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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. And what about that statement you are claiming is hyperbole is hyperbole? His/her/their statement is completely false. I do not have that set or proc slotted in any of my builds that I can remember, and I know I'm not the only one. (I know this because my in game friends have shared some of their builds with me and they don't have it slotted either.) So not "everybody and their mom" has that set or proc in their builds. The hyperbole I used was in the line "have their accuracy so high they can hit a gnat from a mile away with a sneeze".) (And if your intent is to say I am reacting to hyperbole, the author's own response to my comment proves otherwise.)
  2. We seriously need an eye roll response.... 🙄
  3. Okay... let's tackle this in steps.... First, the damage reduction components as it pertains to your character and team. Corrosive Enzymes inflicts the target with -31.25% damage. Just with that power alone, you cut any target's damage by almost 1/3. Then you add in the toggle effect from Spore Cloud for another -28.125% damage. Between just those two powers, any target you choose is reduced to inflicting just 40.625% of its normal damage. Before you even factor in your or your teammates damage resistance. That's it. The target is doing just 41% of its normal damage under those two powers' combined effects. And then you get Wild Growth which boosts your and all allies within 25 feet of you for your damage resistance by +15% before you even get to slotting any damage resistance enhancements. And getting it down on recharge to where you can pretty much spam it back to back as soon as its effect wears off is not terribly difficult. So by those powers, you can basically shut down any target's ability to do any real damage to you and your teammates. (And that is before you count in Spore Cloud's -18.75% chance ToHit which means those attacks are less likely to even hit to try and do damage.) Then let's look at the -damage resist component. Out of the box, at 1st level, you have a character that can destroy a target's damage resistance by 25%. That is insanely powerful. Why? Let's assume you have a power that does a base 100 points of damage. You are trying to hurt a Tanker class mob that has maxxed damage resistance, the full 90%. So you can only hit him/her/them/it for a whole 10 points of damage. Then you smack that target with Corrosive Enzymes. You dropped the target's damage resist by 25%. (I'm not sure how damage resist affects -damage resist, so I'm keeping my math simple here.) 90%-25%=65%. So now your attack is hitting for 35 points of damage as opposed to 10. And very few mobs have really high damage resistance. I want to say they have an average of 30-50%, but that is a shot in the dark from barely remembered posts. And you can apply a -25% damage resist to that. Corrosive Enzymes can't slot any sets. You are correct. However, it also doesn't need any sets to be any better. Slot some global recharge from your other sets, slot some END reduction and some accuracy, and for the next 30 seconds, your chosen target is a paper tiger. Coupled with the set's +regen' and heals? That damage reduction, loss of ToHit, loss of damage, and loss of regen' to make up for the increased damage you and your team are inflicting on it means your chosen target is completely *&%^ed. You want impactful? (Edit: Especially at high levels/end game where a lot of players have their accuracy so high they can hit a gnat from a mile away with a sneeze....) The only thing Nature lacks for impact is a slow effect, and it has pretty much everything under the sun other than slow covered. Edit again: As for you being shocked and wondering why I don't slot the Achilles' Heel proc? Because I just don't care. My characters can mow down targets more than fast enough without it and I have higher priorities in my builds.
  4. I feel like I'm the fricking No Fairy these days.... Okay, here goes. A completely false statement. I do not have that set or even just its proc in any of my builds (that I can currently remember). Making a power more powerful is not a quality of life change. It is a buff. Wanting to slot preferred procs into a power is not even remotely a good reason to ask for a power to be changed. Especially when you admit: Corrosive Enzymes already gives a -25% damage resist effect when used by a Defender. And when used against a boss, EB, AV, monster, or giant monster? A -25% damage resist effect and -31.25% damage effect is very impactful. Especially when paired with Spore Cloud's -18.75% chance ToHit, -150% regeneration, and -28.125% damage effect. It does not need or warrant being able to inflict -45% damage resist.
  5. When someone digs up what seems to be a dead topic, it can be frustrating. (Think the old saying "beating a dead horse".) However, making a new thread that addresses the same thing can also be seen the same way by some people. (Me? I view making a new thread that addresses the topic of a dead thread as a sort of lazy thing? Kind of hard for me to explain. Sorry.) Sort of a damned if you do, damned if you don't deal. My take? (Just my personal take on the matter.) I'm fine with people making a new thread that addresses a dead thread's topic if they reference the dead thread (shows me they at least researched what is or was going on). (Edit: I also like to know the whys of something someone is asking for the game. And just necro'ing a dead thread and saying something like "bumping" or whatever does not tell me any of that.) Bear in mind, this is just my take on the situation and most likely does not apply to others.
