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Everything posted by Rudra
I agree. I don't know about the Tavish Bell one, and from the OP it just seems tedious for the progressing objectives, but there are missions that are stealth kill alls and they really shouldn't be. If the mission says "Get <glowie>" or "Defeat <boss>" as the objective then that should be the objective. There are blue side missions, that I can't remember currently, that give objectives like Defeat X, and my friends and I go in, stealth our way to the target, annihilate him, clear the room he is in because the mission isn't done, and then have to start working our way back through the map butchering everything because the mission is an unstated kill all. (It is for this reason that my friends keep the wiki open for every arc we do together to see if the current mission is a stealth kill all or not.)
Yeah, when you fight Romulus after the Nictus merges with him, if anyone on the team is defeated, a wraith(?) is ripped out of their body and helps Rommie. It is highly advised you take those down 1st.... (Also, you can trio Hard Mode ITFs. Maybe even duo it. At least the 1-star version of it. So you don't need a team per se, just some reliable friends. Give it a try some time.) Edit: Actually, I think you may fight Nictus clones of yourself in the Hard Mode ITFs. The three of us didn't realize the new Nictus type could take over your character (by killing him/her/them/it and spawning as a clone I think) so none of us rushed to stop a take over by one of the Nictus. It killed my friend's Scrapper, and when I rezzed her, she killed her clone and complained she wasn't an AV as a Nictus-possessed her.
That's a really good question. So far, the suspicious characters that spawn the apparitions are coded to do so whereas nothing else is. They have next to no HP and are basically just combat capable triggers. In the arc where you fight the apparitions, there is a part where your character is possessed by at least 2 apparitions at the same time, but both leave your character before you are killed. I don't know if our characters can be made to spawn a ghost upon our defeat even in the arc about the D.U.S.T. and the Apparitions. However, I do need to point out that those apparitions are never clones of anyone they possess. They're mental fragments of other individuals. So it would make sense and possibly work if it could be coded if you're asking for a new Halloween arc/mission that spawns a clone of your character that is rendered ghostly in appearance since we can already encounter a clone of ourselves that at least uses different colors, but the idea doesn't really work for the First Ward content. Because none of the Apparitions are clones of anyone they possess. (Even in the Hard Mode ITFs where if you are defeated a ghost/wraith/whatever you call those things that spawn from you if you are defeated aren't clones of your character.)
Well now, that's just ridiculous in my book. The aggressive I can understand. The stay? Not so much. Even if you're a bots MM, follow is so much better than stay because your pets are free to wander and pursue targets they were shooting but moved beyond their default aggro range. Which brings more targets into their range so they at least stay productive. I was wondering why I would pass by Murder Motel and see MM bots just standing in the middle of the parking lot and only occasionally firing.... ... of course... keeping the pets on stay will at least keep them in the radius of any auto-firing heals the MM may have going.... I still think that is a bonehead thing to do though.
That would cause problems for active MMs too. Not as much as an AFK MM who wouldn't even notice and leave their pets attacking the target dummy, but still causes all MMs problems. As well as Controllers and Dominators since they can't command their pets. If an MM is on a ToT league at Murder Motel, there are sufficient targets that it is basically a waste of time to keep ordering pets to attack specific targets until high priority targets appear. Can't spam heals, throw buffs, or use attacks if you're constantly telling your pets to attack a new target each time the current target dies, especially considering how fast those spawns die.
I get the complaint, but what is the suggestion? I'm not getting what you want done.
It has a high collar, in that it partially covers the neck, like the two belly t-shirt options females also have. Yes, females do need a "collared" t-shirt like the male model has, but they do have a t-shirt.
Female > Upper Body > Tops With Skin > Tee
There are very few missions I am willing to fail. (The Marshall Brass mission to silence WSPDR is one. Depending on the character, I either complete it or log off the character for an hour and a half for being out of other missions to do.) I don't like failing missions.
The computations already exist. The proposal uses the stats from the existing Beast Mastery pets. (Edit: Specifically the Howler Wolf.) That includes their damage, HP, damage resist, and defense. There just would not be any negative levels applied because you would be the only "pet" in play. And they already scale up to level 54 53 from level 1.
Aligning with the times: EMP/Sonic suggestions for quick tweaks
Rudra replied to Seldom's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Just as a heads up? Sonic Resonance is not an older set compared to Cold Domination, Force Field, or Thermal Radiation. You're comparing legacy to legacy and saying it needs to be updated to match legacy.... (Edit: Aside from that note, since I don't use any of those sets even on the ATs I play that have access to them, I'm not going to weight in on this. Though I will warn you now, there is a lot of love for the Empathy and Sonic Resonance sets, so you should prepare for the response. Also, bear in mind that any changes to these sets will also affect the powers the mobs use against the players. Looking forward to fighting enemies that get layered absorbs placed on them? Like Numina AoE Clear Minding the Freedom Phalanx and granting them all absorb?) -
Oh please no! The reason why I was so happy to have the animated tails added, aside from the fact it looks better animated, is that when you are defeated, the tail lies down. On the non-animated tails, when you are defeated? The tail sticks straight up in the air. (Edit: Animated tails have a defeated animation that makes them lay down and stop moving. Non-animated tails, like I said, are always sticking straight out of the character. The OP is about laying down emotes, not defeat animations.)
