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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. There are lots of T9 powers I skip. However, I don't see Psychic Scream as being bad. I'm still trying to get my Widow from Live back up in levels, but my Live build called for me to take it. It is set to be 6-slotted. 5 Ragnaroks, including the KD proc, plus the Overwhelming Force KD proc. Between -50% recharge for 10 seconds to enemies, chance for KD, and being able to use it every 6.22 seconds, it works for me. Sure, for a moderate damage attack, it does light damage, but (turns out it is a light damage attack according to CoD. So Mids calling it a moderate damage attack is wrong.) It still worked for me back on Live. At least I'm pretty sure it did since I never changed the build to remove it. I'll get back to you when my Widow gets it again. Though it should be pointed out all the psychic attacks for the Night Widow seem weaker than expected. Probably because they are melee focused. Mental Blast is also a moderate light damage attack (CoD says light, so going with CoD over Mids), is single target as opposed to AoE (cone), and does 86.5% of the damage that Psychic Scream does. (Edit again: And while it is listed as available at level 1, you can't get it until you go Night Widow. So it is only available at level 1 as part of a respec after reclassing into Night Widow. So I'm still treating it as a later level power.) So I'm thinking the lighter than expected damage is intentional since the Night Widows more focus on slicing and poisoning their foes. Edit: Also, while I am not adverse to the power getting a potential buff, I am most definitely against replacing it. Edit yet again: I'm also only counting Psychic Scream as a T6 power. Since it is the 6th of 6 powers in the Night Widow tree. As opposed to the 10 powers in the Fortunata tree. And is available 4 levels earlier than the Fortunata's Psychic Wail of DOOOOOOOOM!!!!!
  2. Sister Solaris, Sister Airlia, the other sybils, and the shamanesses from the Banished Pantheon are all wearing the same single model dress. There is no separate top and bottom (at this time). The dress looks like a separate top and bottom on the shamanesses because the belt is a separate model that is not used on the shamanesses. Because the dress model uses the belt model to make it look like a whole piece as the player sees it, it looks like a separate top and bottom on the shamanesses, but is not. It is a single model like the special top toga available in the costume creator. And the reason I last heard for us not getting the sybil dress is because it works like the cloaks and is prone to twisting and tangling as the attached model moves. I'm not against the OP, just to be clear. Just sharing the information I currently have. That information may or may not necessarily be current any more though.
  3. The outfit the shamanesses from the Banished Pantheon wear is the same thing the Cimeroran sybils wear, just missing the large belt. (Edit: So it is a single-piece outfit model, consisting of the top and bottom. The belt piece is a separate piece, and the BP females simply don't have that belt. The sybil dress was alongside a surprising number of other NPC costume pieces in Icon prior to HC coming back. So that is where I am getting this information from. That doesn't mean it wouldn't be possible for the bottom to be separated from the top, or the entire dress being made available. That would be a dev choice. Just letting you know the sybils and shamanesses are wearing the same dress.)
  4. Yes, they are available through the Pillar of Fire and Ice. They were never included as regular contacts because they were purchase-only available arcs back on Live. HC took away the purchase requirements, so they can be accessed at any time by a character of the correct level range, but are still treated as special access contacts. I don't think they really make sense for the Find Contact function, but I do agree that they need more visiblity.
  5. This sounds like a costume issue rather than a suggestion. Costume issues should be reported under Bugs here:
  6. I'm operating under the impression that each power is given a set of flags for what enhancement types they can slot. That is the core part of my concern. The generation of 8 new flags (which would not be difficult) and then applying them to every attack the proposed sets would be able to be slotted in. (You would have to go through the armor sets for this too since some like Fiery Aura have damage auras.) Especially since some sets would be able to slot multiple different sets from the OP. As someone who spends too much time sorting through files and placing them where they are supposed to be as opposed to where they are, asking the devs to do that at this stage of game development with the sheer number of powers available, would be cruel and unusual punishment in my opinion.
  7. Agreed. We need an official answer as to how and when the game checks and applies damage. At the very least, for the purpose of the OP, it would be nice to know if adding the proposed sets would require the devs to look at each and every power individually, if a new mechanic to look up the already provided data would need to be generated to make this possible, or if anything else was going on. If this could be rendered a non-concern, then my only issue would be making sure the proposed sets were sufficiently all the same that players wouldn't be complaining that say the fire set has better options than the ice set or whatever. And if the OP could be reduced to just that concern? I would no longer oppose it.
