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Christopher Robin

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Everything posted by Christopher Robin

  1. To quote Brett Michaels... "everyyyyy rose has it's thorrrrnnnnnaaaaaaggh nuuuuuuooooo OMZ she's like all thorns and no Roses wahhhhhhhh! so much Poison! and not even the good kind whyyyy ahhhhhggg! THUD!" Or something like that. Awww yeah! Fire up the 80's nostalgia machine! Also fun fact the one guy in the band without a huge beard (the drummer) is actually named Frank Beard!
  2. To be fair Anime is a wide ranging and diverse genre. If you mean some realistically proportioned doe-eyed youthful faces, then sure, more options are a good thing but if you are talking about the more than beyond the pale anime styles with eyes that take up ½ of the face, a barely there nose with no nostrils and a tiny letter D rotated 90 degrees for a mouth then I would be in the "no" camp. It would be outstanding in all the wrong ways. By way of example just compare my current avatar to Biostem's. While I love the look of it I would never want to see mine as an option in the CC.
  3. Sure thing ToxinFox and no worries on the wait, mistakes happen. Besides quality art/content is worth waiting for as far as I am concerned.
  4. @noahenholm ToxinFox already posted the answer in a spoiler box above. That way it stays hidden for those who don't want spoilers but those who absolutely "gotsta knowz nao" can click the Reveal Hidden Contents in her post and read all about it. It's this post here...
  5. I think Hope/Hyperion might be my new favorite of your Inktober series Lines, with Fish/Man O' War and Blade/Python rounding out the top three.
  6. I think you just became your local comic store's favorite customer.
  7. Nice work on Kitbash Lines. The pose makes it look like there is real weight to the image. @Darth Delicious Very fancy indeed! Is the mask a cloned mirror image?
  8. If you are asking for con/crit feedback I would say yes it does appear shorter than simple perspective would allow. I think the effect is heightened by the character itself being relatively short at about 7 heads tall. This is fine if he is supposed to be the short and stocky type but generally speaking heroes are drawn between 7½ & 9 heads tall depending who you listen to. There's a little more than ½ a head difference between the soles. Click thumbnail for larger image.
  9. Good idea. Did you mean playing heroes as opposed to playing villains is new for you or the whole superhero genre? Welcome either way. You're off to a great start. Thank you. IKR? I thought about making a Man O' War at one point too. There are always alternative spellings. Maybe go for Portuguese Man O' War or perhaps Homem da Guerra (which is literally Man O' War in Portuguese heh) Me too. **goes to nudge DD**
  10. Ah okay so it sounds like one person with many accounts for RP purposes then. Thought it might've been a family or group of friends whose names are all variations on a theme like the 48 sons of Martinus or something.
  11. Glad you like my Inktober doodle Foul and welcome to the thread. Out of curiosity how many of you VileTerrors are there? I've seen classic Vile, MetaVile, ArchVile, ImpousVile and CherryVanillaVile thusfar. Okay that last one is actually a flavor of Diet Coke. Thanks DJ1. Yeah well being an archer her nudges can be rather pointed. Thanks BW. Well I'm still walking and talking and my locale isn't without power, underwater or on fire at the moment so I'm grateful for that much. My sympathies go out to my more coastal brethren. I hope things are going well in your neck of the woods too.
  12. Ah yes of course this is a thread for costumes and we don't want the pun-ishment to dairy on for much longer or we would both be cow-pable in a thread-jerky-ing. I'd say I have many more cow-pies I could re-veal and depending on cow bell-ieva-bull you find that remark I would know how gulla-bull you truly are. This has clearly been ongole for far too long-horn so I will ground it to a halt, say a few nice flings about your hero and maybe even post a cows-tume of my own later... to beef up my image. Well you know she's talented, I mean look at this pic... she is clearly out-standing in the field... The milk sword idea is a bit spotty but creative nonetheless and you cud say the contraption on her back gives her a little of that w(hol)e -stein-punk vibe. I mean, she's obviously a warrior, she's a cow and she's in a field of grass... if she were to play the "what Disney character am I" game I'm sure she'd come up Moo-lawn. *wait I can top it!* If her alignment was part-whey between good and evil you might even call her a Moo-lawn-Rogue! Achievement Unlocked! Peak Pun-ishment reached! Legen-dairy status conferred! PEW PEW PEEEEEEW!
  13. Clearly it is you trying to horn in on my act and milk it for all it's worth. I think you should take better stock of the situation and not have a cow over it. This will help you to better leather the storm of bad cow dungs and not shank your response just cud someone udder than you had a pithy retort. Trust meat I would never steer you wrong.
  14. Creative and fun.
  15. I must admit I found this concept very amoooosing at first but come on her costume is udderly absurd. I mean a cowboy hat with horns sticking out is very out of the ordin-dairy to begin with but cowboy boots? I call Bull! As I herd it cows can't even wear boots because as we all know they lactose! To be clear I'm not trying to start any beef with you so I will say I like the (ground?) chuck-pack she has strapped on herloin, it almost looks like it cud be a portable milking machine.
  16. Nicely done. I am getting almost a Marcy from Peanuts vibe from this. If she grew up and joined the military that is.
  17. Glad to hear it and looking forward to the continuation.
  18. Was there a frozen flag pole and schoolyard dare involved with him getting his powers? I'm not dead... I feel fine.... think I'll go for a walk.
  19. Lol at the Twister mat. In other news it turns out there are actually 7 ninjas in this image. True story.
  20. She spent so much time in the CC they named a pair of shorts in honor of her... oh wait that actually happened.
  21. This one made me laugh the most. or how about... "Someday the Council might get em but the law never will." cue the Waylon Jennings!
  22. For any interested here is the Inktober list. Not sure how many I will get to but I took a stab at the first topic Fish which is posted in my artz thread. Good luck to any other artists who wish to play along.
  23. *Blows off the dust* I haven't had much impetus to draw in a while but DD gave me a good nudge and reminded me that it's Inktober again. The first day's category is Fish and I thought well Captain Mako is sort of fish-ish. Eh, it's as good an excuse as any. I don't play redside so I've never actually seen Mako but I looked at what others drew & just winged (finned?) it. Approx 20 minutes.
  24. Heya @Aiax this might be a better place to ask, some good stuff going on over there.
  25. Shiny work AboveTheChemist. Pale blue and orange make for good contrast... ya don't say.
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