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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. This doesn't really seem to fit the theme, otherwise the others seems fine. Yeah... I was trying to think of a buff/debuff that would work being fired from a gun, including a pistol-fired grenade for like a concussion grenade, gas grenade, or even web grenade, but couldn't find anything I could reference that made sense. So I figured throw in a utility heal instead. I based that on a few video games and movies where the pistoleer also happened to have some form of first aid available. Most commonly a syringe that recovered them but sometimes an edible. So while it doesn't fit the theme you are presenting, it *could* work as part of the set.
  2. So how about: 1) Pistols 2) Dual Wield 3) Executioner's Shot 4) Medical Hypo (Heal, affects self if enemy or nothing targeted, heals target if ally in melee range) 5) Deadly Shot (ST*, inflicts bleed effect [Lethal DoT] as secondary effect) *- Attack may be a standard single attack, or maybe a single hit check that inflicts damage twice, or maybe even an attack that checks twice for different hits for applying damage. (Sorry @biostem. Not trying to re-work your idea, just trying to address comments made including my own.)
  3. I didn't think of that. What about a brief -Perception component instead?
  4. Power availability levels for non-travel pools are as you have them listed. You can verify with City of Data on any non-travel pool. I was going to say Distraction shouldn't have a -range component, but should instead have a brief -Perception component. Then I got to your description of it. While I still think it should have the taunt component to get targets' attention and I would like it to have a -Perception component to show the targets as distracted and so less likely to notice you/your team, I have to admit your take on it does work well. I don't know if this part of Advanced Investigation can be done. Would be nice if it could though.... Again, I don't know if this part of Superior Reasoning can be done. Especially given how unreliable the current version of this seems to be. Though again, would be nice if it could. I have to say this is a well reasoned power pool. Though there are elements I would do differently, most notably the comment I already made about Distraction, I find the proposed pool interesting and (at least in my personal view) balanced. For what little it's worth, it gets my approval. As a side note, just food for thought, what do you think of Contingency Plan being a self teleport to a preplaced fall back point, a very long recharge unaffected by recharge enhancements/buffs high Mag PBAoE Stun, or a brief Untouchable effect to get out of the fight?
  5. I disagree with this alteration. Fighting pool has Tough and Weave. There doesn't need to be and there shouldn't be a different power pool that grants the same powers. Travel powers are one thing, but not other powers like Tough and Weave.
  6. Because obviously only the people that enjoy power sets working the way you like are having fun with the game? How is it that you managed to make a statement I should be in agreement with into something I can't agree with? (Or rather, why did you have to turn a comment I would agree with into an insult to those that don't enjoy the same things you do?)
  7. Yes! Definitely Please! No circus act shooting for the set. (And maybe even give us non-circus act shooting for the Dual Pistols set? Please?) (Edit: Just steal the animations from the Malta Gunslingers and the Thugs... uhm... thugs....)
  8. The last part is possible, but would require re-working the map for its objectives into 2 or 3 parts. If there is indeed just 1 generator, then it would be 2 parts: the actual generator and the 6 dummies. There are missions in the game that have a single listed objective consisting of multiple glowies, but only one of those glowies count. So it is doable. If the intel provided was correct and there are 4 generators to destroy, then it would be 3 parts: the actual generator, the 3 emergency backups, and the 3 dummies. In both cases, the player won't notice how many parts because the objective will most likely stay the same and say destroy the 7 generators. If the mission intel was wrong and there actually 7 generators to help ensure WSPDR stays on air after the power grid is shut down to stop them, then there would just be the 1 part we have already. If the devs want to dig that deep into the mission, that's on them. All I'm asking for is the statement we get after each generator to be cleaned up. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, sometimes I make a show of smashing the generators and leave 1 or 2 that have no visible health left running so I can claim I did the mission and have no idea why they didn't go off air to Marshall Brass after having signaled to Amanda Vines I'm done attacking generators.
  9. I don't think you're going to get Swap Ammo from one set to affect any powers from another set. I'm against this. Make it also available to Tankers, Stalkers, and Brutes? And then I will be in favor.
  10. You are correct. Walk does do that. (Edit: I actually use Walk to do something similar. When I reach my mission door, I toggle then de-toggle Walk to turn off all my currently active movement powers. It doesn't affect Combat Jumping though, but that shouldn't be a concern for your suggestion.)
