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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. Listen vampire, I respect you but I absolutely will not apologize for having an opinion. Unlive with it.
  2. That light is clearly yellow.
  3. I'd take some context about now, yeah.
  4. I assure you I had nothing to do with the policy that the HC team can turn on anytime they want.
  5. The thing we all need to remember about Twitch Streamers is they aren't playing games for entertainment but to entertain. They often create tension for their viewers were it would not otherwise exist.
  6. You mean I might not be popular for having an opinion? Well that's never happened before.
  7. It may be time to turn on the inactive name policy. Just saying.
  8. Father/son relationships are complicated at best. I'm sorry for your loss.
  9. I ran two different +4x1 Carnie Radio (lvl 54) missions last night only using my 1 and 2 blasts. First was a warehouse, cleared it in 5 minutes. The next was a cave. I cleared it in 6 minutes. I even had zero issues with a purple Master Illusionist and a Purple Ring Mistress. I didn't use any other attacks.
  10. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Incarnate_System https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Dark_Astoria
  11. I don't remember ever being that much of a newbie. Most of his problems wouldn't have happened if they'd have taken the time to read and look at everything in front of them. Except for possibly the Vahzilok. We've all been there.
  12. Who claimed that they could? An AV or EB is is too difficult and why I carry a break free or two.
  13. What's the purpose of mez protection? I'd say the purpose is to keep you in the fight. And anything short of an EB or AV (I have killed many bosses while mezzed) is short work even with T1 and T2 attacks. I couldn't imagine skipping either one or short slotting them; unless its the Secondary T1, those are still pretty worthless. Blasters have a tool in their toolbox for dealing with mez, use it or don't use it.
  14. I like what I said and I'm going to stick to saying it. If you can't kill the enemies causing you problems with your basic attacks I don't know what to tell you.
  15. Why does everyone keep saying Blasters don't have mez protection. Defiance 2.0 is mez protection. You can fire off your Primary T1 and T2 and your Secondary T1 under any status effect. Something held you? Kill it! Something put you to sleep? Kill it! You get the idea. About the only thing that trips you up is Placate. Anyway, I like the Sentinel archetype, it definitely plays like a ranged scrapper. Blast everything right in the face.
  16. The green outline is for a short story arc. Major story arcs have a blue outline.
  17. I'll save some for you the next family reunion I attend.
  18. You are entitled to your opinion. Now hit that subscribe button, share with all your friends, and make sure you donate for that shiny shiny emote!
  19. There's a few missions out there with CoT and Council where if you get defeated you go to the prison cells on the map instead of the hospital, but nothing like what you're asking for.
  20. Twitch Streamers drive me crazy. Play a game for two minutes and then massage their viewers for 10 minutes. Rinse and repeat.
  21. It's curtains for you, gently wafting curtains.
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