  6. You can see those and avoid them.... (Edit: Even if they spawn at your character, since they spawn at party members, you still have a window of time to get out of them before they do anything as long as you are paying attention. As opposed to actual autohit attacks that give no warning and immediately affect your character because they are NPC powers as opposed to a mission environmental effect.)
  7. Did you buy 1,000,000 charges of temp powers but the arc needs you to use 5,000,000 because RNG has decided that aside from Streakbreaker you just won't hit, the targets are weathering the temp powers better than expected, the maps are huge instead of small, or any of a plethora of other possible reasons while on a TF/SF (including running anything through Ouroboros) so you can't just run out and hit up a P2W vendor for more? Did you run out while on a Magisterium run so now all you can do is stand at the back of the map and dodge Olympians hoping no one will notice and think you're just leeching? Your idea would work just fine for a PnP superhero game. You ran out of charges on the powers you had? Okay, scrounge from the environment so you can keep fighting. Call your butler to drive/pilot one of your many vehicles and drop off more charges of powers for you to use. Whatever. In CoX though? Where we can't interact with the environment to scavenge other "temp powers" or juryrig more temp powers because the environment is non-interactable? And for new accounts with limited inf' available to replenish their stock of temp powers and equally limited access to missions that grant weapon temp powers due to low level? Sure, they can use Brawl, but their primary power set is useless to them until they can find/buy temp powers. Their best work around? Grab attacks from the power pools. Only now the primary power set is forcing the player to make a... what were they called? MAN builds? (And if a player wants to run one of those, they already can without being forced into it by their AT's primary power set.) It doesn't really work. Especially as notoriously buggy as the game's code is and now a new set of game code has to be added that only partially disables the existing code.
  8. What does this post have to do with combat NPCs and their aggro radius? This isn't a "please give us an instant level 50 button or whatever" thread.
  9. My guess? (S)he is directing you to where suggestions for the website go for the site managers to review and possibly implement. Seeing as this is the game suggestions forum and not the website one.
  10. Not likely to happen for a few reasons. 1) AT power sets are supposed to get the character through the game. Sure, some power sets on some ATs may require the player to call for help or stock up on items to give the character an edge for some difficult tasks, but every AT and their power sets are meant to get the character from start of game to end of game. A primary power set that does nothing, gives the character no offense, no defense, no crowd control, and no support abilities is not going to get any character, no matter how well played, from start of game to end of game on its own. 2) Temp powers are not immediately available to characters. Your proposed set can only function if the character has temp powers to empower. And a fresh from character creation character has none. Say the character was made by a new player who was in one of the tutorials. They don't get access to P2W in the Galaxy City tutorial until just before the area where they fight the giant Shivan. And in the Outbreak, Breakout, and Praetorian tutorials? There is no P2W/T2V vendor until you complete the tutorial. So now you have a character that can't even complete a tutorial without assistance from others. (Edit again: There may actually be a vendor in Outbreak, I can't remember, but I do not remember there being one in Breakout or Going Rogue.) 3) Temp powers are intentionally not affected by player character powers, enhancements, or buffs. Temp powers are niceties for players to enjoy. Some give players a decided edge, but they are not meant to be mainstay attacks. So they cannot be enhanced in any way. So not only would your new power set have to be designed, animated, coded, tested, and then finally implemented, it would also require additional code to override that restriction. Without somehow breaking that restriction and making it possible for global effects, granted buffs, or self-buff powers from interacting with the temp powers. While still allowing buff powers to affect the temp powers. 4) Temp powers go away. With the exception of the P2W/T2V prestige powers, all temp powers have a set number of uses or a set amount of time of availability. Many of which can't be replaced in a convenient manner. This reduces the character to random luck for viability even with the availability of temp powers. (Edit yet again: Imagine fighting an EB and you burn through all 5 charges of temp power A, all 3 charges of temp power B, all 10 charges of temp power C, and then all 5 charges of temp power D with no further temp powers left to use against said EB because you burned through the others just getting to him/her. Or running out while on an iTrial or a Hamidon league.) You have an interesting idea. However, for a video game like this, it just isn't really feasible. It highlights something that is meant to not be a focus while taking away the mainstay ability of player characters: the ability to play through the game without having to rely on others, particularly temp powers. Edit: Also, I know several players that would take exception to your claim that Blasters need help from others. (I'm one of them.)
