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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. I can concede that. The higher the limit, the longer some bios are likely to become, creating requests for constantly higher limits. I get that. I can accept that as a strong reason to oppose the OP. I can change my stance in this thread to "Please, devs, for the love of all you hold precious, please, please, please fix the editor." Sure. (Edit: Though for the sake of full disclosure, most of the bios I write for my characters that aren't poems are also short stories. A well-written short story, or perhaps blurb would be a better description, makes for a good summary too. You just have to focus on keeping the story to a summary of the character instead of getting into the weeds. That is what url links are for, the long version short story.)
  2. I initially thought the same thing too....
  3. Hmm... nope, no special characters in those bios. Anywhere. No foreign language characters either (since none of them are characters of foreign nationality). And looking at their length (without special characters or foreign languages), they have bios of 319 characters to 892 characters. Mind. Blowing. (Especially the 892 character one. That one actually is surprising to me.) (Positron, Synapse, and Numina are the only bios in the list that I feel give enough information about the character without relying on the player knowing the game to understand. And before anyone goes to bite my head off for that comment, I would like to emphasize the "feel" part of the comment and that it is my personal opinion based on how much data is given to the reader. The others, except for Penny, are quickly back-filled by any amount of game play, so they are most definitely still good, but not what I would do for their bios. I'm a different writer than the person that wrote those bios.) However, those are also very good examples of how easy it is to use up a lot of bio space with not much information. Note how Numina's bio isn't really giving any more information than the others, but her bio is more than twice as long as Positrons and more than 2.75x's as long as Penny's. And Penny's bio tells you almost nothing about her. Just she's a powerful psychic, some unknown event involving three people got her inducted to the group, she is the group's youngest member, and a hopeful statement for the future. Her bio is the same as the eight word bio given earlier. Where the player with their knowledge of the game and character understands what the bio is talking about. That tells a player absolutely nothing about her. Why does it work? Because the player base knows about the death of Statesman and Sister Psyche events. And if they don't? They can quickly find out just from playing the game. Player characters don't have the luxury of a knowledge base other players can reference to know what they are talking about or have official content that runs them through the character's background. So their bios have to include quantifying statements in the bio for that to make sense or link the reader to an url to learn more. And personally? If the bio I'm reading isn't self-contained but instead refers you to an url to figure out what it is talking about? I stop bothering with reading that person's bio. My own character bios run in length from a little over 350 characters to a little over 1000 characters (after I figure out how to chop the long ones down to still make sense). Unless I need to edit them for spelling errors, unclear grammar, a desire to clean up part of the bio, or for any other reason. In which case, depending on the bio I wrote, that 350 character bio is now closer to 370 and the 1000 or so character bio is now in the ball park of 1040 or so. (Edit: Just by opening the bio, not even doing any editing yet.) And I can't get the out of limit bio back down to its original posting no matter what I do because of how the editor works. (Again, this is entirely dependent upon the specific character's bio. The more carriage returns or other special characters I have, the more broken the bio is if I go back to try and edit it. I don't dare try any ASCII inputs.) I don't know how hard it would be for the devs to fix the editor. And it seriously needs to be fixed. (Before launching a character, while doing the initial write-up of the bio, the editor said I had used over 1050 characters. A moment prior, it had said I was around 900. I deleted a single character, and it immediately dropped back down to around 900. I hit the "space" key? And it immediately shot back up to over 1050 characters. The problem? Was a part of the bio early on where the editor stopped posting what I was typing until I re-clicked in the bio field, scrolled down to where I had been typin gat the time, and tried typing it again only for the missing text to show up randomly somewhere. [Which I of course removed.] To fix this problem? I had to completely delete the bio to before the text stopped posting and start all over again. At which point, the weird character count jump stopped occuring.) I would think a far simpler fix would be to increase the available character count. Fix the editor's problems? And there will likely be a much smaller demand for a character count increase. Or, you know, increase the character count to compensate for the problems. I don't care which. I can edit my bios down to the limit and still have them read more or less the same as my original intent. Until I have to go back in to fix absolutely anything in them. Fix the editor and the way it tracks characters or increase the character limit. I don't care which. Edit: A good bio is a self-contained summary of the character that does not rely on the reader to share the same body of knowledge about the character's fictional world/universe, but still enable the reader to get a fundamental grasp of the character. Any reference points in the bio need to be either a commonly shared reference point as one could expect any random person to immediately understand or know about, be of sufficient type that the reader can infer ("Some planet I've never heard of? Got it, he's an honest to goodness from outer space alien from really far away."), or include sufficient definition that the reader can get at least a vague idea of what that reference point is about. It needs to only include critical reference points, leaving specific details not relevant to the character as a whole to a more detailed description that may be available from another source, whether a fictional world/universe shared body of knowledge, easily referencable data, or a link to the more detailed description. "Hi, I'm Spider-Man and I was bitten by a radioactive spider." is not a good bio. It is an introductory statement such as you could expect at a Heroes Anonymous meeting. " "Doomed planet, desperate scientists, last hope, kindly couple. " is not a good bio. It is a cursory statement of the first few moments of a character akin to "Farm born, kind parents."
