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Christopher Robin

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Everything posted by Christopher Robin

  1. Before someone beats me to it... https://youtu.be/kkDoaqGsO14?t=86 Alas no. I know not the tank of which you speak, good luck in your search though.
  2. There's a thread for that Latex. If you want to see more options perhaps try posting here. Cheers!
  3. Wow this looks like it should be the cover of a children's book. Epic high five indeed! I love that even though this is a relatively simplified chibi you still paid attention to all the small details from Brahn's beard notch to DD's semi-transparent cape. Great work and thank you for the birthday gift.
  4. Yep that artwork definitely belongs to Liz. She also goes by syrusb and syrusbLiz and bLiz. I haven't seen her on the forums much but she should be reachable through her DA if you have not asked her permission. https://www.deviantart.com/syrusbliz/gallery/28883/city-of-heroes I only play heroes myself so I won't be entering any of my best costumes but I will watch out of interest... and, you know, to round up anyone who does enter and toss em in the zig for being a villain.
  5. I'm totally rooting for Abe Lincoln's floating head!
  6. Nice WIP BW. I am assuming this is Pirate Cashoo's eponymous hero? I believe she is missing her right eye (or has something else scary in it's place? ) All the depictions of her I've seen have her wearing an eye patch on that side of her face. Carry on with the awesome!
  7. @Jawbreaker The costume file is in a subfolder called "costumes" within the CoH folder wherever you installed the game. Assuming you have Windows and you followed the instructions here then it will be in "C:/Games/CoH/costumes/" If you don't know where you installed the game do a search (press the Windows key on your keyboard and type ".costume" without the quotes but including the period) and it should bring up all your costume files by name. Find the file with the name "Battlezone.costume" then open a reply box in this thread and drag and drop the .costume file to where it says "Drag files to here to attach" and post.
  8. I feel like a crisp and slightly tart fruit pun would be apple-cable here. @DJ1 If you're confused by that google "Pink Lady."
  9. Happy another successful revolution of Terra about Sol as it relates to your annual day of uterine expulsion remembrance! In other words happy birthday. Your present isn't quite ready yet so you'll have to be patient. Hope you had a great day though.
  10. Posted with DJ1's permission (because he's shy ). This is his blaster Grey Ming Badda Bing. Screenshots taken by me. It's only a waist up because that is all I can remember for sure of his costume. To be fair it's been at least a decade since I drew him as a prize for an artz contest. I imagine him wearing pants but hey it could be a codpiece and shorts for all I know.
  11. In my experience you're never truly comfortable with it. You just kind of do it anyway. Having the time to dedicate is a whole other thing entirely.
  12. *High-fives Grimz* I'm glad we asked then and thank you for sharing that. Has Clip Studio Paint become your go-to program for coloring now? Several of the people who's content I watch sing it's praises (including DD).
  13. Super powered high five!
  14. Not sure if this canned meme humor or serious but it does bring up a good question, are there any tutorials you've done in recent years Cachet? I know you've been good about answering specific questions on various sites and back during your Livestream days (I was lucky enough to "catch-et" a few of them back in the day) but have you laid out any of your thoughts on style or coloring technique for others to learn from? No worries if you haven't I know you are often times swamped with commissions but there is a thread for them if you have anything you might want to share. There's also a collab thread if you feel like teaming up.
  15. Very nice.
  16. "Them" referring to words not people. Yeah your response to DJ1 about Gorm Diabhal being a whole race rather than a singular (twin?) entity made it sound like it there was some thought being put into their back story. Could be interesting.
  17. The same could be said about Cashoo (or me for that matter). Good to see them on this screen when it is pointed at this particular virtual corner of the interwebs then. Hmmm... almost sounds like there is a story in there somewhere. Also welcome @Greycat to the best part of the forums. The name you're using is unfamiliar to me but I immediately recognized Memphis Bill as drawn by Alex Dai (a.k.a. imagesbyalex).
  18. Sure sure, no problem DJ1. For the record I consider this a favor to Pirate Cashoo (no guarantees she will draw him of course) and any future artists you ever commission... because the old screen shots you sent me were atrocious. Also you are on your own for the lower body as I only ever drew his bust. I remember the "Ampules" belt and there were buckles somewhere but that's all. WB yourself @Caemgen. Good to see your words onscreen again... they'd be better in a story but hey, good all the same.
  19. Sure sure. Happy to do it. You're welcome. Glad you made it on board and you're just in time for the new issue going up. Much coolness going on including a new story arc dealing with your all time favorite guy in a meat suit. There are new maps, new environments, the return of the Vahzilok Wasting Disease (it missed you), interaction with the alignment system, an actual investigation with clues and interviews, new badges, three alternate endings depending on the choices you make in earlier missions and... dubstep. Wait what? Also I updated the list of names above, I think I got them all pegged pretty well except for #1 now. Yeah I tried to email/note/PM everyone I could remember who played CoX and especially the artists and art appreciators from the old 606 forums and surprisingly they continue to trickle in. Well 4 other artists added coloring and such, technically I was the 5th and all I did was the lines. Still it was a quintuple collab and very cool to be a part of. Glad you liked the results. Yeah @Pirate Cashoo's crazy use of bold color combinations is really something special. Oh for crying in silence! Dude quit whining and go check your notes already. -------------------------- @Troo That pic of Jack in Irons looking down on you is cool!
