well yes and no I guess. If cannon within the game's lore it's a he, if non-canon it could be either. ToxinFox could be inventing a female named skull boss to fight her female protagonist. Or, within the story frame, Nyx might not know much of recent events (she has been gone three years) and is therefore choosing to not make any assumptions at this point. Good thinking DD.
  8. Coolness! Point of order thought shouldn't it be "....where I can find him" singular, referring to Black Marrow? Also did Nyx get a new cape clasp? Favorite page detail: Shadow the gate in the background is casting.
  9. The saga continues!
  10. Tanks (and scrappers) DD! Not sure I was going for boredom but that is my interpretation of the face giving the people's eyebrow (male supernatural 11) in the CC yes.
  11. @Player2 Lol I literally just thought of that and edited my comment to include that possibility. Looks like you are online now and we are playing comment tag in real time... TAG! YOU'RE IT!
  12. Yeah that's why I made a point of saying above that it doesn't overwrite anything and therefore doesn't break the terms of service. Trying to copy Superman however is totally against the rules though so that could also be why he ran away (faster than a speeding bullet while leaping tall buildings with a single bound I'm guessing ). You know it's possible that he didn't have the mod at all or even know what you were talking about. I'm guessing you have one of the mod packs by Electro as his was by far the most popular Superman mod and since that mod supplants the letter "S" the guy may just have made a Superman clone and put the regular S on his chest and you saw it as Superman because you had the mod. Just a thought. If it's just for the screen shots there is always the Ghost Slaying Axe which is available to all. Also you could suggest that combination wherever the thread for powerset proliferation is (or start one).
  13. I did not "forget" I just don't see my contributions as all that consequential compared to the amount of work others have done. Also while I have made many mods I haven't shared the files publicly. They were mostly just for things I made for myself or friends when I wanted something beyond what the CC had available (e.g. faces, weapons, SG logos etc). As for Xllusya that was just the angle I had when I saw him. Her face is custom yes, it's not a secret. It's been on my DA for years and I have displayed it here before as well. The CC didn't have a female face with golden eyes which I wanted for my goddess (except for the feline face) so I made one for myself. I can PM you later, it's too far off topic here.
  14. Who could it be? Believe it or not it's just sheeeee. That is a modification file (or "Mod" for short) he's using that temporarily supplants one of the games existing symbols. It doesn't overwrite the actual games files in any way so they were allowed but there are a couple drawbacks. Since the costume data is local to your machine, only you and anyone else who has the mod file sees it. Everyone else sees the original chest piece that you are supplanting. So mods would be of no help to you in a costume contest for example. Everyone else, whether they be other players or even other NPC's, who have that chest detail will be seen on your screen as having the mod, not just you so you need to pick what you supplant carefully. It's even more important if you plan to share your mod because everyone who uses it will be affected too. It also helps to know about the popular mods out there. The Superbabes SG logo is one example that still floats about today because the person who originally made it supplanted one of the common star symbols. So @captainstar, to pick an example, thinks he looks like this in game... But to the thousands of people who had the mod bundle back in the day he would look like this. I could tell you some funny stories about the unintended consequences of modding "gone wild" but I will just say choose your files wisely because some will follow instructions to put them in but may not be tech savvy enough to take them out. Great strides are being made to make adding / removing / sharing mods easier from what I have been reading. Shout out to @The Philotic Knight, @Oubliette_Red, @Solarverse and many others past and present for all of their hard work put in on the modding front.
  15. Something new. Here is my drawing of Troo from Pirate Cashoo's thread. I've got a few updates to existing pieces coming soon as well.
  16. Thank you @Troo. At first I thought he might be your typical fiery demon but from what little visual reference I saw he looks to be sporting a gaseous aura. Can you confirm that? Also, though it has been very quiet in that thread of late, some very cool things have befallen pencils tossed into the collab thread. You may want to post it over there and see if any other artists want to have a go at inking or coloring it.
  17. Hehehe sunscreen. Also answers the question what if the Fonz was a Troll. AAAAAAAY.
  18. So I know that Cachet said if any other artists wanted to jump in and draw from the refs in this thread to do so but my thinking was that anyone posting a ref here is probably hoping to get a sketch from her. That said I do feel like contributing something and no one said anything about their avatars being off limits. So I figured I would leave the refs for Cachet and just draw the first avatar that jumped out at me. Sucks to be you @Troo I may do more with it a bit later but here is the pencil sketch anyway (about 22 minutes). A bigger version is here if you want. Hopefully @Troo doesn't mind.
  19. Here then is the second piece from Wernope. This is DD's new-ish Archery/Fire blaster Burn Mark. Merry Me-mas DD!
  20. If I were a forum cop and taking people's signatures wouldn't I have to arrest myself? Didn't really think that one through did ya? Also no thanks. I am neither a kitteh nor do I wish to be a forum cop and I think DD wore her own just fine. Now that you mention it though I should probably redo my old sig about the getting a color swap button for the CC. The original devs almost got around to it before shut down, maybe the new ones could actually get it done.
  21. Yeah I figured it was probably an old forum name (I always wonder why people change a perfectly good name though) that you no longer use and that you probably remade/renamed Duskrune but kept the costume design. I don't see any real benefit to claiming someone else's character as yours while getting all of the details wrong. Wouldn't make much sense. 11 but who's counting. Cachet was but a wee lass of 17. Gah! Where the hell does the time go??? No worries Shadeknight. Now now, I was polite about it. I even tossed in an IIRC and everything.
  22. @KyuubeWelcome home to the city! Indeed you don't often see much gold side love. Nice work on the posters! Helen Carnate is my favorite, both for the art and the pun. If you are looking for some poster suggestions how about one that glorifies how Emperor Cole keeps the citizens safe from Hamidon? Some promotion for the Powers Division perhaps? P.S. Now I finally know what Ant-Man is made of so thanks for that.
  23. Is there something we the community could do to help? Perhaps someone here knows of another reputable source outside of Too? Is scanning and digital copic coloring ala Sketch Book Pro an option for your halted projects? You may post as you wish of course but if you are asking my vote would land squarely in the 'gimmeh teh shineez nao!" camp.
  24. Welcome to the club. I actually attended a costume contest once and after it was done I was hanging out near the bottom of the steps where new heroes pop out and just chatting with the judges and a few people who were in the contest and out popped my mirror image. Wrong shade of blue on the boots but otherwise an exact copy. I was like "COPYCAT!" and they quickly logged out and faded away. I felt a weird mix of pride along with a heaping side order of "How dare you!" I know there are no rules against it but the audacity of it annoyed me. Wait, there are theme teams happening???
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