  4. Which only works because people immediately recognize the character, so the eight words work. However, it says nothing about why he is a super. Why is he fighting crime? What is his motivation? Why does he have powers? Eight words that tell the reader nothing of relevance to the SUPER. And you can't expect everyone to be a master writer or everyone to be able to read those eight words and understand anything about the not-famous around the world character the player made in the game. Edit: Also: Last hope? For what? Kindly couple? What relevance are they to the character? So again, those eight words only work because people immediately know Superman, so reading those eight words and knowing they are about Superman tells them more than those eight words would mean for almost any other character.
  5. If the text editor wasn't so unreliable and if special characters (including carriage returns [Enter key]) didn't take 2+ character spaces, players would probably have a much easier time doing exactly that. Until that is fixed? Getting more space to make up for the editor's problems would be very helpful. Just writing a short bio with a brief summary like what you would see on a trading card can still run up to and beyond the current character limit. Because of special characters like the "Enter" key. The fricking ENTER key. Or a quotation mark.
  6. I'm Spider-Man. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. ... Yep, a really good bio there.
  7. You are never going to change my mind about LotG global recharge being a constant effect proc rather than a set bonus. (It can't be a set bonus because it does not need any other enhancements than itself to give that bonus.) I'm obviously not going to sway you either. I agree to disagree. Edit: Last note: https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Invention_Origin_Enhancements#Procs (Based on that, I do have to concede your point, even as the linked page further down argues against it. Because it calls it a "set-like bonus".)
  8. Yes please!!!!!!
  9. Set Bonus: A bonus gained from slotting 2 or more enhancements of a given set in a single power. Enhancement Bonus: A bonus gained from slotting a given enhancement into a power. Proc: Any non-standard bonus provided by a single enhancement without need for additional enhancements (such as from a set), that my be granted in lieu of or in addition to a standard enhancement bonus. Not dependent upon the effect being constant or triggered in nature. Edit: So the LotG global recharge bonus is a enhancement proc bonus, not a set bonus, because you do not need to slot a set (being 2 or more enhancements from a defined group). Because it is not a standard recharge bonus, but is instead a +X% global recharge bonus, it is a constant-effect proc.
  10. Health, heals, and regen powers. (Edit: I slot Panacea if I want the recovery boost or Preventive Medicine if I want the resist boosts.)
  11. Even writing short bios for my characters, I routinely run up against the limit and have to try to figure out how it got so big with so little information in it. Which often requires me to change my character's bio to get it to fit. Which is infuriating. Why should I have to make a bio that says: My name is Name. Go to this site to learn about me. The fact special characters take up more than one character space in bios makes the limit very easy to run into.
  12. You mean like Panacea's do with their constant +HP/+END? Point still stands. The LotGs and Panaceas are identical in how they function.
  13. If you are willing to make LotG procs stop working, then you should be willing to make all procs stop working. Just because a +HP/+END bonus isn't as obvious as a +RECH doesn't change the fact it is the same thing. A proc bonus gained from a set. This went from reading as you want to disable set bonuses to you want to disable only some bonuses. If you want to disable any procs, then all procs should be disabled. Edit: Otherwise, just disable the set bonuses and leave the procs alone. Regardless, you should not get selective procs if you disable procs as part of disabling set bonuses.
  14. What powers, enhancements, and set bonuses did you have that you didn't at level 30? How is you character built to withstand the various factions and their abilities? How you develop your characters through the levels determines how well that character can deal with unexpected developments from the different factions. There are character builds that struggle with some factions at one level range, and then yawn their way through other level ranges. There are characters that yawn their way through some factions at a lower level and then get destroyed by them at higher levels. It all boils down to how you build your character compared to what those factions are capable of at those times. Edit: Example: I have characters that at level 20+ struggle with Council and Freakshow. At level 30+? Not a problem. Did the factions get weaker? No, I further developed my characters to the point they stopped being the threats they were at lower levels. And that is with the Freakshow and Council getting added mob types to deal with that.