  11. How about when the NPC you are saddled with, and have to keep alive, aggroes through walls? (Wretch likes to do this a lot, but he isn't the only one.) It's like "Okay, I got you. Now let's go t... where are you going?! THE EXIT IS THE OTHER WAY!!!! COME BACK HERE!!!! ... he left the room... there are no foes here and he ran off like his... what's that sound? ... oh shit...." *races out of room, down hall, to other room where NPC is nearly dead having found the enemies in the back room you figured was safe to ignore*
  12. Crabs are the tanks/walking SWAT teams. Why wouldn't they have better ability to soak hits?
  13. That's actually rather odd. I got the temp power in the mission where I found her father. (I got him last, grabbing the 2 relics first.) Mission complete came up and so did the notice for a temp power, with Midnight Visage sitting in my power tray. Maybe it's a sequence thing?
  14. Here's the thing. VEATs and HEATs are not and were never meant to be used by inexperienced players. I think it was SCORE after shut down on their private server that took away the gating to access VEATs and HEATs. They were supposed to be fielded by players that already understood the game and so would either find the added challenge (HEATs at the time) desirable or wanted to tackle something new (VEATs). In order to unlock them, you had to have at least one character you got to level 50. Well, that requirement was taken away, but that was because all the players on the private, pirate server the game was being played on was already experienced at the game and the server operators didn't want to make them wait to unlock the ATs in order to play the characters they already had back on Live. (I should also point out that VEATs are not support ATs any more than HEATs are. They are what you make them ATs.) No, my take is the VEATs are already extremely capable ATs and there is no reason to make them better than they already are. There is a difference between a quality of life change and making something more powerful. (Yes, I'm not particularly happy with Omega Maneuver for its damage output, but mine isn't slotted with anything yet. And it still proves quite useful. What other nuke in the game distracts your enemies into gathering at the nuke and wasting attacks on it until it finally explodes?)
  15. Bane Spider Armor Upgrade already provides Mag -4 protection against all mezzes and +40% mez resistance. And that stacks with the Wolf Spider Armor's Mag -2 protection against all mezzes and +30% mez resistance. Why do you want to increase their status protection? I have to disagree. My Bane Spider, after going Bane, was near unkillable even before I managed to fully slot my IOs. (And Huntsmen aren't any more a threat even at low levels than other bosses. And I'd argue less of a threat than other faction bosses. That's just my take on fighting Wolf Spider Huntsmen though.) Please tell me you are joking. SoAs aren't any more slot starved than any other AT. (You want slot starved? Play a Kheldian.) As for power selection? Banes have access to their choice of 18 different primary powers and 10 secondaries to other AT's 9 and 9. (Not counting Kheldians.) Plus all the same access to pools (except for APPs since they only get access to PPPs). https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=training_gadgets.crab_spider_training.serum&at=arachnos_soldier https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=scrapper_defense.regeneration.dull_pain&at=scrapper Serum: 428.36 per Mids (And you have Crab Spider Armor Upgrade, Fortification, Wolf Spider Armor, and (for defense) Combat Training: Defensive with Tactical Training: Maneuvers.) Dull Pain: 535.45 per Mids (And you have Resilience for damage resist. I'm not counting MoG because it isn't a constant use effect.) As for the DDR? ... ... ... Others can answer that one.... Edit: And yes, I play VEATs, I've played every version of the VEAT except for the pure Fortunata. Which is why I am wondering why anyone thinks they need to be improved.
  16. There is a low level mission where you have to go get or destroy Gears for your contact. In that mission is a box. The box is destructible but amazingly robust. And as long as that box is not destroyed and you are anywhere near it, it will keep cranking out Gears, and just Gears. You can just stand there and smash Gears until you get the badge and then destroy the box. I wish I could remember the actual mission and contact name though. It is a blue side mission, and low level. That is all I remember about it currently. Sorry. Edit: It is the "Get a Sample of the Clockwork Pistons" mission available from Wyatt Andersen, Maggie Greene, Jake Montoya, and Colleen Saramago in the 15-19 range. No Clockwork Princes required.
  17. Yeah, I get the bit about the meteor. Our characters aren't having to change where and how they stand for it though. If the character is going to dig a foxhole, the character needs to be in it to use it. If the character is just going to stand on the surface and not have to go into the hole, then it isn't a foxhole. It's summoned sandbags or other fortification you want to have with the fox hole. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the power set. I'm just stuck on a foxhole being a hole the character gets in. If they aren't? Then it shouldn't be a foxhole. It can work like any other stationary buff, like Triage Beacon. A device that is placed by the character that grants some defense, damage resistance, and KB protection while within the area of effect. Like a summonable force force field generator that doesn't move and provides the character with those bonuses. Or the area is littered with sandbags or whatever denoting the non-mobile area of effect for the character and grants that effect. If my character has a foxhole power and digs a hole and then just stands outside the hole somehow being protected by it? ... I don't know how I would react. Not positively, I know that much.