  11. Or even go Corruptor. Storm/Cold/Elec'? You've got a weather wizard. Dark, Fire, or Ice/Pain? You have a servant of the appropriate pain deity. (Or death deity with Dark/Pain.) (Edit: Water/Storm Corruptor? You have an Inner Sea or Shackles wizard from Pathfinder.) There are just so many different ways to build wizards, clerics, oracles, druids, psionicists, and other spellcasting classes from fantasy games and literature. And with the Runes aura layered on top of the Magic origin? The only thing really missing are staves and wands as alternate animations.
  12. Make a Dominator. Including the APP, you can have 3 different elements. So you'll have ranged attacks with all three elements, buffs/debuffs with all three elements, pets from up to 2 of the elements, (edit: controls like holds from your primary element,) and when you add in the Sorcery pool, you get Magic Missile and non-elemental magic buffs. Classic fantasy wizard if you use ice, fire, and electric for your 3 sets. (Edit again: Go Dark and you have your typical dark/negative plane/shadow wizard. Go Energy secondary and you have someone that uses light or celestial wizardry as well. Illusion for your Illusionists. Gravity for rift/void/spelljammer wizards. So on and so forth. Include the Leadership pool, and now you have Mass Cat's Grace and Mass Bull's Strength. Take the Concealment pool for Grant Invisibility/Infiltration, and now you have Invisibility.) Edit yet again: Or make a MM. Beast Mastery/Nature Affinity? You have a druid. Thugs or Mercenaries/Pain Domination? You have a cleric of Loviatar or other pain deity with your cultist followers. (You're using more effective modern weapons instead of a scourge, but that just makes you a more effective priest(ess) of your deity. Even followers of the Norse pantheon are willing to use modern firearms. [Yes, there are actually groups that venerate the gods most people have relegated to story and myth. And while they follow the ancient rites to the best of my knowledge, they also avail themselves of available technology.]) Ninja/Dark? You have a Shinobi Lord or Clan sorcerer (whatever they were actually called, I can't remember the specific name). Demon/anything? You have a demon binder wizard or cleric. You can make your fantasy character of choice if you're willing to dig into the ATs and sets to make it.
  13. My mistake. Apologies.
  14. I should have been more clear. I don't know where it is on the HC Launcher.
  15. Weird. I just tried and had no problems. Maybe try validating your files? On Tequila, you can choose Re-Validate when you click Options before you log in. I don't know about the HC Launcher though.
  16. Well, he's supposed to already be an EB in that mission. It's the defend the portal mission in the spring where he upgrades. So my best guess? Since he is supposed to already start as an EB, but you have him start as a boss, the game glitches because he can't upgrade to the point he is already. Check your boss settings and make sure you have bosses enabled like @lemming said.
  17. It is? MM pets still can't leave the base entrance though, so how do pets work in that? (I don't care if we get PvE practice dummies we can actually attack in bases. In fact, I'd like to include some in my bases with a firing range. It's the SG base PvP thing I don't get.) (Edit: And if attackable target dummies are made available to bases, it would be nice if the already available for bases target dummies could be made attackable as well.)
  18. Let's tackle it from the character's perspective, which is actually my focus. The character was sent to destroy 4 generators, then finds out there are 7. So the character sees what they think is a generator and destroys it. Unless the character knows about generator design or repair, the character most likely won't have any clue if the generator is complete or not, or even if it was a decoy/dummy or not, because the generator looked to be functioning. So as far as most characters would be concerned? (S)he/they/it destroyed a generator, time to move on to the next one, regardless of whether it was a decoy/dummy or an actually working generator. The writer put too much effort into trying to cover everything with the generators and wound up contradicting himself/herself/themselves with the provided destruction statement.
  19. I think you are confusing "not yet completed" from a mission briefing/intel standpoint with what the opposing factions has actually fielded. In other words, as far as you and your team are concerned, those are 7 totally legitimate generators and you are there to stop them before they become fully operational. From the enemy's perspective, it's all a ruse and many are fake/dummy generators to keep you from destroying the real one and/or to buy them some time; Chalk it up to the fog of war/bad intel and all that... I chalk it up to bad writing. That isn't a fog of war thing. That is a writer that had no idea how to write the objective result and so conflated different things into a single statement. It happens to everyone. Hence, my request to clean up the writing. (Edit: Because the mission briefing is there are 4 generators including the rooftop one, but there are 7 in actuality. That is fog of war/bad intel. That works. Walking up to a generator and then destroying it, but going "Oh, I just destroyed an incomplete not yet working dummy generator" is beyond even face palm moment.)