  15. Every human CoT you see is a possessed NPC. They are kept generic in most cases. (Crash Cage being the one exception I can think of currently. [Edit: Also the possessed Arachnos in Cap au Diable.]) The possessed scientists are in an area and time where and when the CoT seems to be trying to expand their knowledge base. I don't have any real issues with the possessed scientists being more visible, as in showing up in more places. I would however, keep them limited to their current level 40+ levels and only in missions where their presence makes sense. Which would be any mission where science and magic clash, such as if and when Portal Corps and CoT portals have an overlap or the CoT in the Shadow Shard.
  16. A nemesis isn't just some random character that pops up on a recurring basis. A good example of that is that tip mission where your character gets a message from a random character calling you his nemesis because your character apparently routinely caused him problems, and your character's response is "what the hell is this idiot talking about?". A nemesis isn't just a rival character that drives your character to do better either. Rivals can be friends with your character. A nemesis character isn't an obsession of the PC and the nemesis isn't obsessed with the PC (most times). (Even if it does seem that way from time to time.) A nemesis is a character that challenges your character, not as in issuing a challenge, but as in a mirror darkly. There is something about the nemesis character and your character that rings within each other, causing both characters to look at each other and realize "this person is Trouble". That can take the form of visceral hate or grudging (even if only silent) respect for each other. There is something about the nemesis that the character can see himself/herself in and vice versa. Something that keeps the hero character awake at night or wakes up in a cold sweat because his/her nemesis is on the loose again. Something that makes the villain character react the same way over his/her nemesis being back in town or possibly showing up in their latest scheme. Look at Superman and Lex Luthor or Darkseid. There is a strong antipathy on Superman's part when either of those characters are involved. And when he knows he is going up against them, he takes greater caution in his actions than he would for basically any other foe he faces. However, there is a grudging respect between them. Even when Lex Luthor or Darkseid speak of Superman, there is a tone of respect in their comments. (It may be disparaging or even condescending, but there is a level of respect there.) Same with Superman when he speaks to or of them, even if that respect is just what they can and have done to him. Look at Batman and Joker. Batman has an entire Rogue's Gallery of opponents. And despite that, only Joker (and maybe Ras al'Gul) are his nemesis (nemeses). And what are the dynamics between them? Joker is basically a mad version of Batman. A normal who uses his intellect, skills, and gadgets to defeat vastly more powerful foes. (He's beaten Superman on at least 2 different occasions, requiring Batman to save him.) And Ras? Is a mastermind that forces Batman to dig deep and figure out what scheme within schemes is the actual threat and where it is going to come from. There is even a fundamental respect between them, even if it is hidden under the hate. Look at Green Lantern and Synestro. Green Lantern fights from a disadvantage against Synestro. (Who I think may also be fighting from a disadvantage against Green Lantern. I don't remember the yellow lantern vulnerabilities.) Synestro and Green Lantern (Hal Jordan in this case) are mirrors of each other that are routinely opposing each other. Despite facing more powerful foes than Synestro on occasion, Synestro is the only one I can think of that would be Green Lantern's nemesis. So on and so forth. An existing NPC in the game is often a poor nemesis for a PC because there is no link between them. There is no challenge. There is no concern about what that NPC is up to by the PC. Boss, Elite Boss, Archvillain or Hero? Doesn't matter to the PCs. Just another mob to put down. Nothing that would approach the level of rival, let alone nemesis. The only way for those NPCs to be a good nemesis for a PC is if the PC makes his/her character as a nemesis to the NPC for some reason. There is no 'mirror darkly'. There is no driving need to stop the NPC. There is no concern. There is no link. And if there was somehow? Using tips to randomly get the character that makes sense as your character's nemesis? Well, talk to the players still trying to get their Minds of Mayhem badges done because the enemies are randomly assigned. From a much smaller pool of mobs than the tip mission proposal in this thread. Edit: And of equal importance? The nemesis and character must both see each other as a nemesis. If that doesn't happen? Then there is no nemesis. No matter how often the characters wind up facing off.
  17. Ther problem with a 'choose your adventure' to this as opposed to a 'write your adventure' is that it requires the nemesis to fall within a limited scope. This works gold side because players aren't dealing with something as personal to their character as a nemesis. Instead, you are navigating your way through an existing story that is not dependent on your character being that specific character. All that matters for gold side is what your alignment is. When dealing with something as personal to a character as a nemesis, this sort of plug and play approach fails spectacularly. It was a huge problem with the CO system because the missions for your nemesis were all plug and play. So your nemesis would do things that made no sense. Like having a Brute nemesis who can barely make a coherent sentence with his/her limited abilities assembling a working diamond-powered death ray to hold the world hostage. Or your Mastermind nemesis who uses excessively convoluted language being able to make that exact same death ray, but can't even manage to build a regular bomb. Plug and play nemeses just don't work. There is no buy in, there is no relevance to what you would actually expect from your nemesis, and there is nothing actually linking your nemesis and character to each other. There is no way to make a comprehensive enough system that actually provides even a decent story that fits any possible nemesis a player may think is appropriate for their character. Unless the player makes the story himself/herself so it can actually tie the nemesis and character to each other. That is the failing of a nemesis system and the advantage of the AE system. (Edit: And yes, trying to make such a system would be put gun in mouth and pull trigger levels of PITA, I'd wager.)