  18. I figured. What I'm thinking of is unless you're a super strong character with an adamantium trenching tool, you're not going to be able to dig that foxhole. So for realism, I have that hang up. On the practical side, there are already "holes" our characters can jump in, but those are doors. And a foxhole requires the person to be in it for it to do anything beneficial. So our characters would have an animation of digging the foxhole, then have a "hole" like the snake holes in Mercy Island appear at the target location, and then the character would have to jump in the foxhole. And with how buggy the game can be with terrain pieces and models clipping them, there is a good chance the character will be stuck in the terrain when using the power. (And you know, hopefully not fall through the terrain since the character is at least halfway through the floor already to fall beneath the map. Like how can already happen on fairly regularly on some maps just by using the instance map internal doors. [Founder's Falls jail comes to mind rather vehemently for me on that for some reason.])
  19. It is an interesting take. However, a few things (mostly questions). First, MM pets are all lieutenants. And at lieutenant strength, you will find they are still very squishy. So summoning minions is more than likely just going to get your pets killed faster. Even if they were all summoned at your level instead of getting the -1 level shift per pet you can summon of that tier more than 1. Second, is what would the upgrade powers be? Pet upgrade powers are based on the summoned pets and grant each tier pet a specific set of additional powers. Third, how would those upgrade powers work on your pets since your pets will be different every time you summon them? Fourth, how would level differences between your MM and the target mob you are mirroring affect the summoned pets? Fifth, what would the MM's actual attack powers consist of? (I'm not seeing a theme I can figure out set attacks from, sorry.) Sixth, what would be the variable power, the one that doesn't match across the sets and gives the set its unique flair? I'll probably think of more questions later, but those are the immediate ones that popped in mind.
  20. Given the terrain our characters fight in (concrete, asphalt, and stone), the fact the surfaces in the game have no depth, and the likelihood of our characters getting caught in a bug trying to make use of a non-door hole in the ground, you may want to rethink the Foxhole power. Maybe a Take Cover power that does the same thing? Or a Light Fortification power to summon a sandbag wall? I don't know. (Edit: And digging a foxhole in a building, CoX or real, could have very interesting results for the combatant trying to use it.)
  21. That doesn't change that it is a bug and should be addressed. (And how would anyone not spend enough time in a mission? If the mission is completed, then enough time was spent in the mission. Even if a player doesn't get to and into the mission until the rest of the team is finishing up the mission, they still spent enough time in the mission.)
  22. This is a petty request, but one I can't keep myself from posting any longer. Most days it feels like I'm playing City of Giants. Once I get past the Hellions and Skulls, I just see giants everywhere. 5th Column or Council? If you find a normal size human, you automatically think you found a midget. (At least I do.) And these guys are humans. Arachnos Crab Spiders? I don't think I've ever seen one that my 6 feet 2 inch character wasn't craning neck over looking in throat. (I can't look them in the face, the game keeps me looking at their upper sternum or lower neck.) Freakshow? Check. They stand around 6' 5" - 7' tall. Almost every one of them. I get that some factions are going to have BIG characters. My request is the size slider for the mobs not be skewed to maximum height for nearly everything. It's rather frustrating when I go for a tall character, but since my character isn't max height, I'm a toddler smacking their gut. (And even when I make a max height character, I routinely find normal human enemies towering over my max height character. A normal human just wearing some armor. Is towering at least a full head over my max height character.) Like I said, this is a petty request and one I don't expect to be addressed. Like ever if I'm even the slightest bit honest about suggestion probabilities being accepted and implemented. However, some days, it's just frustrating as all Hell to be running around City of Giants on my tall character feeling like a child picking fights with the full grown adults around me.
  23. They may not get KB resistance, but Electric Armor does get KB protection. They have Mag -100 KB protection for 3 minutes when they use Power Surge. Edit: And Clarion provides KB protection, not resistance.
  24. My suggestion is to give the Pilgrim in Ouroboros a too low level comment. Right now, he uses the "Your initiation into Ouroboros is complete, Hollow Impulse. There is nothing else I can teach you. Please feel free to speak with any of the other members for possible missions or use the Pillar of Ice and Flame all on your own. Thank you and welcome again to Ouroboros." I'm level 21 on this character. I know for a fact I have not yet done the intro to Ouroboros arc on this character. I only know this isn't a bug because I checked the wiki first and saw that the arc is level 25-50. So to avoid further confusion, please add a too low level comment instead of the arc completion comment for being too low in level.
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