  8. Good question. I don't really know. The problem I have with this is that either the devs will have to go over every power in the game and set those individual powers to be able to accept the new proposed IOs for each damage type that specific power may utilize, or they would have to generate a new system to check for the damage types instead of just the attack type to make this work. And if the proposed sets only affected that specific element in any given attack, which is not something you said but something I have to consider until it is specifically ruled out, then multi-damage powers would be handicapped using the proposed sets. And then if any of the new typed damage sets was more appealing to players than others? Not better, just more appealing. There would be all sorts of complaints that players' preferred power sets couldn't make use of these damage sets for being the wrong element. (I've argued to death that Sudden Acceleration as a set is a good set compared to most damage sets, not the best damage sets, but most damage sets. And players still argue the proc it has is a tax because they refuse to slot the set for not giving them exactly what they want.) You have an interesting idea, but given coding problems and the already existing problems of how players approach sets, I'm going to be against the OP. I like @srmalloy's take on the idea, but I am going to have to be against the OP itself. (Edit: And yes, it would have to be basically every power in the game the devs would have to comb over and add new flags to because even many mezzes have a typed damage component. Not just specifically attack powers.)
  9. Borrow the code from Swap Ammo. This would be far more feasible than the OP.
  10. You're not just asking for new IO sets with this. Damage types aren't tracked for separate enhancement. So the devs would have to add code to make sure the proposed sets could only be slotted in powers with the correct damage types. (Edit: And then, only buff the correct damage type.) Edit: And then you have attacks with multiple damage types. Like water with its smashing and cold or smashing and fire damage depending on the attack. Or Dual Pistols which can change its damage type with the Swap Ammo power. Edit again: The Universal Damage set is not called that because it works with all damage types, it is called that because it works with all attack types. Unlike melee sets, PBAoE sets, TAoE sets, and ranged damage sets, the universal set can be slotted into any attack.
  11. It's not supposed to be. The Vahzilok are a level 1-20 faction. If the devs want to take them and make Lore pets out of them, I don't care. Asking for undead pets has come up multiple times (edit: across multiple threads). That is all my last post was about. Making an undead option for Lores.
  12. How about something new if people are looking for something undead? (I have never seen polar lights mobs except as Lore pets, so running with that.) Some options (that I'm calling Undead Lore): Take the Grave Knight model from the Necromancy power set or a Black Knight (maybe a Chevalier) model. Call it a Death Knight. Make it a boss-tier mob with appropriate powers. Take the Grave Knight model from the Necromancy power set. Call it a Grim Knight. It stays as a lieutenant-tier pet, but give it appropriate powers for a Lore pet. (For both options, don't apply the normal undead movement penalty. These aren't shambling zombies.) Take the Lich model from the Necromancy set and give it a little pizzazz or something, maybe a crown. Call it an Archlich. Make it a boss-tier mob with appropriate powers. Take the Lich model from the Necromancy set. Still call it a Lich. It stays as a lieutenant-tier pet, but give it appropriate powers for a Lore pet. (For both options, don't apply the normal undead movement penalty. These aren't shambling zombies.) Take the Ghosts faction (not from Croatoa). Use the boss and lieutenant tier mobs as Lore pets. Which may require modifying the the mobs powers. For the minions for the T1 and T2 powers? Use the minion ghosts or the zombies from Zombie Horde. Probably the ghosts since they move faster.
  13. I'm sure they could figure it out/adjust it. Sure. They could stick to Reapers, Mortificators, and Eidolons.
  14. The OP is asking for Thunder Kick to get the alternate animation from Storm Kick. And Thunder Kick has no KD chance.
  15. With the feedback I've gotten so far, the proposed AT is both up to and down to 2 different options for testing if the devs are inclined. Specific sets would need to be fleshed out though. My last post on page 3 of this thread is where we left off pending any other feedback.
  16. Unknown at this time. No sets have been formalized. As an inverse Blaster though, I'm not sure how /Shield would work for the AT.
  17. Check again. There is the Devices power set available to Blasters and there is the Traps power set available to Corruptors and Masterminds. There is, or rather was, a power pool called Gadgetry or something similar that was planned as the Technology origin power pool, but it was never made. Edit: Also, please use punctuation. I couldn't read most of the OP.
  18. *checks notes* Hey, Narrator! I think I have the wrong script here! Anyway, it doesn't change how Brutes got to be where they are now. Back on Live, I'd 'listen' (read the chat) in Broadcast and Team channels where Tanker players were calling for Brutes to be removed from the game, not just nerfed but full on removed from the game, because we had Tankers. (Those comments led to some rather... uhm... passionate discussions. Especially after I joined in.) I also read the forums when the last few big nerfs to Brutes happened, though I couldn't post anything since I refused to make a forum account at the time, where Tanker players were calling for Brutes to be nerfed to hell. So my statement is founded on experience. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate seeing a Tanker player calling for Brutes to get some love. Thanks for that.