  20. Yes, but that isn't the problem. If they are dummy generators, there to distract you from the real generator, and they appear to be functioning to distract you from the real generator, then they aren't 'not yet completed'. They are completed and serving their purpose of causing you to waste effort destroying a fake generator. So either they are dummy generators or they are not yet completed generators or they are completed backups. If you go to set up a dummy and it isn't completed? Then it isn't going to fool anyone into wasting effort on it. So still, either those are dummy generators, not yet completed but for some reason still functional in appearance, or they are functional generators that are part of a group so the building can lose it/them because they still have power from one of the not destroyed generators.
  21. This is a personal gripe/pet peeve. In the final timed mission from Marshall Brass in The Aeon Conspiracy, you are tasked with destroying 7 generators. Now, my complaint is extremely minor, but you have no idea how much it frustrates me. When you destroy any generator, including the roof one, you get a message that you have destroyed a dummy not yet completed generator. Except they're all obviously working. So my request is simple. Can we please get the destroyed generator comment changed to something like "You have destroyed a generator, but more remain."? I mean think about it. If they're dummy generators meant to distract you from the real one, then they aren't "not yet completed generators". If they're not yet completed but will be fully functional generators when they are, then they aren't dummy generators, they're backups. Edit x5: Thinking about it, I may have previously posted a thread about this.... If I have, I apologize for the repeat.
  22. Why not just get the animations and have them be alternates for each of the ranged power sets?
  23. Well, since the thread is back.... Ah yes, I alluded to that in my original post, but I wasn't sure what exact farming method was the cause. Thanks! Yeah, back when these things first made their appearance, they were worth A LOT of XP. To the point where players like me made it a point of finding every Mole Machine on the map and destroying them because the time was well worth it. The thing I don't understand is, CoT Portals still give a lot of XP and inf' and they don't fight back either. And once upon a time, at least in one mission, the Mole Machines spawned Nemesis troops that would fight you. (Edit: I think it was the Arachnos patron arc where you fought the Mole Machines and Nemesis forces on the beach. You were subject to routine spawns of Nemesis forces trying to stop you from destroying the Mole Machines. They no longer do so.) So I have two takes on this resurrected thread: 1) Allow the Mole Machines to spawn (0 XP/inf') Nemesis troops to defend them like they did in that one mission that no longer does so, and restore the Mole Machines XP and inf'. 2) Make them not such a chore to destroy. Especially on the mission where you have to stop Nemesis from destroying WSPDR's generator trucks. (Edit again: My Ninja/Dark MM using Tar Patch, all Leadership toggles, fully slotted pets/powers, a Dark Servant, and Lore Cimeroran pets while firing my MM's 3 attacks, the Blackwand, and the Nemesis Staff as fast as they recharged as well, would spend I think in the vicinity of 10 minutes pounding on 1 Mole Machine before it finally went away. Possibly longer. It definitely felt like forever. It doesn't take me anywhere near as long to defeat any AV at full AV status while using no Lore pets, no Blackwand, and no Nemesis Staff during the fight.) (Since I think they still spawn new troops to attack the trucks if they detect you but you neglected to destroy them.)
  24. I could get behind the option to have your character retain those in hand when using other powers. Just not with the requirement. There have been multiple requests for alternate animation options for players including wands, staves, and gestures that can be construed as arcane in nature. (Edit: Until such time, you can use the Runes aura to make your character look more mage-y for power use. [Edit again: From the Auras menu, select Runes. Then on the effects menu, you can select "Fists - Combat", "Fist - Left - Combat", "Fist - Right - Combat", "Fist and Hair - Combat" and more so the runes only appear while you are in combat to show you are using magic to use your abilities.]) No one on these forums that I know of (or can remember at least) is opposed to more alternate animations. However, the dev team only has 1 animator and animations are a lot of work. So don't expect it any time soon.
  25. The author was actually asking how to get instant max level on the beta server which can be done with a slash command and maybe the dialogue cheats menu.
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