The chalet in Pocket D was made open year round back on Live. That isn't a HC change.
Tails with no movement are retain their position regardless of what the character may do. This means emotes and defeats. So those tails will always stick straight out since they have no animations available to them.
This would be *exactly* why I added Stealth to my build - not so I could sneak past enemies, but so I could ditch suicidal NPCs off in corners so they don't pick fights. (Or better yet, sneak past them so they're still "hostages" until the map's clear) The suicidal ones follow through stealth. They're combat NPCs despite their claim otherwise. So I don't see how that helps. (I just clear the map from the NPC to the exit before I free them, but sometimes spawns don't cooperate.)
Especially considering how suicidal some of those NPCs are? "<Character Name>, thank you for the rescue, but you're going to need to help me get out. I'm too injured to fight." *large group of higher level enemies detected at opposite end of large room* *rescued and unable to fight NPC draws weapon and charges the enemies* "BANZAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIII!!!!" (The provided anecdote occurs with at least one Longbow agent in a red side Rogue tip mission and some Vanguard soldiers in the RWZ.)
This has been brought up before, but I am disinclined to look for and necro threads, so instead I'm just going to repeat the pitch. We have animal transformation travel powers available, namely the Coyote Travel Power and Panther Travel Power. We also have wolf and lioness henchmen while our adversaries include Shadow Hounds, Spirit Panthers, and Wodans. So my suggestion, or maybe just question, is can those be combined? Take the Coyote Travel Power. Could it use the wolf hench... pet... Vicious Bite, Maiming Bite, and Throat Bite attacks with their animations? (So as long as you had the travel power active, you still lose access to your attacks, but you pick up coyote/wolf attacks.) Could the Panther Travel Power get the lioness hench... pet... Claw Rake, Vicious Bite, and Claw Swipe attacks with their animations? I mean, we already have powers in the game that turn us into Marcus Cole with all his attacks as well as Deadlock with all his attacks. Maybe make them into new powers that cost more than the current travel power versions for also getting access to attacks? (While we're at it, can we get the Black Wolf and German Shepherd pets as available travel powers with the same attacks as the new Coyote Travel Power? [Edit: Or at least as additional travel powers?] Yes, I'm asking for character transformation powers that override our own characters while active.) Edit: In the interest of fairness/game balance, the stats for these now combat forms would be the same as the unenhanced, equal level, MM pet. Same HP, same basic damage, same defense, and same resist. (Edit: Yes, I realize this will in many cases make the current travel only powers superior to my proposed combat powers. The other option, other than "No", is to retain the character's HP, defenses, and resists, which will make some transformed characters essentially still unkillable even while pretending to be an animal. Though that would be much simpler to implement....) So while you can fight, you're going to get obliterated if you try to use the form as if it was your actual character. (Meaning, you can probably take on a default +0/x1 spawn of equal level, but it's going to be scary as hell to do without help. You want to terrorize in those forms? Go hunt grey enemies. The character's actual AT with their powers and enhancements should be the preferred means of fighting, but this will let you just run around and have fun while not completely shutting down your ability to fight.) You may now crucify this idea. 😛
Except your suggestion can be implemented. The simplest approach is to make it work like the wolf and panther travel powers. You turn into a bat, a swarm of bats, or a bird and fly around. You won't be able to attack while in that state, but you can still turn into them.
Yes, but what I'm seeing is that he's continuing to argue for the power while excluding entire powersets from being able to use it -- AR, Dual Pistols, Archery -- an Archery/Tactical Arrow Blaster might as well have all their powers suppressed by Bird Form Flight. When you have to presuppose gimping a significant fraction of the playerbase -- all melee powersets, all ranged powersets using a weapon -- to use the power, it's feeling more and more like an "I want this how I want it, and I don't care how many other players are inconvenienced when they use it" suggestion I made that point too. Quote below: We are in agreement.
I did say breaks and errors. I'm not arguing with you, just explaining my understanding of the post.
I have heard that the game code is horribly antiquated, so i cannot imagine how difficult this would be In this case, it is less a question of the game code, and more of taking existing models and texture maps, and adapting them to a different scale and model. Still a whole lot of work, especially for the texture maps, but not the problem of broken code.
So you only have to create new animations for all the ranged attacks, then? No, the author is simply assuming that the current animations would suffice despite the breaks/errors in the animation.
There is a middle ground. Make it suppress melee range attacks only. Then you could fly in bird form, blasting people with lighting but unable to use martial arts or super strength. I think this solves the problem. No, it wouldn't. Firstly, that would be translated as the devs favoring ranged attacks for having animations/attacks over melee. Secondly, because ranged weapon use would still be broken.
More costume items for the different characters? I'm for it. However, I don't know if you know this or if you have a different (or maybe even better) method of making an androgynous character, but a trick I learned was to take the female model and minimize the chest. (I used this to make an ice elemental character back on Live before the devs introduced the surgeons which let players use different character models on the same character.) Makes for an excellent base for an androgynous character. (Especially since it seems females get more access to costume items. I don't know if they do, it just seems that way to me.)
Could you clarify? I don't understand. All the costume temps I get and see in my power tray are ones I have.