  19. I'm waiting for Tanker players to pop in and say no to buffing Brutes. Especially if it looks to be either damage or armor. They've fought tooth and nail to gimp the hell out of Brutes. That's going to be the fight to watch for depending on what the devs do. Edit: Also, I'm fine with change. New content? Good change. Needed buffs or nerfs to existing powers? Good change, even if sometimes I'm not happy with it. Taking away an existing power and replacing it with another power that is nothing like the removed power? Very, very bad change, and one I will always oppose.
  20. Server: Everlasting Zone/Mission: OUTDOOR_RUINED_02A Position: [-1276.3 252.3 3537.3] It is hard to see in the clip, but the mound is floating. It is quite noticeable when you approach it. Server: Everlasting Zone/Mission: OUTDOOR_RUINED_02A Position: [-1223.2 251.5 3128.3] There is a phone booth, or the remains of one, partially merged into the light rail support. This was previously reported, but am reporting it again since this time I have a clip of it.
  21. I'm in favor of Brutes getting some love. All they've gotten since they were introduced were nerfs. Though I would also be in favor of Tankers getting nerfed a little instead since all they got since the Brutes were introduced were buffs. I personally think Tankers should never clear things faster than the same power set Scrappers.
  22. Players are pressing to remove the draw animation from weapons, which depending on what they do may only occur once or several times during a fight or mission, and which is already factored into the animation to maintain DPS/DPA. So I fully expect the requirement to track ammo usage with its mandatory reloading animation to go over like a lead balloon. Also, what about Dual Pistols? It is another power set where the weapons would actually have ammunition expenditures as well. From a 6-shot or 8-shot cylinder if the player goes with the revolvers up to a 15-shot magazine (or even a 30-shot magazine if they opt for extended magazines) for the automatics. Or what about Beam Rifle? "Beam rifles don't use ammunition though!" is the argument I expect. However, if we're going for full reality, then beam rifles very much do use "ammunition". They would have power packs of predefined shots before the power pack would be drained and require replacing. (Edit: Or what about Archery? Archery uses arrows instead of bullets, but that is still ammo to be tracked. And you would need a reload animation after every shot. And a body can only carry so many quivers at a time and a quiver can only hold so many arrows. However, if we're going for the realism of reloading on AR, then Archery should get it too.) Also of note is this is a comic book video game. And the only time you see comic characters reloading their bullet-based weapons is when the artist is placing a pause in the action to highlight the drama or for other effect. Otherwise? The characters fire their weapons over and over and over without ever reloading just like old Hollywood movies. (There was some old movie that actually mentioned this 'Hollywood effect'.) I get that players are unhappy with powers like Beanbag and Ignite. (I personally very much like Ignite. It could stand to have a wider radius, but I still like it.) However, contrary to some threads I've seen, powers can be improved without the need to replace them. So lets get those powers improved, not replaced.
  23. It should probably be pointed out that characters already clip through doors. Make a tall character. Give said character wings. Watch the wings clip through every standard door in the game. (Personally I just view it as a character from some anime I saw. She was too big to pass through doors, so she bent over to get through them. Sometimes unsuccessfully, smashing the lintel and part of the wall. Without even noticing she had done so until others pointed it out. Humorous to me at least. My character forgot to stoop to enter and smashed part of the building. "Whoops! My bad!" Though a stoop to enter animation for particularly tall characters would be nice.)
  24. The problem with the proposed AT as it currently stands is the AT has no support for the pets. Controllers and Dominators have control options, lots of them. And they only have a single pet at higher levels to keep alive. Masterminds have support options for their pets, plus some control options thrown in. The proposed AT is pets and attacks. The Assault sets you want to make the AT's secondaries are a mix of ranged and melee attacks, no real support or control. Your proposed primary power sets have scant few control options and no support options. So that means the proposed AT will have the same problems the Mastermind has with keeping pets alive in a difficult situation, but none of the support to help deal with it. No heals. No toggle buffs/debuffs. Not even any solid mezzes like a Controller or Dominator. And as an avid MM player, keeping even the tier 3 pet alive can be a challenge depending on the enemies and map. And that is after having Maneuvers, Shadow Fall, ninja inherent defense, Train Ninjas 4-slotted with defense enhancements to improve their defense, and every pet proc' available in the game to keep them alive. Yes, I can solo some seriously difficult foes with ease, but any enemy that uses lots of AoEs, especially if they hit hard or have debuffs to augment their AoEs, drops all my pets in a hurry. Or any large groups of enemies will leave me spending more time summoning replacements, even the tier 3 pet, as they group annihilate my pets. Difficult fights happen for every AT. And your AT lacks the means of dealing with such difficult fights. Edit: Basically, it boils down this is a pet class AT, but how do you keep your pets alive and fighting when things start to look bad?
  25. My guess would be because they are merits. Looked at the Special tab of salvage, and looks like all the merits are listed there.
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