  18. Given the nature of tip missions, that would be less facing off against your nemesis and more cleaning up after recurring villain. Edit: And aside from the lack of intro mission, key plan mission, and capture mission, is the same thing CO does with their nemesis system. You would need a massive pool of missions that aren't little warehouse storming missions with random objective to make it worthwhile. Otherwise you have the same pathetic system CO has with less background material. Edit again: If you want a nemesis system that works well, you need to use AE (or a cooperative player). Then you take a previous suggestion that lets AE missions link to zone doors instead of just using the AE Danger Room portal so you can run across the map dealing with your nemesis who will actually have a backstory (that you make) with thugs/henchmen (that you can make or take from existing factions) on an open world environment that doesn't relegate you to small or tiny maps with random objectives like the tip missions.
  19. The problem with the Void Hunter code is that it does not differentiate. It simply replaces a random number of spawns with Voids. If that were to be applied to a Nemesis, then if you were running solo at normal difficulty, the actual boss you are supposed to be fighting could be replaced with your nemesis. If you are running at a difficulty or with a team where multiple bosses can be on the map, then multiuple copies of your nemesis could appear. If your nemesis is an AV, then it would only replace AVs, and the single AV on the map could be your nemesis disrupting the established story. For the code to work, it would need to be modified so that only a single instance could trigger, and that instance would not replace established story arc bosses/EBs/AVs. Or at the very least, not trigger more than once per player on the mission. The other problem with the code, is providing players the ability to design their nemesis without giving players the opportunity to munchkin their nemesis for their gain, like the old green mito missions players were making in AE for a while. And from an RP point of view, the nemesis being implemented in this fashion has no depth. Just another random mob, that may be an AV, on the map with no story involving him/her/it. As opposed to AE where you can choose for the map to be random, the enemies to be random (I think), and can change everything about the mission/arc for the next story at will and just re-publish it so it isn't lost or get a new number.
  20. That could be an interesting thing to add to the game. Either in AE or through another method. Random missions or a pool of missions that a player can select where the nemesis player (and his/her/its team if desired) and hero player (and his/her/its team if desired) face off. Since it could be PvP (unless left as PvE for strictly RP purposes?), the nemesis or hero can win in their perpetual tug-o-war. With defeat coming from actual defeat or character retreat. Either way, having an actual player as your nemesis provides far greater range in the things you can do than if you simply have a mob that blindly fights to death.
  21. I agree with @biostem. Having played CO, I know what you are talking about. And the Nemesis system in CO was pathetic. You were limited to 3 different types of nemeses, all three overlapped on their stories to the point of it being almost being a single story*, the nemesis was a joke of an opponent (unless you accidentally made that one dark villain I can't remember the name of), and (s)he only showed up in specific (nemesis) missions. AE lets you make much more varied characters as your nemesis, you can give them much richer backgrounds than the cut and paste stereotype of CO's nemesis system, and you can have a much greater variety of missions and arcs for you and your nemesis to engage in. *- The intro mission was always the same, the major plot missions were always the same, and the defeat and imprison your nemesis mission was almost the same. Only the filler missions in between would be different, and that was only for so long as the game did not pull the same mission from its very limited pool of minor missions. Even the nemesis jail break mission is the same with all the same villains helping.
  22. Attuned + boostable = power creep. We cannot currently boost attuned IOs. We cannot currently attune boosted IOs. To boost the attuned IO is to strip away the attunement, if you can even boost them after attunement. Edit: And the only way I would simplify the IO system is to expand the crafting tutorials to give more information. Edit again: And if your intent is not to have boosted attuned set IOs? Then it would still be power creep because you are asking to be able to make attuned set IOs boostable which will lead to players asking for the two to stack. So no matter how you read the OP, it is power creep.
  23. Power creep bad. No. I oppose the OP. Boostable attuned IOs just means you can be super-ultra overpowered at all times. Also, as was stated earlier in the thread, there are in-game tutorials, online wikis, and the Help channel for those players that may find the system complicated. And it suddenly stops being complicated when players ask questions to learn.
  24. The entrance to the Arachnos tunnels in Faultline is very easy to find if you pass through the dam to the Sky Raider-Arachnos area. I still agree with the OP though. It would be nice to have the tunnel entrances marked, at least on the town side of the dam.
  25. Please tell me this is a joke thread.
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