  20. Oh! I can help with that. I had my finger pretty well on the pulse of the art scene. If it was artz and City of Heroes related back in the day chances are I knew it. The ones in yellow I am not positive of but perhaps what I do have is enough of a clue for you to remember? 1. ??? for ??? 2. Midnight Trader for Eddie Swan (started out drawing in the CoH forums and with encouragement went on to be a pro colorist in the comics industry) 3. Pyro Nympho for PyroNympho (designer of cool forum buttons he gave away as gifts and the Hot Pencil thread originator) 4. Night Hornet for NightHornet (3D model artist from the UK and creator of the GGRRR comic IIRC) 5. Mysterioous flame for Mysterious-Flame 6. Polydeuces??? for Polydeuces??? 7. Hubba Bubbles for RedFireFox 8. Hyperborean Tempest for Terryisme 9. Luminous Phoenix for Maynia 10. Saintlore for iBones 11. VexXxa for VexXxa (she of the purple text, writer for the City Scoop and Admin for the CoH group on Deviant Art) 12. Rainbow Jester for Tuter_King (kind of hard to forget really ) 13. Lady Lylith for Scootertwo 14. Crescent Blade for PowerStream 15. Vivace for Vivace 16. Polish Princess for Jophiel (remembered from a piece by baqutania) 17. Massacre Melanie for Suichiro 18. Duskrune for ShadowWings 19. Bloody Ruby (along with #9 above) also for Maynia 20. Thor's Assassin for Thor's Assassin (the O.G. artwhore lol) 21. Draggynn for Draggynn (yes that is how he spelled it IIRC) 22. The 5th for HardRider (not 100% on the character's name it could also be eponymous) 23. Sharkbait??? for Sharkbait 24. Lady Fade for Starflier 25. Xllusya for Christopher Robin (yep that weird orange text artist guy... I hear tell he really loved this piece. ) Update: So I did a little digging on the 4 I didn't know, I'm positive #23 was done for Sharkbait but not sure if the villain is Sharkbait also? You didn't mention the name and I couldn't find any other reference to him. Perhaps you remember now given the person's name? I found #5 "Mysterioous flame" and that one is now confirmed. Yes the double oo is his spelling. Maybe the name was taken and he misspelled it like that on purpose... or it's just a typo. #6 The date of his request being granted matches closely to when you posted that piece on DeviantArt. Also he describes his hero as a Paragon Protector that broke free from the mind control and now fights against Crey Industries while keeping the traditional blue/yellow suit as a reminder of his days as a drone. The oddity is the chest emblem, which is a caduceus (the serpent entwined staff of the greek god Hermes often associated with healing), which the PP don't wear but then his name is Polydeuces so that could possibly be a hint? Still no clue on who hero #1 is or the person behind him. Not sure I have ever seen him before. Anyone else have an idea?
  21. Welcome home Cachet! Good to see your text on screen again! PM me if you want someone to team up with or if you need any ingame $$ or help getting back into the city. Happy to help if I can. Gift artz you say? And just in time for my latest successful revolution of Terra about Sol (that is to say my birthday was a few days ago) too. That is very nice of you. Among my favorites would be my Darkness/Radiation witch, and rightful queen of the cabal, Chloe Macomber. Generally stern and stoic and a bit ruthless in her dealings with her usurper sister Mary Macomber. and my Fiery Aura/Super Strength tanker, Brahn Fuhrnos. Heroic and upbeat, loves to flex, he is generally a light-hearted quipster. Fun to be around and quick with the terrible puns and smack talk to aggravate villains. Further refs, closeups or other options (like Ezmi or Shieldara) available if you like. Cheers!
  22. Thanks everyone for the PM's and birthday wishes over the past few days and especially Healix for the very thoughtful and creative e-card. Also shout out to all the veterans and their families. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice.
  23. That should be doable. We have many animal heads already. Get a decent ref photo and add it to the costume pieces request thread. As for the Circle of Thorns most of their costume pieces already exist in the CC. More robes are a good idea though. Again you could suggest it the thread made for that purpose. It's this one here. Well with no examples of what you meant given you can see why some people would be wary of that suggestion. More youthful faces are a fine idea, find some ref pics and suggest it in the costume request thread. I'm sure the devs poke their head in there every once in a while. Also if no one else has said it yet welcome back. Glad you found your way home. I do have to disagree with your last point though I use almost all the faces available (except for the villain ones because I don't ever play villains) including the youthful, old, robot, alien an even the animal heads. Just take a peak through the "Post your best costume" thread and you will see all kinds of creative ways people use the various faces. Just because you haven't found a good use for them yet doesn't mean others haven't either.
  24. Great job on these @toxiclight (you could say I'm a fan of traditional pencils ) but what do you mean these are done as ASMR? Are you actually recording the sounds the pencil makes on paper with an ASMR mic setup while you draw or are you whispering stuff while you draw?
  25. And hey to summon his power all he has to do is tell the villains they smell great! FWOOOSH!
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